The Coming Judgment of God on the Modern American Church

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All throughout the History of the Church, the Bride of Christ, has stood a harlot who masquerades as the elect but lures people into the depths of darkness with seductive words and practices. But in modern times, Christianity has witnessed the emergence of a progressive American “Church” movement that surpasses anything we’ve seen before. This movement, under the guise of adapting to contemporary standards, has embraced such an idolatrous path that it has abandoned the gospel altogether for such causes as the LGBTQ movement, social justice and Critical theory, and feminism.

This movement isn’t limited to the obviously apostate mainline denominations but its tentacles have a grip on even the most “traditional” and “conservative” churches and denominations in our nation. By professing allegiance to Christ while simultaneously contravening His commandments and compromising the gospel to maintain superficial peace with the world, this movement exemplifies a profound disconnect between confession and conduct, invoking God’s name in vain.

The Holy Scriptures, unambiguous in their denunciation of sin, offer stark illustrations of God’s wrath against apostasy and disobedience. The verses from Jeremiah 19:9Leviticus 26:29Ezekiel 5:10, and Lamentations 4:10 serve not merely as historical records of divine judgment but also as metaphors for God’s enduring abhorrence of sin. These passages depict a horrifying scenario where, under the severe duress of a siege—both literal and spiritual—the people of God resort to cannibalism, a graphic emblem of the depths to which humanity can fall when it turns away from the Lord.

In the time of Jeremiah, the people of Israel faced such dire punishment because of their steadfast refusal to heed God’s commands, engaging in idolatry and social injustices that mirrored the actions of the nations around them. In Jeremiah 19:9, God warns, “And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters, and everyone shall eat the flesh of his neighbor in the siege and in the distress, with which their enemies and those who seek their life afflict them.”

This prophecy was a literal unfolding of events during the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, but it also symbolizes the self-destructive consequences of abandoning God’s law—the prophet laments this destruction of the imago dei in Lamentations 4:10. Similarly, Leviticus warns of the ultimate degradation of moral fiber, illustrating the extreme measures to which God is willing to go in order to cleanse His people of their sinfulness.

“You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.” —Leviticus 26:29

Ezekiel’s grim portrayal further accentuates the inevitability of divine retribution within the community, where the familial bond is shattered under the weight of God’s judgment. “Therefore fathers shall eat their sons in your midst, and sons shall eat their fathers. And I will execute judgments on you, and any of you who survive I will scatter to all the winds,” the prophet writes in Ezekiel 5:10.

This is a graphic reminder that sin not only estranges us from God but also corrodes the social and familial structures He ordained. Lamentations mourns the unspeakable acts of a besieged Jerusalem, where even the most seemingly “compassionate” hearts are driven to desperation. These historical accounts mirror the spiritual desolation that ensues when those who profess the name of Christ forsake His commandments.

The application of these scriptures to the modern false church movement is both fitting and foreboding. Just as Israel and Judah faced severe consequences for their unfaithfulness, so too will contemporary “churches” that distort the gospel for societal approval, political correctness, or personal gain. The false church, by embracing doctrines and practices contrary to the Bible, invites upon itself a judgment as severe as that which befell the unfaithful in ancient times.

God’s historic judgments, ranging from the flood in Noah’s time to the fiery destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to the severe penalties inflicted on His people for their idolatry and faithlessness, serve as solemn reminders. We can conclude from these events that nothing is off the table when it comes to God’s judgment—these are not mere anecdotes from a bygone era but are indicative of God’s immutable nature. His holiness demands justice, and His justice will not spare those who, under the banner of Christ, propagate falsehoods and lead many astray.

In our modern church age, the warning is clear and urgent. The modern American “Church,” by diluting the gospel’s power with human ideologies and rejecting the clear teachings of Scripture, stands on precarious ground. The call to repentance is not just a plea but a mandate for survival. For the true bride of Christ, the path forward is one of separation and sanctification—to disentangle from the deception that pervades these false assemblies and to stand firm in the truth of God’s Word.

As we face an increasingly hostile world, we must heed the dire warnings of Scripture with both fear and reverence. Remember that our God, who is loving and merciful, is also a consuming fire, intolerant of sin and compromise. May this reflection inspire a return to the unadulterated gospel, prompting a revival within the church that aligns with God’s sovereign will and eternal statutes. The stakes are eternal, and the time for discernment and decisive action is now.

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Former President, Jimmy Carter, Soon to Hear Dreaded Words from Jesus, “Depart From Me…”

Like the author of this article, Jeff Maples, I too have reservations about Jimmy Carter’s faith. Jimmy despised Adrian Rogers and others who boldly and unequivocally stood on the Word of God without apology. He appears to be a liberal Baptist, twisting the Truth to his own liking. Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | May 15, 2024 | AbortionApostasyLGBTQ IssuesNewsPoliticsReligionSocial-IssuesThe ChurchUS

According to reports, former President Jimmy Carter is approaching the end of his life, as shared by his grandson Jason Carter at the 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum. Jason provided an update on the 99-year-old former president, who has been in hospice care for nearly a year and a half, stating, “He really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I’ve said before, there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end, and I think he has been there in that space.”

As Carter spends his final days in his home in Plains, Georgia, his legacy and the implications of his lifelong advocacies come under renewed scrutiny.

Carter, who has often portrayed himself as a devout Christian, even a Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher at one time, has promoted policies and taken horrific views on key issues that could only be described as completely godless. While Carter has frequently invoked his faith in his public life, his unrelenting support for the LGBTQ movement and abortion, along with every other godless left-wing ideology under the sun, reveals a troubling state of his soul that should leave him in fear of the coming judgment.

Carter’s promotion of sexual immorality in our culture is one of the most glaring examples of his hatred of God. Despite the clear teachings of  Scripture regarding marriage and sexuality, Carter has championed the LGBTQ movement. In a 2015 interview with HuffPost Live, Carter asserted that Jesus would approve of same-sex marriage.

Even more grievously, Carter’s relentless advocacy for the death penalty for unborn children to be carried out on them for the crimes and sins of their parents demonstrates his hatred of the giver of life. As early as 1977, during his presidency, Carter supported federal funding for abortions in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Over the years, he has maintained a position that allows for unfettered access to abortion, especially under various circumstances. By supporting abortion, Carter endorses a practice that ends innocent human lives, flagrantly violating the sanctity of life as ordained by God.

Carter’s advocacy for these positions has significantly impacted public policy and the broader cultural landscape. His support for LGBTQ rights and abortion has contributed to the normalization and legal recognition of these practices, having profound implications for religious freedom and the ability of Christians to live out their faith in the public square. As these issues become more entrenched in society, those who hold to  biblical principles face increasing pressure to conform to secular values.

Carter’s positions highlight a broader trend among those who claim the Christian faith yet embrace secular ideologies that conflict with  Scripture. This trend reflects a growing tendency to prioritize cultural relevance over  biblical fidelity, leading to a compromised witness in the public sphere. Carter’s example serves as a grave warning of the dangers of allowing personal or cultural preferences to supersede the authority of God’s Word.

In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus delivers a stern warning: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” Carter’s advocacy for godless ambitions such as LGBTQ rights and abortion aligns him with those who profess faith but deny its power and authority in their lives.

As Jimmy Carter nears the end of his earthly journey, we lament that he will soon likely hear these chilling words from our Lord. A truly saved person, being sanctified, cannot continue in abject rebellion against his Creator.  Scripture affirms that those who endure to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13). Carter’s legacy serves as a somber reminder of the need for unwavering commitment to  biblical truth and the perils of compromising with secular ideologies.

In these critical times, believers must remain steadfast in their commitment to God’s Word, upholding the sanctity of marriage and the value of human life. We must trust in the authority of  Scripture and reject any cultural trends that seek to undermine the foundations of our faith. Let us pray for true repentance and enduring faith, standing firm in the truth until the end.

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Revisiting The Implosion of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in Dallas, Texas ~ June, 2018

…when the wheels came off the wagon. Thomas Littleton, pastor and reporter, was to interview former ERLC President Russell Moore, and the premier topic of discussion, is why the ERLC was supporting the homosexual / LGBTQ+ / Sodomite Revoice Conference in St. Louis. Making a long story short, Russell Moore’s associates, Brent Leatherwood and his peers, threw Tom Littleton out of the convention. In doing so, they lied to the police, the press, and according to Tom, who I just spoke with, could (should) have been arrested for assault. Like a good soldier, reminiscent of Hitler’s SA brownshirt stormtroopers, Brent Leatherwood was later unanimously promoted to the presidency of the ERLC. His latest shenanigans are covered in recent postings on this site. So there is no improvement in the ERLC from six years ago. Yes indeed, the apostate leadership within the SBC is in lockstep with other declining denominations, with full acceptance of the abominable sodomite lifestyle. No, it is not your daddy’s Southern Baptists, and Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley, Jerry Falwell, etc., etc., have gone on to be with their Lord. The ERLC is no better now than it was in 2018. Below is the true account, taken with permission, from Tom Littleton’s blog site. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

P.S. When asked years later by the Board of Trustees with the ERLC about his foul play with Tom Littleton at the 2018 SBC Convention in Dallas, Brent Leatherwood said it was not him, but someone who must have looked like him! Brent Leatherwood is the current ERLC president. Tom Littleton shared that with me today, and that he knew one on the board who told him that information.

One verse comes to mind about the leadership in the SBC:

Matthew 15:14 King James Version

Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.



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Living Like A Refugee in The SBC .

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LIVING LIKE A REFUGEE IN THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH: Why SBC Leaders Turned to Lying and Abuse Over Revoice in Dallas SBC 2018

By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                         6/17/2018

By now word has spread that a member of the press was kicked out of the SBC annual meetings in Dallas last week. I am that person and make no mistake about the cause. I came to the SBC convention to follow up and seek to interview the SBC leaders whose institutions have disturbing ties to the upcoming Revoice conference in St Louis. At the same time leaders in the Presbyterian Church of America were doing the same in their annual General Assembly in Atlanta. I went to Dallas at my own expense and out of deep concern that the last two remaining conservative denominations have clearly been infiltrated and are on the verge of accepting EXTREME and Radically pro-LGBT+ language into the heart of their congregations. No denomination has ever returned from this abyss and all who fall into it remain in steep decline. This compromise always leaves the Gospel and those who need it harmed. A new younger President was elected who subscribes to a primary source (a Regent University Psychologist Mark Yarhouse) of the radical language. J.D. Greear.  His campaign press coverage promised that the make-over of the SBC has only begun as change agents a plenty strutted through the halls of the Dallas SBC 2018 meetings.

I was struck while attending the Southern Baptist Convention 2018 by one exhibit which was offered in the Exposition hall. I spent a great deal of time there because in the vast Texas sized Dallas facility dead center of the Expo was the only place my cell signal was not (dead). The world of virtual reality is changing everything in the marketing game. I saw several booths with convention goers looking like puppies with bags stuck on their heads while living in the virtual world for moment in time. In a three-day long event a press guy or gal (I was working with World View Weekend / WVW radio to cover the SBC meetings) has to find humor and comic relief where they can.

Yet one virtual experience in the program at the convention was far too sad a reflection on our virtual Baptist, virtual missions experience to laugh off. This trek was to provide the virtual experience of a REFUGEE.  I have been in ministry for 40 years now – mostly in evangelism and missions both long term and short. I see first-hand the long-term benefit of taking believers’ missions trips and there is no substitute for placing your feet on the ground and getting face to face with the beloved of God who are in need. Medical missions have been a long-term commitment of our family. But to offer a third world or missions experience or in this case the politically charged and Soros funded “Refugee” issue driven in the SBC by “Rented Evangelicals” and World Relief, I fear, is not only manipulative but is sad window on the world of modern Christian state of unreality. This malady seems to have infected many of the Leadership of the SBC as well and especially in the current leadership of the ERLC and some neo Calvinist seminaries.


