Iranians ‘Disillusioned with Islam’ Are Fleeing Country, Converting to Christianity

Michael Foust | Contributor | Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Iranians ‘Disillusioned with Islam’ Are Fleeing Country, Converting to Christianity

Iranians ‘Disillusioned with Islam’ Are Fleeing Country, Converting to Christianity

Iranian refugees in Turkey are converting from Islam to Christianity in such numbers that churches can’t keep up with the demand, experts in the region say.
Sebnem Koser Akcapar, a sociology professor at Istanbul’s Koç University, told National Public Radio, that the numbers of Iranian converts to Christianity has “grown tremendously over the years.”
“A small church consisting of 20 to 30 families has become a much bigger congregation housing 80 to 100 people on a regular Sunday,” she told NPR.
One of those converts is 37-year-old Farzana, who didn’t give her last name for fear of her safety. Converts from Islam to Christianity in Iran can face the death penalty.
“It feels good. Our relationship to God becomes closer,” Farzana told NPR of her new faith.
She walked away from Islam because of the way Iran treats women. She had divorced her abusive husband, but a court gave him custody of the children.
“Mostly because of this I became disillusioned with Islam,” she said. “That judge sitting there and giving orders was completely siding with men. Everywhere in Iran men come before women.”
A friend who was a convert introduced Farzana to Christianity.
“Once she began trusting me, she gave me photocopied writings and said, ‘I’m giving these to you as a gift. Go read them. These are the word of God,’” Farzana said.

Meanwhile, a member of a congregation in Denizli, Turkey, told NPR that Iran’s extremism is pushing citizens away from Islam.
“The system of authority in Iran has put Iranians under a lot of pressure, and they don’t see any hope,” the unidentified church member and refugee said. “They are in search of God, but they want to find another path because they’re discontent with the options they’ve been given.”
Many of the converts, though, may not be legitimate. That’s because Iranians who convert to Christianity can then seek asylum in the West under religious persecution laws. Rick Robinson of the United Pentecostal Church in Denizli acknowledges this happens. But he hopes these “fake converts” eventually come to faith. Robinson said churches are struggling to keep up with the number of converts.
“There might … be some who start with the help just for the refugee status and become sincere,” he said.
Michael Foust is a freelance writer. Visit his blog,
Photo courtesy: Mohammad GH/Unsplash

The UN Plans to Implant Everyone With a Biometric ID Tag by 2030

The UN Plans to Implant Everyone With a Biometric ID Tag by 2030 (VIDEO)
December 26 2018

Prophecy in the News:

The UN Plans to Implant Everyone With a Biometric ID Tag by 2030 (VIDEO)
December 26 2018

The United Nations wants everyone to have a biometric identification tag by 2030, which is part of their Global Goals agenda.
The United Nations is already working hard toward the implementation of this goal –, particularly among refugee populations. The UN has partnered with Accenture to implement a biometric identification system that reports information “back to a central database in Geneva.”
And these new biometric identification cards will not just be for refugees. According to a different FindBiometrics report, authorities hope this technology will enable them to achieve the UN’s goal of having this kind of identification in the hands of every man, woman and child on the planet by the year 2030.
The following comes from the official website of the World Bank…
Providing legal identity for all (including birth registration) by 2030 is a target shared by the international community as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (target 16.9). The World Bank Group (WBG) has launched the Identification for Development (ID4D) cross-practice initiative, with the participation of seven GP/CCSAs sharing the same vision and strategic objectives, to help our client countries achieve this goal and with the vision of making everyone count: ensure a unique legal identity and enable digital ID-based services to all.
Source: The Economic Collapse
If you were wondering how the world powers would truly tighten their grasp on the liberties of its citizens, this is how it will happen.
Everything you do and say will be monitored and recorded to be used to shepherd you towards obedience. The United Nations has always been a force for world dominance, and this program will be enforced the world over.
This is already being done through social media, but because services like Facebook are not obligatory for all citizens, the next logical step is to force citizens to participate in this very program.
Are they running behind schedule? This was supposed to happen by 2017 in the United States:

Is this a preview of the Mark Of The Beast?

