Sword Of The Lord Newspaper, Dr. Shelton Smith, Editor / January 13, 2017

Amen Corner

There must come with decision for truth a corresponding protest against error.  -Charles Spurgeon

So, preacher, you are discouraged and depressed and want to quit! Don’t feel alone; I want to quit every week.  You had a split, and half your members left you.  Some deacon went home and climbed up Miff Tree and held the greenbacks, trying to starve you out.  Man, don’t let them know you are hungry!  Eat grass and wild onions and drink branch water.  Get up on Sunday smiling and say, “Boy, I’m on such a good diet!”  But don’t eat wild persimmons.  Don’t let the Devil know you are hungry.  Curtis Hutson

Christ has not promised His people a smooth passage, but only a safe landing.  In embarking on the Christian life, we are not guaranteed a sunlit sea, but rather are advised of a storm-tossed ocean; and it is far better to be in a storm with Him than in a calm without Him.  -W. Graham Scroggle

The apostle Paul was the greatest of all the apostles, and his greatness lay most of all in that he was “in labours more abundant” (II Corinthians 11:23).  -John R. Rice

People do not miss church services because they live too far from the building; they miss church because they live too far from God.

You say, “I’ll be a Christian and go to Heaven without a church.”  Yes, and you can go to Europe without getting on board a ship or airplane.  The swimming is good, but the sharks are waiting for those who take that route.  If a man is saved, he should look for a good Bible-believing church right away!  -Billy Sunday

His promises are checks to be cashed, not mere mottoes to hang on the wall!  -Vance Havner

Let reverence for the laws be breathed by every American mother to the lisping babe who prattles on her lap; let it be taught in the school, in seminaries and in colleges; let it be written in almanacs.  -Abraham Lincoln

A great many people want to bring their faith, their works, and their good deeds to Him for salvation.  Bring your sins, and He will bear them away into the wilderness of forgetfulness, and you will never see them again.  -D. L. Moody

You can never get ahead of anyone as long as you are to get even with him.

He who pelts every barking dog must pick up many stones.


Rapper Says “Planned Parenthood Is Modern-Day Eugenics” For Black Americans

Rapper Nick Cannon is doubling down on his comments that Planned Parenthood is bad news for black Americans.

Cannon said the abortion industry is perpetuating a genocide against black people because [it] targets black communities with abortion clinics.  Asked to elaborate on those comments, Cannon doubled down and said that Planned Parenthood is modern-day eugenics for the black community.

Previously Cannon called Planned Parenthood “real genocide.”



There Are 76 Percent Fewer Abortion Clinics Open Now Than In 1991

2015 Second Orlando Prophecy Summit, Part 51

Jeff Swanson interviewed by Doug Hagmann and Joe Hagmann

Jeff Swanson has a website planbible.com It is his life work that produced a chronological Bible that is in order verse by verse.  It is the only one of its kind.

Where are we in the prophetical time line?  Jeff believes the signs at the end times will intensify and occur in rapid order within a relatively brief period of time.

Are we seeing prophecy fulfilled everyday in the headlines?  Yes.  They are not single events, but merging patterns and seasons.  The Middle East is falling together.  Nations are becoming antisemitic and standing against Israel.  Genesis 12:3  “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee.”  When the United States went against Israel, the Lord allowed us to be punished in the exact same amount through Hurricane Katrina.

There are 800 prophecies/verses that have been fulfilled in the Bible.  There are 2,500 prophecies/verses yet to be fulfilled.

Jeff Swanson’s studies of the Bible and his expertise in mathematics have enabled him to date key Biblical events.  Consider the following:

Using the Julian, Gregorian and Jewish calendars, Jeff Swanson completed 66 calculations and arrived at a creation date of 3960 B.C.  Jeff agreed with the famous Archbishop James Ussher (author of Annals of the World) on all but two calculations.  They arrived at creation dates only 44 years apart.  Ussher’s date of creation is 4004 B.C.

Jeff Swanson’s other dates are:

Date of Christ’s birth: September 11, 3 B.C.  (Julian Calendar)

Christ’s Crucifixion:  April 3, 33 A.D.  (Julian Calendar

Christ’s Crucifixion:  April 1, 33 A.D.  (Gregorian Calendar)

Jeff Swanson advised Christians that the Lord has placed each of us within a particular sphere of influence.  We are to be faithful to the people who God has placed in our lives.  We are touching more people than we realize.  After we leave this earth, the Lord will use the legacy of our lives to continually touch people in a powerful way that we do not fully understand.  [This was one of the most profound statements that I ever heard in a prophecy conference.  The interviewers, Haggman and Hagmann were touched by it as well].