The players involved -ERLC’s Russell Moore – ERLC Staffer Brent Leatherwood – Myself – and after the press statements below – the Executive Committee/ Roger Oldham, and an ERLC underling. History and context is provided below.

I would like to acknowledge Dr. Albert Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, that HE was the one and only key leader from the circles involved in Revoice who did grant an interview and comment on it. His answers can be heard at Russell Moore’s response, other than to deny knowledge of Revoice after at least two people discussed it with him, appears to be lost somewhere in the now empty halls of the Dallas Convention Center.

First, here is the ERLC version in a Christian Post article from June 14th 2018 for which I was never contacted or interviewed. This article does not have the facts or even the timeline.


*The SBC Executive Committee did not remove me from the SBC convention meetings as the ERLC’s younger press spokesperson claims. This claim is also amazingly echoed, though not confirming my name, by Roger Oldham of the SBC Executive Committee. I have history with Oldham when expressing concerns that then CEO,  Frank Page, of the Executive Committee had joined two radical gay activist organization leaders, Fred Davies of ARCUS Foundation (massive LGBTQ funder) and Harry Knox of the infamous Human Rights Campaign (the nation’s largest LGBTQ equality advocate), on the Obama Faith Based Partnership Board. The White House led group worked to “Find Common Ground for the Common Good” and obtain government grant funding in cooperative partnerships. After months of engaging these concerns, I was then passed down the line by Frank Page to Oldham who made no effort to encourage a course correction from the trajectory Page had helped place the SBC on with Obamas FBP program.

Dallas Issue :The SBC did not speak to me or ask me to “Move along.” I had spoken to Oldham in the presence of Radio journalist, Janet Mefferd, about an hour before and IRONICALLY thanked him for his work with the press and their excellent hospitality which I compared to “Sunday Afternoon after service in a Southern Baptist Church.” This REALLY happened! In Spite of my appreciation and even the opportunity at that point to correct me for any loitering I was allegedly doing in an allegedly restricted area, nothing was said. -I had used the same location where I had found scarce cell service all week yet Oldham said nothing of such an issue just an hour prior. He now claims in the CP article the same completely FALSE, baseless and dishonest version of events which came from Russell Moore’s ERLC in the article. Start asking yourself why and I will try and help you understand it.


A 2008 article recounts problems with false accusations and claims of assault made by the current ERLC head Russell Moore when he was finishing his doctorate in 2000 and working for the Baptist Press as a reporter at Baptist events.

“In 2000, many general assembly attendees accused BP writer Russell Moore of inaccuracies and blatant fabrications in several stories — most notably a report where he claimed that a former missionary attending the meeting physically assaulted him. Moore is now a dean at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.” There are other such reports from this 2000 era work by Moore as a Baptist Press reporter.


So ERLC’s Dr. Russell Moore has a long credibility problem and is known to make false claims about issues, like an assault on his person by an “unnamed Foreign Missionary”.

*Fact: the actual events at the SBC Dallas convention are verified by two conversations with the Dallas Police Department that two uniformed Dallas Police Officers (again I have their names and the multiple call history of the conversations with the Dallas PD and what was reported on the events to the Sgt. assigned to handle the call. I have his direct telephone number. FACT: Dallas Police were lied to and used by a false report from an SBC organization to remove me – NOT the Executive Committee. It is shameful and foolish for the ERLC and the Executive Committee to crawl out on a limb together and not only obligate themselves to maintain and defend their false story but to even imply the Dallas Police Department and its officers present are lying. The other side of reality is, once admitted, that someone in an SBC entity that, in this likelihood, the ERLC has lied to and misled their own security team members on a day when the Vice President of the United States had been in the building at the Dallas Convention Center. Criminal fines and jail time accompany making a false reporting to police.  It may be clear why the need was felt to so drastically alter their version of events and someone in fact really does deserve to be dismissed for misleading the Dallas PD. I do not know how after many years of service Roger Oldham would be so foolish as to expect Me to allow him to confirm the ERLC saying I am lying. This issue will not go away. Why? Because THE TRUTH matters.


*I was NOT in a “restricted area”. I was in the Expo Hall near the Lifeway retail sales area.

*I was not loitering. The only place I had cell service on my old unit was in the center of the of the Expo building. I was there repeatedly all week long doing interviews and making news reports. That was my job for the week at the SBC meeting.

*The two officers of the Dallas PD told me that I had been “reported as having threatened someone,” Again this is in DIRECT contrast to Oldham and the ERLC/ Moore’s press statements in which they say I am making a FALSE claim. The Officers’ names and that of the Dallas PD officer assigned to the complaint was made by Worldview Weekend boss Brannon Howse and by myself within 30 minutes and then an hour after the events took place.


The simple FACTS: What happened when I was REMOVED from the building on June 13th 2018 by Two Uniformed Dallas Police Officers on the complaint they received that I threatened someone.

* The exhibitors had started taking down their booths, yet many people were still in and out some were even getting last minute purchases and info from exhibitors. No one that I saw was being restricted from entering the Expo area for any reason. I went in and out several times during this period.

*While on the phone to an editor of mine I saw ERLC employee Brent Leatherwood (seventh down this list of ERLC Staff ) standing in the ERLC booth and glaring at me.

SIDE NOTE about the PREVIOUS DAY : The day before (Tuesday June 12 ) this same staffer, Brent Leatherwood,  had bodily stepped between me and his boss Russell Moore, ERLC Executive Director,  and grabbed my arms saying repeatedly “we are fine, we are fine, we don’t need anything, ” By this time, Moore and I made eye contact and he spoke acknowledging my presence. I asked for comments on the “LGBT+ Christian” Revoice Conference and told him I had broken the story on it a month ago.  Moore said he “had heard about it but did not know much.”  When Moore did not wish to comment in the press about Revoice. I expressed my concern to him as a Southern Baptist and a minister, pointing out the Revoice/ERLC ties, with Karen Swallow Prior, his Research Fellow at ERLC being on the Revoice website promoting the conference and Revoice speaker Branden  Polk, whose Arrowhead Advising LLC is an ERLC consultant/ contractor. I also talked to Moore about the concerns I had over the use of terms like “Queer Christian” and “Queer Theory” and I mentioned the source from which I had heard about Revoice being ERLCs partner Sam Allberry / Living Out ministry which was  promoting Revoice in early May 2018. I spoke with Moore about the Human Rights Campaign activist who I knew from confronting their intentions in my own state which Moore had invited TO his 2014 ERLC conference . I mentioned the HRC staffers by name and what they had done in Alabama to further their pro LGBTQ cause.  Moore, now informed about the basis of the concerns assured me he “would look into Revoice. ” However,  when asked about Revoice the next day by an SBC Messenger, Moore denied knowing about Revoice.

*Back to Wednesday June 13th in the Expo area – a public access area. About two minutes after seeing Brent Leatherwood glaring at me[,] -two uniformed Dallas Police Department officers, whose names I have, came into my view slightly to the right of the ERLC booth from which Leatherwood had been glaring at me .


Leatherwood is the former Tennessee GOP employee, a die hard “Never Trumper, ” like his ERLC Boss. The conservative and Christian voters, leaders and journalists in Nashville and across Tennessee have written MANY articles about the work of Leatherwood in the TN Republican Party. Strong criticism including that he and his group of operatives were using Republican funds to defeat conservative candidates in TN primaries and other activities outlined in Breitbart considered treasonous by many in TN. It is not hard to find but those left with a favorable impression of his time there are much more difficult to locate. Here is just one example :

The headline reads-

“Brent Leatherwood for State GOP Chairman? Seriously? “One quote says to Leatherwood in his article, “Is it just us, or would any normal, rational, thinking individual who has a fiduciary and political responsibility to spend the state GOP’s money wisely have a big freakin’ problem with the sleazy, disingenuous, inside dealing (nepotism) that you and your staff have engaged in and used our money to do it.”

The writer then concludes, “You will undoubtedly be looking for work if someone besides you gets elected to the chairmanship, but there is not a snowball’s chance in h*** you could get any credible position in the Trump administration.”

*   After Leatherwood lost a bid for Chairmanship of the State Republican Party, he was then hired by Russell Moore into the ERLC as Director of Strategic Partnerships. Once the Dallas Police came up to me, Leatherwood was now out of view. However, he came back to the scene soon as you will see. The two officers approached me as I was still on the phone and said I had to leave the building. I asked if they meant the EXPO building because of the exhibitor breakdown. I showed my press credentials and explained my lack of cell service elsewhere in the building. The Dallas PD officer told me someone had filed a complaint against me. I asked who it was .He would not say who but said they had the right to ask me to leave the building. I asked what the allegations were and he answered “that you threatened someone. Why would you do something like that?” I said, “Why indeed, since I am a Christian, a minister and a Southern Baptist and a member of the press? I threatened no one.” I said I was waiting for the next meetings at 4/4:30 to begin, which were the ERLC annual reports where Russell Moore was speaking. I had stayed an extra day in order to cover that event and report on it. I was then informed by the Officers that this would be a problem because I was being asked to leave the entire building and would not be allowed back during the SBC event.

*As the Dallas Police Officers escorted me from the building, ERLC employee Leatherwood, who had minutes before been glaring at me across the Expo floor, and disappeared when the Dallas PD approached me, was standing just outside the door of the Expo in the large lobby area that wraps around the over 1 million square foot convention center. Leatherwood was on his phone with his earpiece in and talking. Once he saw us exiting the door he ended his conversation, hung up the telephone and joined the escorting officer to my right.

*Leatherwood began taking very provocative actions including again, glaring across the chest of the taller officer to my right and mockingly looking me in the eyes. He leaned his head forward toward me almost in the path of the officer. He took long exaggerated lurching steps in slower motion as if enacting some strutted victory lap around what had been set in motion with my removal less than two hours before the ERLC meeting/ report was to begin in the main hall.

*I asked the officer between Leatherwood and myself if Leatherwood was the person who claimed I had threatened someone and if he claimed I threatened him. The officer replied, “We are not going there.” I asked if Leatherwood claimed I threatened HIM because, in fact, Leatherwood “had laid his hands on me to restrain me and prevent me from talking to his boss. (This would be considered a Class C Assault  by Texas Law  Russell Moore’s employee Leatherwood attempted to prevent the conversation but Moore did indeed talk about the Revoice Conference “promoting LGBT+  Flourishing in historic Christian tradition”. WE DID discuss that his ERLC Fellow was a contributor endorsing Revoice and a favorite ERLC consultant was speaking at Revoice. We had a conversation about it. I mentioned this to the officer and that it was in spite of Leatherwood[‘]s effort to physically prevent it. “Is that what this is about?” I asked. Nothing was confirmed or denied at this point. After about 20 steps in tandem with the officers and me and the continued provocative actions of Leatherwood, he then broke off and headed to the main hall where Russell Moore and his constant companions of the ERLC staff were located.