Revelation 13:16-18 King James Version (KJV)
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Franklin Graham ~ Finally, One Preacher In The Public Eye Who Refuses To Compromise And Capitulate

Franklin Graham: Allah and the Christian God ‘Not the Same’

Franklin Graham: Allah and the Christian God ‘Not the Same’
December 17 2018

Celebrated evangelical pastor Franklin Graham reacted strongly to a recent Islamic terror attack in Strasbourg, France, warning that radical Islam continues to be a major global threat.
In a two-part tweet Saturday, Rev. Graham, the son of the prominent Christian leader Billy Graham, reminded citizens that Islamic extremism has not ceased to be a menace to the world and that, contrary to popular opinion, the Muslim idea of God is very different from the God worshiped by Christians.

In the past, Rev. Graham has said that bloody jihadist attacks should not surprise anyone, since hatred and violence against nonbelievers are central to the teachings of Islam.
“Why does Islam hate so much?” Graham asked in a 2016 Facebook post. “It’s because the Quran teaches its followers to hate.”
“Jews, Christians and others are to be subdued so that Islam may ‘prevail over all religions,’” he added. “It’s all in the final chapter of the Quran—‘Kill or be killed in battle, and paradise awaits,’” he said.
Graham has been an ongoing critic of theories that would equate Islam to Christianity.
In August, 2016, Graham challenged Pope Francis for his remarks suggesting that Islamic terrorism is not religiously motivated.
Referring to the Pope’s comments that Islamic attacks do not constitute a “war of religion,” Graham posted on Facebook that “I disagree that it’s not a war of religion. It is most certainly a war of religion.”
The pope has frequently declared that all religions seek peace, and that religious beliefs cannot be the force driving Islamic terrorism. Rather than religious belief, poverty and misguided politics are the force behind jihadism, he has stated.

In his reproach of the pope’s interpretation of Islamic terror, Rev. Graham said that religion “is behind the violence and jihad we’re seeing in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and here in this country.”
“It’s a religion that calls for the extermination of ‘infidels’ outside their faith, specifically Jews and Christians,” Graham said.
Alluding to the murder of Catholic priest Jacques Hamel in northern France by two jihadists, Graham stressed the explicit religious belief that moves Islamic terrorists to perpetrate their crimes.
“It’s a religion that calls on its soldiers to shout ‘Allahu Akbar’ (‘God is Great’ in Arabic) as they behead, rape, and murder in the name of Islam,” he said.
“Radical Islamists are following the teachings of the Quran. We should call it what it is,” Graham concluded.
Reported by: Breitbart
By Prophecy in the News|December 17th, 2018|Tags: Bible Prophecy, Christian, Christian News, Christianity, Evangelical pastor Franklin Graham, God, Islam, Islamic Extremism, Muslim, Prophecy News, Quran

THIS Is Why I like Franklin Graham…..   Pastor Steve  <><

Pray For Revival In America!

Thought For The Day

Man is the only creation on planet earth who is made in the image of God.  Man is the only living creation who kill their young.  The most dangerous place in America is within a mothers’ womb.  You think about that.

Pastor Steve  <><



8 Shocking Facts About New York’s Radical Abortion Law

24 Jan

The New York State legislature has put in place one of the most radical abortion laws in the United States following a vote in both chambers on Tuesday.
The law is meant to put forth the “fundamental right” to abortion and end protections from babies in the womb up to birth.
Lifesite News reported:
Breitbart TV

Exclusive: NY Bookstore Stands Against New Abortion Law, Closes Store To Mourn ‘Thousands of Babies That Will Die’

The state Senate voted 38-24 in favor of the so-called “Reproductive Health Act” Tuesday evening, the Albany Times-Union reports, a bill that has repeatedly cleared the state Assembly in years past but been blocked by the formerly-Republican Senate. Following the Senate vote, the Assembly passed it 92-47.
“We have a president who’s made it very, very clear that he wants to overturn Roe v. Wade,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins declared before the vote. “Today, here in New York, we are saying no […] and we’re not just saying no. We’re saying that here in New York, women’s health matters. We’re saying here in New York, women’s lives matter. We’re saying here in New York, women’s decisions matter.”

