Mainstream Media Silent As World’s Elite Meet For Secretive Bilderberg Summit  

The Bilderberg’s, the Club of Rome, the Illuminati, the Bohemian Grove, the New Age Movement, the Trilateral Commission, the Skull and Bones Society, the European Union, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Masons, and many other global organizations can trace their roots back to the Tower of Babel, as they plod on towards their desired goal of the One World Order with the Antichrist at the helm. Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

Breaking News Updates – June 04, 2022
Mainstream Media Silent As World’s Elite Meet For Secretive Bilderberg Summit
The world’s ruling elite will meet in secret this week. No press will be allowed in, no one will be interviewed about it, and Bilderberg will not even register as a blip within the mainstream media’s radar. As the media hypes gun control… bankers, politicians, military leaders, and information controllers will be discussing their plans for the world behind closed doors and with zero transparency.

The 68th annual Bilderberg Meeting, which has been held in locations around the world throughout the years, kicked off on Thursday in Washington D.C. with absolutely no press coverage at all and is set to end on Sunday June 5. Despite a prestigious guest list of around 120 attendees — who will arguably have more of a global influence than any elected officials — the meeting will escape any scrutiny in the mainstream media.

The reason this meeting of the global elite manages to remain free from any mainstream media coverage is no accident. This group of elite power brokers owns the media, they own the politicians, and, arguably, they own the world.

In attendance to this year’s meeting are war criminals like Henry Kissinger, Albert Bourla the CEO of criminal pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Head of the CIA William J Burns, the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, GlaxoSmithKline CEO Emma Walmsley, Eric Schmidt the infamous former CEO of Google, and other heads of corporate media, foreign heads of state, and military officials.

The key topics for discussion this year at their secret event are:

1. Geopolitical Realignments

2. NATO Challenges

3. China

4. Indo-Pacific Realignment

5. Sino-US Tech Competition

6. Russia

7. Continuity of Government and the Economy

8. Disruption of the Global Financial System

9. Disinformation

10. Energy Security and Sustainability

11. Post Pandemic Health

12. Fragmentation of Democratic Societies

13. Trade and Deglobalization

14. Ukraine

Nothing sinister at all about some of the largest purveyors of disinformation in the world meeting in secret to discuss possible world war with China and Russia, while plotting how to silence speech they consider “disinformation.”

In what many would call a violation of the United States Logan Act, Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema will be in attendance. Sinema is a Democrat turned independent currently working with both Democrats and Republicans to push through gun control. She has openly expressed her support for the late warmonger John McCain and has repeatedly pushed for escalation in Ukraine.

As we’ve reported, former presidents George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton both attended Bilderberg conferences in the years before being elected to the Oval Office. Tony Blair was on hand at the 1993 Bilderberg meeting before becoming prime minister of England in 1997, and Emmanuel Macron, the President of France attended in 2014 just prior to being elected.

What’s more, the 2008 conference is believed to be the catalyst for that year’s US presidential election: rumors suggest that attendees settling on backing Barack Obama for the Democratic Party nomination at that year’s event, only for contender Hillary Clinton to bow out two days later.

Bilderberg attendees must abide by Chatham House Rules, meaning that while participants can use the information received, they are barred from talking about any individual who may have steered their decisions.

Numerous bloggers and activists have suggested that, based just on what is known already from public statements, simply attending a Bilderberg meeting should constitute sufficient grounds for immediate arrest and investigation of Americans.

In 2011, then-Congressman Ron Paul called for an investigation and noted that U.S. officials participating in the yearly gathering — specifically Texas Gov. Rick Perry at the time — were quite possibly breaking the law. “This information about him going over there and violating the Logan Act and getting involved, I’m just impressed that that’s in the ordinary media — I think that’s encouraging, too,” Paul said during an interview at the time, noting that Gov. Perry’s attendance was “a sign that he’s involved in the international conspiracy.” 

Paul is not simply making this up either, the Logan Act clearly states, in part:

“Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

Originally published at Activist Post – reposted with permission.