Listen below to Eric Hovind and Paul Taylor interview Jeff Swanson about the same subjects discussed above:

Dark Rites And Rituals At The Bohemian Grove ~ Part 3

The Hidden Agenda Of The Bohemian Club

Their membership consists of some of the most powerful political brokers in existence.  Some of them are worth millions and billions of dollars.

Plots And Plans

In September, 1942 a meeting was called in order to introduce the Manhattan Project.  Only certain people were invited, among which was Ernest Orlando Lawrence, a nobel laureate who worked on the Manhattan Project.  [Professor of Physics at University of California in Berkely].  He was very erudite in science, receiving the nobel prize.  Other brilliant men including a professor from Harvard, played a role in the Manhattan Project.  There were also representatives from General Electric, Standard Oil and the military.  This meeting at the Bohemian Grove has altered the course of human history.  The Manhattan Project was for the research and development of the first atomic bomb used in World War II.  J. Robert Oppenheimer led the American teams during the Manhattan Project.  The military codename for the first nuclear test on July 16, 1945 in New Mexico was Trinity.  Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.  Fat Boy fell on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.

The major projects that the Bohemian Club has been involved with are:  1)The Manhattan Project, 2)The Federal Reserve Act, 3)The 1929 Stock Market Crash, and 4)The Elections Of Presidents.  May we consider further the Election Of Presidents:  The Cave Man Camp was the Bohemian Grove think tank whereby presidential candidates were/are endorsed and empowered.  In 1950 this group determined that Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Milhous Nixon would both become presidents.  These selections came to fruition.  Nixon failed in his 1960 for his White House bid because of the charismatic John F. Kennedy and his positive aura in the first televised presidential debates.  Nixon became president later, however, in 1968.  The Cave Man Camp has members from the Illuminati, namely global power brokers from international organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, the Bilderbergs, the Council of Foreign Relations and the Club of Rome.

Ronald Reagan spoke at the Owl’s Nest Camp, and later became president.  In November 1962, Prince Philip of England spoke at this camp as well.

The “Lakeside Talks” started in 1980 onward.  Among the many world renown speakers was Henry Kissenger.  Others included the founder of the atomic bomb, the inventor of the Reagan Star Wars defense system, and experts on the global economy.