Here are eight facts about New York’s new abortion law:
– The “fundamental” right to abortion is enshrined in the New York Constitution. “Every individual who becomes pregnant has the fundamental right to choose to carry the pregnancy to term, to give birth to a child, or to have an abortion, pursuant to this article,” the law states.
– The law allows non-physicians to perform abortions. “A health care practitioner licensed, certified, or authorized under title eight of the education law, acting in his or her lawful scope of practice, may perform an abortion,” the law states.
– The law allows abortion through the third trimester, including up to birth. “Third-trimester abortion will be allowed under the new law when a preborn child is diagnosed with a condition that will cause him or her to die at or shortly after birth,” Live Action reported.
– The law removes protections for babies who survive an abortion procedure. “The new law removes protections for babies born alive after an abortion — meaning they could be left to die after birth — by rescinding a portion of New York’s public health law,” Live Action reported. Late-term abortions, until now, were illegal in the state of New York.
– The law prevents pregnant women whose babies are killed in an attack on the mother from seeking justice and could result in infanticide by repealing the requirement for a second physician to be on hand in case an attempted abortion past 20 weeks yields a live infant.
– The law states that an unborn child cannot be a victim of homicide if he dies while in the womb following an attack on the mother. “‘Person,’ when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a human being who has been born and is alive,” the law states.
– Pro-abortion advocates said the law would protect legal abortion even in the event that the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision to make abortion legal — a decision that did no go as far as the New York law. “[The law] not only increases access to abortion across the board, including late-term abortions but also goes beyond Roe, which left some limits in place,” Catholic News Service reported.
– The law is to “prevent the enforcement of laws or regulations that are not in furtherance of a legitimate state interest in protecting a woman’s health that burden abortion access.”
New York’s Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the bill into law.

Abortion stops a beating heart.  Abortion is murder and the antithesis of the Hippocratic Oath.  How long will God hold off His judgment on this wicked nation?  I shudder knowing that His judgment will not sleep forever.  The Bible tells us that there are different degrees of hell.  Can you imagine the eternal destiny of unrepentant lawmakers and providers who murder unborn babies?  Pray for this sick, sick nation.  Pastor Steve  <><


State of Mind
A.F. Branco on January 28, 2019 at 8:40 am

New York the Abortion State

New York State has decided to allow abortion to full term, thanks to Democrats the death and taxes party. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2019.

America Is Suffering Because We Have Rejected God, And We Are Reaping What We Have Sown

Galatians 6:7 King James Version (KJV)
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

We reap what we sow.  I often consider much of the suffering in my life, and a lot of it has to do with making poor choices and being disobedient to the Lord.  Every born again Christian is given the same discernment and insight from above.  We reap what we sow.  What goes around, comes around.  It all comes out in the wash.   “…and be sure your sin will find you out.”   Numbers 32:23b.  It also reminds me of one of the laws of physics, which can be applied to the spiritual realm.  For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  If we play with fire, we will get burned.  There are drastic consequences for our sins, as well as great blessings we receive when we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.

These same spiritual truths and actions can be applied to our nation.  Our country was founded upon the Judeo Christian ethic, with the Biblical family as our base for our culture.  Ever since the advent of the Baby Boom generation following World War II, our Christian base has eroded to the extent that it is no longer even tolerated by our government, education system, or the left wing media.  What use to be the norm, is no longer even allowed in most mainstream circles.  Since the nation has encouraged and condoned the abortion industry, 60,000,000 unborn babies have been butchered and murdered.  [A celebration for a soon to be born child is called a baby shower, not a fetus shower].  This blood is upon our hands.  I asked my wife in the mid 1980’s, who will replace all of these aborted babies?  We may not have known the answer over thirty years ago, but the answer is clear today.  Again, it is the law of sowing and reaping.  If our nation destroyed 20% of the population, then the Lord will see to it that they are replaced by someone(s) else.  No longer can we take it for granted that our immigrants, both legal and illegal, will hold to the Christian ethic and the fabric upon which this nation was built.  No longer can we assume that the millennial generation will follow our spiritual and moral origins as well.  Millennials have abandoned the church.  Yes, we have sown the wind and now we are reaping the whirlwind!

Hosea 8:7 King James Version (KJV)
For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk; the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.

No, God is not mocked!  So the next time we observe our borders attacked in lawless fashion, keep in mind that since we as a nation have rejected God, He has therefore rejected us!  PRAY without ceasing that this sinful and perversion loving nation would repent.  Jesus Christ is our only hope.   Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><

2 Chronicles 7:14 King James Version (KJV)
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.


Pray For Revival In America!



