Blog Site Administration Update 1/5/24

This blog site has been intact for over ten years at this writing.  The first couple of years were spent getting use to the mechanics.  The blog author wrote all of the initial articles during the first years.  Now the author of the site still writes articles, but publishes many others from the innumerable Christian authors and sites throughout the World Wide Web (WWW).  The author often adds commentary to the articles from other websites and invites readers to do the same.

The site can be navigated through simply following the latest articles which appear when the site is reached, or by striking any of the 40 categories, and following until the topic is exhausted.  By continually striking “Older Posts” towards the end of every page, one will eventually reach the beginning (the first articles in each category).  There are currently 3004 articles published at this date, and 162 drafts that are all ready to go, making a grand total of 3166.  My original goal was to publish about two articles a week, but with the addition of information from many other Christian sites, the average is now probably three to six articles a week.  There is an emphasis on discernment ministry on this blog, revealing God’s truth, and exposing false prophets.  The goal on this site is to produce quality Christian teachings and doctrine, corelated to current events.  The truth in Jesus Christ is to be magnified, and the plan of salvation is mentioned often.

A Note Of Interest: There are many more hits than the stat counter at the bottom indicates, because the publisher, WordPress, within the past year two years, decided NOT to count e-mail strikes, which represent most of the people who read this blog. E-mail contacts are now only given to me and not listed in the Blog Stats.

Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><

PS  One of the great challenges of maintaining this site, is replacing You Tubes that time out.  If you see a You Tube that has been taken off the air, please let me know the name of the article and the You Tube, and I will replace it.

New Survey Shows Widespread Confusion On Basic Theology Among US Evangelicals

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Breaking News Updates – September 16, 2020

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New Survey Shows Widespread Confusion On Basic Theology Among US Evangelicals
Just when the church needs to be clear and bold about our triune God, the Scriptures, sin, and salvation, many evangelicals are evidently being influenced more by this cultural drift than by the Word of God.


Ligonier Ministries, along with LifeWay Research, has released its biennial State of Theology survey, which aims to “take the theological temperature of the United States to help Christians better understand today’s culture and equip the church for discipleship”.
The survey explores the religious and cultural beliefs of U.S. adults regarding the nature of God, authority of the Bible, salvation, or Christian political engagement, among many others.
They conducted the study every two years since 2014, and for this year edition they surveyed a representative sample of 3,002 US adults, from March 10 to 18, 2020.
Among those surveyed, 630 declared themselves professing evangelicals. According to the survey, although they “tend to express great concern for the gospel, trends in our findings reveal that many evangelicals also express erroneous views that mirror the broader U.S. population”.

God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

When asked about the doctrine of God, evangelical respondents were nearly unanimous in affirming that God is a perfect being (97%); that God is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (96%); and that God cares about our day-to-day decisions (87%).
However, when it comes to whether God accepts worship from all religions, evangelicals are more divided, with 42% agreeing with it and 49% answering “no”.
Regarding Jesus, two-thirds of evangelicals (65%) affirmed the statement that “Jesus is the first and greatest being created by God”, while 30% do not believe that Jesus is God but instead think he is simply a “great teacher”, which is “very concerning” for the authors of the survey.
For the questions about the Holy Spirit, 46% of evangelicals pointed out that “the Holy Spirit is a force but is not a personal being”, while 78% do not think the Spirit can instruct someone to do something that goes against Scripture.
94% evangelicals agreed that the Bible has authority
When it comes to the Bible, 98% of evangelicals believed that the biblical accounts of Jesus’ resurrection are “completely accurate”, and 91% affirmed that the Bible is “100% accurate in all that it teaches”.
Although 94% agreed that the Bible has authority to instruct in us in what to do, 18% of evangelical respondents also believe the Bible “contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true”.
The doctrine of salvation
According to the survey, “only a minority of U.S. Evangelicals (38%) agree with the biblical doctrine that God chose the people he would save before he created the world, showing that the influence of Arminian theology remains strong in American evangelical churches”.
Furthermore, it “shows a decline in the number of professing evangelicals who have an accurate understanding of the Holy Spirit’s work in salvation, with only 57% affirming that the Holy Spirit gives a spiritual new birth or new life before a person has faith in Jesus Christ”.
Related to the doctrine of salvation, the survey revealed that “84% of evangelicals surveyed believed that God counts a person as righteous not because of one’s works but only because of one’s faith in Jesus Christ and 46% affirmed that everyone sins a little, but most people are good by nature”.
Evangelicals in politics
This is a presidential election year in the US, and “evangelicals express strong support for the freedom of Christians to join the debate”, the authors of the study underlined.
Only 16% of evangelicals said that “Christians should be silent on issues of politics”. This is down from 39 percent in 2016, ahead of Trump’s election.
“Widespread confusion about the Bible and the reality of who God is”
According to Chris Larson, president and CEO of Ligonier Ministries, “the 2020 State of Theology survey uncovers widespread confusion in the United States about the Bible’s teaching and the reality of who God is”.
“Many have observed the drift among Americans toward relativism, and this survey helps to quantify how this nation is abandoning objective truth altogether”, he added.
Larson warned that “sadly, just when the church needs to be clear and bold about our triune God, the Scriptures, sin, and salvation, many evangelicals are evidently being influenced more by this cultural drift than by the Word of God”.
However, “Christians have an opportunity to bring light and comfort to our troubled times by pointing to Jesus Christ and the authority and sufficiency of the Bible”.
“These survey results reveal that there is much work to do. Let us pray for an awakening to our holy God and to what He has revealed about Himself and how we are to live in this world”, he concluded.
Originally published at Evangelical Focus – reposted with permission.


This article is a referendum on Biblical illiteracy, and now false doctrine formerly espoused by only the cults is boldly accepted within Orthodox Christianity.  For instance, I hope you noted that the reference to the Holy Spirit as “a force” is classic Jehovah Witness heresy.  I also hope you noted that believing that “the Father created Jesus Christ, and then Jesus created everything else” is also from the cults, namely Arianism, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and many more.  Jesus Christ IS Everlasting God, and One with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus is Eternal God, Lord of All, and was never created Himself.  AMEN & AMEN.  Maranatha, Pastor Steve  <><



Rick Warren is a Universalist ~ Quotable Quotation

Rick Warren is a Universalist

I happen to know people who are followers of Christ in other religions.” —Rick Warren, Aspen Ideas Festival, The Aspen Institute, July 6, 2005, “Discussion: Religion and Leadership,” with David Gergen and Rick Warren


Countless professing Christians still wonder whether or not Rick Warren is an apostate.  His doctrine, even when studied in a cursory way, gives full revelation.  Rick Warren is a referendum on Biblical illiteracy.  Because of Him, Pastor Steve  <><

Satan’s Attempts To Destroy The Lineage Of Jesus Christ, And Christ Himself

The following article regarding Satan’s attempts to destroy Christ’s Lineage and Christ Himself is written by Ron Burnette, a student at the SouthWest Florida Bible Institute.  Ron lists Chuck Missler as the key source of information in this study.  Pastor Steve  <><