* The officers then escorted me to the Press room down stairs to retrieve my belongings. The attitude of the officers toward me changed at the point Leatherwood had sought to escalate the situation. They calmly walked me to the press room and stood by as I explain[ed] to the press room full of reporters that a fellow member of the press and fellow Baptist and minister was being removed from the building after being falsely accused of threatening someone. No one would say who was supposed to have threatened but the ERLC staffer was ever present who had also attempted prevent me talking about Revoice. LGBT+ /Queer Christianity with his ERLC boss Russell Moore. The press room wanted more information and received it. None yet have written on it but the story is still playing out. The officers then escorted me back upstairs to the exit of my choice through the Omni hotel bridge and I went on to my neighboring hotel from which I called my offices at Worldview Weekend. Brannon Howse then began the process of filing the report to the Dallas Police Department to provide documentation given the likelihood that the ERLC would soon be issuing false statements to cover themselves after their staffer lied to the Dallas Police Department. That insightful concern has proven prophetic in the Christian Post article which absurdly even includes the respected SBC Executive Committee.

A series of interviews began immediately as word had already spread in the SBC meetings in the Convention Centers main hall. It has continued for four days straight.

J D Hall of Pulpit and Pen and Janet Mefferd helped World View Weekend and Worldview Radio break the story.

I am aware this version is in sharp contrast to the version told by the ERLC and Executive Committee in Christian Post. I can see why the altered version includes a narrative that takes away the dangers posed by assault changes and lying to an officer providing security for your own event. But this version above will not be altered because it is the truth and I celebrate the fine job the Dallas Police did in treating me fairly and simply doing their job based on the false information they received from somewhere in the BOWELS  of the SBC/ ERLC machine. I am horrified that my own denomination is covering up some of their entities’ and officers’ involvement with Revoice Queer Christianity and LGBT+ Christianity and would brutalize someone with three generations of SBC heritage and 40 years of ministry and untold amounts of dollars placed in the offering plate and helping aid the ministries and cooperative programs and church buildings and Seminaries and salaries of the SBC. I know am not the first and, given the present trajectory exhibited during the SBC 2018 convention, I will not be the LAST one abused. Russell Moore, Roger Oldham, I forgive and pray for you but I cannot repent for you for the deception you are perpetrating on the flock of God under your care. That part you will have to do. I will not be sending Dallas Police for you but I do think we will see your accountability come home to roost. Meanwhile, do Southern Baptist really want these tactics turned on them by the people they support? And in the words of Mike Huckabee “How long with Southern Baptist keep paying Russell Moore to insult them?”


Isaiah 6:11 “Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,”

If Revoice has its say in the SBC because leadership cannot speak and denounce it, God’s words to Isaiah will prove prophetic for the Southern Baptist Convention.

O Lord have mercy, spare us we pray.

How Did a Southern Baptist Leader Become America’s Top Lobbyist for Corrupt Policies in a Third World Nation

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s (ERLC) Brent Leatherwood’s journey to the center of Southern Baptist policymaking reads not so much as a pilgrimage of faith but rather a trek through the thickets of political activism, where the compass often points left under the guise of “Christian justice.”

Leatherwood’s form of activism, which is a form of “third way-ism,” disguised as “conservatism,” suggests an attempt to straddle the divide between traditional conservatism and progressive ideologies.

Leatherwood’s political trajectory can be traced back to his tenure as the executive director of the Tennessee Republican Party, where his political savvy was honed not on the battlegrounds of polarizing rhetoric but within the more nuanced realms of policy and influence. His ascendancy within the ERLC began under the leadership of far-left political activist and Democrat staffer, Russell Moore, and was essentially a culmination of a career steeped in political strategy and engagement with civic issues.

Yet, it is precisely this background that should lead us to scrutinize the true north of his compass: Does his background point toward a synthesis of justice and Christian ethics, or is he merely using his Southern Baptist platform to advance an ideological agenda out of step with the majority of Southern Baptists.

The crux of the matter is whether Leatherwood’s political activism and policy inclinations harmonize with the chorus of voices within the denomination or is he, and the organization he works for, a rogue entity with no accountability.

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at the hands of a “transgender” assailant at the Covenant Day School in Nashville—a school that his children also attend—Leatherwood’s response was to wield this moment of vulnerability as a fulcrum for gun control advocacy. It quickly became clear that this wasn’t a measured step toward school safety, it was an exploitation of grief for policy change.

In a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and all members of the legislature, Leatherwood presents an appeal from both his personal experience and on behalf of the majority Southern Baptist sentiment, according to The Tennessean. He urged lawmakers to ensure that no school in Tennessee ever has to endure the same nightmare as the Covenant School tragedy again.

Leatherwood told the lawmakers that Southern Baptists make up one-fifth of the population of Tennessee and have repeatedly called for ways to reduce gun violence, a seemingly veiled threat by the former leader of the TN Republican Party that he may use his power of leadership over Southern Baptists to sway the vote. “Other voices are saying there is too little time left in this legislative session to consider such a proposal. Little credence should be given to that,” he said in the letter, according to the Tennessean.

Leatherwood’s advocacy doesn’t pause at the nation’s internal strife but extends its hand across its borders. Here in the United States, he has consistently used his SBC platform to lobby for lax immigration policies, an approach unquestionably at odds with the concerns many Southern Baptists have about national security and the rule of law. His open borders and amnesty activism further accentuate the schism between his political advocacy and the sentiments of a significant portion of Southern Baptists he claims to represent.

The dichotomy between his domestic and international policy stances is unmistakable. While Leatherwood speaks for, so he says, Southern Baptists, a body whose majority disagrees with him, he stands on the backs of conservative Americans to push policies that are anti-American while lobbying Congress to defend a corrupt nation halfway around the planet.

Let’s break this down a bit. Brent Leatherwood, speaking on behalf of over 13 million Southern Baptists, asks lawmakers to implement harsh and ineffective gun control policies in the United States which would only benefit criminals while also asking Congress to force the American taxpayer to send unlimited guns and weapons to Ukraine—who knows whose hands that will end up in.

Same with border control. As millions of invaders cross the American Southern border, Leatherwood lobbies for amnesty as he pushes Congress to defend the Ukrainian border at the expense of the American worker.

The greater question here is not only are Leatherwood’s political views unbiblical and progressive but what is the role of the denomination in public policy making? Should someone in such an influential religious position use his platform to push political policies—particularly, really bad political policies?

I’m not sure, but I’m inclined to believe that the Church has a duty to speak  biblical truth to the conscience of the nation, including to lawmakers, that would influence policies that are God-honoring. But the alignment—or misalignment—of Leatherwood’s progressive political activism with the conservative political and Christian views of most Southern Baptists brings to light these questions. Where is the accountability?

Shock Survey On What Muslims Think Reveal Future Of Europe

Breaking News Updates – February 23, 2024


The French weekly, Le Journal du Dimanche, has published the most comprehensive and detailed survey on what French Muslims think. Not surprisingly, the results are disturbing.

The first question in the survey was about Jews. 17% of French Muslims admit that they hate Jews. 39% say they have a bad, or very bad, opinion of Judaism.

France is the only country in 21st-century Europe where Jews regularly have been murdered simply because they are Jews. Since the kidnapping, torture and murder of Ilan Halimi in January 2006, all Jews murdered in France have been killed by Muslims. 

Sammy Ghozlan, the president of the National Office for Vigilance against Anti-Semitism (BNVCA), which lists anti-Semitic acts and helps their victims, has emphasized year after year, for more than twenty years, that almost all violent anti-Semitic acts committed in France are committed by Muslims.

When it comes to Israel, the results are even more disturbing. Feelings go beyond hatred. 45% of French Muslims say they want the total destruction of Israel. An equivalent number of French Muslims define the massacre rape, torture, beheadings and burning alive of Jews by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7, 2023, as an “act of resistance”.

So, almost half of a religious community in a Western democracy openly wants the destruction of a group of people who were just massacred in another country, and in the greatest number since the end of the Holocaust.

19% of French Muslims say they have sympathy for Hamas. That so many French Muslims have sympathy for an organization whose leaders say that they will repeat the October 7 attack time and again until Israel is annihilated, and unabashedly state that they want the genocidal destruction of the only Jewish state, should sound an alarm that French Jews, and French non-Jews, are in an extremely perilous situation.

Other figures showed that 42% of French Muslims place respect for Islamic Sharia law above respect for the laws of the French republic (the percentage rises to 57% among young Muslims aged 18 to 25).

The European Court of Human Rights ruled in 2003 that Sharia law is incompatible with the values of democracy. Sharia law stipulates that Allah has dictated all the rules that human beings must obey, and that all rules contrary to Sharia law must be rejected. 37% of French Muslims say they support the Muslim Brotherhood — also not surprising: the main French Muslim organization, Musulmans de France (“Muslims of France”) is the French branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Every year, Muslims of France organizes a conference that attracts hundreds of thousands of Muslims from all over Europe. The group also invites radical imams who speak to the crowd.

The survey further showed that 49% of French Muslims want Catholics to convert to Islam, and that 36% percent want churches to be transformed into mosques. Some churches already have been transformed. The survey also discloses that 25% of French Muslims said that the word “France” is a word they reject.

These figures are best seen and understood in conjunction with other facts.

France is one of the only countries in the Western world where men have been beheaded by radicalized Muslims. (The other is the United Kingdom, where two Muslims tried to behead British Soldier Lee Rigby in 2013.) Samuel Paty, a schoolteacher, was beheaded on October 16, 2020. Herve Cornara, a small business entrepreneur, was beheaded on June 26, 2015 in Romans-sur-Isère, a small town in the southeast of France. And Father Jacques Hamel had his throat slit and was beheaded on July 26, 2016 in Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Normandy, while saying mass in an almost empty church.

France also happens to be the country in Europe with the largest number of “no-go zones”. There are at least 751 designated Zones Urbaines Sensibles (“sensitive urban zones”), where Muslim gangs and radical imams are in charge. Non-Muslims can still live there, on the condition that they accept the status of dhimmi (tolerated second-class citizen), bow their heads, and admit that they live in a territory ruled by Islam. Members of Muslim gangs no longer respect the police. If an incident between a police officer and a member of a gang breaks out, riots follow, and the police receive orders that if the situation risks escalation, they are not to arrest anyone.

France is a country where more than 70% of prison inmates are Muslim. According to reports, the crime rate among the Muslim population is high.

Three decades ago, Seine-Saint-Denis, a French district in the Paris suburbs, had a large Jewish community. Almost the entire Jewish population of the district, after being subjected to incessant threats, moved away to live elsewhere. The few Jews who remain hide that they are Jews.

Throughout France, Jewish men conceal their skullcaps under a hat. Jewish women tuck their Star of David necklaces inside their clothing. Many Jewish families no longer place mezuzahs at the entrance to their homes.

For more than 20 years, it has been impossible to talk about the Holocaust in French schools. When Georges Bensoussan, in 2004, published The Lost Territories of the Republic, a book denouncing the Muslim anti-Semitism widespread in educational establishments, Jewish students were already experiencing harassment and discrimination. 

Today, most Jewish families in France, out of caution, have abandoned the public education system and have enrolled their children in private schools. For years, when a Jewish student is bullied in a public school, the authorities take no disciplinary action against the bullies; instead, they might ask the Jewish child’s parents to place him in another school.

French Christians visibly wearing a cross on the street receive insults. Every year, dozens of French churches are desecrated and ransacked.

More than 120 knife attacks take place in France every day and can happen anytime, anywhere. Most of these attacks are committed are by Muslim men who then tell the police that they did it because they hate infidels and hate France. Only the knife attacks that result in death appear in the newspapers; the others are passed over in silence. 

In the main French cities, muggings and beatings have become commonplace. There are also more than two hundred rapes every day in France, most perpetrated by Muslim men who entered France illegally. Only 7% of illegal immigrants ordered to leave France are ever actually deported.

The poll in Le Journal du Dimanche received little comment.