Europe’s Islamic Future



 Europe’s Islamic Future


News Image By PNW Staff May 24, 2017


Europe is changing and experts now believe that the process of Islamization has moved past a point of no return.
The familiar image of Europe is quickly fading in a post modern liberal form of cultural suicide.
Soon to be distant memories, in just a few decades we will look back on Christian values, democratic principles, freedom of belief, equality of the genders and respect for individual rights as echoes of a glorious European past.
Just as the castles dotting the landscape recall a feudal history, so too will we look back on a time when Europe wasn’t Islamic.
There is no great Islamic army of tanks and soldiers arrayed across Europe’s borders, waiting for the signal to thunder across.
Neither Turkey, Egypt, Syria nor Iran need to declare war or fire a single shot and yet within a few short generations, Islam will overwhelm the European continent and snuff out French, German, Swedish, British and a host of other European cultures.
The invasion is one of immigration and higher birthrates, and it is well underway. It is a silent jihad.
No accident of history, this demographic shift is a long-term strategy that the autocrats of Islamic nations recognize and proudly boast of to the world. Immigration is a part of the equation, but equally important are the higher birthrates of Muslim families that tend to have more children.
Yasser Arafat, as Christian lecturer Dr. Alex McFarland points out, famously told the Arab world in 1994, while he was the President of the PLA, that Islam would “win the world through the wombs of the Arabic women.” He was not the only leader to make such claims.
As recently as March of 2017, the increasingly authoritarian President Erdogan of Turkey delivered a speech in which he instructed Turks to “Make not three, but five children. Because you are the future of Europe. That will be the best response to the injustices against you.”
The terrifying truth is that history is showing us that both men are right: the rising tide of Islam is creeping slowly across the continent of Europe as populations of Christians and those of European heritage slowly dwindle in numbers.
The demographic shift is most pronounced in France, Germany, the UK and Sweden, though nearly all European countries have been affected.
French laws that prohibit including religion in census data make tracking the change difficult, but some estimates predict that the Muslim population could grow to 15-17 million by the year 2025, or more than 20% of the projected population.
One method that researchers have used to circumvent the French restrictions on collecting census data based on religion has been to study the origin of immigrant populations and to assume that those immigrating from Spain (8%) and Italy (12%) are Christian and that those arriving from African countries such as Algeria (15%), Morocco (11%), Tunisia (5%) and sub-Saharan Africa (11%) as well as Turkey (4%) are mostly Muslim.
The study titled “Being born in France to an immigrant parent” examines the origins of the parents of French children born to at least one immigrant, a population representing 11% of the total French population.
This 11% figure refers only to the children of immigrants but it also ignores the previous generation of immigration, a group of unstudied millions of Muslims who have been living and building families in France since the early 1990s.
Thus, the study almost certainly underestimates the true size of the Muslim population.
French demographer Michèle Tribalat published her own analysis of the data that put the total immigrant population at 20.4% in 2015, with a total of 13.4 million. This discounts Muslims who are no longer classified as immigrants or children of immigrants.
The increase in immigration from sub-Saharan Africa has reached 43% with an extremely young Muslim population of 80% under 25 years old. With the tendency towards larger families, a baby boom of unprecedented proportions is already underway, likely doubling in size in the next 3 to 8 years.
In Germany, massive immigration from Muslim countries and the disparity in German versus Muslim and immigrant birthrates, is fueling a wave of violent cultural conflict from honor killings and mass sexual assaults to police no-go zones and shariah courts.
German native birthrates are now below replacement levels at 1.6 children per woman (replacement rate is 2.1 to be sustainable) while Muslim rates are over 3 with continued immigration.
Some estimates now indicate that Germany allowed in more than 1.5 million immigrants in 2015 and 2016, most of them Muslim, and some estimates now project that by 2060 Germany will be 25% Muslim in composition.
The world population is seeing similar trends, though clearly not from immigration. The total population increase for the planet between 2010 and 2050 is project to be 35%.
The increase in the number of Christians is placed at 35%, Hindus at 34%, Jews at 16% and folk religions at 11%.
Unaffiliated and all other religions together make up 15% of the growth while the Muslim population is expected to grow at a rate of 73% between 2010 and 2050. Muslim women average 3.1 children while all other religions together average 2.3; the baby boom is global.
Social tension, crime rates, police no-go zones and the curtailing of basic freedoms have been reported on extensively. But education in England is now also seeing an unexpected upheaval due to Islam’s conquest of the island.
The Church of England now runs 20 schools in which Muslim students outnumber Christians and the Catholic Church runs 15 more in which the same is true.
In one church school, St. Thomas in Werneth, Oldham, there is now a reportedly 100% Muslim population. Staincliffe C of E Junior School in Batley, West Yorkshire now has a 98% Muslim student body.
This is the result of changing demographics in areas where schools have long been the domain of the church. But rather than teaching Christian doctrine, the schools are now accommodating Islam.
From incorporating Islamic prayers to allowing the head scarf (and even selling it) the schools are slowly coming to resemble Islamic rather than Christian schools.
This is just a presage of what is to come as European institutions, one by one, bow to Islamic pressure. Allowing education, language, religion, legal systems, social mores and every other aspect of life to evolve into Islamic theocracy is the cultural suicide that lies in Europe’s future and it has already begun.

Read more at http://prophecynewswatch.com/article.cfm?recent_news_id=1260#OkqvT9D02gEchh8O.99

Sword Of The Lord Newspaper, Dr. Shelton Smith, Editor / December 30, 2016

Amen Corner

If we are going to be successful, we have to take our stand for God and let the world and everyone know we are on the Lord’s side.

I have great respect for the woman who started out with a poker during the war.  She heard the enemy was coming, and she went out to resist them.  When someone asked her what she could do with the poker, she said she would at least let them know what side she was on.  And that is what we want.

-D. L. Moody


No man has a right to do as he pleases unless he pleases to do right.


It is a burning, irrefutable fact that the glowing, growing churches are the going churches which believe in and practice evangelism.

-Hyman Appelman


If Christopher Columbus had turned back, no one would have blamed him – but no one would have remembered him, either.


When people play fast and loose with the eternal principles of righteousness and forget God, then the nation, the church, the family, and the individual go the way of defeat and death.

-George W. Truett


A sermon’s length is not its strength.  It may be very much its weakness.  It is a pity to weary the head when we should win the heart.  Some are long in their sermons because they are short in their studies.

The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.

