Democrats Pose an Existential Threat to the Church, Being Civil is No Longer an Option

Reformation Charlotte

OCTOBER 29, 2021

We’ve repeatedly heard the clarion calls from the progressive Evangelical bridge-builders like David Platt and JD Greear who have tried to persuade civil disagreement between politically progressive and conservatives in the public square. The mantra oft-repeated has been to “unify around Christ” while disagreeing on politics.

While on the surface, this cause may have seemed noble, it is not an option that Christians can any longer take.

While progressivism and liberalism have always been opposed to godliness and a biblical worldview, recent events have exposed the Democrat party and ideological progressives as not only opposed to the Church but opposed to humanity altogether. In fact, the Democrat party poses an existential threat to the Church and to anyone who holds to a conservative, biblical worldview.

To clarify, I do not believe that the Church is actually in danger of being destroyed–the Scriptures are clear that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Bride of Christ (Matthew 16:17-19), so please don’t email me explaining this. That is not my point. My point, however, is that the Democrat party has the clear intention and motivation of destroying the Church and anyone whose worldview is incongruent with a secular, progressive worldview.

The fact that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church does not necessarily mean that it will not inflict serious harm and wounds against her. It does not mean that there will not be real and tangible casualties. What it does mean is that God will always have His remnant and His remnant will always thrive despite the gates of Hell rising up against her.

And to be clear, the Democrat party in America–along with all of the socialist and Communist regimes around the world–are the current manifestation of the gates of Hell on Earth.

With the advent of Critical Race Theory, indoctrination into the new worldly religion of Hell is taking place in schools, public institutions, private institutions, and even churches. Formerly conservative Christian denominations–like the Southern Baptist Convention and the Presbyterian Church (PCA)–are crumbling under the pressures of this godless ideology perpetrated by the secular worldview of the Democrat party and its religious cohorts like Russell Moore and Tim Keller. Yet, repeatedly, they’re the ones calling on us to engage in a “civil” manner.

That can no longer be done. It is not an option.

It’s no longer just the slaughter of innocent children, gay rights, gay propaganda, “gay Christianity,” theft (redistribution of wealth), lawlessness (i.e. open borders), a complete and total lack of individual responsibility (i.e. nanny state welfare system, single-payer insurance, etc.), or the endless sweeping away of our right to worship God freely. These are serious issues and the Democrat party’s political agenda is certainly to strip us of our freedoms while indoctrinating godlessness into the masses.

But it’s more than just that. The Democrat party wants us dead–literally, they want us dead. We see it through their forced vaccine mandates–comply with them or die. You lose your job, you lose your home, you lose your right to shop for food, you die–you and your family. Or perhaps maybe just you can die, and if your children are young enough, the state can take them and give them to perverts like Pete Buttigieg to raise and indoctrinate. The thought of that should scare the living Hell out of any sane person, especially a Christian.

It’s not just the vaccine mandates either. Critical race theory in our schools, institutions, and even churches is teaching a new level of hatred towards people unprecedented in modern history rivaled only by that of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi regime. It is the Democrat party’s goal–to gaslight conservatives with false accusations of “hate” and then to exterminate them under the guise of “progress.”

You think it’s bad today? Hand these tyrants the keys to your health by submitting to vaccine mandates and next, they’ll be mandating abortions in the name of “public health.” You won’t be able to hold a job unless you submit to their one-child policy. You won’t be able to hold a job unless you renounce your Christian faith because Christianity poses a threat to “public health.”

If you don’t see where this is going, you’re naive. You either don’t know history or you don’t know the Bible. I’m not calling on you to live in fear, but I am calling on you to fight. We, as Christians, are armed with the most powerful weapon ever known to mankind–the Word of God. We need to start using it. We must oppose Democrats in our churches claiming to be Christians, call on them to repent, and if they don’t, they must be purged from our ranks. The time to be civil has passed.