What say we look at certain world events from another dimension,
namely a spiritual dimension?  I’m not Frank Peretti, but I guarantee,
it will add meaning to what’s happening in the world, and will go far
to explaining what we’re on earth for.  So here we go:  In Genesis
3:15, God, in effect, threw down the gauntlet at Satan when He said to
him: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed;  He shall bruise your head,     And you shall bruise His heel.”  To explain, Satan and Eve’s descendants would be enemies,   God did not desire to make enemies, but Satan had already declared such in his desire to be equal with God (Isaiah 14:12-17). Further, “your (Satan’s) seed” refers to those who refuse to obey God and refuse to believe in His Son, Jesus the Christ.  In “her Seed,” the capital letter means Jesus, a descendant of Eve.  And, I might add, you could include all those who are followers of Jesus and have made Him Lord of their lives.  So, in short, Satan is the enemy of the Jews, who
carried the Messianic lineage (as you will see below) and the enemy of
true Christians, and he wants nothing more than to destroy us, our
lives and reputation, and everything spiritual in us.  God tells Satan that His Son will “bruise (Satan’s) head,” a mortal wound.  Satan will only “bruise (Jesus’) heel, a non-mortal wound (but only because He was resurrected).So God has thrown down the gauntlet.  Who will win, God or Satan?
Satan, before killing Christ by the hand of his own followers (who
were, by the way, both Jew and Gentile), tried numerous times in
history to destroy His ascendants. If he could do that, Christ would
never have been born.  That seems “smart.”  So let’s tell the story
about his various efforts to kill.
Attempt #1:  Eve hoped that her first child would be God’s Seed and

the Deliverer from her sin in the garden of Eden.  That child was
Cain.  But Cain ignored God’s instructions on how to do the atonement offering, and became a murderer of Abel, Eve’s second son.  Now she hoped her third child would accomplish her desire for a Deliverer—Seth.  Well, Seth stayed righteous and Christ was indeed
descended from him. So Satan failed on Attempt #1, since the lineage
continued despite the small family that he brought evil into.

Attempt #2:  Many of Satan’s followers, also known as fallen angels,
came to earth and married earth women, bearing babies that grew up to be “mighty men” and “men of renown.”  (I have a couple blogs on this wild idea–which was believed by church fathers; refer to those blogs with DNA in the title).Grown up, they were called Nephilim (Gen.6:1-4, NIV).  They were also wicked; and from other appearances in Scripture, they were super-tall and, obviously, very strong.  Why not?  They were half mortal, and half immortal (fallen angels, their fathers, retained their immortality).   The Nephilim dominated, and completely corrupted the people of Noah’s day, both morally and physically (by deviant DNA mixing).  Anyway, Satan figured, if he could corrupt the earth like this, then no one would be righteous or physically pure to bear a pure Seed.  But he was defeated because Noah and his immediate family kept clean,
and he made an ark as God had directed, and everyone else was
destroyed, leaving Noah, his wife, and immediate family to start all
over.  Satan failed on Attempt #2.

Attempt #3:  God picked the Hebrew people to be His people, beginning with Abraham.  Their job was to carry His Scripture, and to worship Him as the only God—in the midst of a totally corrupt world that didn’t know Him.  (The Jews didn’t do a bang-up job on God’s
instructions, in the long run).  To avert death by a record 7-year
famine, the Hebrews moved to Egypt to farm the best land there.  They were allowed to do this because Abraham’s great-grandson Joseph was in good with the Pharaoh (by revealing to him a vision about the upcoming famine so he could prepare for it).  So God made sure that His Jewish family was accepted in Egypt, which had saved grain, so they didn’t starve in the great famine.  So Satan’s attempt at starving them out failed in Attempt #3.

Attempt #4: Later Pharaohs made the Jews slaves for 400 years.  One
evil Pharaoh got up one morning and thought, “These Jewish slaves are becoming more populous than we Egyptians, and that’s a danger; let’s kill every baby boy at birth and stop their population growth.”  He
gave the order—unfortunately, he stupidly did it to the
midwives–which were mostly Hebrews!  (I presume he assumed that their fear of him would even make them commit infanticide).  However, even at risk of their own lives, they refused to kill the newborn Hebrew boys.  That not only saved the Hebrew population, but it saved little Moses, who later became a great deliverer himself.  Attempt #4 failed.  You would think that Satan would have gotten the message by now.  When God decides to do something, it gets done—even through sinful men. You gotta give credit to the Hebrew midwives.  We need some of them today, in our abortion clinics.

Attempt #5: Moses, through God, performed miracles of destruction on the country of Egypt.  But Pharaoh was so stubborn that he held on through each disaster; it finally took the death of his firstborn to
release the Jews.  Early in their exodus, the Pharaoh and his army
went after them again, only to be wiped out by the closing Red
Sea—another miracle by God.  So the Jews were not only saved from
destruction by Pharaoh’s army, but they were Free.  Attempt #5 failed.

Attempt #6: Let’s back up in time a bit. Please note two verses God
had told Abraham. First, Genesis 12:1-3: Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

Secondly, God told Abraham, in Genesis 15:13-14: Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be
strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they
will afflict them four hundred years. 14 And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great

Satan, we can assume, listened in to these conversations—and thus
knew, upon watching Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s travels, that God had chosen the land of Canaan as His land for His people.  (Important side note:  Satan does not have God’s powers.  He can only be in one place at a time, and cannot read minds.  But he has lots of demon-followers in lots of places who help him that way, and he can guess thoughts by our facial emotions, and what we say.  And, I would imagine, he has various ways of putting sinful thoughts in our head—like he did with Pharaoh on infanticide).  Putting these two verses together, Satan figured that the Hebrews won’t be in Canaan, God’s choice for their living space, for at least 400 years; they would be elsewhere (in Egypt) instead.  He also hoped that Israel (since they were a nation now) would have to conquer the various tribes of Canaan to secure the land.  Thus, Satan comes up with Attempt #6:  stop the Israelis from entering God’s chosen land, Canaan.  If he could do that, they would have to wander to different places and their nation would be assimilated and fizzle out.  So he concocted up another sexual use for his fallen angels.  You, the reader, may roll your eyes and say, “come on, how do I keep coming up with these wild stories?”  Well, again, read my blogs.  And, again, I have Biblical proof. Let’s read Genesis 6:4, this time in the NIV version: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when
the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by
them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

As we saw before, the Nephilim were the deviant DNA children of the
fallen angel fathers, who were immortal, and the mortal earth mothers during Noah’s time.  But note the underlined phrase “and also afterward.”  Every phrase in Scripture has a reason to exist in God’s Word, and this one says that we would get more Nephilim even after they were drowned in the Flood in Noah’s day.  In other words, the fallen angels came down again, proved sexually attractive to the
females again, and we got more Nephilim.  But this time, men did not
live 800 or 900 years like in Noah’s day.  Their lives were short,
like ours. So the deviant DNA can’t be spread as fast.  So Satan
concentrated his efforts on spawning to a limited area—namely, of
course, Canaan. These giants hopefully would scare the Israelis away,
and they couldn’t stay in “God’s chosen land.” So he picked several
tribes in Canaan, sent his fallen angels there, and they became
populated by the evil Nephilim.  Scripture backs this idea up; it
indicates giants existed in:  the Philistines, the Anakim, the
Rephaim, the Zamzumim, the Emim, and the Amorites. All in Canaan, of course.  (Check them out in Numbers 13:32; Deut 2:10,11,20,21; Deut
3:11,13).  Deuteronomy provides more detail on Og, king of Bashon,
whose bed was 15 feet long and 6-1/2 feet wide.   And of course we
have Goliath, killed by David, several hundred years later, who
probably was at least 9 feet tall.