Facebook Bans Pulpit & Pen Publisher for Calling Bruce Jenner a Man

Pulpit & Pen

Featured / The Pen
Facebook Bans Pulpit & Pen Publisher for Calling Bruce Jenner a Man
by News Division · Published December 8, 2018 · Updated December 8, 2018

Bruce Jenner is a man.
There, I wrote it again. Bruce Jenner is a man. Facebook Community guidelines may prohibit my free speech, and as a private corporation they can certainly be as fascist as they want to be, but they cannot change biological facts. Facebook Community Standards cannot make up into down, black into white, or Bruce Jenner into a woman. Bruce Jenner can’t even turn Bruce Jenner into a woman. Bruce Jenner’s surgeon can’t turn him into a woman. But in today’s world in which a growing corporatocracy increases its stranglehold on free expression, some things just cannot be said.
I was put into Facebook jail for thought-crimes that included daring to correctly identify someone’s gender. Bruce Jenner lives in an imaginary world, and I do not play well with others. My fantasies are crucified by a Biblical worldview, and I refuse to live in the magical land of makebelieve where a he can become a she by a quick application of makeup or a snip of the scissors.
When Facebook notified me of the ban, they provided a screenshot of the post for which I was exiled away from the community whose standards I had so grievously violated (below left).

The heading ends, “Everyone knows this, but its not appropriate just to come out and say it.”

Interestingly enough, that article (which you can find here) wasn’t meant to trigger Facebook’s Ministry of Truth, but Twitter’s Thought Crime Department. The article, posted November 29, was designed specifically as a thumb-in-the-eye to Twitter, which (as the article explained) banned calling people by their given names, should they choose to live a lie.
However, in true corporatocracy fashion, one Social Media giant is now enforcing the rules of another. Twitter made the rule against correctly identifying the gender of delusional people, and Facebook is enforcing it.
And again, for the umpteen-hundredth time, Social Media companies can do whatever they want; they’re private corporations. However, if Twitter and Facebook are going to decide they are responsible for all the content posted on their forums, then they are acting like content publishers. And if they are content publishers, they’re responsible for everything said on their platform. They should be held legally liable for every actionable case of slander, libel, abuse and copyright infringement that takes place on their platform. Let me explain.
A newspaper publisher – or a website publisher, like my role with Pulpit & Pen – is ultimately responsible for what is published. Publishers can be sued and held liable for anything said within that publication. That’s to be expected. After all, we have the power of editorial review. This is why, for example, a newspaper won’t publish a housing ad that violates anti-discrimination housing laws. You get the point.
However, a bulletin board at the grocery store is made available for anybody, anywhere, to post anything. There’s no expectation that the grocery store is responsible for what is posted on the bulletin board because they have no control or oversight and no policies mandating control of the bulletin board. They aren’t publishers of the bulletin board’s material, they’re just owners of the real estate. If somebody posted an ad for “Hispanic Housing Only” the grocery store wouldn’t be liable for that, even though the landlord might be. Again, I assume you’re following the logic.
Until recently, Facebook and Twitter acted as a public bulletin board, rather than as a content publisher. Anyone was free to speak, and because the corporations didn’t regulate, they had no liability for not regulating well enough. If Facebook and Twitter want to act as publishers – deciding what content is published and what is not – they should have their pants sued off every time anyone on their platforms violates the law in any way or if they cause civil damages to any other person. That’s only fair.
In the meantime, needless to say, I’m in Facebook jail, locked up until at such time I repent of saying true things.
What’s a sadder part of this tail is that it was ostensibly Christian followers of a militant, butch, racist woman who reported me to the Thought Police for crimes against the Neighborhood of Makebelieve. Jackie Hill Perry, who is an “ex-gay” (still mannish) Social Justice activist, Critical Race Theorist, and Cultural Marxist, claimed on Twitter that Christianity was not just the “White Man’s religion” and if so, they had believed the “White Man’s narrative” and said they should stop obeying “Massa,” a racist epithet towards Caucasians, implying that they are all slave-holders or at least would like to be (the equivalent would be if I called a black woman “Mammie”).
I responded by saying that Christianity is “not the exclusive property of militant, butch black women” and followed up by asking, “What is your point?”
Apparently, a woman of a particular skin pigmentation and mannish qualities can spew subversive sub-Christian ideologies and that’s not a problem. Asking her question, but in reverse, is somehow a faux pas. So then, fans of this subversive leftist then began to coalesce – in the name of Jesus – to get me banned from Facebook. They began to scour my pages and threads to find something – anything – with which to get me thrown out of their loving and affirming community.