AMA Plots To Ban Ivermectin So That More People Die From COVID


AMA Plots To Ban Ivermectin So That More People Die From COVID

HAF October 27, 2021 Sponsored by Revcontent

The American Medical Association (AMA) wants people to die from the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

The reason we can safely say this is that the trade group is working overtime to restrict Americans’ access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and ivermectin, two safe, effective and inexpensive early treatment remedies for the Chinese Virus.ama plots to ban ivermectin so that more people die from covid


Instead of recognizing that each individual has the God-given right to choose what goes into his body, the AMA is taking a position of medical fascism that does not even recognize the right of doctors to prescribe whatever medications they see fit for their patients.

In 1996, ivermectin was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in humans. Today, ivermectin is off-patent and available generically for treating a variety of pathologies.

Because using ivermectin breaks the plandemic script, however – everyone is supposed to just mask up and get “vaccinated,” they tell us – the AMA is trying to make it impossible to get (except for the black market, perhaps).

“The American Medical Association (which represents only 12% of practicing physicians and receives more money from the federal government than from its waning membership dues) and two national pharmacy associations (which receive corporate support from COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ manufacturers, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson) have decided ivermectin should not be used to treat this virus despite widespread successful treatment with this drug (discovered in the late 1970s and used in humans since 1988),” write Robert Marshall and Dr. Bernard, Pegis, M.D., for LifeSiteNews.

“Ivermectin is currently available over the counter in many countries. If American drugstores implement this dangerous policy, many lives will be lost.”

Explosive! India State of 241 MILLION People Declared COVID-Free After Government Promotes Ivermectin.

Hypocritical AMA Supported Off-Label Prescription Of Drugs As Recently As 2020

In a September 1 press release, the AMA, along with the American Pharmacists Association (APHA) and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), explained that they “strongly oppose the ordering, prescribing, or dispensing of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 outside of a clinical trial.”

“We are alarmed by reports that outpatient prescribing for and dispensing of ivermectin have increased 24-fold since before the pandemic and increased exponentially over the past few months,” that announcement further read.

Even though there are almost no risks associated with taking ivermectin as normally prescribed, the AMA, the APHA and the ASHP are freaking out about the fact that some doctors are administering it to their sick patients.

Off-label prescription of pharmaceuticals has been common practice for many decades. Now that covid is here and being highly politicized by the left, however, it is suddenly a mortal sin in the eyes of the medical establishment to even just try using ivermectin for treating Chinese Germs.

Just prior to when the Fauci Flu made its appearance, the AMA actually issued an official policy guideline confirming that it offers “strong support” for the off-label prescription of pharmaceuticals whenever a doctor deems that it may be helpful.

“Our AMA confirms its strong support for the autonomous clinical decision-making authority of a physician and that a physician may lawfully use an FDA approved drug product or medical device for an off-label indication when such use is based upon sound scientific evidence or sound medical opinion,” the organization confirmed at the time.

India: COVID Cases Plummet After Government Promotes Use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.

Now that the Biden regime wants everyone to get “vaccinated,” though, the AMA is doing everything possible to restrict access to ivermectin, which quite frankly would have put an end to this fake “pandemic” a long, long time ago.

“Jesus was severely criticized for healing a blind man on the Sabbath (John 9:13-30),” LifeSiteNews reported.

“Today, practicing physicians who save lives using drug therapy are ostracized. Mainstream medicine appears to be rejecting efforts to combat COVID-19 with drugs in favor of experimental mRNA ‘vaccines.’”

Don’t Let the Religious Pharisees Determine Your Conscience on Vaccines

Some people feel they have to take the vaccine in order to keep their job, and may attempt to put folks who do not get the jab on a guilt trip. I am aghast at comments by so called Christian leaders who tell us: “Jesus would receive the vaccine.” Stupid is as stupid says. It is absolutely certain that Immanuel would never need the vaccine. Also, please do not tell me that the Son of God did not believe in the ninety first Psalm, whereby the Lord (the Lord is Jesus Himself of course, and He is the One who protects us) will keep us from receiving the plague and the pestilence. I have noted in the last twenty one months that very few Christians really believe in the truth of the ninety first Psalm, evidenced by their anxiety over COVID and placing more faith in manmade “cures” rather than God. The Word of God is very simple. The pandemic brings fresh meaning to Luke 18:8 – “I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

Don’t Let the Religious Pharisees Determine Your Conscience on Vaccines

If Your Conscience Won’t Accept Vaccines, Then It Would Be Sinful For You to Get Vaccinated

By Reformation Charlotte Oct 26

While religious Pharisees like The Gospel Coalition, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, John Piper, and Russell Moore–along with their secular state-sponsored cohorts they plan on turning you over to save their own hides–continue to rail against Christians who opt against mass vaccination mandates while arguing against religious exemptions continue to sell us out, the one thing they continue to miss the mark on is the matter of conscience.