Only one French political leader, former journalist Éric Zemmour, has dared to say that the situation is increasingly alarming and that a growing Islamic danger is threatening France. His comments have led to his being sentenced to pay heavy fines several times for “provoking discrimination and hatred towards the Muslim community”. In the May 2022 presidential elections, he received only 7% of the vote; his message was apparently either not widely heard or not widely accepted.

The president of the National Rally party, Marine Le Pen, has limited herself to denouncing the presence in France of an “Islamist ideology totally distinct from Islam”, and insists on saying that only a tiny minority of Muslims adhere to this ideology. She adds, perhaps wishfully, that Islam is “fully compatible” with the French institutions.

La France Insoumise (“France Unsubmitted”), the main left-wing political party in France, is violently anti-Israel. Its leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, calls Hamas a “resistance” movement. He received 21.9% of the vote in 2022, but 69% of the Muslim vote.

Several members of the French National Assembly have denounced the positions of La France Insoumise and Mélenchon, but only one, Meyer Habib, has spoken out about the leftist and Muslim anti-Semitism, as well as the increasingly serious threats weighing on French Jews and on France itself. As a result, he has received death threats by the hundreds and his family and he now live under ’round-the-clock police protection.

French President Emmanuel Macron said, in October 2020, that he wanted to fight what he called “Islamic separatism”, but seemed not to want to see that Muslims tempted by Islamism do not want to “separate” themselves from the rest of the population, but to conquer others and have them submit. “Islam,” Macron added is “in crisis”. His statement provoked vehement protests from all of the French Muslim organizations, and demonstrations in several countries of the Muslim world. Since then, he has avoided talking about Islam altogether.

No Islamic organization appears to have called anyone to come to the demonstration against anti-Semitism that took place in Paris on November 12, 2023. The only reaction from the imam of the Great Mosque of Paris, Chems-Eddine Hafiz, to Hamas’s massacre on October 7 was, “With all these bombs, these deaths, and this frustration generated over the years there, what are we creating? Hate of the other” – which was not exactly a ringing condemnation of the massacre. He then accused Israel of attacking the civilian population of Gaza: “Islam totally condemns the attack on civilians in an armed conflict.”

French Muslim online magazines were more virulent. Evidently basing what they publish on Hamas propaganda, they accuse Israel of committing “genocide” in the Gaza Strip. They never say that Hamas uses Palestinian Arabs as human shields or that the Israel Defense Forces do their best to avoid killing civilians while often putting their own lives at great risk.

The French journalist Ivan Rioufol, in his book The Coming Civil War, published in 2016, wrote:

“The question of the Muslim presence in France must be posed without artifice…. the rise of strict Islam in France would imply emergency decisions. If decisions are not taken very quickly, and if the almost generalized voluntary blindness of the country’s leaders does not cease, the future of France will be tragic and violent.”

France is the country in Europe with the largest number of Muslims: around 10% of a population of 67.75 million. By 2050, the figure is expected to increase to 17%, according to an analysis by the Pew Research Center.

A similar situation to that of France can be found in other Western European countries, where the Muslim population may be smaller but is quickly growing.

In Londonistan, a book by the British journalist Melanie Phillips published in 2006, she noted the existence of Sharia-controlled zones in London, and that “sixty percent of British Muslims would like sharia law to be established in Great Britain”. In 2019, she wrote in the UK’s Jewish Chronicle: “A frighteningly high number of British Muslims subscribe to extremist or anti-Semitic views”.

In Germany, Sharia-controlled zones have begun to appear. They have also been emerging in Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands. The recent victory of Geert Wilders in the Dutch elections could be the sign of a turning point and an awakening in Europe. It is too early to draw conclusions, and almost three months after his victory, Wilders has still not succeeded in forming a government.

In 2015, the Algerian writer Boualem Sansal, in the novel 2084: The End of the World, described a totalitarian future in which Muslim extremists establish an oppressive caliphate where freedom of thought and action is abolished. When a television journalist asked him what, in his opinion, France will be in 2084, his immediate response was: “France will be Islamist”. “Europe too,” he added.

The former head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, said in a recent interview that “Europeans will succumb to Islam”.

If Europeans wish to avoid such a future and keep their culture, they need to start making that outcome unmistakably clear to everyone, not just by words but by actions. If not, what we are seeing could well mean the end of the European civilization as we know it.

Originally published at Gatestone Institute

The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did ‘Woke’ Pulpits Become The Norm?        

Breaking News Updates – April 24, 2024
The Churches Are Sleeping: When Did ‘Woke’ Pulpits Become The Norm?
Many churchgoers have shared with me that when their churches reopened after Covid, Wokism had become the new religion. Sermons dealing with current events were now messages incompatible with biblical Christianity. The themes switched to social justice and equality; the key phrase was that we had to be tolerant. The motto switched to, “Do not preach anything that will offend anyone.”

In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul also prophesized and warned: “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?”

This apostasy or rebellion is when people turn from their faith.

Sleeping Churches

I used to wonder how it would ever happen. What would this look like? I have had a passion for Bible prophecy for years. However, reading and studying Bible prophecy and seeing it lived out before your eyes is totally different. It is extremely exciting to live in a day when so many prophetic events are converging, yet when I speak with my peers, many pastors and churches are sleeping, not concerned about the events unfolding right before us.

I routinely have people attend my church who say they have been searching for a church that would preach the truth about the day we live in. They say they have been trying to find a pastor who will speak about what’s happening in the world. People regularly tell me the only pastors they can discover who go deep into God’s word and explain how it applies to what’s happened in our world today are online. They can’t find a physical church where they can be part of a real like-minded community of believers who understand the days we live in.

To my fault, I have heard these voices, but I have been slow to acknowledge how correct they are. I didn’t want to fully acknowledge that our Christian pulpits have gone silent at a time when we need to be blowing the trumpet the loudest.

A Christian Worldview

I ask myself, when did this slide away from prophecy and prophetic events take place? A 2004 survey by Barna Research found that only 9% of all born-again adults have a Christian worldview. Worse, the same report said that only half of evangelical Protestant pastors, 51%, have a biblical worldview. 9% of adults and 51% of pastors! That is sad and tough to comprehend.

To define a worldview, it is believing that absolute moral truth exists and that it is based on the Bible. To have a Christian worldview, Barna’s research listed six core beliefs:

– the accuracy of biblical teaching,

– the sinless nature of Jesus,

– the literal existence of Satan,

– the omnipotence and omniscience of God,

– salvation by grace alone,

– the personal responsibility to evangelize.

That was in 2004. In 2022, the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University did another survey on this topic. They found that just slightly more than a third (37%) of evangelical pastors possess a biblical worldview, and the majority, 62%, hold a hybrid worldview known as Syncretism. Syncretism is the fusion of differing systems of belief. It is the blending of multiple and different belief systems. In 18 years, the percentage of Christian evangelical pastors with a Christian worldview dropped from half to a third.

The Remnant

There is a remnant of believers who want to be awake and help sound the trumpet of the soon return of Christ and the coming judgment on this world. There is a remnant of believers who want to connect with like-minded believers. The issue is that this group of remnant believers is often separated. They are mixed in with the 91% of adult churchgoers who do not hold to a Christian worldview.

The Tipping Point

Again, how did we get here? Was there a tipping point? Yes, there was. It was Covid-19 — when churches decided to close.

Many churchgoers have shared with me that when their churches did reopen, Wokism had become the new religion. Sermons dealing with current events were now messages incompatible with biblical Christianity. The themes switched to social justice and equality; the key phrase was that we had to be tolerant. The motto switched to, “Do not preach anything that will offend anyone.”

Not of the World

Years ago, the Seeker-Sensitive Movement compromised biblical values and truths and replaced them with entertainment. The trend was to offer whatever it took to get people to attend church. The focus was no longer on being salt and light. The focus was to make it loud, add colorful lighting, and focus on motivating, not correcting. Enough time has passed now that we know that that direction did not work.

I once had a professional rock-and-roll star share his view of the church being what it was not called to be. He received Jesus and started to attend church. He was shocked to find church services use fog machines, strobe lighting, and stadium sound systems. He told me he wasn’t attending church for a concert; he wanted to hear about Jesus and be taught the Bible. He said he wanted to yell at these churches and tell them to stop trying to be like the world. Besides, he said, churches stink at it anyway. That conversation was years ago, but his words still ring true.


In this woke culture, churches need to stop preaching a Universalist view of salvation. Universalism promotes the idea that all people will be saved regardless of their beliefs. They need to stop using the word “diversity” all the time. Instead, we need to teach a literal interpretation of Scripture. We must stop straying away from the purity and truth of God’s Word.

Israel in the Pulpits

Since October 7th, Israel has been in the news, but not in the pulpits. Research shows that Amillennialism has become a prominent view. Scripture details that Christ will return to establish His Kingdom, which He will reign over for a literal thousand years. Amillennialism sees the thousand years as spiritual and non-literal. This teaching leads directly to Replacement Theology, which teaches that the Church has replaced Israel. That’s heresy! It seems some want the Kingdom without the King.

In 1 Timothy 4:1, the Holy Spirit says, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;” This prophecy of falling away is spoken to those in church, not those in the world.

In 2 Timothy 4:3-4, the Apostle Paul prophesied, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

Originally published at Harbinger’s Daily

Biden Blesses The Unthinkable By Making Sign Of The Cross At Pro-Abortion Rally

Joe Biden stands at one very tenuous heartbeat from eternity. So he blasphemes the Lord and makes a sign of the cross at a baby butchering rally. He blasphemes God by saying: “…what the hell is in the Bible?” We are now paying for the 60 million plus abortions in our country at our southern border. Why is Joe Biden in power? Because God gives us the leaders we deserve. Pray for our rebellious president’s soul and for this godless nation. Abortion = the murdering of the innocents.

In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Breaking News Updates – April 26, 2024

Biden Blesses The Unthinkable By Making Sign Of The Cross At Pro-Abortion Rally
Joe Biden has now invoked a Higher Power in his battle with Pro-Life opponents as he continues to twist scripture so that evil is good and good is evil.

Nearly two years after launching a “whole-of-government approach” to support the abortion industry, President Joe Biden has now invoked a Higher Power. At a campaign stop in Florida on Tuesday, Biden made the sign of the Cross in an apparent attempt to ward off pro-life legislation, mocked the notion that miracles happen in politics, and wondered aloud about “what the Hell is in” the Bible.

During a pro-abortion speech in Tampa, the purportedly “devout Catholic” Biden lashed out at former President Donald Trump for allegedly being a pro-life extremist. The 46th president seemed incredulous that the 45th president “described the Dobbs decision as a ‘miracle.’ Maybe it’s coming from that Bible he’s trying to sell. Whoa. I almost wanted to buy one just to see what the hell is in it.”

It seems curious Joe Biden wouldn’t have picked up some of the fundamentals of the Bible from attending daily Mass before going to “the black church” every Sunday, between stops in the Greek Orthodox and Puerto Rican communities, all after attending synagogue on Shabbat. 

That was but one facet of Biden’s inversion of Scripture. At a meeting with volunteers in Tampa, Biden invoked the power of our Lord’s precious and life-giving Cross as a guest speaker discussed abortion.

Biden made the holy gesture as Nikki Fried — the current chair of the Florida Democratic Party and former state commissioner of agriculture, who lost the 2022 Democratic gubernatorial primary to a former Republican by 14 points — belittled Governor Ron DeSantis (R) for signing a bill that halted abortion once babies have a detectable fetal heartbeat. “Ron DeSantis felt like he needed to run for president, and so [protecting unborn life at] 15 weeks wasn’t good enough. We had to go to six weeks,” inveighed Fried. 