Black Lives Matter Riot in Front of Supreme Court Justices Homes for the Right to Kill Their Own Children

People who endorse the butchering of unborn babies are now illegally protesting at our Supreme Court Justices’ homes, revealing they have no respect for either life or law. No surprise. The White House intentionally allowed this to happen, and the leaks were spurred on by the DemocRATS in order to create anarchy. The DemocRATS no longer even desire to stand on our laws and accept diverse opinions. They will steal elections, defund the police, allow and encourage criminals, drug cartels and terrorists to cross over our borders, and a plethora of other means to destroy this nation. Everything this party does is illegal, since their goal is “the transformation of America,” …a phrase repeated by Barack Obama, Chuck Schummer and others. The Left are intimidating the justices through illegal threats; their desire is to get at least one judge to change their vote. The DemocRATS / Marxist goal is to create class warfare and destroy our nation. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | May 9, 2022

Either Black lives actually do matter, or they don’t. But a strange yet unsurprising phenomenon is that the Black Lives Matter movement is now organizing riots in front of the Supreme Court justice’s homes in the wake of the leak revealing that the high court intends to strike down Roe v. Wade

Black Lives Matter, a terrorist organization that resembles Antifa, the KKK, and al-Qaeda in many ways, has been hell-bent on destroying Western civilization. One of its primary means of operation is to instill fear in the public by rioting, burning down cities, and public displays of horrific intimidation toward the leaders in charge of this nation.

That’s exactly what is taking place right now in front of several of the Supreme Court justice’s homes. Conservative justices, who have been identified according to the leak as the ones responsible for striking down the decades-old ruling that guaranteed the right to abortion, are now being intimidated by Black Lives Matter groups who are wreaking havoc in front of their homes.

Abortions disproportionately affect Black children. While Black women make up less than 15 percent of the population, they have roughly 28 percent of all abortions in America. One could only wonder why a group named “Black Lives Matter” would so desperately fight for the right to continue reducing their own population through such an injustice as aborting—murdering—their own children.

Here are some pictures.

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Quotable Quotation ~ Winston Churchill

“An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

― Winston S. Churchill

Sir Winston S. Churchill was probably thinking of his infamous British contemporary, Neville Chamberlain, when he made this comment. Chamberlain was Britain’s prime minister prior to Churchill, and of course came back to Britain with his peace concordant, signed by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was literally laughing at him immediately after signing the phony document.

The only thing man learns from history is that he never learns from history. …and of course, history repeats itself. President Joe Biden is the new Neville Chamberlain. Vladimir Putin has been playing our Coward in Chief like a Stratovarius violin for over a year. As Adolf Hitler laughed at Neville Chamberlain, Vladimir Putin laughs at Joe Biden’s sanctions. Russia attacked no one during the years of Donald Trump’s presidency. Trump is the only president in the new millennium for which that is true. That brings to mind another quote by Ronald Reagan: “Peace through strength.” Joe Biden is not driving world events, he is reacting to them.

By the way, Biden’s cognitive functions are off the charts, as he referred to one other than his wife as the first lady. (his gaffs occur moment by moment) Can you imagine Kamala Harris as our president? During the primaries, her own party could not stand her. Overseas, she just called Ukraine a NATO country! She was chosen only for her double minority status. The progressive Democrats desire to fill quotas, NOT to select the most qualified individuals. These inept politicians could lead to a weakened America and World War III, the push button war.

Pray for our nation. We get the leaders we deserve.

Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

Note: As I write this, Joe Biden has pledged one billion dollars of military aid to the Ukraine. This is the only encouraging news I have heard and it is not enough. Putin will take as much power as weak and vacillating leadership gives him. On the other hand, Biden is afraid of Putin to the point that he will not allow Poland to give MIG fighter jets to the Ukraine. He equivocates daily over this theme, connotating insipid leadership, as well as the inability to step up when the need arises. Joe Biden follows the philosophy of Barack Obama – “Lead From Behind” – which of course is not leading at all.

History Suggests that America is Ripe for a Conservative Resurgence / Good News For A Change

American Thinker

 May 16, 2021

History Suggests that America is Ripe for a Conservative Resurgence

By William Sullivan

Aging hippies have a penchant for recalling the 1960s as some amazing, idyllic moment in time. As Jonah Goldberg writes in Liberal Fascism, it’s “bizarre how many people remember the 1960s as a time of ‘unity’ and ‘hope’ when it was, in reality, a time of rampant domestic terrorism, campus tumult, assassinations, and riots.”

Goldberg hits the nail squarely on the head when appraising why aging hippies feel that way. Their “liberal nostalgia” for the 1960s is more about a longing “for victory” than an interest in “unity.” Leftists love the 1960s for the same reason that they love the 1930s, a decade also marred by “political unrest, intense labor violence, and the fear that one totalitarianism or another lay just around the corner.”

Both decades were the times when leftists believed that “we were all in it together,” writes Goldberg. The kind of “unity” that took the shape of “staid conformity” in the 1950s was undesirable for them. “In the 1930s and 1960s, the left’s popular-front approach yielded real power.”

Voters, however, swiftly repudiated that era of massively growing government power and carefully fomented social unrest under LBJ’s Great Society schemes. In 1968, America elected Richard Nixon on his promise to find “an honorable end to the war in Vietnam.” He promised to repeal government regulations, reminding Americans that “progress is achieved not by government doing more for people, but through people doing more for themselves.” He assured Americans that he would “restore respect for America around the world.”