-John Philpot Curran


Drink no wine, and you’ll not drink too much.

Do not let not being able to do something better keep you from doing what you can.

-Vance Havner


He is safe who is where God puts him.

God never hurries.  There are no deadlines against which He must work.  Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.

-A. W. Tozer


He who wants to move mountains starts by carrying away small stones.

Groanings that cannot be uttered are often prayers which cannot be refused.

-Charles Spurgeon


Don’t put on so much coal as to put out the fire.  You can lay so many books on the brain as to bury it, and teach children so much that they learn nothing, and preach so long that the people forget all that was said.


The Cowardly Filthy Vermin Known As Isis, Savagely Butchers Over 80 Defenseless Teens (Mostly Girls) And Children At A Pop Concert In Manchester, England

President Donald Trump Calls The Manchester Bomber An “Evil Loser.”  He further states that:  “Terrorists do not worship God, they worship death.”

“We See Once Again That Isis’ Immoral Elevator Has No Bottom Floor.”   -Sheriff David Clarke  Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.


Key the link below for statement by Sheriff David Clarke:

 In The Picture Below, A Masked Coward From Isis Takes Credit For Butchering Innocents In Manchester – Children Who Could Not Fight Back Or Defend Themselves.  They Call Themselves “Crusaders For Allah.”

The Chinese Believers Pray For American Christians To Suffer Persecution So We Can Understand The Suffering Of Jesus, And The Way That The Chinese Believers Have Suffered For The Cause Of Christ. The Following Devotional Is Eye Opening. In His Service, Pastor Steve

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Love Without Borders

November 18, 2016


Read: Luke 22:39–46
Bible in a Year: Ezekiel 8–10; Hebrews 13

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.—John 15:13

During the Boxer Rebellion in China in 1900, missionaries trapped in a home in T’ai Yüan Fu decided their only hope for survival rested on running through the crowd that was calling for their deaths. Aided by weapons they held, they escaped the immediate threat. However, Edith Coombs, noticing that two of her injured Chinese students had not escaped, raced back into danger. She rescued one, but stumbled on her return trip for the second student and was killed.

Meanwhile, missionaries in Hsin Chou district had escaped and were hiding in the countryside, accompanied by their Chinese friend Ho Tsuen Kwei. But he was captured while scouting an escape route for his friends in hiding and was martyred for refusing to reveal their location.

In the lives of Edith Coombs and Tsuen Kwei we see a love that rises above cultural or national character. Their sacrifice reminds us of the greater grace and love of our Savior.

As Jesus awaited His arrest and subsequent execution, He prayed earnestly, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me.” But He concluded that request with this resolute example of courage, love, and sacrifice: “Yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). His death and resurrection made our eternal lives possible. —Randy Kilgore

Lord, may the world see our love for each other—and the deeds that come from it—as a great testimony to the bond of unity we have in You. May they want to know You too.

Only the light of Christ’s love can eliminate the darkness of hatred.
INSIGHT: The Bible speaks of God’s love for us in terms of a generous sacrifice. The apostle John writes of a God who “so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” (John 3:16). To prove that God truly loves us, John directs us to Jesus’s sacrificial death: “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1 John 3:16). Alluding to His own sacrificial love just hours before He went to the cross, Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Sim Kay Tee

2015 Second Orlando Prophecy Summit, Part 50

Things To Come:  The Shemitah’s Harbingers & What Lies Ahead    ~    Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn has a gripping conviction about the sin of our nation and about the need for national repentance.  God is not looking at the White House, He is looking at the church house.  II Chronicles 7:14   “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Jonathan Cahn wrote the Harbinger, and now focuses on the Mystery of the Shemitah.  Cahn claims this 3,000 year old mystery holds the secret of America’s future, the world’s future and your future.  His third book is The Harbinger Decoded, and reveals all of these things fulfilled prophetically.
The Shemitah begins where the Harbinger leaves off.  George Washington placed his hand on the Bible and warned our nation that a disobedient nation could never expect favor from God.  America has rebelled against God, and we are witnessing the removal of His blessing.  A national prayer was given by Washington in what we know today to be ground zero from 9/11/01.  The calamity returned to the same place where the nation was dedicated to God.  Cahn points out the Sycamore tree that was struck down, as well as all of the other buildings during 9/11, EXCEPT the little stone chapel where America was dedicated to God.  This was a miracle.  The Sycamore tree actually saved the chapel.  God was attempting to wake up America, and seeking for America to repent and return to the Lord.
Cahn is speaking on things to come.  Things related to the Harbinger and to the Shemitah.  What has happened since 9/11?  Our nation’s apostasy has accelerated.  The harbingers have not stopped but have progressed.  We will face revival or total judgment.  The second harbinger in the book is the sign of the terrorists.  The Assyrians attacked Israel in 722 B.C.  Isis is now attacking the world and America.  They are the offspring of Al Qaeda.  The Assyrians and Isis both come from Syria and Iraq.  Both are cruel nations, having the same capitol site of Nineveh.  They both mutilate and decapitate their victims, and place them on display.  A Biblical sign of judgment is a tree withering away with broken branches.  America is spiritually withering away.  Cahn mentioned a tree dying and the moon turning blood red a couple of years ago, coupled with this second harbinger of judgment.  The third harbinger was our determination to rebuild, and make the Twin Towers bigger, stronger and greater.  This was done in pride and arrogance.  It is indicative of the spirit of the Tower of Babel.  The rising and falling of towers is related to the rising and falling of nations.  The new tower has Isaiah 9:10 at its’ base, the verse that alludes to a nation building a tower in defiance of God.

