The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ January 19, 2024

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

“Treasures are laid up in Heaven when the treasures of Earth are laid down.”

“Thinking, trying, toiling and trusting in God is the full story of my biography.” -John Wanamaker 

“If you expect to leave footprints on the sands of time, you’ll need to get up out of your recliner.”

“The same people who say they can’t understand ‘thee’ or ‘thou’ in a hymn hav no prblm figrng out a txt lik dis.”

“Spread out your petition before God, and then say, ‘Thy will, not mine, be done.’ The sweetest lesson I have learned in God’s school is to let the Lord choose for me.” -D. L. Moody

“Error is like leaven of which we read, ‘A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.’ Truth mixed with error is equivalent to all error, except that it is more innocent-looking and, therefore, more dangerous. God hates such a mixture! Any error, or any truth-and-error mixture, calls for definite exposure and repudiation. To condone such is to be unfaithful to God and His Word and treacherous to imperiled souls for whom Christ died.” -Dr. Harry Ironside

“To all of those whose lives you touch, you are either a stumbling block or a stepping stone.”

“How can we play the game of life if we do not know where the goalposts and the boundary lines are?”

“You can’t no more learn something from someone who don’t know nothing than you can come back from where you have not been.”

“The human race owes much of its advancement to those who worked hard and were not content to leave well enough alone.”

“Morale is when your hands and feet keep on working when your head says it can’t be done.” -Admiral Benjamin Morell

“If you cross your bridges before you get to them, you’ll still be on the same side of the river.”

“Yesterday is over, done, gone; tomorrow is promising but uncertain; today is what you have; it is here now. Grab hold of it and use it.”

“God makes a promise. Faith believes it. Hope anticipates it. Patience confidently and quietly awaits it.”

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ April 9, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

Man is made for eternity and the things of time can never satisfy. But he who drinks the living water of the Gospel finds that which quenches his thirst forever. -H. A. Ironside

If the Lord fails me at this time, it will be the first time. -George Muller

Christ will never do more through you than He has been permitted to do in you.

Jonathan Edwards was a pastor in Northampton, Massachusetts in the middle of the 1730s when he heralded the Great Awakening and preached to backslidden New England a brimstone theology that made it uncomfortable in its soft-cushioned conscience and self-righteousness and self-satisfaction. -William Ward Ayer

When a man praises discipline, nine times out of ten this means he is more prepared to administer it than to submit to it. -E. C. McKenzie

If a man converts you, another man can “unconvert” you; but if God converts you, I know that what God does shall be forever. -Charles Haddon Spurgeon

I am more sure that I am saved than that I am alive. I am more sure that I am saved than I am that I am married. I am more sure that I am saved than I am that I am on this platform. Why? I have better assurance for it. I have God Almighty’s written Word that has never changed and never will change.

A preacher once asked me, “You mean the Bible is all you have for your assurance?” I said, “Yes. Do you have anything better?” He thought a minute and replied, “Well, I don’t guess so.” -Dr. Curtis Hutson

You can’t make an omelette out of gravel; and you can’t get revival out of the world, the flesh and the Devil. -Dr. Shelton Smith

The words “straightway,” “forthwith,” “anon” and “immediately” all appear in Mark’s Gospel. They remind us of a rule that John Wesley said he adopted for himself at this point: “Always in haste and never in a hurry.” Jesus always seemed to have time for the humblest people, even for little children; and He never failed to give attention to anything that logically required His attention. Without saying so, He adopted a rule the soundness of which is self evident: that duties never conflict. -L. H. Higley

Like a never-ending stream, the river of atonement runs from one end of the Bible to the other with increasing width and depth, Every page of sacred writing seems to be stained with the royal scarlet of Jesus’ blood. Just as the Bible breathes with inspiration and pulsates with life divine, it bleeds with atoning blood. The sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and His work of redemption is without any shadow of doubt the central theme of the Word of God. -Dr. Tom Malone

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ March 19, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

Isn’t it best to be with the majority? Not always. Isn’t it safest to go with the crowd? Not always. Isn’t it a mistake to “chip in” with the narrow-minded and the spiritually exclusive? Not always. There are [thousands of Baptist] ministers today…in America who are selling every conviction of right for the pottage of public favor and trampling the most sacred of God’s truths to stay with the crowd. -W. B. Riley

I can take my telescope and look millions of miles into space, but I can go away to my room and in prayer get nearer to God and Heaven than I can when assisted by all the telescopes of earth. -Sir Isaac Newton