Drawing historical parallels is never perfectly clean but does any of that sound familiar? Did Barack Obama not massively grow government for eight years while fomenting social unrest and racial violence in the later years of his presidency? Can Donald Trump’s election in 2016 be seen as anything but a direct repudiation of Barack Obama’s presidency?

When Trump ran, he stated his opposition to foreign military interventions, while also promising to repair America’s reputation, which Obama had tarnished with his global “apology tours.” And Trump absolutely ran on a platform suggesting that individuals are empowered by getting the government out of their way.

Nixon was reelected in 1972, in a landslide victory. Then, after the Watergate scandal, Nixon resigned in 1974, and a disillusioned America fell into malaise. In 1976, Georgia Democrat Jimmy Carter defeated incumbent Gerald Ford in the presidential election.

Jimmy Carter’s time as president was defined by global turmoil and economic woes. It is for good reason that we’ve begun hearing about the similarities between Joe Biden’s early term and Jimmy Carter’s lone term as president.

For armchair economists, the word “stagflation” has become as synonymous with Jimmy Carter’s America as the word “hyperinflation” is synonymous with the Weimar Republic in the 1920s. Put simply, stagflation occurs with an economy “that is experiencing a simultaneous increase in inflation and a stagnation of economic output.” High unemployment yields stagnant economic output.

Recently reported employment numbers fell wildly below expectations for improvement in an economy that is being superheated by government stimulus. It is also widely believed that lavish unemployment benefits are disincentivizing many Americans from returning to the workplace. Prices, on the other hand, are skyrocketing, as we just experienced the highest level of inflation in over a decade.

Sprinkle in some Iranian-driven turmoil in the Middle East and a gasoline crisis that is making Americans spend more at the pumps and wait in long lines for the privilege of doing so, and you don’t have to speculate long as to why the comparisons between Biden and Carter are being drawn. And while that’s unquestionably a welcome and advantageous comparison for the GOP to exploit and politicize, it’s also pretty accurate and difficult to refute, as historical comparisons go.

And herein lies the crux of our political times. Is Obama a strong analog for an LBJ or an FDR? Is Trump’s exit from the presidency — after having won it in 2016 on the premise of reversing his predecessor’s efforts and after having earned more votes in 2020 than any American presidential candidate before him (by a large margin), yet arguably having left the GOP stage in disgrace — a good analog for Nixon? And despite all the pure parallels to be found, can we truly view Joe Biden as analogous to Jimmy Carter?

The short answer is that it doesn’t really matter. These individual politicians are much less relevant than the trends we may be able to identify among the people who voted for them.

So, what happened after Jimmy Carter’s presidency? Ronald Reagan, of course.

In 1980, Americans were again ready to feel good about America and who we are. We had an ideological adversary on the global stage, and we believed in our American exceptionalism, as it was relative to their tyranny. Americans wanted cheap gas, less government, and to find their way toward the American dream, not the pipe dreams of a collective utopia that preoccupied the hippies of the 1960s.

I cannot argue that Reagan was incidental to the equation for that recipe for success and American happiness that generally existed until late in Barack Obama’s presidency. But the American people longed for Reagan’s message at that moment in time, in such a way that it ushered in the popular and constitutional revolution that we saw. It could not have been so received at any other time.

Now, here’s food for thought. Let’s concede that Joe Biden’s America is Jimmy Carter’s America with fancier gadgets. Generation Z, which is handier with those gadgets than any other demographic in America today, is arguably the most entrepreneurial group of Americans to have ever existed in America. An astonishing 54-percent of them want to start their own business. They’re actively choosing to delay or skip college to build something of their own. They are choosing to ignore the primary step that their parents, school counselors, Hollywood, and politicians all tell them that they absolutely must take if they want to be successful, which is to go to college.

What makes us think that they won’t buck all those representatives of the status quo who say that they have to be “woke” by supporting societal racism in the form of “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” and say that the government has to take increasingly more of what they earn in those newly started businesses and that all of their future happiness depends on voting for a Democrat, as everyone tells them to?

It doesn’t have to be a Reagan. It doesn’t have to be Trump. The Democrats are currently failing on a level not seen since the 1970s, and it stands to reason that Americans will make them pay for that, hopefully beginning in 2022. All we need is someone who can tap into that patriotic vein of American exceptionalism and the boundless potential of the American individual, because if history is any measure, the hopefully short-term struggles with a President Biden may yield America’s best days yet.

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Biden’s Disastrous Plan To Rebuild The Terrorist State In Gaza

Breaking News Updates – May 26, 2021


Biden is sending a message to all Palestinians that the long-term objective of Hamas–namely, the elimination of Israel–is not only still on the table, but a realistic future option towards which they should work.