By the way, the thread that began the whole mess (this tweet was weeks old) was a follower of Jackie Hill Perry saying in her status, “F JD Hall.” The “F” did not stand for “Friendship.” And yet, in spite of this, somehow I’m the one guilty of so-called hate speech. Hate speech, I guess, is now defined as, “Anything I don’t like hearing.”
Consider this: Much of the outrage is because I pointed out Jackie Hill Perry is black, which – to me, at least – is not an insult. That was done in response to her comment about white people. I would hope anyone will see the point of that. The rest of the outrage is that I dared to call her “butch,” because she is still mannish. In fact, preaching to men is one of the most ‘butch’ things any woman can do. This is the woman who wrote her memoir, My Life as a Stud. I’m not making that up. Google it (if you dare).
Gross. And still butch.
Also, I think Jonathan Merritt and Sam Alberry are effeminate. I’m going to keep saying it because being effeminate (or butch) is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:9). Men should act like men. Women should act like women. And when women preach, they’re acting like men. Add in classical homosexual mannerisms and cadences with Perry, and flags should be thrown all over the field.
In all of the hoopla and anger directed at me or Pulpit & Pen, Jackie Hill Perry fans did successfully get one of my accounts temporarily banned on Facebook (good luck banning the millions of P&P readers who also post our articles) because I said Bruce Jenner was a man.
Here’s a question…whose side is Jackie Hill Perry really on? Why does she have so many clearly lost followers? Why are so many of her followers still practicing homosexuals? Why are her followers on the side of Bruce Jenner’s alter ego?
And here’s another thing to consider…if your theological tent is big enough for leftist-progressives and lady preachers spewing the Social Gospel but not big enough for a curmudgeon fundamentalist preaching the real Gospel, maybe the problem isn’t us. Maybe the problem is you.
[Contributed by JD Hall]

Former SBC President: Democrats are Godless

By News Division · November 15, 2018

[One News Now] During his impromptu speech at Rep. John Culberson (R-Texas)’s election watch party on midterm election night, the senior pastor of Second Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, followed up the outgoing Republican’s concession speech by also contending that “God will not bless America” because of abortion.

“God will not bless America” because of abortion.
Dems zero tolerance for morality?
Attendees at Culberson’s gathering on November 6 requested that Dr. Young lead the crowd in a closing prayer after the nine-term incumbent representative conceded his race – losing his seat to his Planned Parenthood-endorsed Democratic rival, Lizzie Pannill Fletcher, who now represents Texas’ 7th congressional district.
Leading into the prayer, the 82-year-old pastor shared how the Democratic Party ousted one of its officials in Pennsylvania for taking a biblical stance in a Facebook post on a controversial social issue.

“That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we’re up against,” Young asserted, according to the local KHOU station. “It’s no longer a party – it’s some kind of religion that is basically godless.”
He specifically blamed America’s legalization of abortion – that has claimed the lives of more than 60 million preborn babies since the U.S. Supreme Court’s notorious 1973 Row v. Wade decision – for the nation’s woes.
“And as long as America – and this is represented by every Democrat I know – does not believe in the sacredness of the life in the mother’s womb, God will not bless America or make us a great nation,” Young added before his prayer.
Not all pastors behind Young
Change Ministries Pastor Rev. Leslie Smith II – whose church is also located in Houston – indicated that he did not endorse Young’s statement about Democrats by saying he was not sure if the former head of the SBC truly understood what he was saying on election night.
“Because I’m sure at his church there are some Democrats,” Smith pointed out, according to KHOU. “There are some Republicans. There are some Libertarians. There are some non-affiliates.”

Former pastor and author, Joel Goza, also would not stand behind Young’s statement about the Democrats, calling the assertion embarrassing because he claimed that he personally knows many committed Christians who vote for the Democratic Party.
“We have very problematic political realities facing our nation, so when I hear people like Dr. Ed Young, I feel like I’m listening to someone who has one-dimensional thinking in a three-dimensional world,” Goza expressed, as quoted by KHOU. “That’s just one individual’s view and perspective. If we believe he was off-base in his comments, let’s love him and forgive him and accept him – but not isolate him.”
More backlash from left-leaning Christians
Christians on the left – including President Barack Obama’s former faith adviser and staffer, Michael Wear – had a few words for Young on social media regarding his controversial statement about the Democrats.
“I would be happy to introduce you to faithful Christians who are Democrats,” Wear told Young in a Twitter post. “Your remarks here are wrong and irresponsible … especially in this moment.”

