Is It All Right To Cite The Actual Names Of Those Christian Leaders Who Teach Heretical Doctrines?

Similar articles are posted on this blog, but there are still those believers who believe false prophets and apostates should not be pointed out for who they are. This article from the Institute For Creation Research is for you! Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

February 19, 2022
Naming Names
“Their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.” (2 Timothy 2:17-18)

Many Christians decry the citing of actual names of those Christian leaders who teach heretical doctrines, saying that such an act is “unloving.” Paul, however, considered it an important evidence of true love to warn against those who would “overthrow the faith of some,” realizing that generalities would be useless.

Not only did Hymenaeus and Philetus make Paul’s list, but so did Demas (2 Timothy 4:10), Alexander the coppersmith (2 Timothy 4:14), the Cretians (Titus 1:12), another Alexander (1 Timothy 1:20), and even Peter (Galatians 2:11-14) when he began to teach legalism. Likewise, John warned against Diotrephes (3 John 1:9) and the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:6).

On the other hand, Paul was much more generous with name recognition when he was giving out commendations (e.g., Romans 16:1-15Colossians 4:7-17). We undoubtedly need to follow his example in appreciating by name those who are faithful in teaching and living the truth.

Likewise, we need to be ready and willing to name those individuals, churches, schools, and other organizations that are denying biblical inerrant authority, compromising the doctrine of special creation, requiring humanistic works for salvation, or bringing in other heretical doctrines. We obviously need to be sure of our facts when we do this and also to bring such charges only if motivated by genuine concern for those apt to be led astray if we don’t speak out. But then we must, indeed, “mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them” (Romans 16:17). HMM 

Give Thanks To Those Who Serve Our Country

Every Memorial Day, we are reminded of courageous people—past and present—who have fought to protect our freedoms. We also remember that many grieve the loss of family members and friends who have nobly served our country. Let’s honor these servicemen and women today in prayer: Heavenly Father, you know better than anyone what it means to sacrifice yourself for true freedom. Thank you for your Son, who died so that we may experience eternal life with you.

This Memorial Day, we thank you for those who have selflessly put themselves in danger for our country’s safety. Watch over each and every present serviceman and woman and comfort family members and friends who are grieving not just today but every day.

You are the ultimate Comforter and Protector. Help us lean on you and champion true freedom for everyone.

In your name we pray. Amen.

Freedom Isn’t Free

Compromised Church Leadership & Preaching Is Contributing To Our Cultural Rot


Breaking News Updates – May 27, 2022

A new study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, guided by popular pollster George Barna, has found that just 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a Biblical worldview.” Seriously? Just thirty-seven percent?

For many years, I have stated that a major reason America is so messed up is that much of the American Church is also messed up. And a major reason that so much of the American Church is messed up is that so many Christian leaders are also messed up. The domino effect is quite real.

Church leaders greatly influence their followers, for better or for worse. And since Christian believers are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, if we are not fulfilling our moral and spiritual duties, this will have a deleterious effect on the nation.

And how, exactly, do Church leaders influence their followers? They do it by their message and by their example. If they are preaching rightly and living rightly, they will produce healthy congregants. If their preaching is unbiblical and their lifestyle is compromised, they will produce unhealthy congregants.

To be sure, America is not as influenced by the pulpit as it was in 1873, when Charles Finney preached that, “If the public press lacks moral discrimination… If the church is degenerate and worldly… If the world loses its interest in religion… If Satan rules in our halls of legislation… If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it.”

Yet with 70 percent of Americans still professing Christianity and with evangelical Christians alone making up roughly 25 percent of the population, the Christian leaders of the nation remain influential, for better or worse.

In that light, a recent Barna survey gives lots of cause for concern, especially when it comes to the message being preached by Christian leaders.

As reported by Decision magazine, “A new study from the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University (ACU), guided by popular pollster George Barna, has found that just 37% of Christian pastors in the United States have a Biblical worldview.”

Seriously? Just thirty-seven percent?

It would be bad enough if less than 4 in 10 believers held to a biblical worldview. But less than 4 in 10 pastors? How can this be?

In the words of Barna, “This is another strong piece of evidence that the culture is influencing the American church more than Christian churches are influencing the culture.”

Or, viewed from another angle, rather than Christian leaders equipping their people to swim against the tide of the culture, they too are being carried by the current of the age. And that, in turn, means that the light is not shining and the salt is not being salty.

It is a vicious cycle of moral and spiritual deterioration.

In short, when the doctors are spreading disease rather than curing disease, the populace is in big trouble.

Decision reports that, “The survey looked at eight different categories of belief and behavior, including family and the value of life; God, creation and history; personal faith practices; and sin, salvation and one’s relationship with God.”

Predictably, the heart of the problem can be traced back to beliefs about the Bible: “The survey found that the category with the lowest percentage of pastors holding a Biblical worldview is the one related to beliefs and behaviors about the Bible, truth and morality.”

No surprise here!

And what do we make of the finding that just 4 percent of executive pastors (this is not a typo) hold to a biblical worldview? Just 4 percent? And how much influence do executive pastors have in the staffing of churches and in many of the practical decisions the church makes?

As for the larger population (not just professing Christians), the survey found that “just 2% of the parents of preteens” held to a biblical worldview, along with “men (2%), women (4%), whites (4%), blacks (2%), Hispanics (less than one-half of one percent), and less than one-half of 1% among those who identify as LGBTQ.”

But this, too, should not surprise us, seeing that, in 2009, Barna reported that, “Even among born again adults, the statistics [concerning Americans with a biblical worldview] have remained flat: 18% in 1995, 22% in 2000, 21% in 2005, and 19% today.”

As I wrote in 2017, “We have believed that we should blend in and not rock the boat, showing the non-believers around us that we’re no different than they are. But while it’s important to be contributing members of the society, and while we’re called to be peacemakers not troublemakers, we are also called to swim against the tide and go against the grain. We are called to show the world a better way

“Sadly, many Christian leaders have put more emphasis on discovering what’s trending in society than learning what’s on God’s heart. In their quest to become relevant, they have become irrelevant.”