As Fried uttered those sentences, Joe Biden made the sign of the Cross, apparently trying to ward off the heartbeat bill from becoming law. But as it turns out, Jesus is pro-life, Ron DeSantis is a leader, and on May 1 the Heartbeat Protection Act will become the Heartbeat Protection law.

Making the sign of the Cross at an abortion rally would be entirely appropriate … for an exorcist. One of the foremost figures of the early Church wrote, “By the sign of the Cross all magic is stopped, and all witchcraft brought to nothing, and all the idols are being deserted and left, and every unruly pleasure is checked.” But for the nation’s second Catholic president to make a sacred gesture of his faith to mock the sanctity of life — a teaching of his church, the Bible, and his Savior — is sacrilegious.

The Bible — in any translation, with or without any individual’s endorsement — makes abundantly clear the Cross is the preeminent Christian sign, reconciling a holy God with sinful mankind. For that reason, Christians have always embraced, cherished, and clung to the Old Rugged Cross. 

The sign of the Cross is an ancient Christian prayer. Scripturally, the Christian makes the sign of the Cross to show he plans to fulfill the Great Commandment to love God with all his mind (forehead), heart, and strength (shoulders). Early church writings seem to indicate that originally, it was traced on the forehead with the thumb, perhaps calling to mind Bible verses about God sealing the faithful by placing His mark on their foreheads. (See Exodus 13:16, Ezekiel 9:3-6, and Revelation 14:1 and 22:4.)

Over time, it became standard to make the sign of the Cross over the whole body. The exact method varied geographically, but eventually all traditional Christians — Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Copts, Armenians, Ethiopians, Anglicans, Lutherans, and others — came to begin all their prayers with this sign, asking the blessing of the Holy Trinity.

Early Christians took their role as the people of the Cross so seriously — and placed such trust in Christ crucified — that they used this holy sign to sanctify, and drive demons out of, everything. The early church leader Tertullian (160-240 A.D.) wrote, “At every step and movement, at every going in and out, when we put on our clothes and shoes, when we bathe, when we sit at table, when we light the lamps, on couch, on seat, in all the ordinary actions of daily life, we trace upon the forehead the sign [of the Cross].” 

St. Cyril of Jerusalem (d. 386) told those preparing for baptism that making the sign of the Cross is how Christians “confess the Crucified.” It is “our seal, made with boldness by our fingers on our brow and in everything; over the bread we eat and the cups we drink, in our comings and in our goings out; before our sleep, when we lie down and when we awake; when we are traveling, and when we are at rest.”

The one thing early Christians did not do is use the sign of the Cross as a joke, much less to bless demonic activity. Joe Biden has a strange history of using Christ’s Cross as a punchline. In a 2019 campaign speech, then-candidate Biden responded to claims that he was too friendly to Republicans by crossing himself while mouthing the first words a Catholic says in confession: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” 

Biden bizarrely also made the sign of the Cross during a joint press conference last September with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when Netanyahu mentioned the two had been “friends” for “over 40 years” — an apparently playful reference to the octogenarian’s longevity.

Some have indicated that Biden intended his latest mockery of Christ’s Cross as a requiem for the DeSantis presidential campaign. Or he could have indicated that he intends for his Justice Department to challenge one or both of the pro-life protections. Others may say Biden’s continual invocation of this faithful sign shows his desire to sanctify even banal statements of politics. 

But perpetually making the sign of the Cross does not indicate piety. Our soul inclines toward the actions our bodies commit and the words our mouths speak. To use holy things flippantly falls under the category of taking the Lord’s Name in vain.

When the president — during a visit to secure his position as the leader of the nation — applies this classical mark of the Christian to abortion, which Christianity has taught for 2,000 years is murder, it rises to the level of calling “evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). That notion is heightened by Nikki Fried who, one day after her joint appearance with Biden, declared Republicans who passed pro-life laws protecting babies from abortion “have blood on their hands.”

Politicians who support dismembering innocent children in the womb have blood on their hands — the same hands they use to make the sign of the Cross over the abortion industry. Joe Biden has repeatedly said he believes he is fighting “a battle for the soul of this nation.” 

He has repeatedly invoked spiritual powers while promoting immoral policies and jailing pro-life advocates. In his 2023 State of the Union address, he called on Congress to “restore the soul of this nation” by expanding abortion. And Biden has declared, “Transgender Americans shape our nation’s soul.” 

With each day, the spiritual warfare lurking below the surface of our political discourse manifests itself more fiercely. Christians must remember “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). 

Therefore, “we do not war after the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (II Corinthians 10:3-4). But the president making the sign of the Cross over the blood-drenched abortion industry should serve as a wake-up call that the spiritual combat is all-too real. And the spiritual battle must be joined with the spiritual weapons of prayer, fasting, and complete faith that “the battle is the Lord’s.”

As Biden blesses the unthinkable, Christians must pray, vote, and stand.

Originally published at The Washington Stand

ERLC’s Brent Leatherwood Confronted by Media For His Suppression of the Trans Shooter’s Motive at Christian School

Another of the myriad of reasons that our church left the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Leader after leader are afraid to boldly stand on the Word and confront the apostasy of our times. Brent Leatherwood is all about job security, and as far as truth, the Word, and scripture, he has the backbone of a jellyfish. The video below, reveals Leatherwood to be a wolf in sheepskin. His demeanor is that of a secular CEO and does not represent the Christian faith in the least. He is concerned about his position and he is afraid of apostates, and cares not for the Lord’s truth. Personally, I could not stay with such a denomination and sleep soundly. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

…instead be deadly to Leatherwood’s and the ERLC’s cause. After the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto yesterday, Leatherwood held a press briefing with arguably one of the most disingenuous displays of passion I’ve ever seen—it was borderline sociopathic.

Earlier this week, Leatherwood was confronted by Steven Crowder and his team after a court hearing as Leatherwood continues to push for a court order to keep any information regarding the motivation of this attack from the public. Leatherwood, like the weasel that he is, refuses to answer any questions and acts just like any leftist politician who is more concerned about his career than he is about the truth.

On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a “manifesto” which has currently been withheld due to public records requests made by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department as well as the activism of Southern Baptist Convention ERLC head, Brent Leatherwood.

Brent Leatherwood, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), is calling on TN lawmakers to back a proposal by Governor Bill Lee for an extreme risk protective order law, also known as red flag laws. The proposal would allow the state to temporarily restrict gun purchases if the state deems one to be a danger to themselves or others, yet the criteria that would be used to make the determination remains unclear.

Brent Leatherwood, who is also a parent of three children at Covenant School where the shooting by a deranged transgender assailant took place, shared his experience of receiving a call that a shooter was at the school. In a series of tweets on April 3, he recounted how the trauma and memories of the tragedy would be with his family for the rest of their lives.

“We’ve become numb to these tragedies as a society,” Leatherwood wrote on Twitter. “Defenseless, innocent lives being taken. We should never accept this as a reality. We need to commit ourselves to finding an answer to this epidemic and not rest until it is solved. Count me as a solution seeker on this.”

Unsurprisingly, Leatherwood has exploited this tragedy and used his platform as a Southern Baptist leader in order to advance stricter anti-Second Amendment gun control laws. In a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and all members of the legislature, Leatherwood presented an appeal from both his personal experience and on behalf of the majority Southern Baptist sentiment, according to The Tennessean. He urged lawmakers to ensure that no school in Tennessee ever has to endure the same nightmare as the Covenant School tragedy again.

Leatherwood told the lawmakers that Southern Baptists make up one-fifth of the population of Tennessee and have repeatedly called for ways to reduce gun violence, a seemingly veiled threat by the former leader of the TN Republican Party that he may use his power of leadership over Southern Baptists to sway the vote. “Other voices are saying there is too little time left in this legislative session to consider such a proposal. Little credence should be given to that,” he said in the letter, according to the Tennessean.

In a report at the Epoch Times, it has been further revealed that Leatherwood had not only been advocating for stricter gun laws, but he’s also been working overtime to censor the manifesto written by the deranged transgender activist who killed innocent people on that day. While one would think that a conservative, Bible-believing Christian leader in his right mind could only think of a deranged, transvestite killer as an “unhinged activist,” instead, Leatherwood refers to those who are calling for transparency as such.

The following is from the Epoch Times:

Brent and Meredith Leatherwood, parents of three children who were present that day, echo Kinney in saying their current anguish comes from “unhinged activists, unthinking partisans, conspiracy theorists, and various media outlets that value clicks over their community.”

The Leatherwoods said their family had also received “hints” of threats of legal action in order to intimidate them from trying to stop the release of the records. Leatherwood, through his position with the Southern Baptist Convention, has called on stricter gun laws following the shooting.

In November 2023, copies of the shooter’s manifesto were released by Steven Crowder and his media team. Leatherwood proceeded to attack the media and others who had been pushing for the release.

Leatherwood, along with a minority coalition of other parents in the school, had been seeking every possible way to stop the release of the shooter’s written manifesto to the public, and had been successful in preventing the release for several months.

From the release of the manifesto, the Nashville shooter was revealed, as suspected, to be racially motivated in her attack. In fact, the manifesto clearly demonstrated a motive that was built upon the ideologies of Critical Race Theory and anti-white sentiment. Leatherwood, knowing this, had claimed that the release of the manifesto and the motive for this person’s attack was not important and would “re-victimize” the parents and students at the school.

However, in the 2019 El Paso shooting, the ERLC believed that the motive for the attack was important. But that attack was motivated by “white supremacy,” a narrative they had been pushing as a dangerous and deadly ideology.

But since the motive for the Nashville shooting went against the narrative of “white supremacy,” it became clear that the release of the information wouldn’t be deadly to others, but would instead be deadly to Leatherwood’s and the ERLC’s cause. After the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto yesterday, Leatherwood held a press briefing with arguably one of the most disingenuous displays of passion I’ve ever seen—it was borderline sociopathic.

Earlier this week, Leatherwood was confronted by Steven Crowder and his team after a court hearing as Leatherwood continues to push for a court order to keep any information regarding the motivation of this attack from the public. Leatherwood, like the weasel that he is, refuses to answer any questions and acts just like any leftist politician who is more concerned about his career than he is about the truth.