Wear is among Christians who claim and believe that big government should promote radical so-called “anti-discrimination” policies and assume the role of the Church by providing for the poor.
“Some Christians prefer Democrats because they feel inspired by their faith to call for social justice and social action that they feel is best carried out through the agenda of the Democratic Party,” The Christian Post (CP) explained. “Additionally, left-leaning Christians leaders have argued that Jesus’ call to help the poor, orphaned, downtrodden, refugees and other marginalized individuals in society should inspire voters to vote against Republicans and President Donald Trump’s agenda.”
On the other hand, the primary concern of many right-leaning evangelicals has to do with moral social issues regarding abortion, as well as their biblical stance on human sexuality that condemns homosexual behavior and its propagation.
“Many conservative Christians, however, can’t look past the Democratic Party’s staunch support for abortion and Planned Parenthood – as well over 300,000 unborn lives are terminated every year,” CP’s Samuel Smith noted. “Additionally, some conservative Christians can’t overlook the Democratic Party’s stance on LGBT issues because they see it is an embrace of sin.”

[Editor’s Note: This article was written by Michael F Haverluck and first published at OneNewsNow]

The Biblical Significance of the Super-Wolf Blood Moon Explained in Detail Here

Pulpit & Pen

by Cherie Vandermillen · January 19, 2019

[Editor’s note: This post is blank for a reason. Stop turning predictable astronomical events into signs and omens. It’s getting old]


All of the newly named blood moons need to be exposed and debunked.  They have absolutely nothing to do with the Bible and are yet another attempt by charlatans, opportunists, and deceivers who beguile the naïve through books, internet stories and other social media.  They create hoaxes in order to make money and a name for themselves.  Prophecy has always been a doctrine abused by false prophets, doomsday prognosticators and sensationalists.  Remember the so called Four Blood Moons by Mark Blitz and John Hagee?  If you did, you will not be fooled by this latest fiction and fake Biblical news.  Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Smith, Editor ~ November 16, 2018

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

Noteworthy News

Administration Resets Legal Definition of “Gender”

The Trump administration has reportedly proposed redefining gender/sex as an immutable condition that cannot be altered by whim.

In a memo obtained by the New York Times, the Department of Health and Human Services argues that federal agencies should adopt a definition of gender that’s based “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.”

Though biological science makes it clear that only two distinct genders exist, the administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama muddied the definition of gender for political purposes….

“A series of decisions by the Obama administration loosened the legal concept of sex in federal programs , including in education and healthcare, recognizing sex largely as an individual’s choice – and prompting fights over bathrooms, dormitories, single- sex programs and other arenas where gender was once seen as a simple concept,” the Times notes.

-Vivek Saxena

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Amen Corner

What a pity that so many preachers do not “turn the world upside down.”  They go in an orderly routine.  They offend few and they help few.  -John R. Rice

[A wise man] is one who, in his whole being, lives and thinks and acts in right relationship to the all-wise God.  His wisdom commences emotionally in the fear of God, is manifested intellectually in his acquaintance with the manifestations of the divine nature in Word and work, is active volitionally in obedience to the will of God as revealed in Word and work.  -B.H. Carroll

On every question of construction carry yourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.  -Thomas Jefferson

A necessary key to the successful, spiritual Christian life is taking the correction you are due.  -Mike Allison

When your dog loves you because it is dinnertime, you are not sure of him; but when somebody else tempts him with a bone and he will not leave you, then you feel that he is truly attracted to you.  We may learn from the dogs that true affection is not dependent upon what it is just now receiving.  -Charles Spurgeon

The underlying problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism.  It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.  -Samuel P. Huntington

Men love everything but righteousness and fear everything but God.  -Vance Havner

Someday you will read in the papers, that D.L. Moody of East Northfield is dead.  Don’t you believe a word of it!  At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now.  I shall have gone up higher, that is all; out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal – a body that death cannot touch, that sin cannot taint; a body fashioned into His glorious body.  I was born of the flesh in 1837.  I was born of the Spirit in 1856.  That which is born of the flesh may die.  That which is born of the Spirit will live forever.  -D.L. Moody

Victory will never be found by taking the path of least resistance.   -Winston Churchill

The scriptures declare “Abram fell on his face” as the Lord talked with him (Genesis 17:3).  Abraham was reverent and submissive.  Probably there is no better picture anywhere in the Bible of the right place for mankind and the right place for God.  God was on His throne speaking, and Abraham was on his face listening!  -A.W. Tozer