To be sure, there are many healthy leaders and healthy congregations in America. And there are always questions about the precise accuracy of polls and the nature of the questions that are asked.

But without a doubt, when we see so much moral and spiritual confusion in the larger society, it reflects the moral and spiritual confusion found in many churches. And that, in turn, reflects the confused and compromised message emanating from “Christian” leaders around America.

May God bring a true revival to His people, starting with Christian leaders across the land. May the awakening begin with us!

For a more in-depth look at the compromise happening in our pulpits we highly recommend the “Enemies Within The Church” Documentary.  You can stream this to your own home right now by visiting here

11 Statistics That Show How Consumers Are Faring In This Deteriorat  

Breaking News Updates – May 27, 2022

A whopping 85 percent of all Americans believe that there will be a recession within the next year. These days, it is virtually impossible to get Americans to overwhelmingly agree about anything, and so the fact that 85 percent of us are anticipating a recession is a really big deal.

Prices are soaring, there are widespread shortages of certain items such as baby formula all over the nation, and at the same time U.S. economic activity appears to be really slowing down.  Considering all of that, it makes perfect sense why the American people are feeling so negative about the economy right now.  

In fact, a whopping 85 percent of all Americans believe that there will be a recession within the next year.  These days, it is virtually impossible to get Americans to overwhelmingly agree about anything, and so the fact that 85 percent of us are anticipating a recession is a really big deal.  

Just about everyone realizes that economic conditions are going to get worse, but for those of you that still doubt where we are headed here are 11 statistics that show how U.S. consumers are faring in this rapidly deteriorating economy…

#1 According to a Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll that was recently conducted, 56 percent of Americans say that their financial situations are getting worse, and only 20 percent of Americans say that their financial situations are improving.

#2 Another new survey has just discovered that 66 percent of Americans “have avoided social events because they’ve felt embarrassed or uncomfortable” about their financial situations.

#3 The housing bubble appears to be bursting.  At this point, sales of new single family homes are falling at a very frightening pace…

Sales of new single-family houses in April plunged by 16.6% from March and by 26.9% from a year ago, to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 591,000 houses, the lowest since lockdown April 2020, according to the Census Bureau today. Sales of new houses are registered when contracts are signed, not when deals close, and can serve as an early indicator of the overall housing market.

#4 After breaking the all-time national record in March, the average price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States has gone 42 cents above the old record and is now sitting at $4.59.

#5 The average age of a car on U.S. roads has reached an all-time record high of 12.2 years.  Many Americans continue to delay replacing their current vehicles because new vehicles have become so unaffordable.

#6 Millions of American families are struggling with rapidly rising food prices…

The index for food away from home increased 7.2% over the last year, the Labor Department reported earlier this month. Food prices were up 9.4% in April from the same time last year — the biggest jump since April 1981, the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported. And grocery store prices increased 10.8% for the year ended in April.

#7 U.S. natural gas futures just crossed the nine dollar threshold – the highest level that we have seen since the financial crisis of 2008.  That means that much higher energy costs are on the way for U.S. consumers.

#8 Multiple Fed surveys are showing that manufacturing activity in the U.S. is really slowing down…

The slowdown in manufacturing activity on display in reports from the Federal Reserve banks of New York and Philadelphia was confirmed by a survey from the Richmond Fed indicating that factory activity contracted in the mid-Atlantic region in May.

The Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity index dropped 23 points from a positive reading of 14 in April to a minus nine, the lowest reading since May 2020, when much of the economy was still reeling from the onset of the pandemic and lockdowns.

#9 Zero Hedge is reporting extremely depressing news about U.S. macro data: “Other than April 2020 – when the entire economy was closed – May’s serial disappointment in US Macro data is the worst since Lehman”

#10 Thanks to plunging stock prices, approximately 20 trillion dollars in household net worth has been “wiped out” so far this year.

#11 A new CBS News/YouGov survey has found that 74 percent of Americans believe that things are going badly in this country and that 51 percent of Americans actually believe that Joe Biden is “incompetent”.

Right now, conditions are so similar to what we witnessed just before the financial crisis of 2008.

If we had addressed our long-term problems back then, perhaps we would be in a much different place at the moment.

But instead, we appear to be poised to repeat history in a lot of ways.

In fact, many experts believe that the crisis that is staring us in the face will be even worse than what we went through more than a decade ago.  For example, just check out what Peter Schiff is saying…

This one is going to be even bigger because the economy has a lot more debt now than it did in 2008. And Americans are less able to pay it when interest rates rise because the balances are much greater. So, we’re in much worse shape as a result of all the bailouts and all the stimulus that papered over the last crisis. So, now the one we’re dealing with is going to be much worse because we kicked the can down the road instead of solving the problem when we had a chance.”

He makes some really great points.

Every time there has been some sort of a crisis in our society, our leaders responded by showering the system with even more money.

In 2008, the U.S. national debt crossed the 10 trillion dollar threshold.

In 2022, the U.S. national debt has crossed the 30 trillion dollar threshold.

Our politicians have been systematically destroying our future, and most Americans didn’t seem to care.

Now a day of reckoning has arrived, and it is going to be immensely painful.

There is no silver bullet that is going to cure inflation.

The Federal Reserve is going to try to tame inflation by hiking interest rates, but that will just destroy the housing bubble and dramatically slow down the economy.

And there is no silver bullet that is going to end the shortages that we are currently facing.

We are now experiencing some of the consequences of decades of mismanagement, and a lot more pain is on the way.

Originally published at the Economic Collapse Blog – reposted with permission.

Will The Russian Threat Push Europe Into Becoming The Revived Roman Empire?  

Breaking News Updates – May 24, 2022

For decades, Christians have speculated on whether or not the European Union is the final world empire outlined in the Bible. The Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation point to a revived Roman Empire that will appear in the end times (Daniel 7:23; Revelation 17:10).

Since World War II, prophecy watchers have paid careful attention to the slow and steady unification of western Europe. The alliance now known as the EU has faced numerous growing pains along the way. These include squabbles over a single currency, trade rules, debt bailouts, Brexit, and hundreds of issues. 