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Peter Never A Pope / Exposing Heresy And Apostasy In The Roman Catholic Church



Dear Founder Dominick Pepito Alpha International,
My father was a WWII U.S. Army Veteran physician in charge of all of the medical supplies in North Africa, and later stationed in Naples, Italy helped liberate your country of Italy from Nazi tyranny.
In response to your unsolicited email to sell coins to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral:
First let me say, that If you are going to name a building, name it after Christ, not Mary as Notre Dame is French for Our Lady.  
A more accurate title and name of this building your are trying to rebuild and restore:
Your solicitation reads:
Our “Hearts of Paris” Notre-Dame Cathedral  coin is trademarked and was minted to help raise money for the rebuilding and restoration efforts of Notre dame Cathedral”, with the front of the coin stating ”Liberté, égalité, fraternité, and the the back of the coin stating “We will rebuild Notre-Dame Together”.  Source:–notre-dame-cathedral-coins.html

There at least six very striking critical biblical problems with these slogans and promises:
First, Divine Providence is the domain of God alone, who had nothing to do with designing these coins.  And God would never design such a coin, as you will will see in the rest of this report.  
Secondly, ”Liberté, égalité, fraternité, was the slogan that launched the French Revolution in which 17,000 were beheaded by the infamous guillotine in what is called The Reign of Terror.  Today it is the national motto of France.  But this is a political cry and ideology, certainly not  even remotely a Christian religion mandate or command even remotely resembling the Great Commission of the Gospel.  
Thirdly, it makes a promise for the future, in defiance of the Lord’s own command and warning to not make pledges and promises about the future, for tomorrow is known to no man.  So this whole campaign is fatally flawed at its premise.  
Fourthly, the ad is very misleading and deceptive because it implies that the entire cathedral burned to the ground and/or is going to be completely rebuilt and restored.  But the fact is, only a small portion fo the cathedral burned at the top which was its spire and part of the roof, and therefore, only a small percentage of the entire building complex.  In fact, here is proof of precisely what burned in the fire:


Fifthly, the ad also gives the impression that Alpha International Enterprises is the primary channel for funding the rebuilding and restoration of the cathedral, when in fact, the government of France and many other billionaires are donating hundreds of millions of dollars in and outside of France for its reconstruction.   Proof:
And even in the ad, only a portion of the sale of the coins is even going to its restoration. 
Sixthly, by integrating church and state into the campaign and coin, the promoters defy Christ’s warning of the Leaven of Herod.  And why would this organization sell coins in the U.S., whose very raison d’etre is separation of church and state? *****A host of Catholics and even Evangelicals are grieving.  I am grieving too, but not for the same reasons.  I grieve for the host of true Christians and their families of the martyrs tortured during the Inquisition by what that building symbolizes as well as for the hundreds of millions of Catholics who have been victims of RC extortion and threat of Purgatory, and the Fraud that RC committed with Indulgences.  Roman Catholics are so shaken by fire that caused the partial burning down off this building.  But where is the outcry for the fire of saints being burned at the stake during the Roman Catholic Inquisition which began in France, where Notre Dame Roman Catholic Cathedral still stands.  You name a building after Mary the Mother of Jesus.  How would think she would feel about her name being invoked for a building responsible for much of the torture and martyrdom of saints.  And even if they were heretics, is that what Jesus or the New Testament taught as the technique for evangelism and restoring a person to the faith or the church of Christ?
That is what I see.
And didn’t Christ judge another building in 70 AD that was the nerve center for another religion that Paul said was eternally damned?  Therefore, I submit the following which is not new, but we need reminding:
1.  Roman Catholicism is a religion of terrorism, extortion, and necromancy.    Roman Catholicism is a false religion in which you co-pay for your salvation vs. Christ’s last words on the Cross were “FULLY PAID!”.  That means Mary  (Notre Dame) can’t be a co-redemptrix (i.e., a sinner who co-pays with Christ for our salvation).  This also means that we would have to at least partly pay back Christ for his most expensive gift (present) in history.  And have you ever heard of telling someone who gave you a gift “Please let me pay you back at least part of the cost).  What an insult to the giver!  And as though paying back in this life weren’t bad enough, you might have to go to Purgatory to pay off the balance of what you owe God, contradicting Isaiah 53 and Christ and his own Apostles.  The Apostle Paul eternally damned the religion that taught that works and the law are necessary for salvation, precisely what Roman Catholicism teaches, meaning it is no longer a gift.  Paul made it clear that Salvation is by Grace alone that you are saved, not by works, lest any man boast.  The gifts of God are irrevocable according to Scripture, therefore, we have assurance of our salvation, not maybe we get to Heaven.
2. This is what their Pope just did:

In another photo Roman Catholic previous Pope John Paul II is shown kissing the Koran:

And here is Pope Francis stating:

“We are all God’s children” at:
There are a number of Catholic scholars and journalists who state that “We are NOT all children of God”, such as Rachel Lu and Brian Kelly: you know there a a number of Scriptures that define who is truly a child of God.  But If I could also submit some Scriptures and Jesus Christ’s own words of who is NOT a child of God.  Doesn’t this all should seal the deal?  For example, Jesus saying “depart from me you wicked and accursed, I never knew you”, Matthew 7:23.  How are the wicked and accursed that Jesus never knew “all children of God”?  Jesus also said “your father the Devil” John 8:44-45.  (Can you be both children of God and children of the Devil at the same time?).  Jesus also called some of the Judaizer’s twice the sons of Hell”:
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.”  Matthew 23:15
So are sons of Hell children of God? 
The Apostle John stated:
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36
And again John states:
“He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life”  I John 5:12
So if the wrath of God is on many children, how are all of these children, children of God?
John also defined “antichrist” as anyone who does not believe the Word (God) was made flesh and dwelt among us.  This is Islam in a nutshell.  So are all of these antichrists “all children of God”.  Is the Antichrist yet to come a child of God?  Was Judas?  Was Haman, Sanballat, Tobiah, Bhudda, Mohammad (Islam),  Ananias and Sapphire, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, The False Prophet “all children of God”?
Jesus also said, “he who does the will of my father which is in Heaven, he is my brother, he is my sister”.  Therefore, those who don’t are brothers and sisters of a different Father, and could not be all children of God.  Paul eternally damning the Judaizers in Galations.  If they are children of God how can they be eternally damned?  Revelation makes a list of who will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  If they are children of God, how can you exclude them?
So my most critical question for you is if the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, would he and Jesus Christ be in agreement?
I look forward to reading where any Roman Catholic can reconcile this question and the others I posed above.
And add to these quotes from Roman Catholic Mother Teresa, exalting Islam and other religions:
MOTHER TERESA stated that she wanted to make Muslims better Muslims, Hindus better Hindus, and  Buddhists better Buddhists.  When “Mother” Teresa died, her longtime friend and biographerNaveen Chawla said that he once asked her bluntly, “Do you convert?”She replied, “Of course I convert. I convert you to be a better Hindu or a better Muslim or a better Protestant. Once you’’vefound God, it’s up to you to decide how to worship him” (“MotherTeresa Touched Other Faiths,” Associated Press, 9/7/97).The April 7–13, 1990, issue of Radio Times tells the story of “Mother”Teresa sheltering an old Hindu priest. “She nursed him with herown hands and helped him to die reconciled with his own gods.”—
And regarding the promotion of Mother Teresa:
To laud Mother Teresa without mentioning her stand on the Gospel is a denial of the Gospel. Here is what Mother Teresa thought of the Gospel: “”I love all religions. . . . If people become better Hindus, better Muslims, better Buddhists by our acts of love, then there is something else growing there”.” She upheld that there are many ways to God: “All is God— (That sounds a whole lot like Roma Downey seeing the Face of God in everyone.).  Buddhists, Hindus, Christians,betc., all have access to the same God” (12/4/89 Time, pp. 11, 13).
Mother Teresa told everyone no matter what their religion: “If in coming face to face with God we accept Him in our lives, then we are converting. We become a better Hindu, a better Muslim, a better Catholic, a better whatever we are. . . . What God is in your mind you must accept” (from Mother Teresa: Her People and Her Work, by Desmond Doig, [Harper & Row, 1976], p. 156).— Notre Dame Cathedral was the Roman Catholicism headquarters in France responsible for torturing and killing myriads of true saints and we should contribute money to rebuild this shrine of abomination to the Lord?
4.  Rick Warren thinks Roman Catholicism and Pope are also our brothers in Christ and wants to include Muslims in his Global Peace Plan even though Christ’s Global Peace Plan will not have a single Muslim or Muslim nation in his Global Peace Plan.  Islam is also a false religion because it teaches that Christ was not crucified and did not die, but was taken up into Heaven, the antithesis of what the Apostle Paul taught if Christ be not risen (which he couldn’t do unless he died), then our faith is in vain and we are dead in our trespasses!
I personally can’t warn everyone, but I can warn my extensive two thousand plus media database, and the Christian radio networks I have been a guest on and the publications and Christian journals I write for about your unholy alliance and promotion of the Prince of Darkness who is not the heart of Paris, rather the heart of darkness!
I solemnly entreat you to read my documentary: Islamic Jesus vs. Biblical Jesus at:
I also note that you wrote a book exalting Augustine.  On your website re Augustine you state:
I wrote a documentary on Augustine I entreat you to read.  I was shocked that he was your initial inspiration as he was the one who weaponized Christianity.
Finally, from your website, your first obligation is not to serve, but preach the Gospel, not another Gospel and another Jesus or Queen of Heaven!  And if you want to serve which indeed is what a Christian does as a New Creation, why not raise money to pay the families of all of the victims of sexual abuse by millions of Roman Catholic priests instead of raising money to pay for rebuilding a shrine that historically tortured true saints, and make restitution as John the Baptist commanded?  And while you are at it, why don’t you (the Roman Catholic Church) who defrauded tens of millions Catholics for the Indulgences you took to deceive Catholics into believing they could shorten their sentence in a non-existent place of Purgatory, in the spirit of Zacchaeus pay back four times what you defrauded?  Selling forgiveness could not be a more accurate description of still one more warning by the Apostle Peter who described religious leaders in Judaism as “experts in greed”.   But Peter’s warning was virtually prophetic in describing Roman Catholicism. Peter condemned this practice called Simony (selling or buying spiritual pardons spiritual powers) in Acts 8:18.  And Peter verified the authority of all of Paul’s Scripture which means he concurred with Paul’s warning in I Timothy 6:10 that “money is the root of all kinds of evil”.  Indulgences also would qualify as one the six things God hates: “ a heart that devises wicked plans” (Proverbs 6:18).  Selling Indulgences could rank as one of the greatest scam and financial swindle and scandal exponential dishonesty in history.  But even worse, they usurped Christ having FULLY paid for the remission of sins, denying Christ’s last words on the Cross and Isaiah 53 which clearly states the God “laid on Christ the iniquity of us all” and not by our stripes are we healed, but by Christ’s alone.  Jesus actually gave us a picture of the worth of one soul that all of the wealth of all of the kingdoms would not add up to be sufficient for even one soul, in Matthew 16:26 and Mark 8:36.  But imagine it did equate in an accounting sense to one soul?  Then the rest of all Catholics and all of mankind would have no money or ability to commute their sentence in Purgatory.  And if Indulgences are so holy, noble, valuable, and financially secure, then why did Pope Pius V abolish them in 1567?  Think of the billions of Roman Catholics who have lived since 1567, who could have had their punishment sentence reduced or commuted but now have to serve out their full sentence of potentially millions of years in Purgatory.  Why aren’t they protesting this injustice, if God is not a respecter of persons as it says in Romans 2:11-16? Why don’t Roman Catholics initiate a petition to the Pope to reinstate Indulgences so they can get the same deal Catholics were offered before 1567?  For certain, I am not advocating this because it goes against Scripture, I am simply using their own reasoning to refute them.  And if the Roman Catholic Church needed a new building, why didn’t  the Pope simply do what Solomon did to raise money for a new Temple, and simply send out a fund raising campaign to raise the necessary funds required to fully fund the building where all of the collections were voluntary contributions without bribery or extortion?  
I invite you to read this comparison chart between Biblical Christianity and Roman Catholicism by Richard Bennett, former Roman Catholic Priest: Catholicismsummary_Bennett.html
Here is a video documentary I produced with former Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett entitled:Experiencing God Through Deceitful Mysticism:
I exhort you to repent before it is too late.*******


Dear Founder Dominick Pepito Alpha International and Staff of AIE,
I trust that you received and read my response letter to your solicitation? Will you be responding?
There are two more critical comments and document you should receive.