Faith is the biggest word in the lexicon of a Christian. -Billy Sunday

There is no having influence over the great men or the little men of this age except by being firm in your principles and decided in what you do. If you yield an inch, you are beaten; but if you will not yield – no, not the splitting of a hair – they will respect you. -C. H. Spurgeon

The mercy of God protects us from what we deserve (Hell) and then the grace of God provides for us what we do not deserve (Heaven). -Dr. Shelton Smith

God says, “To day” — not tomorrow, not later, not when one feels he has the time, not when one is down – and – out, not when one is at the end of the journey of life, but “To day”! There is an urgency in the voice of God as He pleads for a soul. -Dr. Tom Malone

No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention. Killing the dog will not cure the bite. -Abraham Lincoln

When Franklin grasped the principle of electricity , he could not only draw the lightning from a single cloud; all the electricity in the earth and in all the clouds was at his command and he could send it upon his errands. When the Christian can grasp this truth of the power of faith, the infinite spiritual resources of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost are his. “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18). There is the reservoir. -Biblical Illustrator

Why did it have to be a crown of thorns placed upon His head? It should have been a royal one full of rubies and gold instead! And why did it have to be a heavy cross He was made to bear, And why did they nail His feet and hands? His love would have held them there!

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ February 19, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

Because the Devil’s orchard produces lots of bitter fruit, you are well advised not to feed your family there. -Dr. Shelton Smith

Some of us have felt the warm glow of revival fires and we cannot live where there is only smoke! -David Dawson

The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained. -George Washington

In these days of national strife and international confusion, when the seeds of hatred are being cultivated in the hotbeds of communism and radicalism, let us throw back our shoulders, double up our fists, rough with the calluses of honest toil, and stand up for true, fundamental, godly Americanism. -Dr. B. R. Lakin

The first sin of America is indifference – just plain, wicked indifference. We have said, “Well, I’m only one. I can’t do anything”; and we have allowed the Devil to take us further and further and further down the road of ruin. -Dr. Curtis Hutson

I drive the same kind of nails all orthodox preachers do. The only difference is that they use a tack hammer and I use a sledge. -Billy Sunday

Idolatry is deadly; graven images cannot be harmonized with the true God. The First and Second Commandments cannot be ignored and the remainder of the Decalogue kept. It is God or nothing! It is the Bible or nothing! It is “the faith which was once delivered” (Jude 3) or infidelity! -W. B. Riley

Faith in God has not saved people from hardships and trials, but it has enabled them to bear tribulations courageously and to emerge victorious. -Dr. Lee Roberson

I am thankful for the Bible, the Book upon which our nation was founded. It is evident to all who know history that America would never have known freedom except for the influence of the Word of God. Today, we would not have one vestige of freedom if the Bible had not been the Guidebook and inspiration of our Founding Fathers. -Dale Crowley

The wages of sin is more than physical death. Sin brings spiritual death as well. Sin separates us from God and His home. Sin closes to us the doors of the mansions of glory. -Ralph W. Neighbor

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ February 5, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

When you get a man to open his eyes and shut his mouth, there is hope for him. It is when he shuts his eyes and opens his mouth that he discourages you. -A. C. Dixon

If Jesus could pardon those that seriously mistreated Him, then surely you can pardon those that have slightly mistreated you. -Dr. John N. Hamblin

The world is not concerned about the storms you’ve faced but rather if you kept sailing through them. -Dr. John R. Rice

The one person, the only person, Jesus ever refused to save was Himself (Matthew 27:42). -Dr. Shelton Smith

A revival is like a fire that burns in hearts. It burns out the dross. It purifies the life. It ignites the cold heart. It makes the Christian to be what God wants him to be. -Dr. Lee Roberson

Critics of God’s Word, knowingly or not, criticize Christ. He revered the Scriptures, each jot and tittle, and asserted that “the scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). He quoted it as His supreme authority; the critics do not…. Let us then share His respect for “every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). -Stanley Anderson

It is a great deal better to live a holy life than to talk about it. Lighthouses do not ring bells and fire cannons to call attention to their shining – they just shine. -D. L. Moody

History reveals that the churches periodically degenerate through giving moral and religious sanction to things that are contrary to the will of God. Fires die down and the frost of faithlessness covers everything. -William Ward Ayer

Rejecting things because they are old-fashioned would rule out the sun and the moon.