At the heart of Christian morality is teaching on conscience. Scripture is abundantly clear on certain matters involving sin–clear commands of “thou shalt” and “thou shalt not…” But there are many areas that the Scriptures do not have a clear moral side to take. For example, in Romans 14, Paul actually prohibits passing judgment on others who, by their conscience, conclude that doing something like eating meat or observing a sabbath, would dishonor God. Paul’s point is that those who would violate their own conscience–even though others may not by doing the same thing–would be sinning by doing so.

Here we are at a crossroads in our culture with mass vaccine mandates for COVID-19 at the forefront. The Gospel Coalition is once again attempting to argue against religious exemptions for vaccine mandates. Today, it released a new article titled Why Your Employer Can Deny Your ‘Religious” Vaccine Exemption. In the article, the author argues that despite the number of religious exemptions applied for, very few of them are actually for religious reasons.

“I’ve reviewed many of these vaccine exemption requests,” the author writes. “Few, if any, plausibly assert that receiving the vaccine would violate the employee’s sincerely held religious beliefs.”

“Under current law, that’s enough for employers to turn them down,” he continued.

The author then considered the possible concern one might have with government overreach and says that while he is sympathetic to that concern, “it doesn’t provide the basis for a religious exemption.” He then argues that the belief that something is a matter of conscience isn’t sufficient enough to allow the exemption.

“Understand this: A belief that something is a matter of conscience or personal choice—even if that belief is religiously informed—isn’t itself a sufficient basis for a religious exemption.” He then cites an obscure case from 2002 where a UPS driver applied for a religious exemption to a company policy that would not allow him to wear his hair in dreadlocks that ruled in the company favor.

Of course, the comparison is absolutely absurd–comparing a conscientious objection to a company’s hairstyle policy to an objection to being forced to inject one’s body with experimental vaccines–of which would be permanent and irreversible–is simply asinine. Of course, they are different–and the author isn’t that stupid.

The bottom line is not to let these Pharisees pressure you into believing your objection to vaccination requirements is not valid. If your conscience won’t allow you to do so yet you do so anyway, for you, that would be sin. That doesn’t necessarily mean that it would be sin for someone else to do so. But, for you, it would be.

A Spirit Of Lawlessness Has Spread Across The Country

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Breaking News Updates – October 22, 2021

From the very top to the very bottom, we are rapidly becoming a completely lawless nation.  Just look at Joe Biden.  He was just caught on video blatantly breaking D.C.’s very strict mask mandate.  When White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked about this, she told the press to “not overly focus on moments in time”.  
What does that even mean?  Apparently we aren’t supposed to care when Biden breaks the law, and for the record that has happened on numerous occasions in recent months.  But I suppose that it is appropriate that we have a lawless president, because our entire nation is now descending into lawlessness.
Just consider what we just witnessed in Portland.  Dozens of anarchists roamed through the streets of Portland destroying everything in sight, and the police just stood by and watched them do it…
At least 100 self-proclaimed anarchists tore through Portland, setting dumpsters aflame, smashing windows and causing $500,000 in damage, but police stood idle because of a new state law that restricts how law enforcement can respond to riots.
It is at moments like this that I really do feel like I am living in Crazytown.
A new law that was recently passed prohibits police in Portland from using normal crowd control techniques, and so they must stand down and allow rioters to do whatever they want…
Now police say a recently passed law ties their hands even further as it prohibits police from using crowd control techniques like pepper spray or tear gas. Instead, law enforcement agencies are told to rely on follow-up investigations to hold rioters accountable.
Are you kidding me?
Apparently Democrats and Republicans were both involved in the drafting of this new law.
So let’s not just place the blame on one side of the political spectrum.  The truth is that there are plenty of “crazies” in both major parties.
Needless to say, many residents of Portland are absolutely horrified that this is their new reality…
Residents frustrated by the violence last Tuesday questioned whether that meant anything goes now in Portland.
‘Does that mean we are now like a lawless city? Anybody could come in and just bash around and do all the damage that they want without any repercussions whatsoever?’ Linda Witt asked during the meeting with police.
Yes, Linda Witt, you do live in a lawless city now.
And I would encourage you to move away as soon as possible.
Let’s switch gears and talk about the lawlessness in Chicago.
The other day, Ann Coulter penned a column in which she described a particularly violent shootout which recently took place in the Windy City…
Perhaps you’ve heard about the Wild West shootout in the Austin neighborhood of Chicago two weeks ago? One group of gang members shot up the house of rival gang members at around 10 in the morning. They blasted the house with more than 70 rounds, using handguns that had been modified into automatic weapons. Their rivals fired back from inside the home, in a gun battle that lasted so long, it was still going on when the police arrived.