The latest infighting centers around the EU’s response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. While some EU members have called for a complete embargo of Russian oil and natural gas, others have made it clear they will never agree to such restrictions. For example, Germany claims they can move forward with a ban on Russian oil by year end, but Hungary has unequivocally said, “No.” Without Russian supplies, Hungary runs out of energy. Germany does too. The only difference is its leaders continue to delude themselves into believing they can survive with zero Russian energy.

The EU put itself in a terrible position of weakness. Entering 2022, they were dependent on Russia for 30% of their oil and almost half of their natural gas. When the EU supported sanctions against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine, the international banking system cut off Russia’s foreign dollar and euro reserves. This meant if Russia continued to accept dollar and euro payments, they would be trading oil and gas in exchange for worthless currency they couldn’t spend. 

So what did they do? Russia demanded payment in either rubles or hard currency such as gold. European leaders threatened to sue for breach of contract. They vowed never to accept such an arrangement and threatened any European energy company that dared to comply. That was last month. Today, dozens of European countries and companies are paying for Russian oil and gas with rubles. The latest is French energy group Engie, whose largest shareholder is the French government. 

When it comes to foreign policy, the EU is divided. Each nation continues to operate its own foreign policy. They can’t agree and rarely speak in one voice. To me, this failure to agree is yet another reason to believe some form of the EU will become Daniel’s prophesied final empire. Why? Because this EU characteristic aligns with the empire Daniel describes.

For instance, the Bible says this final world empire will be a kingdom:

• Divided (Daniel 2:41)

• Made up of weak and strong nations (Daniel 2:42)

• Of nations trying to strengthen themselves by forming alliances with each other (Daniel 2:43)

• That fails to hold together or “gel,” just as iron and clay don’t stick together (Daniel 2:43)

• From among the ancient Roman Empire (Daniel 9:26-27)

A Global Empire

Right now, no empire rules the world, much less a global empire of ten nations or ten kings. This means the EU in its present form is not the global empire foreseen by Daniel. However, this doesn’t mean it won’t become that empire. Most likely, it’s an early stage of what will become the Antichrist’s global empire. Why? Again, the EU fits every one of the characteristics outlined above. The Antichrist’s empire will be:

1) A Revived Roman Empire – The global empire from Daniel’s vision is built on the ashes of the ancient Roman Empire. Why do I say this? First, the ruler of this global empire is the Antichrist. According to Daniel, the Antichrist will arise from the nation whose armies destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (Daniel 9:26). That nation was Rome. So the global empire’s ruler will come from Rome.

Second, when explaining Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Daniel described five empires that will rule Israel before Jesus returns. Those empires were Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and a ten nation alliance (Daniel 2:36-45). He describes each successive kingdom, but he makes no distinction between the fourth kingdom and the ten nation alliance (Daniel 2:40-43). In other words, the ten nation alliance will be a new form of the fourth kingdom – Rome.

Later, Daniel has another vision. This time, he sees four beasts, each representing a world power that will conquer Israel (Daniel 7). We know the fourth beast is Rome because it conquers the third beast, Greece (Daniel 7:6). But we also know it will come back. Why? Because it “will rule the whole earth” (Daniel 7:23), and it will be ruled by the Antichrist (Daniel 7:24-25). Rome neither ruled the whole earth nor was it ruled by the Antichrist. Also, this empire is yet again described as a ten nation alliance (Daniel 7:20), and the ancient Roman Empire never took the form of a ten nation alliance.

Today, the EU sits on the ashes of the ancient Roman Empire. Ancient Rome occupied nearly every part of the current EU member nations, including Italy – home to Rome itself.

2) A Divided Alliance, Loosely Held Together – The global empire Daniel described will also be divided (Daniel 2:41). It will struggle to hold itself together, just as iron and clay struggle to hold themselves together (Daniel 2:43). Do we see this type of alliance when we look at the EU? Absolutely!

Since its inception, the EU has harbored an odd collection of politicians, governments, economies, currencies, and militaries. From the Schuman Declaration in 1950 to the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007, the rise of the EU has been marked by a struggle to agree on important issues. These include arguments over a single currency (the United Kingdom and Denmark opted out), disagreements over how to handle debt crises (the Greek bailouts), and disputes over open borders (the Syrian refugee crisis). Each step along the way, the EU struggled to survive.

Until recently, Brexit was the latest example. Critics pointed to Brexit as evidence the EU is not the coming global empire. But the exact opposite is true. Brexit is a perfect example of the EU’s struggle to stay together, “just as iron and clay don’t hold together.” 

Now, the EU’s dividing issue is how to deal with Russia. Arm Ukraine? To what extent? Ban Russian imports or pay for oil and gas in rubles? Yet again, EU member countries can’t agree on a unified policy. It’s the latest example of why the EU is a “divided alliance” (Daniel 2:41). It’s a union of weak and strong nations struggling to bond together (Daniel 2:43), and this is exactly how the Bible described the final world empire.

3) An Alliance of Weak and Strong Nations – As I write this, the EU contains the world’s 4th, 6th, and 7th largest economies (Germany, the United Kingdom, and France). And yes, I’m still counting the UK as part of the EU. When the pro-EU politicians come back into power (which is probably only one election away, given the massive food and fuel inflation we’re seeing), and the UK remains out, then I might concede the UK is no longer part of the EU. Until then, I still count it as part of the EU. The EU also contains the world’s 113th, 114th, and 132nd largest economies (Iceland, Cyprus, and Malta). 

When it comes to military spending, the EU contains the world’s 4th, 6th, 7th, and 11th largest militaries (the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy). Yet, it also contains the world’s 78th, 79th, 87th, and 90th (Lithuania, Bulgaria, Latvia, and Estonia).

Alone, not a single EU nation is a world power. Together, they are the world’s greatest economic power. Combined, their military spending is second only to the United States. In fact, several European politicians have called for an EU army. Don’t doubt it – the EU is a superpower. It’s a revived Roman Empire made up of weak and strong nations. And this is what the Bible says will exist just before Jesus returns.

Vassal States of Russia?