A person is reckoned a part of what he supports. Thus it is of tremendous importance that we support only those things which are truly for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. -R. I. Humberd

A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, simply to swell its ranks. -Ronald Reagan

Apart from Christ, we are nothing and can do nothing (John 15:5); but with Him we can say with beloved Paul, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). -F. E. Marsh

Do not let anyone claim to be a true American if he ever attempts to remove religion from politics. -George Washington

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ January 22, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

There are those who were at one time true to the fundamentals of the Faith but have [now] compromised. That is when we must separate, while at the same time praying that [they] will turn back to the way of…walking in the truth of God’s Word. -Dr. Andy Bloom, Ocala, Florida

My faith rests not upon what I am or shall be or feel or know, but in what Christ is, in what He has done and in what He is now doing for me. -Charles Spurgeon

Remember that government of the people will be government for the people as long as there is government by the people.

If the Lord fails me at this time, it will be the first time. -George Muller

It is impossible to send the Gospel to the wrong place. -William Troup

No situation in life can master you until you yourself pull down your flag. -James Gilkey

Sodom may have been a great place for raising cattle, but it was a poor place for raising children. -Dr. Don Jasmin

Although the writer is unknown to me, I read that “the darkest hour of the day has but sixty minutes.” In such times I’m encouraged when I remember that “this too shall pass.” -Dr. Shelton Smith

I read recently where someone has invented a new calendar that’s a surefire winner. There are more days before Christmas, winter is much shorter and April 15 comes at the end of the year. -Dr. Richard Dion’s Baptist Breeze

We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. -President Ronald Reagan

You cannot think dirty, you cannot talk dirty, you cannot act dirty and be clean!

The tartness of his face sours ripe grapes. -William Shakespeare

If truth is not diffused, error will be. If God and His Word are not known and received, the Devil and his works will gain ascendancy. If [Christian] literature does not reach every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and licentious literature will. If the power of the Gospel is not felt through the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end. -Daniel Webster

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ January 8, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

If men come to think it of small consequence whether or not they embrace and hold fast divine truth, they will, by degrees, go on to doubt whether there is any such thing as divine truth at all; and so, beginning with what they were pleased to call Christian liberty, they will end in unbelief. If men should be led to encourage the opinion that God’s most holy Bible is to be handled, judged, criticized, praised or blamed like other books, then beyond all doubt, however human reason may triumph, divine faith will be undermined and by degrees will be destroyed from its foundation. -Tracts for the Times

What can the righteous do in an unrighteous government? What can they not do when they trust in God that reigns supreme in authority and power, praying for His divine intervention and protection? -Charles Spurgeon

The virtues of men are of more consequence to society than their abilities; and for this reason, the heart should be cultivated with more assiduity [constant attention] than the head. -Noah Webster

You might as well try to hear without ears or breathe without lungs as try to live a Christian life without the Spirit of God in your heart. -D. L. Moody

Father, give me these souls or I die. -John Hyde

You leave out God, and you substitute the Devil. -Sir Winston Churchill

We see things not as they are, but as we are. -H. M. Tomlinson

We never test God’s resources until we undertake the impossible. -F. B. Meyer

This is all the inheritance I give to my dear family. The religion of Christ will give them one which will make them rich indeed. -Patrick Henry, Last Will and Testament

The right side is not always the bright side immediately, but it will be ultimately. “In this world ye shall have tribulation” – that is the dark side. “But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” – that is the bright side (John 16:33). -Vance Havner

The interdenominationalism of the twentieth century seemed innocent and innocuous at its onset. However, its track record has not only been weak, but it has also displaced many of the strong among our Baptist folks. -Richard Dion

A pilgrim who does not pray will become a tramp. A pilgrim journeys; a tramp meanders!

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ December 25, 2020

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

The prevailing spirit of the present age seems to be the spirit of skepticism and captiousness, of suspicion and distrust in private judgment, a dislike of all established forms merely because they are established, and of old paths because they are old. -Samuel Johnson

“Not called,” did you say? “Not heard the call,” I think you should say.