In the aftermath of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas after 11 days of fighting that left 12 Israelis and 248 Palestinians dead, and approximately 77,000 Gazans homeless, the Biden administration now wants to help. Secretary of State Antony Blinken headed to the Middle East this week but his purpose is not, as he claims, to revive the dead-in-the-water peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. 
Rather, it’s to ensure that the truce holds. According to President Joe Biden, Blinken will do so while simultaneously reaffirming “our ironclad commitment to Israel’s security” while also continuing “our administration’s efforts to rebuild ties, and support for, the Palestinian people, and leaders, after years of neglect.”
There’s a lot to unpack in that sentence. Biden’s words signaled a shot at the administration of former President Donald Trump’s closeness with Israel and attempt to hold the Palestinian Authority accountable for its support of terrorism. It also reflected a policy shift to a more “even-handed” approach to the conflict, while at the same time also attempting to claim that its support for Israel is unshaken.
Any statement that seeks to reassure both the sector of his party’s base that is anti-Israel and Americans who support the Jewish state can’t be said to amount to much. That’s especially true since the administration’s foreign-policy priority until last week was its ongoing efforts to reach a rapprochement with Iran, which would enable Tehran to have even more resources to give to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad embedded in Gaza.
As Biden talks out of both sides of his mouth about the Middle East, it’s clear that the one thing the administration is definitely intent on doing is to lead an international humanitarian effort to “rebuild” Gaza.
Doing so will be a way for Biden to show that he means what he says about supporting the Palestinians in such a way as to get credit from the growing faction of leftist Democrats who falsely think that Israeli counter-terror strikes in Gaza are the moral equivalent of Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck.
Biden clearly wants a policy that will appear to neither openly punish Israel nor reward Hamas. “Rebuilding” Gaza is, he thinks, the way to do it while advancing the creation of an independent Palestinian state in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Blinken and the other foreign-policy establishment luminaries that staff his administration still believe a two-state solution is the only way to prevent future outbreaks of fighting.
The fundamental mistake here is not just the notion that America can maintain its alliance with Israel while also being good friends with a Palestinian nationalist movement committed to the Jewish state’s destruction. Rather, the immediate problem is that Biden and Blinken think they can aid the people of Gaza without helping or even rewarding Hamas.
They cannot. What’s more, not only is that impossible, anything done to advance such an objective won’t be just a tactical error that will give Hamas a short-term advantage. It will also send a message to all Palestinians that the long-term objective of Hamas–namely, the elimination of Israel–is not only still on the table, but a realistic future option towards which they should work.
As the international community learned after it devoted many billions of dollars to aid to reconstruct Gaza after the 2014 war, it was virtually impossible to ensure that the money helped ordinary Palestinians rather than their Hamas tyrants. There has never been an example in history of cash pouring into a totalitarian regime–exactly what the Islamist-ruled, independent Palestinian state in all but name that exists in Gaza truly is–that could be kept out of the clutches of the rulers in one way or another.
Some homes destroyed because of Hamas’s policy of using civilians as human shields were indeed rebuilt after 2014. But most of the building material that was let into the coastal enclave went into rebuilding the terrorist group’s military infrastructure, including hundreds of kilometers of tunnels used for storing their armaments and providing shelters for their military personnel, though not civilians.
There is no reason to believe the next round of rebuilding will go any differently. Nor are there any grounds for believing that United Nations officials tasked with the job of guaranteeing that civilian needs are dealt with rather than those of Hamas, will do that.
While administration officials say they will try to force Hamas to choose between–in veteran peace processor Dennis Ross’ words, “their rockets and the well-being of Gaza”–to even suggest that they would ever choose the latter over the former is to take leave of reality altogether. This attitude always results in foreign officials allowing money and material to pour into Gaza, where it will be used by Hamas to make it an even more formidable military target.
The problem is that Biden, Blinken, the foreign-policy establishment, the liberal media that echoes their arguments and even those left-wingers who are pressuring the administration to be tougher on Israel still don’t understand what Hamas is after.
Blinken repeated this past weekend the pious hope that “there has to be” a prospect for a peaceful solution between Israel and Hamas. Some claim that Hamas is actually much more pragmatic than their Islamist ideology and wants a modus vivendi with the Jewish state, citing their willingness to accept a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. But while Hamas is always practical when it comes to their survival and day-to-day tactics, their goals are unchanged.
As deputy chairman of the Hamas “political bureau” Musa Abu Marzouk stated in an interview last week (translated by MEMRI), this latest conflict is just one more among many other “wars” to come in pursuit of their ultimate goal: Israel’s elimination. Saying that his group was not composed of “dreamers,” he said that Israel will go the way of the Berlin Wall and the apartheid-era South African government.
“We are no dreamers. Until recently, they mocked Hamas’s rockets and called them children’s toys. I do not believe anyone is saying this today. Until recently, the whole world supported the white government in South Africa, but things have changed. Where did the Soviet Union go? Where did the Berlin Wall go? The day will come when people ask: ‘Where did Israel go?’ “
He’s serious. So are Hamas supporters and those in the West Bank who would prefer it to Abbas. And every step towards normalizing Hamas, rather than isolating and defeating it, is a signal to a Palestinian people who have been sold such fantasies for the last 100 years that their long war to defeat Zionism is not yet lost.
Rebuilding Gaza may help some Palestinians, but it will also enable Hamas to assert that there were no long-term consequences for their actions. By repeating the mistakes made by every administration prior to that of Trump, and reinforcing expectations that the West will not punish the Palestinians for terrorism and rejecting peace, Biden is not advancing a two-state solution.
To the contrary, he will be making peace even more impossible by indicating to the Palestinians that they don’t have to surrender to reality and accept Israel’s permanence and legitimacy. So-called humanitarian policies that are rooted in the pretense that the people there can be aided without requiring them to overthrow their Islamist masters is money spent on enabling Hamas, not peace or the welfare of the Palestinians.
It’s hard to resist arguments that appeal to our sympathy for those who are caught in the crossfire created by Hamas terrorism, even when they are not made in the context of appeals to delegitimize Israel’s right to exist or to defend itself. Nevertheless, the best thing Biden can do to actually advance the cause of peace is to not spend a cent on rebuilding the terrorist state in Gaza.
Originally published at – reposted with permission.