Satan almost got what he wanted; the nation of Israel, freed from
Pharaoh after 400 years, went north, and approached the land of
Canaan.  Moses sent out spies to see the lay of the land.  They
brought back wonderful food, but their knees were shaking.  As they
reported in Numbers 13:32-33:

The land through which we have gone, in spying it out, is a land that
devours its inhabitants; and all the people whom we saw in it are men
of great size. There also we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak are
part of the Nephilim); and we became like grasshoppers in our own
sight, and so we were in their sight.

A bit of hyperbole, there, about the size comparison—but you get the
picture; these were giants—again. So the Israelis voted to NOT go in.
God was so disappointed in how they wouldn’t depend on Him for
deliverance that He made them wander through the desert area for
another 38 years, until everyone who voted dropped dead.  Now all that were left were the kids in the earlier days, now grown up.  But these “kids” were not dummies; they realized  that they had miracles (their shoes never wore out, they always found water, they had free food dropped on them 6 days a week), and they realized that their
non-believing parents paid the ultimate price for disobedience; and
finally, walking the desert every day made them hardened, so they
could be soldiers with endurance. Plus, I would imagine, they would do anything to stop wandering drudgedly through the desert.  So, with Joshua in command (Moses died), this time they voted to go in and fight.  A brave decision.  God built up Joshua’s courage by appearing to him as well.  This time they cleared out most of these corrupt and sometimes giant people (details on the Canaanite idolatries are too disgusting to explain here).  The key is the phrase “most of.”  Goliath is an example of how there were some still around years later that Joshua couldn’t get to.  In any event, Satan’s effort to stop Israel from moving to the land of God’s calling failed.  Attempt #6: FAIL. Satan is now 0-6.

Attempt #7:  This attempt was Satan’s efforts to kill David and his
descendants.  This was because Satan figured out that the Messiah
would be in David’s line.  How did he deduce that?  First, he narrowed
his search to the tribe of Judah, based on Genesis 49:10:  The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes;

Satan also saw how King Saul disappointed God by not following His
instructions.  And then, there was the bravery of David, from the
tribe of Judah, and how he boasted about God’s power when he defeated Goliath.  So Satan figured that David was next on the throne, and thus he wanted to kill David. Then Samuel anointed David as future king.  So Satan fills Saul’s mind with envy and hatred of David to an obsessive decree.  Saul personally went hunting to kill David day and night.  And there are many verses that proves that Saul was moved by demonic forces.  Earlier, while David tried to play music to soothe Saul’s violent temper tantrums, Saul with no reason threw a spear at David.  Twice.  Another example of demonic oppression was, Saul sought out a medium, expressly forbidden by God.  But David continued to prove his faith in God.  He was egged on by his
military to kill Saul when he had many lucky opportunities, but he
remained righteous.  If he had murdered Saul, he would have possibly
been an unfit candidate for the Messiah’s line, which would have
served Satan well.  (Of course, after he became king, he was a
conspirator to murder, but sincerely repented—which is tenderly
recorded in Psalm 51. God’s wonderful grace then forgave him.)

When David died, Satan also did everything he could to tempt David’s
descendants into evil, hoping to break the lineage to the Messiah that
way.  Solomon was David’s son.  Solomon’s many wives seduced him into idolatry.  Solomon spent government money lavishly to build palaces and a glorious temple, burnished with alarming amounts of gold and precious stones.  Thus he taxed his people heavily.  When Solomon died, his own son was callous about the request of the common people to reduce the tax, and the kingdom was split! There was the north, still called Israel, and south, called Judah. This was a real threat to their continued existence, since a divided nation is weaker and will be attacked by enemies. The following generations proved to be a continuing downdraft of morals and corruptions, of idolatry and religious sexual fornication.  They abandoned God and followed the pagan religions around them.

Attempt #8:  Ahaziah.  His events happened around 885 BC.  They are
well after Solomon’s sons had a rift and split the nation into two
parts.  We keep our focus on kings of Judah, not the 10 tribes of
Israel in the north, because of Hebrews 7:14 and Revelation 5:5.  But
it’s best described in Genesis 49:10, as above.

Despite the same-name confusion from II Kings and II Chronicles,
Ahaziah’s story begins in II Chronicles 22:1: Then the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah his youngest son king in his place, for the raiders who came with the Arabians into the camp had killed all the older sons. So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram, king of Judah, reigned.

See also II Kings 8:25. As the above verses say, due to war, his
brothers all died. He was alone among heirs.  God’s lineage plan was
hanging by a single thread.  Not a problem for Him.  So He kept
Ahaziah from being killed, and he began reigning when he was 22, or,
ah, 42. II Kings 8:26 says 22, but II Chronicles 22:2 says 42.  A
copyist’s error.  Remember, Holy Scripture is perfect in the original.
But an error like this doesn’t mean we throw away inspiration.  More
than likely, he was 22.

Attempt #9:  Joash.  Not long after the last one, we had another
one-man crisis.  Seems that Jehu was ordained by a prophet to kingship over Israel (I Kings 19:16).  So he did a coup d’etat, and killed the king of Israel, Joram. And, for good measure, ordered the
assassination of Ahaziah, king of Judah (II Kings 9:27).  Then he
finished the job in Israel, killing Jezebel and all 70 of Ahab’s sons.
(II Kings 9:33 and 10:7).  Then he took the kingship in Israel.  When
Ahaziah’s mother, Athaliah, heard of her son’s death, she took
immediate advantage:  she killed all Ahaziah’s sons, intending to
reign herself (II Kings 11:1-3).  God’s lineage was under threat.  But
as II Kings 11:2 records, God saw that she missed one:

But Jehosheba (or Jehoshabeath)….sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him away from among the king’s sons who were being murdered; and they hid him and his nurse in the bedroom, from Athaliah, so that he was not killed.  So the lineage of Christ was again preserved; one man survived.

The story of Joash (also called Jehoash has a semi-happy ending, as
you read II Kings 11:21-12:1:  In the seventh year of Jehu, Jehoash became king, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem.  The reason I call it “semi” happy is because while he was a good king,
and reigned for a long time, II Kings 12:3 says he didn’t take the
“high places” away. These were places for worship of a false god.