In a world governed through the use of force, many geopolitical experts say the reality is the EU has become a collection of Russian satellite states. Despite all the grandstanding over Russia sanctions and threats of military force, the cold harsh reality is Europe needs Russia’s fossil fuels. Without Russian oil and natural gas, the lights go out. Industry comes to a screeching halt. Come winter, people freeze. This means, on the world stage, the EU is in a position of weakness. 

They’re beholden to Russia. They don’t resemble anything close to a world superpower. Therefore, the conventional wisdom says Europe’s power on the world stage is fading and will soon come to an end. But I would argue this is exactly the state the Bible says the final world empire will be in just prior to devouring the world. If the EU is the world empire described in the Book of Daniel, then its current weakness will soon transform into overwhelming strength. But how? 

We don’t know for sure how this will happen, but we could be witnessing the seeds of this transformation right now. Ironically, the catalyst for change may very well be the state of weakness the EU finds itself in now. Its failure to speak with a single voice when dealing with the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and its reliance on the U.S. and NATO when it comes to defense have led to calls for the creation of a new executive position to formulate a common EU foreign policy and new calls for the creation of an EU army. 

In an opinion piece, the foreign ministries of Denmark, the Netherlands, and the Czech Republic called for Europe’s foreign ministers to “give the EU’s new high representative greater leeway to respond to rapid developments when core European values are at stake and allow the EU to become more agile and proactive on foreign policy.”

When the EU finally decides to assert itself on the world stage, it will become a mighty superpower. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has likely moved that day closer to reality. It highlights the weaknesses of current EU institutions. This will likely spur significant change in those institutions.

What Happens Next?

Look for EU advocates to push for greater unification, particularly in regard to a unified foreign policy backed with the threat of a EU military force. The current disagreements appear to show weakness, but this weakness won’t last. All the volatility we’ve seen so far makes it more likely the EU is an early phase of the alliance Daniel described. It’s the mirror image of the revived Roman Empire the Bible says will appear in the last days (Daniel 2:40-43, Daniel 7:23-24). 

It’s made up of weak and strong nations (Daniel 2:42). It’s divided against itself (Daniel 2:41), and the effort of these nations to come together and strengthen themselves is volatile and unstable (Daniel 2:43). These bible verses sound a lot like the EU, don’t they? I sure think so. 

If the current crisis in Ukraine results in a single EU foreign policy and a unified EU military, the EU will take one more step toward becoming the global empire Daniel described. Keep looking up, because Jesus is coming!

Britt Gillette is author of the free ebook Coming to Jesus as well as the books Signs of the Second Coming & Racing Toward Armageddon.

Transhumanism: Marching Toward The Mark

By Jonathan Brentner
May 21, 2022

If our world is not on a direct path to the fulfillment of Revelation 13, the only alternative is to assume that something with a most uncanny resemblance to the mark of the beast is coming our way.

In other words, if what the globalists’ propose for our world is not the prelude to the mark of the beast, I do not know what it would look like. The plans they have for our future fit like a glove with what John wrote in Revelation 13:15-18:

“And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”

Please understand that this passage does not reach its complete fulfillment halfway until through the seven-year Tribulation, well after the Rapture of the church. What we see today is NOT the mark of the beast, but it’s most certainly both a prelude to and a conditioning for it.

John 8:44 is another key passage that’s essential for understanding the agenda of the elite powerbrokers. Though not a prophecy, it speaks directly to what we see in our world today because the devil and his demons control the globalists who wield great power in the governments of the world as well as in the business world.

“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

The Luciferian elite of our day have two basic goals: First, they plan to reduce the world’s population and second, they intend to deceive and control those who remain through the means of transhumanism. Both objectives are essential to their final goal of forming a one-world government over which they hope to rule and enslave humanity.


Transhumanism is the combining of machines and human beings with the intent to monitor our behavior so they can later control our behavior and even our thoughts.

Wikipedia describes it this way:

“Transhumanism is a philosophical movement, the proponents of which advocate and predict the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly enhance longevity, mood and cognitive abilities . . . Some transhumanists believe that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with abilities so greatly expanded from the current condition as to merit the label of posthuman beings.”

Leading the way to bring about this change is a group called the World Economic Forum (WEF) with Klaus Schwab as its founder and CEO. Here is a quote from the group’s website regarding the changes they wish to impose on the world:

“The Fourth Industrial Revolution [the WEF term for transhumanism] represents a fundamental change in the way we live, work and relate to one another. It is a new chapter in human development, enabled by extraordinary technology advances commensurate with those of the first, second and third industrial revolutions. These advances are merging the physical, digital and biological worlds in ways that create both huge promise and potential peril. The speed, breadth and depth of this revolution is forcing us to rethink how countries develop, how organizations create value and even what it means to be human.” (my emphasis)

The globalists of our day do not hide their objectives; they are in plain sight for all to see if one is willing to investigate. Is it not shocking that they intend for us to “rethink . . . what it means to be human?” The theme of merging “the physical, digital and biological worlds” runs through many of the articles on the WEF website. They do not keep their evil intentions a secret, but openly broadcast them to all who are paying attention.


On November 20, 2017, an article appeared on Forbes website entitled, Transhumanism and The Future of Humanity: 7 Ways the World Will Change By 2030. The following quote from it appears under the heading of “Our bodies will be augmented.”

“The coming years will usher in a number of body augmentation capabilities that will enable humans to be smarter, stronger, and more capable than we are today. Wearables will be one form of body augmentation, but they will far surpass the fitness trackers of today. . . . We will also see increased use of implants ranging from brain microchips and neural lace to mind-controlled prosthesis and subdermal RFID chips that allow users to unlock doors or computer passwords with the wave of a hand. However, the most powerful body augmentation will come from biological augmentation as a result of increased insight into our genomes, advances in IVF technology that may allow us to select the most intelligent embryos, and powerful CRISPR gene-editing technology which may one day give us the ability to eliminate all heritable diseases.

These body augmentation capabilities will give rise to humans that are more resilient, optimized and continually monitored. (Emphasis mine)

Please note that the “CRISPR gene-editing technology” that the writer of the Forbes article says will someday augment our bodies is exactly how the experts today describe the mRNA injections, AKA “COVID-19 vaccines.” What the Forbes article predicted in 2017 would eventually lead to the altering of humans became a reality in 2020-21 with the emergence of “CRISPR” gene therapy injections from Pfizer, Moderna, and other pharmaceutical companies.