Isaiah 9:10 King James Version (KJV)

10 The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.

Our leaders thought this was an appropriate verse for the occasion, but actually it infers God’s judgment on nations who build towers rather than turn to Him!  We think we will come back with our own power, and not that of God.  President Bush spoke on this and said:  “…we will rebuild and we will come back stronger.”  -conspicuously absent was any mention of God.

The Seven Year Mystery.  The Mystery Of Sevens.

Cahn expounded on the Shemitah, and how the land was suppose to rest for one year out of every seven in Israel.  When God judged Israel, all seventy years for which they disobeyed the Lord were collected together when they were taken captive by the Babylonians.  He attempts to show that the same thing could be happening to us as well.  In the last forty years, there have been five times our finances have been shaken- 1973, 1980, 1987, 2000, and 2007.  There are seven years between them all.  Cahn compares previous economic collapses in American history to the Shemitah.  Cahn contends that the Bible ordains most economic crashes in world history to happen in September and October.  9/11 happened during Shemitah.

If America does not turn back to God, then the age of America as we know it will end.

Cahn claims the Shemitah marks the shaping of great world events like World Wars I and II.  It marks the rise and collapses of empires.  The Tribulation Period is likewise seven years.

Every seven Shemitahs in Israel is fulfilled by the Year of Jubilee.  Everything, your land and possessions are restored.  Cahn went into several examples of the Lord fulfilling His will after seven Shemitahs.  There is a significant Shemitah coming up on September 2015 through September 2016.  This is the year of the Jubilee.  Cahn believes this last year represents judgment, and the beginning of the end of the American age, as Russia just passed us as the greatest nuclear power, and China surpassed us as the greatest economic power.  We have also observed the end of the Biblical definition of marriage during this time.  Christians in America are being persecuted now to a large degree.  Cahn brought up the Pharaoh’s dream in the Bible of the seven years of plenty and the seven lean years.  God warned Egypt of what was coming.  This was the first recorded Shemitah in the Bible.  Could the Lord be warning America the same way?  Cahn showed the audience pictures of two cows that each had the number seven on their heads.  They were born at the opening of the Shemitah.

The Shemitah is related to death.  The darkening of the sun can be a sign of judgment.  There are two eclipses scheduled for 2015.  The harbingers are converging with the Shemitahs.  Cahn thinks the single tower replacing the Twin Towers will be a sign, and seals God’s judgment upon America.  We are no longer speculating about prophecy, we are now living in prophecy.  We are observing a great shaking of the global order, involving the collapse of the American economy, the removal of blessing and prosperity, and it may come with famine and the cutting off of our infrastructure.  Unbelievers and those outside of His will should fear.  Jesus is our only refuge and Savior.  If there is going to be a revival, then a great shaking must precede it.  After 9/11 there was no revival because there was no repentance.  Come what may, we will serve the Lord.  Christians have a wonderful opportunity to shine at this time.

Note:  Jonathan Cahn has a great zeal about repentance, judgment, apostasy, blessings and the last days.  He rightly encourages our sin sick nation to repent.  I love his fervor for his God.  He is very unique, however, when he applies God’s plan for Israel to the United States of America and all other nations.  He considers events that happen during the “Shemitah” years, trees falling, and occurrences happening in the order of seven years as harbingers of judgment, yet I am not sure he is correct in doing so.  We all feel God’s hand of judgment on America, yet I do not believe that we can apply all the same theology and precepts  to our nation, as when the Lord worked with Israel.  Actually, when he displayed pictures of two cows with the number seven on their heads, I felt very uncomfortable.  We must ALWAYS ask ourselves “Does this Bible study go right along with the truths that are found in the Word of God?”