All of this took place in full view of police street cameras, as well as the first officers on the scene.
Of the four initial shooters, one was shot dead at the scene and left behind. The other three took off in two (stolen) Dodge Chargers. One gang member drove to a medical center, dumped his wounded comrade, then led police on a car chase ending in a fiery crash. The other Charger turned up nearby, in flames.
The good news is that all of the shooters were rounded up and will now be in prison indefinitely, right?
Kim Foxx, the State’s Attorney for Cook County, decided not to charge any of them because they were engaged in “mutual combat”.
Yes, you read that correctly.
This is how insane things have become.
And now the hopelessly outnumbered police in Chicago are about to lose thousands of officers because of the city’s ridiculous vaccine mandate…
Chicago’s top cop is warning police officers that their benefits could hang in the balance if they refuse to comply with the city’s COVID vaccination policy, while the mayor has accused the union head of trying to ‘induce an insurrection.’
Police Superintendent David Brown is warning that officers who don’t comply with the city’s vaccination policy could be fired and lose their retirement benefits. About half of the city’s 13,000 cops could be terminated under the rule if they don’t disclose their status.
So the streets of Chicago will soon be even more comfortable for violent criminals.
Speaking of criminals, Mayor Lori Lightfoot was caught violating state and local mask mandates at a basketball game on October 17th.
The politicians that are seeking to impose pandemic restrictions on all the rest of us don’t even keep their own rules.
Philadelphia is another major U.S. city where lawlessness is on the rise.  This week, an extremely brutal sexual assault on a SEPTA train made headlines all over the nation…
A man was arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting a woman on a SEPTA train in Philadelphia last week, even as a number of witnesses failed to stop the incident or call police, authorities said.
The alleged rape occurred on SEPTA’s Market-Frankford Line last Wednesday night and was a “horrendous criminal act,” SEPTA said in a statement. The public transit authority said other people on the train saw the incident and did not alert authorities.
There were others riding that train, but nobody tried to help that woman.
This is what happens in lawless cities.  People are scared to “get involved” and very few are willing to stand up and fight for what is right.
Of course the exact same things could be said about our entire society as a whole.
The fabric of our society is coming apart at the seams everywhere you look, and our moral collapse seems to accelerate with each passing year.
Let me move on to another example.  In New York City, a new law has unleashed a “tsunami” of shoplifting…
Thanks to a citywide shoplifting tsunami, bare necessities are now rare luxuries on drug-store shelves across New York City.
“It looks like the Third World,” bemoaned one Manhattan resident, after eyeing the aisles of a CVS on Sixth Avenue in Soho desperately low of toothpaste, face wash and hand sanitizer, among a long list of other items.
Thanks to the new law, many shoplifters are back on the street the same day they are arrested.
If you can believe it, there is actually one 22-year-old man that has been arrested 46 times for shoplifting so far in 2021…
State bail reform laws make shoplifting a promising career option for some New York City crooks. One man, Isaac Rodriguez, 22, of Queens, was arrested for shoplifting 46 times this year alone, The Post exclusively reported last week.
46 times!
And he is not alone.  According to “NYPD sources”, there are dozens of others that have been arrested for shoplifting at least 20 times…
There are 77 other thieves right now walking the streets of New York with rap sheets of 20 or more shoplifting charges, NYPD sources say.
As of Sept. 12, the city has seen 26,385 complaints of retail theft — the most ever recorded (going back to 1995). It’s a 32 percent spike from last year (20,024) and 38 percent surge from 2014 (19,166).
This is what we have become.
This is our country now.
America is now a horrifying cesspool of crime and lawlessness, and we only have ourselves to blame for our current condition.
Originally published at End Of The American Dream – reposted with permission.