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What an absolute train wreck for a president. He follows Barack Obama’s footsteps in his hatred for Israel through supporting her enemies. As Biden walks all over Israel and Genesis 12:3, he could bring a curse upon our nation through not blessing Israel. We certainly hope not. Biden is a politician who never did anything right. Why should we expect him to do so now? The good news is the Bible tells us that the Lord will be strong in Israel’s behalf during the Great Tribulation Period. Israel will not depend on the United States of America or any other nation. There are well over 190 countries in the world now, and Israel is the only one that I know beyond the shadow of a doubt will not only survive but thrive! Pastor Steve <><

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Front Guy

A.F. BRANCO on January 28, 2021 at 8:45 am

Radical Mouth Piece Biden

Biden is nothing but a mouthpiece for the radical left. Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in America anymore. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.


A.F. Branco Cartoon – Tools of the Trade

A.F. BRANCO on January 29, 2021 at 8:45 am

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Tools of the Trade

Biden is Obama’s 3rd term implementing the same old radical failed policies. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2021.

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

Comically Incorrect

A Nation Divided Shall Surely Fall 💢

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Breaking News Updates – December 16, 2020
A Nation Divided Shall Surely Fall
It is often said that a house divided will surely fall, and the same thing can now be said for the United States as a whole. If there is anything that this election has made clear, it is the fact that there is little hope of healing the very deep divisions that exist in our country.

 Most of those on the political left absolutely hate those on the political right, and most of those on the political right absolutely hate those on the political left.  But it isn’t as if the two opposing sides are even united.  
The radical left is absolutely disgusted with “moderate Democrats” such as Joe Biden and is very much looking forward to the day when their “progressive revolution” finally triumphs in America.  
Meanwhile, the right is hopelessly divided into countless political, religious and economic factions, and there is endless conflict between “conservatives” that are pro-Trump and those that are anti-Trump.  
Over the past 30 years, not much has actually gotten done in D.C., but what little has been accomplished has almost always involved more spending, more debt and more socialism.
One of the reasons why the United States became such a great nation is because originally we were united by a core set of values and principles.  In the beginning, everything was about faith, family and freedom.  Our notions of right and wrong were defined by the Christian faith, the family was the most important institution in our society, and early Americans were desperate for freedom after experiencing deep oppression over in Europe.
But now we have completely abandoned all of that.  The Christian faith has been relentlessly pushed to the fringes of public life, the traditional family unit is mocked while rampant sexual immorality is celebrated all over America, and with each passing day our freedoms are being eroded even more.
At this point, our Constitution has essentially been relegated to being “just a piece of paper” that sits in the National Archives.  It has been trampled on over and over again in recent years, and the courts do not seem to care.
In fact, much of the time it is the courts that are doing the trampling.
We have now gotten to a point where our nation is almost ungovernable.  When Barack Obama first entered the White House, millions upon millions of Americans did not consider him to be a legitimate president.  Then when Donald Trump won the election in 2016, even more Americans did not recognize the legitimacy of his presidency.  