Attempt #10:  Perhaps the most entertaining event in the Bible is the
book of Esther.  It is short, and it is wonderful reading. It’s around
500 BC.  Romance (well, as far as they knew, romance) wins, pride
loses.  I only have enough space to give you an incomplete Cliff
notes.  After Persia defeated Babylonia, King Ahasuerus had a beauty
contest and picked a new wife, Esther.  Unbeknownst to him, she was
Jewish.  But one of the king’s servants, Haman, hated her cousin
Mordecai because Mordecai refused to bow to acknowledge his greatness in possessing his high office.  Haman was infuriated at this slight; he resolved to not only kill Mordecai, but all Jews in Persia, which was most of the known world at the time. This would again be another attempt to snuff out the Messianic lineage.  Satan may have given him the idea that it wasn’t enough just to kill Mordecai, but all Jews. (It would not be unusual, since he was from the Amalekite race,
enemies of Jews). Through false witness to his king, he got the king’s
signet ring to carry out his genocide.  He picked a day—soon.  He was
willing to pay a lot of money to those who would do the killing—of
every Jewish man, woman, and every child.  A grisly business.  An
additional motivation toward getting the help of the Persians in the
killing was the fact that whoever killed a Jew would get his land.
Haman was efficient in giving notice to every province in the vast
kingdom.  But Esther heard of the plot through her maids, and Mordecai notified her that she would have to act fast to somehow persuade the king to change his mind.  They all knew that Haman was behind it.  There was one unfortunate detail of Persian law—once the king makes a law, it cannot be revoked.   Satan had made a cunning move, and it looked like the Jewish people would all be dead soon.

But God knew this ahead of time, and made His own chess moves.  God is always one step ahead.  Why not?  He is the master of the dimension of time.  He knows the entire history of everyone on earth ahead of time.  I can imagine all the future videoclips He could see at the same time.

Esther, I suspect with God’s help, made a brilliant plan.  And in the
end, she, with great tears explained it all to Ahasuerus and appealed
to the king’s mercy (we all know how women are). Haman made some wrong moves and was hung, Mordecai got the king’s signet ring, and while the king couldn’t change the law, he provided another law that allowed Jews to kill their enemies first!  The Jews were not only honored, but many people changed their religion to worshiping Jehovah.  This happened in the Persian kingdom, which is Iran today.  Can you imagine today’s Iranians giving Jews the right to kill their enemies in Iran and its allies?  For sure, this whole thing was a rarity for the Jews.  God wins, Satan loses.

Attempt #11:  and following show Satan’s all-out attempt to kill Jesus,
whom he knew was the Messiah from prophecies about His birthplace (Micah 5:2), and by a visit by wise men underneath a supernatural star.

We won’t count as an Attempt how Joseph, when he heard of Mary’s
pregnancy, was on the verge of divorcing her as betrothed.  Without
such an important element in culture of a man standing up to be a
father, the scandal of irresponsible fornication and baby-production
would have been much greater.  That would have meant that Jesus would probably have been banned from speaking at any synagogue in the land. His message would never have gone out. In any event, an angel told Joseph in a dream that Mary was still a virgin, and bore a child through the Holy Spirit.  Joseph evidently believed it—so he was
definitely the right man for the job of stepfather.

Neither are we going to start with Caesar, who had the brilliant idea
that everyone had to be registered in their original home province.
So Joseph and a very pregnant Mary had to travel over bumpy roads on horseback.  This endangered her; a too-early, or even, stillbirth
could have resulted.

No, let’s start Attempt #9 with Herod, who was in a lather about the
wise men appearing out of the East and asking for the location of the
newborn King of the Jews.  Two more dreams were necessary from God, but the wise men never told Herod they had found the Messiah, and Joseph was warned to escape.  So Herod’s cruel effort to kill every child age 2 and under in the Bethlehem area did not produce the desired effect. Satan’s Attempt #9:  FAIL.

Attempt #12:  was at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry.  John the
Baptist had given Jesus approval, there was a miracle of wine at Cana,
and Jesus was brilliant in initial appearances speaking at synagogues.
But that was it to that point, so He had barely got going.  But Jesus
made the “mistake” of informing the synagogue public that ancient
prophets spent some time being kinder to Gentiles rather than Jews
(Luke 4).  The xenophobic Jews got a demonic gang urge, and almost
threw Him off a cliff.  God suddenly engineered a miracle, because it
simply says, without explanation, that “passing through the midst of
them, He went His way.”  It was also a fact  that Scripture records
other instances of men’s desire to kill Him before the mock trial that
finally did it.  But Jesus was smart enough to have lots of loving
followers around Him during the day, and slip away into remote
locations at night. The only way they got to Him was the betrayal of

Attempt #13:  This was Satan’s attempt to drown the Messiah in a huge sea storm on the sea of Galilee, which was notorious for that kind of activity.  But this storm was unusually dangerous and could have been lethal.  Why do I think that Satan was behind this?  Because in Luke 8:24, and Mark 4:39, Jesus “rebuked” the wind and raging water.  A curious word, right? But the word “rebuke” is used in Scripture for deliverance from demons (Matthew 17:18, for instance).  Yes, Satan can figure out how to have his demons make a storm.  But, Jesus can figure out the source, and deliver us from the weather.

Attempt #14:  Satan figured he had Jesus’ number at the Crucifixion.
Even though the witnesses against Him were false, even though Pilate
and his wife did everything they could to release Jesus, the Jewish
crowd were in a demonic paroxysm to see Jesus dead.  They even
preferred to see a murderer released instead of Jesus.  They even
cursed themselves, saying (Matthew 27:25) “his blood be on us, and on
our children.”  God, in total disgust, rejected these Jews, formerly
the “apple of His eye.” Jesus warned them several times about this.
God’s judgment came down on the Jews 40 years later.  Under a vicious general Titus, over a million of the Jews were slaughtered in a raid on Jerusalem.  The temple was completely torn down, as Jesus had prophesied.  But Satan was looking only at Jesus; he actually figured that the Crucifixion would do the job; Jesus would stay dead.  But in the greatest triumph of history, Jesus was resurrected.  Now His Gospel of freedom from sin and resurrection for His followers still
abides in a minority everywhere in the world.

Attempt #15:  is probably future.  God prophesied, through an allegory in Revelation 12, Satan’s attempt to devour Christ (the Child in Revelation 12;  Satan is the dragon).  In Revelation 12:13, Satan is
attacking “the woman,” probably Israel.  In other Scripture we find
that he is attempting a giant war against Christ and His followers at
Har Megiddo, also called Armageddon (Revelation 16:13-16).  But no one can be certain about the future, so I am deliberately sketchy about details.  All I know is that Satan is given one last chance, in some probable future date, as implied in Revelation 12:12, to do his
destructive work.  It may come during our lifetimes, it may not.  But
it will be a rousing success of deception, since the earth comes under
one world ruler and one religion, and most people will actually
worship an antichrist under Satan’s control!  Many nominal Christians
will be fooled, as Matthew 24:24 says about that future day: ….false Christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and
wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  Jesus even began His Olivet Discourse on future events by warning His followers about deception (Matthew 24:4).  He also warned His followers to stay alert and looking for Him, not to be caught up in the ways of the world, which could destroy us. Yes, it is true that Satan looks like a Cleveland Brown, going 0-12, as we showed above, but he is wily and is successful on getting the majority of people to be captured and hell-bound.  Jesus confirms that in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to
life, and there are few who find it.

My final word of warning is from II Corinthians 11:13-15: For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming
themselves into apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! For Satan
himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is
no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into
ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their

Christians, beware!  Do not fall for this upcoming great deception.