Blessings, Pastor Steve    

Dark Rites And Rituals At The Bohemian Grove ~ Part 2

Going Deeper Into The Grove

There are about 120 camps/cabins within the Bohemian Grove.  They hold 10-30 members each.  There are miles and miles of walking trails whereby private conversations can be held.  This is the summer camp for members of the Illuminati.  Anyone would be shocked at what is really happening in the Bohemian Grove itself.

The History Of The Bohemian Grove

A Timeline Of The Bohemian Grove

In 1872 the Bohemian Club was created for men who appreciated art, music and literature.  They were based in the famous Astoria Hotel in San Francisco.

The Owl of the Illuminati was selected as the official symbol of the club along with the motto – “Weaving Spiders Come Not Here.”

1873 – Commemorated the first picnic and meeting of the Bohemian Club.  Only afterwards, would the afternoon outings become longer.  Eventually they lasted for 2-3 weeks in length.

1874 – Membership grew to 182 members.

1875 – The official motto for the Bohemian Club:  “Weaving spiders come not here,” is adopted from the Shakespearean Play “A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream.”

1877 – Their membership grew so fast that they changed their headquarters in San Francisco to 430 Pine Street.

1878 – Several dozen Bohemians (also known as Bohos) hold their first Jinks in the forests.  This was also the first time that the members met at the Bohemian Grove.  The Jinks is done as a movement in a play as a form of entertainment.

1882 – St. John is elected as their patron saint.  He was a Catholic priest and a confessor to Queen Joanna of Bohemia and Germany, wife of King Wenceslaus.  St. John was killed because he refused to share what Queen Joanna shared with him.

1885 – Joseph D. Redding is elected as president of the Bohemian Club.  He is an attourney with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, owned by the Rockefeller family.  It was this year that the Illuminati became interested in the Bohemian Club, and 13 years after their founding.

1893 – Joseph D. Redding created what is his version of the Cremation Of Care Ceremony.

1887 – The Illuminati are moving in with the intention of changing the nature of the Bohemian Grove.  The Illuminati already took over the Masonic Lodge and the Vatican.  They also set up their first international organization – The Royal Institute of International Affairs.  The Illuminati founded six other international organizations as well.  There are now 561 members in the Bohemian Club.  William Randolph Hearst is a member.  Bay area ship builder Arthur W. Moore is a member as is columnist Ambrose Bierce.  14 officers of the Army and Navy were invited to become members.  Mark Twain was also a member.  Notice how the club is no longer restricted to the entertainment industry, art and music.  Now we have businessmen, ship builders, military men and wealthy family members.

1892 – The Bohemian Club takes their summer vacation for the first time at the current site.  There is a 70 foot statue of Buddha, as the precursor to the Cremation Of Care Ceremony.

1893 – Joseph D. Redding, the president of the Bohemian Club, presides over the first Cremation Of Care Ceremony.  This is purely an Illuminati Ritual.

1899 – The club purchases their first 160 acres in what is now known as the Bohemian Grove.

[By 1966 – The Bohemian Grove makes many purchases, increasing their size to 2,700 acres of land.]

William Taft, our 27th president, visited the Bohemian Grove.

1914 – There are now 1,259 members.  Many members are teachers in colleges, and Army/Navy officers.

1920’s – The unofficial lake of the Bohemian Grove is made.  It is 100 feet long by 400 feet wide, layered with concrete and clay.

1929 – The Illuminati are warned in advance of the coming October 29 stock market crash.  Their assets remained safe.  The 40 foot concrete owl was built and worshipped in the grove during the Cremation Of Care Ceremony.  There are now 169 camps within the Bohemian Grove, with over 1,500 members.

1932 – Members are told to buy gold.  The Illuminati planned on gold to become more valuable.

1933 – The Sir Francis Drake Hotel becomes the new headquarters for the Bohemian Club, now with 2,000 members.

1934 – Gold goes up in price.  Americans lose money while the Illuminati comes out on top.  They made hundreds of millions of dollars.  Americans starved to death in this depression era.

1941 – The membership of the Bohemian Club goes down because of World War II.

to be continued…