Notice how the writer of the article stresses the positive possibilities of the “CRISPR” gene therapy injections as eliminating “all heritable diseases” before telling us that they will also lead to the continual monitoring of people. The transhumanists promise great advancements that will benefit humanity, but their final objective is control such as in buying and selling.

As further evidence of the long-range planning behind what we see today, ponder this quote from Aldous Huxley, a philosopher and author, at the California Medical School in 1961:

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”

Though spoken over sixty years ago, these words represent the blueprint from which the globalists operate today. What Huxley talked about in 1961 has now become reality. “Pharmaceutical methods” have become the weapon of choice for those seeking to change humanity by combining humans with machines. What we see is just the beginning, drugs will continue to play an essential role leading to the mark of the beast.


As evidence that transhumanism already resides on the doorstep of our world, please consider these three related initiatives that are opening the door for what we see depicted in Revelation 13:6-18.


Microsoft, along with Bill Gates, obtained this international patent in 2020: Patent WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data. Yes, this patent is real as is its number.

Here is the legal description of the patent:

“Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”

This patent envisions the use of a sensor that detects “the body activity of the user” and reports it to an outside digital computing source. The behavior of the individual then becomes the basis for his or her award of “cryptocurrency.” The reward or lack thereof results from what the senor reports regarding the conduct of the individual.

Now imagine a world where all currency exists digitally, and that day is coming, and your receipt of it does not come entirely from the fruit of your labor, but from behaving according to the desires of a distant governing body that sets the parameters by which the computing source rewards you. They will know your every move because your activity is monitored by a chip inside you or a mark on your body.

This is the future envisioned by Patent WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data.


ID2020 is another Bill Gates and Microsoft initiative that seeks to provide 1.1 billion people in the world with the legal identification that they currently lack; it will give them a digital ID along with a vaccine, of course. They will be one and the same.

Here is a description of ID2020 from the official Microsoft blog, dated January 22, 2018:

As discussions begin this week at the World Economic Forum, creating universal access to identity is an issue at the top of Microsoft’s agenda, and we think technology can be a powerful tool to tackle this challenge. It was last summer that Microsoft took a first step, collaborating with Accenture and Avanade on a blockchain-based identity prototype on Microsoft Azure. Together, we pursued this work in support of the ID2020 Alliance – a global public-private partnership dedicated to aiding the 1.1 billion people around the world who lack any legal form of identity. To say that we were encouraged by its mission would be an understatement. We were inspired by it.

Notice the players include the World Economic Forum (WEF) that vigorously promotes both the Great Reset and transhumanism. ID2020 is not some isolated initiative that does not relate to transhumanism or the effort of the globalists to control people. It’s all about identifying everyone on earth so the globalists can include them into their system of worldwide control, vaccinate them, and thereby continually monitor and dictate their behavior.


So far, we have looked at the plans of the globalists to incorporate everyone on the planet into their scheme of controlling the flow of digital currency. But how do they intend to do this?  

“Quantum dot” technology may answer that question; I believe this will become the means for the antichrist to deliver his infamous mark and accompanying vaccine to the population of the world. By it, he will mark those who belong to him by tattooing their right hand or forehead.

According to Bill Gates, quantum dot delivery of a future vaccines will connect the recipient to an external digital source via the ID2020 technology to verify the vaccination. Initially, this will vaccinate the individual as well as leave a tattoo, perhaps visible, that will electronically reveal his or her vaccine status.

Together, these three initiatives lay out a clear path to what will become the “mark of the beast” by the halfway point of the tribulation. By then, the electronic tattoo will appear on one’s forehead and hand and reveal one’s ability to buy and sell as well as to the degree they are able to participate in such activities.

Later, this tattoo will be the only means of participating in market of goods and services.

Before the dawn of this century, it would have taken an army of several hundred thousand to control the buying the selling across the planet and even then, it would not have been foolproof. Now with artificial intelligence and all the many advances related to transhumanism, the technology exists for one person to do this.

That person will be the antichrist. The globalists will have everything in place before he steps onto the world stage. Because of the speed at which technology and transhumanism are advancing, everything will be ready for him when the time comes for him to appear on the world’s stage.

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This Opinion Just In: 2,000 Mules Offers Vivid Proof of Vote Fraud

There is no doubt in my mind that the 2020 Election was stolen. The Progressive Democrats (Communists) know it was stolen better than anyone since they were the thieves. We will be showing 2,000 Mules in our church on 6/5/2022. Blessings, Pastor Steve <><



This Opinion Just In: 2,000 Mules Offers Vivid Proof of Vote Fraud

Dinesh D’Souza’s new documentary opened this weekend.


May 22, 2022, 11:11 PM

2000 Mules (Film trailer)

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Like an incantation at high mass, Democrats chant their claim that vote fraud does not exist.

“Vote fraud is almost incalculably rare in the United States,” according to gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams of Georgia.

“And make no mistake,” Chuck Schumer of New York declared on the Senate floor. “There has been no evidence of any significant or widespread voter fraud.”

“The Big Lie is just that,” President Joe Biden bellowed about crooked ballots. “A Big Lie!”

Election-integrity expert Catherine Engelbrecht offered the perfect rejoinder to this nonsense. True the Vote’s founder said: “You don’t need a whole lot of fraud. You just need a little, in the right places, over time.”

Engelbrecht’s observation comes vividly to life in 2,000 Mules, Dinesh D’Souza’s stylish, chilling, maddening new documentary, which opened this weekend on 400 screens across America. This motion picture provides enough hard evidence of vote fraud to pry open the eyes of Abrams, Schumer, Biden, and other Democrats — if only they were open-minded enough to watch it.

2,000 Mules is a compelling election-integrity whodunit. Visually reminiscent of Tony Scott’s thriller Enemy of the State, this film uses state-of-the-art technology to prove that the 2020 presidential election was stained, if not fully stolen, through the lowest-tech means: stuffed ballot boxes.