Acknowledgement:  Chuck Missler, a great man of God, who is sorely
missed by his passing.

Days Of Praise ~ Devotional From The Institute For Creation Research

June 15, 2016

Jesus Christ Is Lord

“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2:11)

Throughout the New Testament, we find there are three names in primary usage for the Son of God: Jesus, Christ, and Lord. The name Jesus, meaning “Jehovah is the Savior,” is His human name, linking Him with humanity whom He came to save. Christ, meaning “anointed,” is His Messianic name, linking Him with the prophecy that He came to fulfill. The New Testament equivalent to the Hebrew word Jehovah is the word “Lord,” linking Him with deity whom He came to represent and reveal, and to whom is due homage.

These three names have a chronological emphasis, for until His crucifixion He was known primarily as “Jesus,” but after His resurrection and ascension He was preeminent as “Christ.” When He returns, it will be as “Lord” to reign. To be sure, there is overlap, for He is simultaneously all three and has been throughout history. But the general pattern is clear.

The three names also indicate His threefold office and work. “Jesus” suggests His career as a prophet, teaching men the truth, while “Christ” suggests His priesthood, atoning for sin, and “Lord” His Kingship, ruling over men. Mankind’s relationship and responsibility to Him follow this same pattern: obedience to Him as prophet, faith in Him as priest, surrender to Him as King.

There is no effort on the part of the Scripture writers to separate these names into different individuals, for on many if not most occasions two or three of the names are combined, showing that these three names reference one and the same person. “Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36). JDM

Easter Series ~ Devotion: Jesus on Trial

Will Graham

Matthew 27:22–24, ESV

In the Bible, we see a man who will forever be linked to what we call Easter. He talked to Jesus directly, he evaluated Him, and yet he couldn’t bring himself to make a decision about what to do with Christ.

His name was Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor who oversaw the trial of Jesus.

He knew the truth, but he couldn’t take a stand one way or the other.

    READ MORE     

Will Graham Devotion: A Roman Governor’s Role in That First Easter

By Will Graham   •   March 18, 2022   •   Topics: Holidays


Bible Reading: Matthew 27:22-24, ESV

Easter exists because Jesus died for our sins and conquered the grave. We celebrate life at Easter, because death lost its sting with Christ’s triumphant resurrection.

Sadly, many have never experienced the true meaning of Easter. They may know of Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross, but they can’t or won’t make a decision about Him as their Savior.

>>What’s the true meaning of Easter, and what does it have to do with you?

In the Bible, we see a man who will forever be linked to what we call Easter. He talked to Jesus directly, he evaluated Him, and yet he, too, couldn’t bring himself to make a decision about what to do with Christ.

His name was Pontius Pilate, and Matthew 27:11-25 tells us a lot about this Roman governor who oversaw the trial of Jesus.

First, Pilate rejected Jesus’ own confession of who He was: the Christ, the Savior. Pilate asked the question and heard the truth (straight from the mouth of the Son of God), but he took it no further.

Second, Pilate rejected clear evidence. Pilate investigated Jesus and came to the conclusion that He was innocent, finding that He had committed no crime. Pilate realized that the only reason Jesus was on trial was the envy and hatred of the religious leaders, but he rejected that truth.

Third, Pilate gave in to pressure. Though he heard the claims of Christ and knew He had done nothing wrong, Pilate was compelled to sentence an innocent man to death because of the influence of the crowd.

Finally, Pilate tried to cleanse himself from the death of Jesus. He knew that he had just condemned an innocent man to die, and he was responsible. In a symbolic gesture, he washed his hands and proclaimed the guilt for Christ’s death on the crowd instead.

My friends, Pilate had a decision to make. He knew the truth, but he couldn’t take a stand one way or the other. Instead, he asked a question: “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” (Matthew 27:22, NKJV).“What then shall I do with Jesus?” –Pontius Pilate

That’s the question that so many today, perhaps even you, have a hard time answering. In far too many situations, people know the truth but—like Pilate—they give in to the pressures of others and walk away from Jesus, putting the decision off for another day.

However, indecision is a decision. Making no decision for Christ, is making a decision about Christ. And it’s one that has eternal consequences.

If you have been putting off the decision to follow Christ and make Him the Lord of your life, now is the perfect time. Jesus’ death and resurrection, which we celebrate as Easter, paved the way for you. I encourage you to receive that hope and accept Him as your Savior today!

Ready to commit or recommit your life to Christ? Pray now.

Get Wednesday in the Word, a weekly devotion from Will Graham, straight to your inbox.

Scripture Reference: Matthew 27:22-24

22 Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!”

23 And he said, “Why? What evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified!”

24 So when Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing, but rather that a riot was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to it yourselves.”


An Article Written by James Sundquist

1. In the multitude of Godly Counsel there is wisdom. Proverbs 15:12.

2. In every single passage of New Testament, elders is always plural.

3. Elders (again plural) govern (direct) the affairs of the church. I Timothy 5:17.

4. Obey the laws of the land. In Romans Paul commands Christians to submit to authorities — once again plural. Romans 13:1-6. Non profit law requires a board of directors (board is plural). Word of caution. This applies primarily to the United States, as most countries don’t have the privileges or rights afforded by Non-Profit Status Corporations. In fact, it is illegal up to being punishable by death to even assemble in the Name of Jesus Christ.

5. Spiritual gifts of wisdom, knowledge, discerner of spirits are given to many. I Co. 12:10,28.

6. Paul instructs Timothy to appoint elders (plural) to govern local church. Titus 1:5.

7. I Timothy 4:14 states: “Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.” Once again “elders” is plural. But equally revealing is that the object (person) whose hands are being laid upon could be an individual receiving the gift of administration which adds one more voice to singular rule — making the plural even larger.

8. That James presided over a meeting in the Council in Jerusalem in the Book of Acts does not mean he had absolute authority . Conflict and policy was hammered about by many elders (not just James). “apostle and elders met to consider” Acts 15:6. “Then the Apostles, Elders, with the whole church (plural) decided…” Acts 15:22.

9. Even apostles subjected themselves to decision of the multitude of counsel at Council in Jerusalem. Acts Chapter 15.

10. Rehoboam refused counsel of elders who were older. Rehoboam in I Kings and II Chronicles, who would not listen to the older elders who served him, but surrounded himself with the young men he grew up with. I Kings 12:8, II Chronicles 10:8.

11. Peter appeals to fellow elders (plural) to be good shepherds (plural). Could this possibly mean there is only one elder who could be a shepherd? I Peter 5:1,2,5.

12. Let something be established in the witness of two or three. Matthew 18:16. (accountability is plural and non-unilateral).

13. Jesus said to “call no man master.” Matthew 23:8-11.

14. A WISE MAN ACCEPTS COUNSEL OR CORRECTION. An absolute dictator does not have to receive correction. To accept correction, there is at least a second party involved. Therefore a second party means at least two — not one. So it is the fool who thinks he is not subject to correction.

15. A serious matter can eventually be brought before the congregation who decides the ultimate fate of an unrepentant brother. If one man has final authority, then why is the final appeal and decision is left to the congregation in Matthew 18? Isn’t a congregation more than one? (Here I am not suggesting democracy, as all who decide must be believers).