Why won’t you call everyone a saint the Scripture states is a saint?  And why don’t you address every true Christian as a saint, if Peter himself whom you revere said that every single person who was purchased by Christ’s shed blood is a saint.  So by singling out and canonizing saints it not only insults every true saint that the Roman Catholic Church and Pope does not canonize, but it presumes and redefines the definition of saint with different criteria than Peter and Paul define one.  Secondly, it presumes that those whom the Pope canonizes even meet the biblical criteria to be a saint in the first place, e.g., Augustine.  Thirdly, the Apostle Peter calls all born again Christians who repented unto salvation priests.  So by calling only Roman Catholic priests as priest defrauds every Christian of this title, who will also rule and reign with Christ as kings…yes every single one of them.  If only whom the Pope canonizes are saints, this effectively is saying that only the prayers of Roman Catholic saints availeth much, and non Catholic prayers does not availeth much, in fact would avail nothing, since Roman Catholic Doctrine anathematizes all (curses) all non Catholics according to the still binding Council of Trent.  I should also point out that Roman Catholic definition of “anathematize” is not the same meaning that the Apostle Paul gives to this word in Galatians.  Paul’s definition of “anathematize” was to eternally damn, Roman Catholic definition means a curse that is reversible.   Finally, the Apostle Peter, the supposed rock and first Pope of the Catholic church, demolishes this stronghold of who is really a saint, in I Peter Chapter 2, verses 5,9:
“you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For it stands in Scripture:
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame.”
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”  I Peter 2:5,9
Notice how Peter is forensically precise in defining who “you” is…every single saint that purified themselves by taking the action of belief and faith in Christ.  They are the royal priesthood!  Go back and read all of Chapter 2 as well as I and II Peter and see how Peter fully instructs who are truly priests according to Scripture.  In so doing, just like defrauding all of the Christians who are truly already saints, Roman Catholicism defraud every born again Christian who is already a priest.  Counterfeit Vicar of Christ (Popes), Counterfeit surrogate Apostolic Succession (i.e., Popes), Counterfeit Priests, and Counterfeit saints.  So the bottom line is that Roman Catholicism has born false witness against the Apostle Peter’s own testimony, which is an abomination to the Lord to bear false witness against a brother in Christ.  In this regard, I entreat you to read former Roman Catholic Rebecca Sexton’s article:

It is almost as though Peter knew in advance prophetically what Roman Catholicism was going to with his name, title, and doctrine and metastasize it into the Spiritual Cancer of the Ages.

Peter demolished this stronghold of Roman Catholicism by comparing baptism to Noah’s Flood in which the entire earth was submerged (deluged).  (I Peter 3:20-21, II Peter 5:6-7).  But if infants are baptized as infants it can not be an act of the infant doing so as an act of faith or believe, which Peter says is necessary to purify oneself”
“Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth” I Peter 1:22
How does an infant exercise an act of obedience in which they had no voice or free will to exercise? Impossible!


  1.         CIRCUMCISION OF THE HEART commanded by Apostle Paul, is what counts, not circumcision of the foreskin (Romans:2:29). Defenders use literal circumcision of infants and the ceremonial cleansing with water to justify baptism of infants. But literal circumcision was instituted by God as a sign to visually separate and mark Jews from Gentiles, and only by biological genealogy, under the Old Covenant Law, and that only to males.  And literal circumcision accomplished nothing for the souls of these infants.  And many Jews who were circumcised remained in unbelief, so, spiritually speaking it didn’t even help them.  Biblical circumcision purpose is to separate Non-Christians from Christians.  So if this is a direct equivalent, then how could females be saved?  Answer: circumcision of the heart occurs for both sexes, and Jew or Gentile, as the Apostle Paul makes clear. Paul does equate spiritual circumcision to new birth, but he does not equate literal circumcision to literal baptism.  Name one child in the history of the church whose heart was circumcised when they were an infant when they were baptized. So Paul would say this kind of baptism does not count.  And if you think infant baptism was bad when it was just in the church, it really became globally destructive, when the church and state were merged, even making failure to baptize infants a crime, in defiance of Christ’s warning to beware of the Leaven of Herod.
  2.         CITIZEN OF THE KINGDOM at the time of infant baptism?  This is tantamount to giving U.S. Citizenship to illegal aliens, who haven’t even applied for it. But a true Citizen of the Kingdom must be a Christian.  A child is a citizen of the Kingdom of Darkness until he or she becomes a new creation and a new man or woman in Christ, not before.  Who is a CHILD OF THE NEW COVENANT OR THE JOINT HEIRS TO THE KINGDOM?  Protestant defenders say that infant baptism doesn’t save, but turn right around and call the infant a child of the New Covenant and grafted into the Body of Christ.  But all children are children of darkness and enemies of Christ until they become children of light, which can’t happen until they are born again, which can’t happen when they are an infant.  Collective baptism for entire households collides with individual decision, as Christ declare that only “he who does the will of my Father, which is in Heaven, are my brother and my sister”.  Where is the “will” in an infant?  Even if you knew which children would become Christians, you shouldn’t baptize them until they profess their faith publicly.  Another religion of billions of adherents has forced conversion to their faith for fifteen hundred years.  So we want to force conversion upon infants?  And this action is Liberty in Christ?  Freedom in Christ? And if the infant grows up to later reject the faith, are they still considered a child of the New Covenant?  To whom did Christ even give the power to become sons of God, or Child of the New Covenant?  Only those that received him!  Those are Christ’s own words in John.  What infant in the history of the church ever received him?  Answer: NONE.  Therefore, it is impossible that they become sons of God during infant baptism.
  3.         ARRANGED MARRIAGE.  Would you be OK with being forced by your parents to marry whomever they choose?  The pastor or priest even blesses the parents for presenting their child for this compulsory engagement and presumption of eventual marriage.  A forced literal marriage results in forced relations (renting the veil) without consent.  So wouldn’t a forced spiritual marriage. which the infant is incapable of preventing, defile the spiritual wedding bed?  Well that is precisely what is happening when you force infant baptism upon a child because you are forcing the spiritual betrothal of Christ the Groom to the Infant Bride of Christ, effectively placing a spiritual engagement ring on the child’s finger. But the engagement is not consummated until the circumcision of the heart as the first prerequisite, the spiritual marriage between Christ the Groom and the Collective Bride of Christ, will not take place until Christ returns in glory to set up his kingdom.  CHOOSE TODAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE?  So how are infants able to choose to serve and follow Christ?  They don’t choose to be baptized, i.e, whom they would spiritually marry, their parents do the choosing.  Paul’s answer was that you have to BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved.  How does an infant believe?  But you can’t get to Heaven on your parents apron strings.  No surrogates allowed.  Infant baptism presumes it is an invitation to the Marriage Wedding Supper of the Lamb.  Every communion is a preview of the Marriage  Supper of the Lamb between His Bride the Church, and himself as the Groom, when we literally see Christ face to face.
  4.        CONFIRMATION & COMMUNION.  When a baptized infant grows up he or she must then confirm what was done to them in infant baptism.  But what are they confirming?  They can’t be confirming their salvation at infancy, because they had not yet repented and were not saved yet.  Therefore, then, what is the purpose?  And what happens if they reject the infant baptism and reject the faith?  Or reject infant baptism because they want to be baptized by immersion because they are NOW making their profession of faith and want to do this publicly as as Scripture commands.    A person will be entitled and commanded to take communion once they become a Child of the New Covenant.  An infant can’t take Communion (The Lord’s Supper), who does not even know what Communion means yet.  Paul also said that a Christian should not take Communion unworthily.  So wouldn’t the taking of Communion at Confirmation be unworthy if they were taught and still believe that they are already a child of the New Covenant because they were baptized as an infant?  Roman Catholic Confirmation also bestows seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, five of which are not listed in Scripture, therefore, they are counterfeit gifts, not Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  They also exclude many of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and administer the same seven Gifts to every person, even though Scripture does not give the same Gifts to ever Christian.  Plus it is the priest who must administer these gifts, usurping the Office of the Holy Spirit, who alone gives these gifts, adding and replacing what Scripture teaches and commands.
  5.        GLOBAL FLOOD (Total Immersion) or LOCAL FLOOD (Sprinkling).  The Apostle Peter compares conversion to Christ to the Global Flood where the entire earth was submerged in water, in which a person is totally buried symbolically to the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.  Peter even said this pledge symbolizes a good conscience.  How does an infant make a pledge?  How does an infant obtain a clean conscience?  But a person must believe all three of these to be in union with Christ to be truly redeemed, in which Christ is not sprinkled with dirt, otherwise, there would have been no tombstone to roll away. 
  6.        SOLA SCRIPTURA.  Scripture never once describes infant baptism. This act is going beyond what is written, prohibited in Scripture, and it collides with sound doctrine on several fronts.  God cannot bless what he has not commanded in Scripture.  In fact, adding unto Scripture, or being an enabler or participant in this fake sacrament, bringing in this doctrine, what is not in it actually receives a curse from God.  And the Apostle John warns that welcoming a doctrine that they did not teach, would share in their guilt.  Adding infant baptism doctrine, and going beyond Scripture by adding gifts of the Holy Spirt, in the Church is Satan’s masterpiece, the author of confusion and this lie, as to who is really saved, which was given birth, when Replacement Theology took root to usurp everything that belonged to Israel and transferred it to the Church.  How ironic, that the parents must renounce Satan and all his works, while simultaneously doing his very work and bidding, by creating the illusion and delusion that infant baptism accomplishes salvation and rebirth for their child.
  7.       SOLA FIDE.  Where is faith in an infant to baptize them?  We are saved through faith. Faith is unconditional, meaning faith alone, and it must precede baptism, which infants do not possess yet.  And it is not just faith on its own, but the OBJECT of faith, Christ himself that is required.  So they can’t become Members of the Body of Christ without faith.  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  So where is the faith in the infant?
  8.       SOLUS CHRISTUS.  Where and when did Christ or any Apostle ever perform or authorize infant baptism?  There is no precedent.  The thief on the Cross was not baptized, but was saved.  Therefore, literal baptism is not required for salvation, whether infant or adult.  A host of saints died in the faith because they were martyred first, or died before they had an opportunity, or were simply unable to be baptized, even as adults.  Rather they were baptized into the faith through their faith in Christ alone, at the nanosecond of their conversion.  All of these saints at the beginning of the Church Age would have been baptized by immersion in water after their conversion, as a public testimony and witness, but only if and when they were able.
  9.       SOLA GRATIA.  By grace alone are you saved.  The grace of God (alone) draws a man to repentance.  Where is the repentance during infant baptism?  Paul said if you are literally circumcised, it is NO LONGER grace.  Therefore, if infant baptism is the equivalent of circumcision, then infant baptism is no longer grace, because literal circumcision is a work, and that not even by the infant.  Yet Reformer giant, John Calvin’s heir was Heinrich Bullinger, who taught that a second baptism or re-baptism (anabaptist) at conversion was profane (as did even most of the Reformation teach), that he ordered a third baptism, aka execution by drowning.  And this is by grace alone?  You get executed simply for refusing a free gift?
  10.       SOLI DEO GLORIA.  How is God glorified when Christians do something they have no authority biblically to do?  Remember what the Lord did to Uzziah, the perhaps well-meaning but disobedient Israelite, who laid hands on the Ark to rescue it from falling?  Aren’t you touching what God has NOT yet anointed until they are truly born again? Aren’t you defrauding the child by taking and usurping from him or her a glorious experience that should belong only to him or her to choose, but only after the Holy Spirit has drawn this person to repentance long after they are infants?  Aren’t you stealing and robbing this child of their New Birth birthright to choose to obey Christ and his Apostle’s to be baptized as a believer, not by the obedience or disobedience of a surrogate, their parents?  Aren’t you defiling and desecrating and robbing the temple (potential temple) of the Holy Spirit?  The infant is not yet SAVED or BORN AGAIN.   Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox and Anglican, and most Protestant Denominations declare the infant reborn or New Creation who has been purified, justified, and sanctified by this bath.  Not one single sin has been washed away for even one infant in the history of the church.  And when this child reaches age of reason and accountability, does, or has the priest or pastor ever repented or made restitution to someone they baptized as an infant, who confronts him for doing so before the proper time?  Or even repent if the child rejects the faith?  The pastor or priest asks the congregation to be WITNESSES to a conversion to Christ by calling the infant a CHILD of the New COVENANT that never happened, having born false witness, deceiving the people, and later as well, when the infant discovers he or she too was deceived, when he or she has come to majority.   These pastors and priests who administer infant baptism are actually derelict watchman on the wall for shirking their responsibility to tell the congregation and potential converts the truth.   Infant Baptism is not one of the only two Sacraments commanded in Scripture.  Infant Baptism is a Rite that is not Right!