True the Vote researchers Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips analyzed 10 trillion cell-phone geo-tracking signals captured during the closing weeks of the 2020 general election campaign. They focused on the commercially marketed “pings” from mobile phones whose owners interacted with ballot drop boxes in five swing states. Democrats demanded the broad deployment of these boxes during the COVID-19 emergency, due to the “dangers” of in-person voting.

These digital sleuths narrowed their search to people who approached 10 or more drop boxes and contemporaneously visited five or more pro-Biden nonprofits, which harvested absentee ballots and prepared them for distribution to drop boxes.

True the Vote then requested and acquired 4 million minutes of government-security-camera recordings of these drop boxes. It would take seven years and eight months to watch all these images at normal speed.

This map shows one mule’s path as he placed ballots into 28 Atlanta-area drop boxes in one 24-hour period. Photos: Screenshot from 2,000 Mules, courtesy of the producers.

This investigation’s results are staggering: This was not Johnny submitting Grandma’s ballot en route to high-school baseball practice. Instead, official, taxpayer-funded cameras captured one mule after another traveling from box to box to deposit successive fists full of ballots, often in the dead of night. One mule in Atlanta slid ballots into 28 different collection bins during one 24-hour period.

Most mules left just a few ballots in each box over several weeks, leaving eyebrows unraised. But in Gwinnett County, Georgia, 271 people visited one box on October 12, 2020. That day, 1,962 ballots were inserted — 10 times the normal number.

These mules were not just overzealous political operatives. Corrupt activist groups reportedly paid them per ballot delivered, which is universally illegal. The mules’ identities reveal that many have criminal records. Some were present during the George Floyd riots.

One Yuma County, Arizona-based mule, whose face the filmmakers obscured, considered stepping forward and coming clean. She said “the Mexican Mafia” — whom she accused of running the local vote-fraud effort — was not amused. “I offered, but they told me, ‘Don’t do it, because you’re going to end up in the trash and in pieces.’”

Perhaps this is what Biden meant when he said in fall 2020, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

So, was there enough fraud to change the presidential election’s outcome? A mere 42,844 votes sprinkled among three swing states clinched the White House for Biden. Shifting them elsewhere could have secured Trump a second term.

As D’Souza explains, True the Vote discovered that some 2,000 mules averaged 38 drop-box visits and — in each of these scenarios — left five illegal ballots per visit. This totals 380,000 fraudulent votes. Coming from heavily Democrat areas, these almost certainly were overwhelmingly pro-Biden ballots.

• In Arizona, 200 mules typically approached 20 boxes each. Disqualifying these 20,000 unlawful ballots would evaporate Biden’s 10,457-vote win.

A mule wearing rubber gloves prepares to stuff ballots into a Fulton County, Georgia, drop box during early voting before Election Day 2020. Photo: Screenshot from official government-security video.

• In Georgia, 250 mules stopped at 24 boxes and inserted five ballots per encounter. Rejecting these 30,000 illegal votes would eliminate Biden’s victory margin of 11,779.

• In Pennsylvania, 1,100 mules in Philadelphia alone encountered 50 boxes. Vacating these 275,000 illegitimate votes would eradicate Biden’s 80,555-vote victory.

Undoing this evil would have removed these states from Biden’s total. The Electoral College count would have shifted to 259 for Biden and 279 for Trump. This would have earned DJT four more years.

“This was an organized effort to subvert a free and fair election,” said True the Vote’s Gregg Phillips. “This is organized crime.”

These criminals should be prosecuted at once. True the Vote has the cell-phone numbers of these fraudsters and rock-solid digital and video evidence of their rampant lawbreaking.

It should be easy to connect these phones with their owners. Prosecutors should ask True the Vote to share its findings, so that these political hoodlums can be thrown behind bars.

“They have ruined Election Day in the United States of America. That’s provable,” radio host Dennis Prager said after reviewing these disturbing facts. “And that’s enough for me to fight the Left with every fiber in my body.”

Dinesh D’Souza concluded: “Never in U.S. history has a presidential election been as thoroughly corrupted by coordinated fraud across multiple states as we now know took place in 2020.”

Please see 2,000 Mules and, henceforth, laugh derisively at Democrats who relentlessly lie that there is no such thing as vote fraud.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor, a contributing editor with National Review Online, and a senior fellow with the London Center for Policy Research.

Southern Baptist Seminary Urges “Keyboard Theologians” to Shut Up, Stop Correcting False Teachings

If one does not have the pedigree of a diploma from a Southern Baptist Seminary gone liberal, you do not have the right to opine about the faulty theology and sin of seminary presidents and professors, megachurch pastors, and key entity leaders throughout the Southern Baptist Convention. This mindset reminds of the Pharisees attitude towards the unlearned Apostles. Hey, Maxwell House is good to the last drop and Folgers is mountain grown. I will continue to expose the Evangelical Intelligentsia (EI). It is Biblical to expose sin and errant theology, and the internet is a great place to do this. (Examples: Achan, Jezebel, Ananias, Saphira, Alexander the coppersmith, the Nicolaitans, etc., etc., etc.) There is something drastically wrong with your spirit and theology if the truth offends you. Praise God for discernment ministries.

In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Years ago, the discernment community dubbed those Evangelical “elites”—the ones that believe they’re smarter than everyone else because they hold an academic degree from one of Evangelicalism’s “prestigious” seminaries—the Evangelical Intelligentsia, or EI for short. The EI regularly scour social media to look for anyone who is beneath their paygrade that they can ridicule for standing up for biblical fidelity without the proper credentials.

The EI includes such people as seminary professors, megachurch pastors, and Southern Baptist entity heads. This would include many of the well-known talking heads of the Southern Baptist Convention as well as the many countless ladder-climbers like Brent Hobbs, Spence Spencer, and Josh Wester, and other pastors and leaders who’ve blindly supported his movement, including Company Man™ Dave Miller and SBC Voices.

Their stance is clear—to earn the right to speak, especially to correct others, one must hold thoroughly to the approved narrative and message of the EI. The EI tells us what to think about cultural issues such as abortion, LGBTQ, and feminism, and also tells us what heresies are unacceptable and which ones we’re allowed to tolerate. Oh, and lest we forget, one must drink lattes with their pinky finger stuck out.