16. Even in the time of the Apostles, no one man was an absolute authority. James (not Paul) presided over the church in Jerusalem. The final decision came of consensus among many elders.

17. What about the argument for the “Moses” model of government? Then who is Moses today for the entire church? He would have to be one person for the whole world — unless we want to become Roman Catholic.

18. PREFERRING OTHERS BEFORE YOURSELF – Romans 12:10. Once again, does having elders to whom the pastor is not accountable sound like preferring others before oneself? Is showing absolutely no interest in inquiring what each prospective individual elder might want to do and is able to do in such a role, preferring others before oneself? Is constantly planning what the church is going to do without bothering to first ask anyone, preferring others before oneself? What about trusting the elders so much that an individual pastor tells them they are afraid of them? Absolute authority rules out preferring others before self! Romans 12:10, I Timothy 5:21.

19. PRIVATE AGENDAS EXCLUDE CONSIDERATION FOR BEING AN ELDER. Does a form of government that says pastors alone set the agenda sound like a private agenda to you? (The Bible says an elder should NOT have a private agenda). If a pastor has a vision for the church is it exempt from being tested by fire and other men of God? Is a vision exempt from being changed if it continually fails? Note II Peter and Jude regarding false shepherds.

20. Three cords can not be easily broken. This sounds a whole lot like more than one to me? Ecclesiastes 4:12.

21. Absolute authority of one man (or woman) is the exact form of government of most cults. They have no outside testing the spirits to see if they are of God. I John 4:1. Ronald Reagan’s modern day vernacular of these Scriptures certainly applies: “Trust but verify!”

22. Moses as one man rule in the Old Testament was correct. Miriam and the Sons of Korah were wrong in suggesting “Does not God also speak to us?” Numbers 12:2, Numbers Chapter 16. Certainly we can not suggest that any man alive today can speak with the SINGLE authority of Moses who heard from God directly. Can we dare suggest that a pastor alone in the New Testament age alone hears from God at a local church? Moses had authority given him directly by God who said of Moses he spoke face to face. Is there any man alive who can say that they have seen God face to face? Is there any pastor that can make that claim? Jesus said that John the Baptist was the greatest — so this would mean that he out ranks Moses. Yet he said the least Christian is greater than John the Baptist. Matthew 11:11. And once the Holy Spirit was sent, the Scriptures record — Jesus speaking “My sheep hear my voice and follow me? That sounds a whole lot like many people besides one “hear my voice”. John 10:27.

23. If every true believer is a priest and king according the Apostle Peter, then this would require that there would be a multitude who govern, not one. II Peter 2:9.

24. Can one Scripture be found which supports “the job of the congregation and elders is to support the vision of the pastor — one person?”

25. “Submit to authority God has placed over you (elders).” Once again plural. Hebrews 3:17.

26. Paul rebuked people for trying to make Paul and Barnabas a king or god over them. Acts 14:12.

27. If a single pope is not acceptable for the whole world, why is one acceptable for a local church? Did we fight the Revolutionary War in America to get rid of the Divine Rights of Kings only to hand it right over to a single pastor?

28. Paul commended the Bereans to not simply take his word for something, but study the Scriptures as the final authority. Acts 17:11.

29. I Timothy it gives the requirements of an elder. It does not state that pastors govern the affairs of the church. Pastoring is a gifting NOT an office, as are teachers and evangelists. Ephesians 4:11. Do evangelists govern affairs of the church? Do teachers? Clearly not. And once again even pastors here is PLURAL. Even after the collapse of the shepherding movement, I still hear “rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft”. I Samuel 15:23. To be in rebellion, one would have to be talking about rebelling against God’s form of New Testament government. So truly, someone is indeed in rebellion, if they submit to only one counsel. Following one counsel, alone, would therefore be as the sin of witchcraft.

30. Matthew 18 brings a person before the entire congregation as the final authority regarding church discipline — NOT a single man or pastor. Most importantly, as the Prophet Isaiah states, “His government is upon His shoulders”. Isaiah 8:6.(c)1999 James Sundquist, Last Generation Artists, Inc.- – Return to Top of this Page – Go To Next Article – Listing of All Articles – Back To Leadership Articles – – Download This Article


Elder Rule – From Wolf to Wolf Pack

Another thing we see among elder rule advocates is the nonsensical idea of “first among equals”. This is the insane notion that one of the “equal” ruling elders is the “head” elder. But the whole idea of “first among equals” is an obvious contradiction in terms that immediately collapses in upon itself. This is because as soon as one of the “equals” is considered to be the “first” or “greatest” among them, he is no longer an equal. He is a superior. Simple logic and simple math. Something cannot be both equal to and greater than a given thing all at the same time. It has to be one or the other, equal to or greater than, but not both. These are mathematical concepts that are mutually exclusive. They are not one and the same. So the “first (or greatest) among equals” doctrine is pure garbage and is nowhere to be found in the Bible. It is based on gross self-serving assumption, in fact a very convenient assumption.  

Advocates of this position dance quite a doctrinal tight rope in an attempt to incorrectly establish validity for one of the elders to ultimately be in charge over all the other elders. The elders as a group are allegedly in charge of the whole assembly but the truth of the matter is the head elder, the “first among equals”, is really the one who is in charge and is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. This is pretty much back to where they started, one man ultimately in charge, just in a more cleverly disguised and insulated form that beguiles the congregation into thinking that control-based man-centered authoritarianism is not present in their church. “ Paul Howey


Many Christians within home church circles and even in some institutional church circles incorrectly believe that the key to solving problems caused by an errant one-man pastor is to spread that power and authority out over a small group of elders so that no one individual has “too much” power. This is typically called “elder rule”. 

This might sound like a profound improvement over a runaway pastor, but this doesn’t work because this establishes a runaway elder system and elders are not supposed to rule either. Elders are supposed to watch, warn and encourage those who they care for to understand and obey the Bible. That is all the authority that they have. They have no power or authority whatsoever to control God’s people.

(Actually all Christians have the exact same authority to watch, warn and encourage others to understand and obey the Bible. The main difference in this is a general overall watch, while elders have a more specific watch that God has given them where they are responsible to care for a small specific group of Christians but of course not in a controlling way. This doesn’t make elders better or more important than other Christians. They just have a different role.) 

Another popular argument and justification for “elder rule” that we hear is that elders will police and cross check each other to make it more difficult for any one of them to gain too much power or prominence. This brings to mind a picture of wolves in a hen house keeping an eye on each other to make sure none of them eats too many hens, to make sure there is enough food to go around.

It is also believed that in a church governed by a plurality of controlling elders it is allegedly more difficult and less likely for one of them to rise up and take the church off of a doctrinal cliff. But this kind of so-called elders have already taken the church off a doctrinal cliff so this doesn’t matter. It’s just a shell game. Even worse, what happens if all or most of the ruling elders are in gross theological error or worse what if all or most of them are corrupt? The church is off for another even bumpier ride, this time likely much more serious.  

