False Prophet, Rick Warren, Gives Himself Grand Accolades at SBC Annual Meeting

Evidently Rick Warren never read and applied to himself the scripture: Proverbs 27:2

“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.”

I felt uncomfortable listening to this pompous and apostate windbag. If Rick Warren sang “How Great Thou Art,” he must do so while focusing on his “conversions” and looking into a mirror. He ordained three women as “pastors,” his last act at Saddleback Church. This blogsite is full of his apostasy. Simply refer to the category: “The Emerging Church.

In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Amid the Southern Baptist Convention’s investigation into the credentials of Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church after his decision to ordain three women at his church last year, Warren took the microphone to defend himself.

After starting off his impassioned speech with “I’m not here to defend myself,” he launches into a 5-minute tirade of defending himself and giving himself grand accolades for all of his accomplishments.

Warren goes on to praise himself for all of the churches he planted and how he’s “converted” more people to Christ than all of the Southern Baptist seminaries combined. He boasts about all of the overseas missionaries he’s sent and then praises himself for being mentored by Billy Graham and how his great grandfather was led to Christ by Charles Spurgeon.

Well, this apple sure fell far from that tree.

He then laments that he’s being treated so unfairly because he agrees with Southern Baptists on most things. “You’re never going to find another Baptist who agrees with you completely on everything,” he moans, with an obvious quip at Tom Ascol and other Calvinists, “there are Baptist brothers here today who don’t believe that Jesus died for the whole world, but we somehow get along with them.”

For more on why Rick Warren is a false prophet, see this link.

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