Of course that trend is only going to intensify now that Biden is being installed as president.  According to one brand new survey, a whopping 82 percent of all Trump supporters do not believe that Biden is the “legitimate winner of the 2020 election”…
A strong majority of Donald Trump supporters reject the legitimacy of Joe Biden as President-elect, with many citing election irregularities and the most pervasive censorship campaign in American history in support of Biden on the part of Big Tech companies.
A poll released Sunday by CBS News reveals that 82% of self-identifying Trump supporters do not recognize Biden as the “legitimate winner of the 2020 election.”
Of course if the election results were reversed and Donald Trump was given another four years, a similar percentage of Democrats would almost certainly not be willing to recognize the legitimacy of Trump’s victory.
No matter who is in the White House from now on, tens of millions of Americans are not going to accept that individual as being legitimate.
And thanks to the events of the past several weeks, the election fraud that has been going on for decades in this country has now been exposed for everyone to see.  From this point forward, a very high percentage of Americans will not have any faith that our elections are fair.
If people don’t believe in the system, it is just a matter of time before it completely fails.
John Adams once made the following statement…
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Today, the American people are neither moral nor religious.  Instead, we have evolved into an “idiocracy” that is dominated by power-hungry control freaks.

If you go back and read the extremely eloquent things that our founders had to say in their time, you will quickly realize that the way that we speak and write today is completely different.  If they could have traveled to our time and interacted with us, we would have seemed like cavemen to them.  Most of us can barely hold conversations with others, and when we do it is mostly just a bunch of unintelligible gibberish.
But even though we have been dramatically “dumbed down” over the decades, if we could at least try to get along with one another we could still have a functional society.
Sadly, I have never seen more hatred in our country than I am seeing now, and it just keeps on growing.
You would think that Democrats would have an interest in at least trying to pull the country together, but instead they just keep rubbing their “victory” in the faces of their enemies.  For example, just consider something that Debra Messing just said…
The “Will & Grace” star — one of Hollywood’s most vocal Trump critics — expressed a desire for the president to “live a long life in prison” in a tweet to her more than 677,000 followers last week.
She called Trump “a weak, scared, stupid, inept, negligent, vindictive, narcissistic, criminal” before writing she hoped he became “the most popular boyfriend to the all inmates.”
Can you feel the love in those words?
Yes, let the healing begin.
More blood was spilled on the streets of D.C. over the weekend, and the left and the right will continue to go after one another in the weeks and months ahead.  We have now entered a period of semi-permanent civil unrest in this country, and what we have experienced so far is just the beginning.
If we would return to the values and principles that our nation was founded upon, our future could be very different.
But that is not what the American people seem to want.
So we will continue to steamroll toward oblivion, and there is no future for our nation if we stay on the road that we are currently on.
Originally published at the Economic Collapse Blog – reposted with permission.

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Secular Activists Want Seat At Biden’s Table To Attack Religious Freedoms

Breaking News Updates – December 16, 2020
Secular Activists Want Seat At Biden’s Table To Attack Religious Freedoms
Like every other radical group hoping to cash in from a Joe Biden presidency, the Secular Democrats for America have come forward with a blueprint of their own to dismantle 240 years of American freedom.

Like every other radical group hoping to cash in from a Joe Biden presidency, the Secular Democrats for America have come forward with a blueprint of their own (Emphasis on the word blue.) 
Claiming to be the fastest growing non-religious religious group, they’re demanding a seat at the administration’s table to dismantle 240 years of American freedom. Will they get it? Under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, anything is possible.
It’s a document that will make anyone’s head spin. Lashing out at Donald Trump’s four years of what they call “anti-democratic, anti-scientific” policy, they argue that now is the time to take back the country from the Christian conservative movement. Help us, they implore, “dismantle its grip on our government and counter its inaccurate and revisionist messaging around our nation’s founding.”
How? With a laundry list of changes that would take a bulldozer to our religious foundations. They call for things like dropping God from the Pledge of Allegiance and our national motto, ending government partnership with faith-based groups (including hospitals!), abolishing conscience rights, canceling contracts with religious adoption and foster care centers, forbidding the mention of religion or God in federal buildings and offices, banning pastors from speaking on cultural issues, nominating judges that would put secularism ahead of any legitimate First Amendment grievance, putting non-religious people on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, force government officials to check their faith at the door of public service and 25 other pages of dangerous and unconstitutional ideas.
In one portion, they even “support the recognition of humanist chaplains” in the military. Now, wait a minute. They call themselves non-religious but they want to be included in a religious dialogue? 
That only validates the point that’s been made for years about secularism — which is that it’s a religion. And, as we see in this document, they want to be treated like one. Atheist chaplains? That’s like vegetarian carnivores. It’s an oxymoron. They don’t exist.