Well, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary just published an infographic reminding you of your duty to submit to their narrative and let the smart guys do the talking for you and in order to correct someone, you must first build a relationship with them. Below, SWBTS posted this image on their Instagram page:

Like it or not, social media is part of the world—and a very large part at that. Social media is where ideas are exchanged (supposedly) and where a large part of human interaction takes place. We can’t hide from social media simply because the EI tells us that’s what we’re supposed to do.

The whole concept of “relationship evangelism” or “relationship correction” is an unbiblical concept. We are called to proclaim Christ by proclaiming the truth. We’re not called to make friends with the world — for friendship with the world is enmity with God (James 4:4). Nor are we called to make friends with every public false teacher proclaiming heresy online before we correct them.

If you’re worried about offending people with the biblical truth, then you don’t understand the gospel. We’re not after peace with the world. That’s what the world wants from us. The world wants us to stop proclaiming Christ, stop proclaiming truth, and stop correcting false and unbiblical teaching—and if we do, we’ve lost the gospel altogether.

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Gideon Knox Group

Southwestern Seminary Account Condemns ‘Keyboard Theologians’ for Being ‘Heresy Hunters’

More evidence that SBC’s academia has lost the plot,

For more evidence that SBC’s academia has lost the plot, one of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Instagram accounts has released a message discerningly chastising the discerning, warning the thinly-veiled pejorative ‘Keyboard Theologians’ that they should not go about being ‘heresy hunters’ by correcting and rebuking bad teaching and doctrine on social media such as Twitter and Facebook- otherwise known as the main hubs of social media where the vast majority of people interact with online.

Instead, they demurely suggest some backward form of lifestyle evangelism, where correction and rebuke should only after you’ve created a bond of friendship and established a good relationship.

“Today’s word is HERESY, which in the Internet age has been the quickest word to throw around by keyboard theologians. Not saying that you DON’T have to stand up for the faith, but usually Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube comments are not the right platforms to go around correcting people’s beliefs (albeit, some are truly baffling…”birds aren’t real” anyone?)

So just a reminder that one should establish the basis of a good relationship first before the rebuking comes. Because without love, it will be like those wind-up monkeys clanging those cymbals.

Alternately, this is a simplistic, childish interpretation of a biblical principle designed to get those who know better to stop being mean to those who don’t, postulating a humble hermeneutic where correcting false teaching and doctrine is relegated to mere ‘heresy hunting’ and having the courage to speak up and say the truth is little more than crashing cymbals and gongs.

Former SBC President Accused of Sexual Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force

This story is surreal. I spoke with Johnny Hunt at a meeting in Sarasota right before COVID struck. Years ago, I attended a pastor’s conference when Johnny Hunt served as pastor at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA. To be affiliated with the late Ravi Zacharias and massage parlors is not good. I remember another Southern Baptist leader warning Johnny Hunt about the danger of being lifted up in pride. So many well known Southern Baptist leaders are falling like dominoes. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has been corrupted in recent years under Hunt’s leadership as VP. (see article below) That is one reason why I chose to give to other mission endeavors rather than the NAMB and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The Southern Baptist Convention is sick at the head, and the effects trickle on down, affecting the entire SBC. No organization will ever rise above its leadership. Lord help the imploding Southern Baptist Convention. The largest Protestant denomination in America is falling apart. This article reveals one disgraced and fallen Southern Baptist leader exposing another. SBCGate. Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte May 22
Johnny Hunt

Former SBC President Accused of Sexual Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force The Dissenter has been covering the story of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) political hit job perpetrated by Russell Moore, an ex-employee of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. After he departed the denomination to join the staff at the apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, to continue his liberal agenda, Moore leaked a letter to the press claiming he had knowledge of sex abuse involving women and children dating back nearly two years and alleged that SBC leaders pressured him to cover up these abuses.

Today, in the wake of Moore’s hit job, the Southern Baptist Convention’s task force released a 400-page report from Guidestone after an investigation alleged that the Southern Baptist Convention had been “covering up” sex abuse for years.

Johnny Hunt, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA, former Southern Baptist Convention president, and former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman dating back to 2010 while on vacation in Panama City.

According to a Houston Chronicle report, Hunt entered the condo next to him where they were staying, began groping and kissing her, and later told her that he wanted to have sex with her three times a day.

Hunt denies the accusations and released a statement on Twitter stating that his “heart breaks for victims” and that he “vigorously den[ies] the circumstances and characterizations” of the report that was released by Guidepost.

During his tenure at NAMB, Hunt was seen regularly calling on Southern Baptist pastors to hold baptisms. Hunt, a regular speaker at First Baptist Church in Indian Trail, NC, resigned from NAMB last month prior to the release of the Guidepost report.

In 2020, it was revealed that Johnny Hunt had helped the late Ravi Zacharias set up his massage parlor business where Zacharias was later found to have abused multiple women through that business. In fact, Hunt was reported according to Pulpit & Pen to have traveled from Woodstock to Alpharetta to receive “services” from the spas. Below is a video of Johnny Hunt giving a speech at the grand opening of one of Ravi’s massage parlors:

Some are not fully convinced of the accusations. Capstone report tweeted:

Capstone Tweet:

So, former SBC President and let’s just say former NAMB VP Johnny Hunt is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman. Wonder if Hunt wants to tell his side of the story now that Ezell’s minions have told their side?

You may remember the report from the Washington Post last year that accidentally told on its own people when it reported that the NAMB—a corrupt and spiritually bankrupt “church planting” organization that really acts more like a political action committee for leftists—had been using Southern Baptist tithe dollars to send pastors who are likely to vote for progressive and woke candidates to the annual meeting.

According to the report, “One insider said NAMB has been pouring money into getting urban church leaders to the annual meeting to get enough votes to secure the presidency for Ed Litton, an Alabama pastor who has promoted work on racial reconciliation.”

This is certainly no defense of Johnny Hunt, but it will be interesting to see in the coming days what happens with these allegations and to what extent NAMB played a role in the characterizations of this alleged incident.