Put your ear down to the Bible and hear Him bid you go and pull sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity and listen to its pitiful wail for help. Go stand by the gates of Hell and hear the condemned souls entreat you to go to their fathers’ houses and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face – whose mercy you have professed to obey – and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world. -William Booth

It takes a risen Savior to save the lost. It takes a living Savior to comfort broken hearts. It takes a living Savior to prepare Heaven for us when we die. -Clyde Box

Our holiness of life does not make us saints but manifests us as saints. It is because we become saints when saved by grace that we must cultivate saintly living and not live as unsaintly saints who are ever the tragedy of Christianity. We are guilty of sin if we should do good but do it not (James 4:17). -Herbert Lockyer

Hell is the highest reward that the Devil can offer you for being a servant of his. -Billy Sunday

Never blame a legislative body for not doing something. When they do nothing, they don’t hurt anybody. When they do something is when they become dangerous. -Will Rogers

God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves. -D. L. Moody

All unbelief is the belief of a lie. -Horatius Bonar

Faith never knows where it is being led, bit it loves and knows the One who is leading. -Oswald Chambers

Cheerfulness is to our service what oil is to the wheels of a railway carriage. Without oil the axle soon grows hot and accidents occur; and if there be not a holy cheerfulness to oil our wheels, our spirits will be clogged with weariness. -Charles Spurgeon

Goodness makes greatness truly valuable, and greatness makes goodness much more serviceable. -Matthew Henry

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ December 11, 2020

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

D. L. Moody’s ministry-changing advice to J. Wilbur Chapman was, “You are making a mistake in your ministry. What you are doing does not count for much; your preaching – I say it with all kindness – does not win souls.”

I care not where I go or how I live or what I endure so that I may save souls. When I sleep, I dream of them; when I awake, they are first in my thoughts….no amount of scholastic attainment, of able and profound exposition of brilliant and stirring eloquence can atone for the absence of a deep, impassioned, sympathetic love for human souls. -David Brainerd

We Christians too often substitute prayer for playing the game. Prayer is good; but when used as a substitute for obedience, it is nothing but a blatant hypocrisy, a despicable Pharisaism. -C. T. Studd

The trouble with many men is that they have got just enough religion to make them miserable. If there is not joy in religion, you have got a leak in your religion. -Billy Sunday

When you talk about Heaven, let your face light up with a heavenly glory. When you tell about Hell, your everyday face will do. -Charles Spurgeon

Adam was created…to have dominion over all the life in the air and earth and sea, but one thing he was not to have dominion over and that was himself. -Oswald Chambers

Above all, we must realize that no…weapon in the arsenals of the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have. -Ronald Reagan

For more than a thousand years, the Bible, collectively taken, has gone hand in hand with civilization, science, law – in short, with the moral and intellectual cultivation of the species – always supporting and often leading the way. -Samuel Coleridge

The best evidence of the Bible’s being the Word of God is found between its covers. -Charles Hodge

In all unbelief there are these two things: a good opinion of one’s self and a bad opinion of God. -Horatius Bonar

I often feel that our Lord is closer to the person in sorrow than to anyone else in the world. -Lee Roberson

Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayers and won with thanks. -Thomas Goodwin

The Devil is not afraid of the Bible that has dust on it.

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ November 27, 2020

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

A revival does two things. First, it returns the church from her backsliding; and second, it causes the conversion of men and women – and it always includes the conviction of sin on the part of a church. What a spell the Devil seems to cast over churches today! -Billy Sunday

More churches have died because of their music than any other one thing. -Harold Sightler

Soul winning is not winning an argument, but winning a soul. -John Hamblin

Remember, a small light will do a great deal when it is in a very dark place. Put one little tallow candle in the middle of a large hall and it will give a good deal of light. -D. L. Moody

Among the many reasons assignable for the sad decay of true Christianity, perhaps the neglecting to assemble ourselves together…may not be one of the least. -George Whitefield

Humility is to make a right estimate of one’s self. It is no humility for a man to think less of himself than he ought, though it might rather puzzle him to do that. -Charles Spurgeon

If the power of the Gospel is not felt through the length and breadth of the land, anarchy and misrule, degradation and misery, corruption and darkness will reign without mitigation or end. -Daniel Webster

I resolve never to do anything which I would be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life. -Jonathan Edwards

The best measure of a spiritual life is not its ecstasies, but its obedience. -Oswald Chambers

It makes no difference whether or not I impress you; the important thing is to serve my Lord and Master. -James Earls

The same fire which melts the wax hardens the clay; the same sun which makes the living tree grow dries up the dead tree and prepares it for burning. Nothing so hardens the heart of man as a barren familiarity with sacred things….It is not privileges alone which make people Christians, but the grace of the Holy Ghost. -J. C. Ryle

If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great of me to make for Him. C. T. Studd

Live near to God and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities. -Robert M. M’Cheyne