He Knows ~ Jeremy Camp

The Christian encounters suffering that often cannot be shared with any other person.  Sometimes not even with a close spiritual confidant.  At times like this, it is good to know that Jesus suffered and died for all of humanity, and He is totally aware of your challenges, your valleys, your trials and tribulations, and your own unique experiences of heartache and suffering.  A strong believer is honed in the crucible of testing.  The only place a Christian grows is in the refiner’s fire.  What qualifies Jeremy Camp to sing this song?  He lost his first wife to cancer.


Unique Facts About Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ

This man lived on Earth only 33 years, never traveled more than a few miles from His home, never wrote a book, never raised an army, never ruled over so much as a village, let alone a kingdom, never owned a thing, never married or had children, never enrolled for any formal education, and finally was executed as a criminal.  Furthermore, though He never wrote a book, others have written innumerable books about Him, while a psalmist assured us that His words would also be preserved “from this generation for ever.”  (Psalm 12:7)  And all this has come to pass!  Herein is a marvelous thing!  Indeed, He was, and is, God and this was demonstrated by His flawless character, His amazing teachings, His unique miracles, His volitional, sacrificial death, and His mighty defeat of death itself by His bodily resurrection and ascent into Heaven.

Henry M. Morris

2016 Days of Praise devotional

Tuesday, March 29

Street Evangelism 101

EAST LONDON MOSQUE: Muslim spits in Jayda Fransen’s face! Policeman mocks Christianity!

Published on Mar 2, 2016

A small team of Britain First activists, led by deputy leader Jayda Fransen, held a flash demo outside the notorious East London Mosque, in Whitechapel, London and were subjected to a barrage of police and Muslim hostility.

Be advised watching this video, that people opposed to Jayda’s testimony use the “F” word against her street preaching.  The “F” word was the extent of the theology in the possession of these Muslims in front of their own mosque.  Another Muslim spat in her face.  Jayda put on a soul winning clinic in front of a notorious East London Mosque.  She walks right into Satan’s lair, lifts up Jesus and tramples on the Prince of Darkness.  She preached Christ crucified, and that He is the Savior of the world.  She warned the Muslims of falsely calling Jesus a prophet rather than the Son of God.  She spoke of the Islamic false prophet yet did not mention his name (Mohammad).  Jayda mentioned their worship of the false moon god Allah (who in reality is a demon).  She is anointed.  Notice her courage, zeal and fervor which is lacking in most Christian circles.  The media calls her a Nazi, yet all she does is preach the Gospel.  She is Spirit filled, and even the Muslims and London police officers could not intimidate her.

[The original You Tube was taken off, yet can be seen through other sources via a Google search.  This You Tube documentary, however, reveals the crux of this courageous movement.]

There are several videos of Britain First activists sharing the Christian faith in England.  Muslims receive the activists with hatred, and are already claiming Great Britain for Allah.  This is what “peaceful” Muslims do, you know, the ones who are not Radical Islamist.  The “peaceful” Muslims get a strong minority as a foothold in a nation, as a springboard to take it over.  Their desire is to implement Sharia Law in London.  Under full blown Sharia Law, one has a choice to be a Muslim or die.  This will soon be moving across the pond to a theater near you.  Islam believes it is their time to conquer the entire decadent west.  These videos in Europe will be America tomorrow, unless the Lord intervenes.  Christian movements like Britain First are what it will take to dispel the darkness.  Christians in America are going to have to throw Political Correctness (PC) to the wind, and “obey God and not men.”

Pray For Revival In America!

Jesus Is Loving Barabbas (Featuring Judah Smith)

Holy Week    ~    Passion Week

Golgotha        Calvary        The Cross        God’s Love For Fallen Man



Jesus so loved us that He came to willingly suffer and die at the cross, so that such evil sinners like Barabbas and me might be saved by His grace and mercy.  – Dan O Carnrite