These arguments for elder rule might sound like at least a step in the right direction, but this is simply not the case. In either scenario, one-man or multi-man rule, far too much weight rests on celebrity-level personalities and if the personality goes wrong so does the church. This is a sure sign of an unbiblical hijacked church, which can be very much likened to a cult.

The bottom line is all authority has been given to Jesus Christ and He has not left His church in the hands of man, not one man or a small group of men. Jesus is still the Head of His church and He has left the doctrinal policing of His church in the hands of all faithful obedient Christians working together as a body to encourage obedience to the Scriptures.

Without realizing it, those who believe that controlling elders are an improvement over a one-man controlling pastor tend to go from wolf to wolf pack, from the strength of one to strength in numbers, from a more isolated power base to dangerous synergy of power that often makes things much worse. The truth is a lone wolf is easier to catch and conquer than an entire wolf pack.

“Biblical Eldership” –  Elder Rule in Disguise?

(This section is a recently revised and updated version of a posting that I did awhile back on another website)

While I have already outlined what genuine biblical eldership really is, the term “biblical eldership” is a buzzword today that has often been redefined to incorrectly represent elder rule in disguise. Many articles and even some books have been written about such so-called biblical eldership. Take for example Alexander Strauch’s book “Biblical Eldership”.

While this book teaches a number of things that are consistent with what the Bible teaches, Mr. Strauch misses the bigger picture: The source of true authority, the reality of the Headship of Christ and the fact that we have One Master Christ and we are all brothers and equals. 

Mr. Strauch is quite right in saying things along the lines that, “It was never our Lord’s will for one individual to control the local church.” But what he doesn’t seem to realize is that it was never the Lords intention for a group of men to control the church either! (See Mark 10:42-45, Matt 23:8-10, 1 Pet 5:1-4, etc.)

Mr. Strauch is apparently a church elder within an obvious framework of man-centered power and control so he probably cannot see these problems. This is likely because he has probably not submitted some of his key doctrines on these issues to Scriptural examination. In general, Christians tend to fail to examine unbiblical practices that they unwittingly take part in.

Mr. Strauch’s book, like similar works from other authors, is an attempt to shift the control of a church from a one-man to a multi-man team. This is really no help. It can actually cause more problems as it has an “appearance” of wisdom and will therefore tempt many to drop their guards even further. The average Christian today needs a predisposition towards more discernment not less. 

Even worse than a one-man novice or one-man wolf is a group of three or four novices or wolves in synergy with each other drawing off each other’s diversities in abilities. This can create a very dangerous and beguiling multi-minded “super-leader” with a diversity of earthly talents.  A church so governed has not the headship of Christ. Therefore, as bad as a one-man controlling pastor is, a plurality of elders operating in “elder rule” is potentially much worse.

And, what if these men are doctrinal nutcases, which is not at all uncommon but actually rampant today? Now with their newfound power in numbers they can, even more easily, convince the whole congregation to believe that they are right! By showing agreement and unity among themselves even on false doctrines they can deceive many into following them. Less people are likely to question an errant synergistic eldership compared to an errant one-man pastorate.

“Elder rule” establishes multiple authoritarians in place and in power, a multiple headed monster that can devour far more. It has more mouths and more teeth! Now they can devour the church as a pack of wolves with much more skill, power and efficiency compared to a single wolf. 

In fact, today we regularly see far more dangerous wolf packs emerging where a lone wolf once ruled and devoured. This is not the solution. Wolf packs can give the impression of even more false humility than a lone ranger. (If unavoidable it would likely be much less dangerous to contend with a single lone wolf rather than an entire wolf pack.)

While a proper plurality of true elders is a good thing, books like “Biblical Eldership” advocate a type of controlling plurality of eldership that is nothing more than a multi-man dictatorial leadership system that is often a wolf pack in disguise. Again, true elders are faithful servant-guard protectors who watch, warn, advise, admonish, plead with and try to convince members to obey the Bible, but they do not control them. There are specific Christians that they watch over and care for. They have an advisory role but nothing in the realm of power and control. This is a key thing to remember.

First Among Equals? 

Another thing we see among elder rule advocates is the nonsensical idea of “first among equals”. This is the insane notion that one of the “equal” ruling elders is the “head” elder. But the whole idea of “first among equals” is an obvious contradiction in terms that immediately collapses in upon itself. This is because as soon as one of the “equals” is considered to be the “first” or “greatest” among them, he is no longer an equal. He is a superior. Simple logic and simple math. Something cannot be both equal to and greater than a given thing all at the same time. It has to be one or the other, equal to or greater than, but not both. These are mathematical concepts that are mutually exclusive. They are not one and the same. So the “first (or greatest) among equals” doctrine is pure garbage and is nowhere to be found in the Bible. It is based on gross self-serving assumption, in fact a very convenient assumption. 

Advocates of this position dance quite a doctrinal tight rope in an attempt to incorrectly establish validity for one of the elders to ultimately be in charge over all the other elders. The elders as a group are allegedly in charge of the whole assembly but the truth of the matter is the head elder, the “first among equals”, is really the one who is in charge and is pulling the strings from behind the scenes. This is pretty much back to where they started, one man ultimately in charge, just in a more cleverly disguised and insulated form that beguiles the congregation into thinking that control-based man-centered authoritarianism is not present in their church.

In Conclusion

It is astonishing how the few Christians who are finally fed up with one-man pastor political machines think that a multi-man elder rule machine would solve the problem and be much better. The reality of the situation is some problems can appear to be solved but can actually get much worse. It doesn’t matter whether a church has a one, two, three or a six man regime. Regimes like this in and of themselves are unbiblical and are therefore a huge problem.

The solution to the rampant one-man authoritarian pastor problem is NOT to establish and authoritarian eldership. Otherwise, all this does is change the problem into a different form. The problem is still there because the root problem itself of control-based leadership has not been dealt with. The problem is that control is still vested in men. Until control is vested in Christ, things will not change for the better. Things may be cleverly masked and may appear to be an improvement but that is just a short-term illusion at best. 

Regardless of whether a church is controlled by one man or a small group of men, it is still controlled by men and authoritarianism remains present. A church must be controlled by God through Christ. This means controlled solely by the written Word. Christ must remain the sole Head otherwise we have multiple masters in our midst and in Matt 6:24 and Luke 16:13 Jesus made it very clear that it is impossible to obey two masters (let alone three, four, five or more). He said that you will love the one and hate the other. The sad fact of the matter is Jesus is getting a lot of hatred today from a multitude of professing Christians, while authoritarians in the church are getting a lot of love.

Paul Howey

This article has been selected and has been copied exactly from the source website.