In true hypocritical fashion, they call out the Trump administration for advancing a conservative Christian agenda, and then offer a path for the Biden-Harris administration to “restore the secular government envisioned by our nation’s founders.” 
A minute ago, they were accusing evangelicals of being too political. And yet, here they are, demanding that their own religion — secularism — reign supreme in the policies of the federal, state, and local governments. Washington, D.C. is just the first wave. Your community is next. “We are hopeful,” they write, “that soon there will be secular or Freethought caucuses in legislative bodies throughout the country.”
They don’t just want to attack your freedom through the federal legislative and executive branches. They want to fight this battle in your state! “We implore you,” these activists go on, “to help educate the American public by reasonably defining what religious freedom really means…” In other words, you can believe what you want in your head, but you can’t live it out in society. That’s what they want.
As hostile as Barack Obama was to religious liberty, his two terms were a love pat compared to what these activists want. This is a nationwide, top-to-bottom cleansing of any faith-based idea, institution, or tradition. 
Would Joe Biden go through with all of it? Probably not, but let’s be honest: he’s a puppet on the strings of the radical Left. And if there’s one group of people they all have in their crosshairs, it’s the faith community. The church needs to understand what’s coming and prepare to stand aggressively against it.
One way we can do that is in Georgia, where two Senate seats can make the difference between giving Joe Biden a blank check and ensuring there is a check on his incoming agenda.
Originally published at Family Research Council – reposted with permission.

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Top Israeli Minister Warns Biden Policy On Iran Could Lead To War

Breaking News Updates – November 09, 2020

Top Israeli Minister Warns Biden Policy On Iran Could Lead To War
Minister of Settlement Affairs Tzahi Hanegbi is warning that if President Biden were to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, it could ultimately precipitate an Israeli-Iranian war because “we will be forced to take action.”

In an interview with channel 13 News, Minister of Settlement Affairs Tzahi Hanegbi said that if President Biden were to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, it could ultimately precipitate an Israeli-Iranian war because “we will be forced to take action.”
Hanegbi, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party and considered to be a close confidant of the prime minister, previously served as Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and Minister of Regional Cooperation. He is also considered to be a security expert.
Hangebi may be referring to Biden’s commitment to restart the 2015 Iran nuclear deal that his administration brokered when he was vice president under Barack Obama. This means that the economic sanctions imposed by President Trump could be thawed out under his leadership. That can translate into Tehran exporting over 2 million barrels of crude oil a day.
Netanyahu for his part previoulsy addressed congress against the wishes of Obama to warn about the Nuclear deal with the Islamic republic which he called a “historic mistake.”
The sanctions imposed by Trump have managed to cripple the Iranian economy sending its currency, the rial, to 304,300 on the dollar. 

Many experts believe that it was precisely these sanctions that have prevented Iran from following through on their threats to wipe Israel off the map – a war that they currently cannot afford.
But if the sanctions are indeed lifted under a potential Biden administration, that can all change. This could leave Israel no choice but to wage war on Tehran and to stop them before they become a nuclear power.
Originally published at Breaking Israel News – reposted with permission.

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“Why Are You Killing Christians?” Trump Asks Nigeria’s President

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Breaking News Updates – October 27, 2020

“Why Are You Killing Christians?” Trump Asks Nigeria’s President
Earlier this year, Christian Solidarity International issued a “Genocide Warning for Christians in Nigeria” in response to the “rising tide of violence directed against Nigerian Christians and others classified as ‘infidels’ by Islamist militants”