***So all we need is Peter’s own words to refute and demolish Roman Catholicism Principality and their audacity to steal the Apostle Peter’s true identity totally misrepresenting him committing false advertising, fake news, false claims, and marketing fraud, a crime!
Sincerely in Christ,
James Sundquist

If Apostolic Succession of Popes were biblical, there would always be 12 Popes all serving simultaneously to this day.  All 12 Apostles were directly selected by Christ alone, and were eyewitnesses to Christ, and given the power to perform signs and wonders and cast out demons (no Pope every performed and signs and wonders or cast out demons, except Peter who was not a Pope), with no successors.  The Apostle Paul verified the criteria for the mark of an Apostle in 2 Cor. 12:12.  The Office of Apostle ended when the last Apostle John died. Elders and deacons were appointed by the Apostles and brothers in Christ appointed them too, but elders and deacons had no Scriptural authority to elect or appoint Apostles in the Church.  And note that until Roman Catholicism was established not even the Apostles kept replacing the Apostles, with one exception, Matthias to replace Judas, but none after that.  In reality is was the Apostle Paul who became the 12th Apostle, as he was chosen by Christ.  As the Apostles died off one by one, note there was no Council in Jerusalem or anywhere else to replace them, after the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D., and the church dispersed, so that right before John died on the Isle of Patmos, there was only one, then when he died there were zero, and henceforth zero.  The Apostle Paul confirms in Ephesians 2:20 that Apostles are part of the foundation of the church (not the floors, walls, ceiling, or roof):
“built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.”  Ephesians 2:20
This further confirmed by the Apostle John in Rev 21:14
“The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Rev. 21:14
So there were and are not 13 or 266 (i.e, Popes). Therefore, the rest of the Church was build UPON this foundation of 12 Apostles, all members, including elders and deacons.  There is no foundation above the foundation.  The Apostles were not the super-structure.  So once the last Apostle died, so ended Apostolic Authority in the form of a man, so even discussing Apostolic Succession becomes a moot point.  Though we still have their final authority of any New Testament Scripture they penned, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  It was even Peter who declared in Scripture that no Scripture is subject to private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20), meaning no Pope could privately interpret Scripture to mean that the Apostolic Succession is available.  It was not just terminated.  It never existed in the first place.
Roman Catholicism uses the term Apostolic Succession, but that is really a misnomer when they really mean Christ Succession.  Furthermore, Roman Catholicism calls the Pope the Vicar of Christ.  But this could not have been Peter as the First Vicar in Succession of Christ, because Christ himself already told us in Scripture who the true Vicar of Christ would be, and that is the Holy Spirit he would send at Pentecost after he had ascended into Heaven.  Besides this the Office of Christ and the Office of Apostle are separate and mutually exclusive offices.  Any other Vicar is an imposter, an Apostle becoming a Christ is an oxymoron.  The office of Christ on earth (though Christ himself is “the same yesterday, today, and forever”), and office of Apostle were each created after their own kind, so they can’t become the other. And Christ even warned that many would come in his name saying they are the Christ (or substitute) deceiving many.  The Apostle John describes and defines these fake vicars as antichrists, which in the Greek doesn’t just mean against Christ, but also means “in place of” or “substitute” for Christ.  Attributing authority in the Trinity to someone other than to whom the title belongs is blasphemy.  In fact, so serious is this sin, that Scripture says attributing works of the Holy Spirit to Satan, called Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is the one unforgivable sin.  And Jesus said only those “who do the will of my Father which is in Heaven, he is my brother and my sister, and my mother”.  So if you call someone the Vicar of Christ, who is not, that is disobeying the will the Father.  But Roman Catholicism does not just prevaricate and usurp the Office of the Holy Spirit, they usurp the name Father in complete defiance of still another command by Jesus Christ to call NO man Father, by calling the Pope Holy Father, and every priest Father:”And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”  Matthew 23:9
Remember the whole context of Matthew Chapter 23 is in the framework of religious leaders.  Then let’s look forward to the First Council in Jerusalem to see who was actually present in Acts 15 (50 A.D.). The passage in Acts 15 makes it clear that ALL of the Apostles were present.  That means Matthew who authored Matthew 23:9 was present.   Now imagine Peter or any Apostle present were to postulate at the Council in Jerusalem in 50 A.D.  that Peter (the so-called First Pope) be addressed as “Holy Father” as all Popes are still currently being called?  Tragically, even the world and many Protestants even call the Pope “Holy Father.”   And remember there were a host of other witnesses present when Jesus said those words, many of whom would also be present as elders at the First Council of Jerusalem.  There would surely have been an uproar or even a riot as there was in Ephesus were this to have been even suggested.  Twenty years later in 70 A.D., Matthew, one of the Apostles penned the Book of Matthew confirms by the authority of Scripture that there was no one you could call “Father.”  So by then, Peter still wasn’t a singular authority over the entire church of the whole earth, i.e. “Holy Father Pope.” The bottom line is that no one would have dared propose such a model of Church government and authority in light of the commands of the Lord Jesus himself….that is until the launch of Roman Catholic religion replete with revisionist history and NO evidence.  And further note that there was no Apostle that outranked any other Apostle.  Paul even rebuked the church in I Corinthians Chapter 3, for putting a single man (even an Apostle) as their singular spiritual authority, underscoring that even an Apostle is just a fellow servant.  Paul hammers home this strong rebuke even more to shame them by telling them in Chapter 4: 6-8 to not go beyond what is written.  But that is precisely what Roman Catholicism has done with their hierarchy of authority and single man over them all.  But because they didn’t listen to Paul’s warning, they took pride in one man over another (vs.6).  Paul said imitate him as a servant, not try to imitate him by becoming an other Apostle, let alone a Pope with absolute global authority over the entire church.
And why do they call the Pope Holy Father instead of Holy Son since they believe that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ, not the Vicar of the Father? So in reality Roman Catholicism has usurped and denigrated all three persons of the Trinity: The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, without the slightest qualm.  So in believing and promoting this triune axis of evil, then all Roman Catholics are not doing the will of the Father in Heaven, therefore they, by Scriptural definition can’t be brothers or sisters as Jesus Christ defines them.
Former Roman Catholic Priest Richard Bennett proves that it is the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Trinity, alone, who is the Vicar of Christ.
Here is the link:
It would appear that the Roman Catholic church has also usurped and stolen another dimension of vicarious (vicar), and that is Christ’s vicarious atonement via Indulgences, usurping who has the authority to forgive sins, and priests misappropriating the title of priests that belongs only to all true Christians, none of whom have the power to forgive sins, as this power belongs only to Christ.   So in truth, they may think they possess authority to forgive sins, but this is a myth and a tradition of man.  The money a bank robber steals from a bank he can still use to purchase goods.  But the currency of purchasing forgiveness (Christ’s shed blood) was never stolen and can not be stolen, as it remains with Christ alone.
One more thing on the Pope being the Vicar Fake Surrogate.  How does Roman Catholicism deal with Colossians that says Christ’s power and authority holds EVERYTHING together, every electron, otherwise, the entire Universe would fly apart? (Col 1:17 and Heb 1:3a)

Why America Deserves to Fall, Part II


Why America Deserves to Fall, Part II

by Publisher | Apr 8, 2024 | OpinionReligionSocial-IssuesThe ChurchUS

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In a nation that once heralded the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, a shadow has fallen, casting a long and dark silhouette over the moral landscape. At the heart of this darkness lies the tragedy of systematic child-murder, a scourge that has not only marred but fundamentally altered the character of America.

The blanket and collective endorsement and normalization of abortion in America are not mere policy failures—they are the stench of a rotting spiritual corpse, symptoms of a deadly spiritual poison, collectively ingested by a nation once alive with the zeal of a people who believe in God. It is a brazen affront to the Creator, an act of rebellion that screams into the heavens, demanding a response. And respond, God will—for He is just, and His justice will not sleep forever.

The Scripture is unequivocal in its affirmation of life’s sanctity, from conception to natural death. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you,” declares the Lord in Jeremiah 1:5. Yet, this divine pronouncement has been met with disdain, as millions of lives have been extinguished in the name of convenience and autonomy.

The blood of the innocent cries out from the ground, and we, as a nation, have covered our ears to the sound.

This is not merely a failing of the left or those who openly champion abortion “rights.” Nor can the blame be laid solely at the feet of progressive politicians like Stacey Abrams or Raphael Warnock, who, while vocally supportive of abortion, are but cogs in a much larger machine of moral decay.

The culpability extends to every corner of American society, from the halls of power to the pews of our churches, where silence and inaction have become the order of the day.

God’s character—His holiness, justice, and righteousness—demands a reckoning. He is a God of love and mercy, yes, but He is also a God of wrath, poised to judge those who lift their middle fingers to Him and His laws while breathing His air and desecrating His creation. America, once the land of hope and a light to the nations, is now a sewage dump where the world flushes its moral sewage and it festers to become what we call “progress.”

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America now stands on the brink of divine judgment, having traded its heritage for a mess of pottage.

Yet, abortion isn’t the root cause of our problems as a nation—it is a symptom of a deeper, spiritual malaise. It is a heart condition, pride, that afflicts the very souls of men. It is a reflection of a society that has turned its back on God, elevating human wisdom, comfort, and desire above divine decree. And in doing so, we have incited the wrath of the God who is sovereign over us, and it would be both right and just for Him to utterly destroy us, to hand us over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that perhaps some might be saved on the day of the Lord.

Yet, even in this, God’s mercy shines forth. For His judgments are not merely punitive. They are redemptive, designed to bring us to our knees in repentance, that we might turn from our wickedness and live. The call to repentance is urgent, pressing, and it is a call to each individual and to the nation as a whole. We must forsake our sinful ways and seek the face of God, acknowledging Him as Lord and King.

This is a matter of utmost seriousness, a spiritual battle that rages around us, demanding our full attention and engagement. The goal is not the salvation of America—America is dead. The goal is the glory of God and the salvation of souls. The church must rise, casting aside complacency and lukewarmness, to proclaim the truth of the Gospel.

We are not without hope, for we serve a mighty God, sovereign over all the earth. His purposes will stand, and His kingdom will come, on earth as it is in heaven. Yet we must gird ourselves for battle, armed with the full armor of God, that we might stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

America stands at a crossroads, and the path we choose will determine our fate. Will we continue down the road of rebellion and face the righteous wrath of God, or will we repent and return to the Lord, seeking His mercy and forgiveness? The choice is ours, and the time to decide is now.

But if we continue to spurn the Lord and shed innocent blood, we may well find that the God of justice has left us to our own devices, a nation abandoned to the consequences of its sin.