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Elder Rule – From Wolf to Wolf Pack
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By Paul Howey

Suffering And Brokenness In The Christian Life ~ Part Twenty Eight

This series of entries are taken from a class on brokenness and suffering, at the Southwest Florida Bible Institute, aptly taught during the 2020 pandemic from April through June.  Part Eight Seven below features student John Walker explaining how he is able to relate to other people when they are suffering loss:

Paper #3

How was I able to help others    John Walker

As with everything else in life most people do not help others thru trying times unless they are
close friends with the person that is having the problems. Even then some do not know what to do
to help.
Many times when I have seen or heard that someone I know or am just acquainted with has had a
illness or a accident or even a death in the family I always say I should contact them and see if
they need help, but like the old saying goes: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
I do though contact friends that have had illness or death in their family.
I have found that people can relate to others that have had tragedies in their family if you are
able to tell that person that the same has happened to you. People will then respond to that.
Many times people have told others how sorry they are for their loss and they do not have a clue
as to what grief that person is going thru. Each person handles grief in there own way. Some can
handle grief by shedding tears and others have such a deep sense of loss that they cannot handle
life anymore. I have seen this in many of my friends.
I try my best to comfort the people that I know, when tragedy strikes because I know what it is to
lose family members and to lose children.
When you are able to talk to a grief stricken person and tell them that you also have lost a parent or
a child they will respond better to you because they realize you have been through the pain.

Suffering And Brokenness In The Christian Life ~ Part Twenty Seven

This series of entries are taken from a class on brokenness and suffering, at the Southwest Florida Bible Institute, aptly taught during the 2020 pandemic from April through June.  Part Twenty Seven below features student Ann Marie Aponte sharing her faith in Christ with one suffering physically:

Ann Marie Aponte June 6, 2020

Paper #3 On how my suffering help others

How I was able to help others after I suffered myself, one example that always stays in my
mind was when I lived on Long Island, there was a women that I meet in the dog park.  She was
very nice healthy and very sweet.  She would always make comments when I would speak to others
about Christ she would say there are two things I do not speak about politics and religion. But as she
got to know me she would soon come to see that most of my conversations would include God and
How I have a relationship with Jesus.
One day she just stopped going to the park I remember telling my husband something must have
happened. You get to know the regulars that go to the doggie park and you become acquaintances with
Them after one month of her not going to the park I began asking people but no one knew anything
Two months passed and I thought she might of found another park. Then one day their she was
sitting on a chair in the doggie park she had an oxygen tank next to her, I couldn’t believe my eyes
I remember being so happy to see her. She told me of her ordeal how she had a fever that lead to
An infection in her lungs which lead to surgery.
I felt the Holy Spirit and I grabbed her hand and I began to pray and to my surprise everyone around us
Joined in. I didn’t think she was going to receive it but she bowed her head and she closed her eyes and
After me praying for her when she would see me she would always have questions about Jesus.
We would talk of how there is nothing a person could do to make Jesus stop loving them, and how
He will always bring you out of darkness if you seek him.
In the end I can’t tell you if she decided to Follow Jesus Christ our Lord and savior but what I can tell you
Is that the Lord used me to plant a seed and God always makes a seed grow.

Suffering And Brokenness In The Christian Life ~ Part Twenty Six

This series of entries are taken from a class on brokenness and suffering, at the Southwest Florida Bible Institute, aptly taught during the 2020 pandemic from April through June.  Part Twenty Six below features student Johnny Martinez sharing about brokenness through the loss of his dog Grace.


Brokenness And Suffering   Johnny Martinez
June 1, 2020

Testimonial Paper

A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are
cruel. (Proverbs 12:10 KJV)

I asked God for Peace and He gave it, along with Faith and Hope; but it was Grace that broke my
heart. Now I’m pretty sure that you are thinking about these awesome attributes that are
found in the scriptures, but that’s not what I’m talking about. You see Peace, Faith and Hope
were our first 3 dogs, and shortly after we also got Grace a.k.a. “my lil fatty girl”

If you can bear with me a moment I will explain. You see I was that young boy who was crazy
about dogs; as far back as I can remember I always had one. I was fascinated with them, to the
point that I would bring them off the streets, sneak them in the back door, and down to my
room in the basement; and as fast as I snuck them in, my father would sneak them out. I would
get home from school only to find out that Pop had taken my dog for a ride, talk about chest
pains. As time went on and I got older my passion for dogs just grew. I purchased my first house
and one of the first things on the list was to set up the kennel. This passion I had led me to start
PeacePop Kennels, home to some of the finest bulldogs in Florida. At that time bulldogs had a
pretty bad reputation; I would go to various pet shops, set up info booths, teach and promote
responsible dog ownership. We also traveled the circuit participating in various dog shows and
competitions. We would show the dogs, compete in weight pull competitions and network with
other kennels and breeders. We were also able to use that opportunity to mentor young people

Brokenness And Suffering Johnny Martinez
June 1, 2020

Testimonial Paper

and share the gospel, as we would set up our tent to evangelize to those who came by. This
went on for about 25 years.

Grace was a very special dog that came to us from Chicago, she had an amazing pedigree and
we were excited about adding her to our breeding program. We arranged for her to be flown in
to Ft. Myers airport where we would go and pick her up. The big day came; we went to the
airport to pick her up and as always we inspect the dog to make sure its ok. This time would be
different; she was traumatized by the flight, the noise of the plane and all the commotion.
When I opened the kennel she took off running, here we are chasing this dog in the airport; she
managed to get out in the street, stopping cars and traffic, creating a major scene. Finally a
bystander was able to get her and hold her for us. You can imagine the scenario and it wasn’t
That trip ruined Grace; she was traumatized, very skittish and scared of everyone and
everything. You can imagine the disappointment, but we were not going to give up on her. I
came up with a plan to bond and build her up, Grace became my personal project. For 3 years I
worked with her every single day, slowly building her trust and confidence, the whole family
smothered her with love and attention and we started seeing the breakthroughs and progress.
Her demeanor became positive and her confidence was restored, finally all the time and
sacrifice paid off.
Shortly after, I came out early one summer morning and something just didn’t feel right. As a
ritual I would come out every morning at sunrise to feed and water the dogs. As I scanned the
yard I noticed one of the dogs near the barn, upon closer examination I saw that it was Grace.

Brokenness And Suffering Johnny Martinez
June 1, 2020

Testimonial Paper

But wait, she was supposed to be inside, in my room, next to my bed where she always laid. I
whistled for her to come to me, but she didn’t move, I called out her name and still nothing. I
got on the 2 way radio and let my wife know something was wrong. I went over to her and
there she laid lifeless, eyes open but with no life in them. She was balled up and appeared to
been scared to death, somehow, some way she was left out all night, something that had never
happened before.

I was devastated; I felt my heart break in half as I fell to my knees to pet her stiff, lifeless body.
This time it was different and I felt a pain unlike any pain I had ever felt before, my fatty girl was
gone. I asked my wife to leave me with her as I gathered the tools from the barn to bury her. I
couldn’t understand what had happened or why, I just knew that I hurt and this hurt was real. It
was in that moment that as my flesh suffered that my spirit took over and just began to sing
worship unto God. I had no words, just a song of worship to my God as I called on His name. I
began to sing “Praise is what I do” by Shekinah Glory Ministries. I vowed to praise Him, whether
happy or sad, I vowed to praise Him in the good and the bad, because praise is what I do.
In my distress I cried to the Lord, And He heard me. (Psalms 120:1)
It was in that worship that God comforted me, consoled me and strengthen me. My worship
provoked His presence and in His presence I found healing and peace. I thank God for the gift
we have in our pets, they have taught me so much about compassion, forgiveness and loyalty
and they remind me that God thought of it all and He did that for me. Thank you Lord!