Why are you killing Christians?” US President Donald J. Trump apparently shocked his Nigerian counterpart, Muhammadu Buhari, by asking this question the first time they met in the White House in April 2018. The Nigerian president admitted this, according to a September 8, 2020 report, toward the end of a recent talk with his cabinet members:
“When I was in his office, only myself and himself, with Allah as my witness, he looked at me in the face and said ‘why are you killing Christians?’ I wonder, if you were the person how you would react? I hope what I was feeling inside did not betray my emotion…”
He should not have been shocked. Several international observers characterize what Nigerian Christians experience not just as “persecution” but as a “pure genocide.”
Since 2009, “not less than 32,000 Christians have been butchered to death by the country’s main Jihadists,” according to a May 2020 report. Hundreds more have been killed since then. Earlier this year, Christian Solidarity International issued a “Genocide Warning for Christians in Nigeria” in response to the “rising tide of violence directed against Nigerian Christians and others classified as ‘infidels’ by Islamist militants….”
Under Buhari, who became Nigeria’s president in 2015, the carnage of Christians has only accelerated. According to a March 8, 2020 report, titled, “Nigeria: A Killing Field of Defenseless Christians,”
Available statistics have shown that between 11,500 and 12,000 Christian deaths were recorded in the past 57 months or since June 2015 when the present central [Buhari-led] government of Nigeria came on board. Out of this figure, Jihadist Fulani herdsmen accounted for 7,400 Christian deaths, Boko Haram 4,000 and the ‘Highway Bandits’ 150-200.”
In just the first four months of 2020, Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists “hacked to death … no fewer than 620 defenseless Christians,” and engaged in the “wanton burning or destruction of their centers of worship and learning”:
“The atrocities against Christians have gone unchecked and risen to alarming apogee with the country’s security forces and concerned political actors looking the other way or colluding with the Jihadists. Houses burnt or destroyed during the period are in their hundreds; likewise dozens of Christian worship and learning centers.”
How have formerly simple and unarmed Fulani herdsmen managed to kill, since 2015, nearly twice as many Christians as the “professional” terrorists of Boko Haram — and exponentially more Christians than under Buhari’s (Christian) predecessor, President Goodluck Jonathan? “Because,” according to numerous Christian leaders in Nigeria, “President Buhari is also of the Fulani ethnic group,” to quote Nigerian bishop Matthew Ishaya Audu.

The bishop is only one of a growing chorus of voices accusing the Muslim president not only of turning a blind eye to his clansmen’s slaughter of Christians, but actively exacerbating it — including with fighter jets. A few examples:
The Buhari government is “using the levers of power to secure the supremacy of Islam… The only difference between the government and Boko Haram is that Boko Haram is holding the bomb.” — Bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah.
Buhari “is openly pursuing an anti-Christian agenda that has resulted in countless murders of Christians all over the nation and destruction of vulnerable Christian communities.” — Bosun Emmanuel, secretary of the National Christian Elders Forum.
“Under President Buhari, the murderous Fulani herdsmen enjoyed unprecedented protection and favoritism… Rather than arrest and prosecute the Fulani herdsmen, security forces usually manned by Muslims from the North offer them protection as they unleash terror with impunity on the Nigerian people.” — Musa Asake, general secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria.
In a statement issued earlier this year, the Christian Association of Nigeria, an umbrella group representing most denominations, repeated that “the federal government under President Muhammadu Buhari” is “colluding” with the Islamic terrorists “to exterminate Christians in Nigeria.”
Even the average persecuted Christian is aware of Buhari’s alleged role. After Muslim Fulani killed five Christians in a mini-store, Ibrahim Agu Iliya, a local Christian, explained why the terrorists were able to shoot for a full ten minutes — despite the presence of armed security — before absconding without a trace:
“These Muslim Fulani herdsmen have been attacking our communities because we are Christians. Their desire is to take over our lands, force us to become Muslims, and if we decline, they kill us…. The government’s inability to stop these Muslim Fulani herdsmen is because the government is being controlled by Fulani political leaders headed by Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria’s president, who’s also a Fulani man.”
Some Nigerian leaders blame Buhari’s rise to power on “the evil called Barack Obama” — in the words of Femi Fani-Kayode, Nigeria’s former Minister of Culture and Tourism, on February 12:
“What Obama, John Kerry and Hilary Clinton did to Nigeria by funding and supporting Buhari in the 2015 presidential election and helping Boko Haram in 2014/2015 was sheer wickedness and the blood of all those killed by the Buhari administration, his Fulani herdsmen and Boko Haram over the last 5 years are on their hands.”
It was doubtless these disturbing statistics and accusations against Buhari that prompted Trump to ask why he was “slaughtering Christians in Nigeria.”
How did Buhari respond? He blamed “climate change and population growth.”
“I tried and explained to him,” continued Buhari, that “this has got nothing to do with ethnicity or religion. It is a cultural thing.”
Not only does such an argument ignore that culture often emerges from the blending of ethnicity and religion; it also fails to answer the central question: “Since the government and its apologists are claiming the killings have no religious undertones,” the Christian Association of Nigeria asked, “why are the terrorists and herdsmen targeting the predominantly Christian communities and Christian leaders?”
Similarly, as members of the Christian Association of Nigeria evidently wonder:
“How can it be a [secular or economic] clash when one group [Muslims] is persistently attacking, killing, maiming, destroying, and the other group [Christians] is persistently being killed, maimed and their places of worship destroyed?”
As Sister Monica Chikwe once explained, “It’s tough to tell Nigerian Christians this isn’t a religious conflict since what they see are Fulani fighters clad entirely in black, chanting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and screaming ‘Death to Christians.'”
Originally published at Gatestone Institute – reposted with permission.