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Gideon Knox Group

Former SBC Prez Pastor Johnny Hunt Accused of Sexual Abuse in Bombshell Report

Blankenship suggested it was consensual and tried to close the book on it, “after all, it takes two to tango”

Gideon Knox11 hr ago

Staff Writer

Pastor Emeritus of FBC Woodstock and Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention Johnny Hunt was named in the Guidepost Solution Report as someone who engaged in sexual abuse against a pastor’s wife in 2010, citing testimony from multiple pastors, including Hunt’s own staff counseling pastor.

The GSR reports that the abuse happened after Hunt invited the couple to vacation with him and his family at Panama City beach, ultimately sharing condos side by side.

The wife, known as ‘Survivor; and her husband as ‘Pastor’ alleges that early on in the trip, Dr. Hunt was being a bit sketchy by kissing her on the forehead and making inappropriate comments about her figure and tan lines.

Later, while engaging in conversation from across the balcony, Dr. Hunt shifted the conversation “from ministry to flattery about her appearance, her clothing, and her perfume.” At one point he remarked that he was hot from being in the sun, and the woman said he could come to under the shade on her balcony, assuming that his family was in the condo inside the doors.

Once in closer proximity, she recounts he asked her to put her feet on his knee, and then “he touched them while commenting on their beauty and size.” After a short time, he said he was uncomfortable sitting outside and suggested they go inside.

Once inside her place, Dr. Hunt asked her about the ministry and church frustrations she and her husband were having at the church, when he began to manipulate her by asking her personal questions about her life, such as “if she was wild growing up?” She was confused and not sure of what he meant, at which point:

Hunt allegedly apologized the next morning and asked her to forgive him and not tell anyone what happened.

Blankenship suggested it was consensual and tried to close the book on it, “after all, it takes two to tango” and asked all parties to leave it at that. The woman recounts that “at the time she believed that, even though she did not consent to what Dr. Hunt did to her, she was made to feel it was consensual because she did not fight back.”

Hunt and Blankenship quickly moved to bring a close to the issue, so it could not hurt or impact the 40,000 churches that Hunt presented. They had several counseling sessions where this was encouraged, and Hunt’s wife was at a meeting between them during one of the sessions, where they were encouraged to forgive and forget.

But the couple carried it for a long time, and told others about it over the years. Guidepost reports that they were provided contemporaneous evidence during their investigation, such as:

The investigatory team ultimately contacted Blankenship two weeks ago. While he was very reluctant to answer, he confirmed that there was an incident where Hunt kissed her and touched her breast over her clothes, while claiming to have no memory of pulling down her shorts. He admitted that he was operating on the assumption that the sexual contact was consensual based in part on what Dr. Hunt told him .

Guideposts found the testimony credible, along with three other witnesses who are all SBC pastors that are “still very much involved and committed to Southern Baptist life and the Convention, such as this pastor, who has been in ministry for over 40 years.

Neither of these pastors saw it fit to share or reveal their knowledge of the abuse.

Hunt for his part denied everything when contacted for an interview, yet did so in a way that the team felt was not credible such as initially denying he even knew the couple. As the news broke yesterday, he again denied it on Twitter, releasing a statement saying that he vigorously “denies the circumstances and characterizations set forth in the Guidepost report” and that “I never abused anybody.”

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Abortion is Pagan Child Sacrifice and is a Denial of the Cross of Jesus Christ

In the Old Testament, we read about the Phoenicians, who inhabited the land of Canaan (modern-day Lebanon, Syria, and Israel), that would sacrifice their children to their god, Molech. This abominable practice was used to appease their god, or to try to obtain favor from him. This practice has continued in various cultures throughout history including today in the act of abortion as child sacrifice.

You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods —Deuteronomy 12:31

Today, in our culture of self-idolatry, secular humanism, and entitlement, abortion has been normalized and acceptable. Yet, the practice is no different than that of ancient times–only the god is disguised as someone else. While we don’t take children and pass them through the fire to appease a god known by the name of Molech represented by golden statues as the Phoenicians did, nonetheless, we sacrifice our children to appease our idols of today–money, convenience, and self.

The Bible is clear that God hates child sacrifice.

There are six things that the Lord hates,  seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood… Proverbs 6:16-17

It is among the most abominable things in the eyes of God. We read in 2 Kings 21:2-6 that Manasseh, king of Judah and son of Hezekiah, sacrificed his son to appease his god to the immense anger of the Lord,

And he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the despicable practices of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel. For he rebuilt the high places that Hezekiah his father had destroyed, and he erected altars for Baal and made an Asherah, as Ahab king of Israel had done, and worshiped all the host of heaven and served them. And he built altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord had said, “In Jerusalem will I put my name.” And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord. And he burned his son as an offering and used fortune-telling and omens and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger.

In 2 Kings 21:12, we see that because Manasseh did these wicked things and led astray the people of Judah and Jerusalem, God promised to bring disaster upon them and deliver them into the hands of their enemies.

But what about Abraham and Isaac? In Genesis 22, we read about Abraham whom God commanded to sacrifice his son, Isaac.

Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you. — Genesis 22:2

He was to slaughter his son and offer him up as a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, only to be abruptly stopped by the angel of the Lord. The Lord then provided a substitute, a ram, for the sacrifice. Genesis 22:1 says that this was God testing Abraham’s faith and since Abraham passed the test, God promised to bless him and his offspring multiplying them greatly in numbers (Genesis 22:17-18). What we see is a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice that was to come–Jesus Christ. God distinguished himself from other gods, such as Molech, by clearly showing that He abhorred child sacrifice and that the only acceptable sacrifice to Him is a sacrifice that he provides.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate sacrifice. Hebrews 9:12 says, “He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” There is no other sacrifice that should be made for those who repent and trust in the saving grace of Jesus Christ at the cross.

Abortion is a denial of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It shows that one does not trust God or the sacrifice provided for him–that instead, he trusts in himself. Do not sacrifice your child on this altar of false gods. Instead, repent, and turn to the only sacrifice that can save you.

And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. —Hebrews 10:10