Ron DeSantis Fights Back Against Tyrannical Fed Gov: “I will not let the heavy hand of government force Floridians to take a shot. That violates their constitutional rights…”

There are fifty states in America. I feel very blessed and privileged to live in the state with the best governor. We never cancelled any church services, and he has stood on the Constitution in a way that makes me grateful. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

By Leisa Audette | Oct 25, 2021

Thomas Massie is right. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the best governor in America. He’s fighting against tyrannical mandates by the government. DeSantis recently outlined his intent for a special legislative session to pass state laws protecting workers from getting fired as a result of their vaccine status.

I will not let the heavy hand of government force Floridians to take a shot. That violates their constitutional rights, infringes on their medical freedom, and threatens their livelihoods.

We will hold a Special Session to fight for Floridians’ freedom. #DontTreadOnFlorida


Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Message To Concerned Parents Is Clear: Shut Up Or Else

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Message To Concerned Parents Is Clear: Shut Up Or Else
The Federalist
The Federalist
Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Message To Concerned Parents Is Clear: Shut Up Or Else
The collusion between Biden’s White House, woke school boards, and the DOJ serves one purpose: to intimidate parents into silence.

John Daniel Davidson
By John Daniel DavidsonOCTOBER 22, 2021

What do you call it when the country’s largest school board association secretly coordinates with the Biden White House before issuing a formal request that the administration use the FBI to investigate dissenting parents as potential “domestic terrorists,” and then, five days later, the Justice Department issues a memorandum to the FBI to do just that?
The old-fashioned word for it is corruption — corruption of our institutions, the rule of law, the administration of justice, the separation of powers. It is also an egregious abuse of power on the part of the Biden administration, which apparently has no qualms about calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland when the president’s political allies need a little muscle.

In a contentious congressional hearing on Thursday, Garland confirmed that the basis of his Oct. 4 memorandum, which directed the FBI and U.S. attorney’s offices to launch a task force to combat what Garland called a “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,” was a letter that the National School Boards Association (NSBA) sent to the White House on Sept. 29.
That is, Garland’s evidence that there’s a “disturbing spike” in these kinds of threats is the NSBA letter itself, which was produced after weeks of collaboration with Biden’s White House. This is the same letter in which the NSBA urged the Biden administration to use tools like the Patriot Act to target parents who show up at school board meetings to complain about mask mandates and critical race theory curricula, as if they were “domestic terrorists.”

Incredibly, the news about NSBA’s collusion with the White House broke while Garland was testifying Thursday. During his testimony, Garland insisted that, the NSBA letter notwithstanding, he “can’t imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children,” nor any circumstance in which those instances “would be labeled as domestic terrorism.”

We are left to understand then, that the role Garland envisions for the DOJ in all of this is — what? His memo cites no instances of violence or threats of violence against school board members, and Garland himself admitted before Congress that the basis of his memo was the NSBA letter.
But the vast majority of incidents cited in the NSBA letter didn’t involve attacks or threats of any kind. A few cases involved local law enforcement, but nothing cited in the letter comes close to “domestic terrorism” or anything that would justify the involvement of the FBI or the DOJ. For the most part, the letter cited cases in which parents disrupted school board meetings by protesting, often because they were not given an opportunity to speak out on issues that directly affect the education of their children.
The letter of course didn’t cite instances where school board members have threatened parents, Like this one:

To be clear, the DOJ has no role whatsoever in policing the interactions of parents and local school boards. Whatever happens at those meetings, however contentious they might get, they are entirely under the purview of local and state authorities. For Garland to even suggest that federal prosecutors might get involved is itself a scandal and an egregious abuse of power.
That’s what this is really all about. Set aside the details of the machinations between the Biden White House and the NSBA and the DOJ. What it comes down to is a coordinated effort by the left — including the most powerful law enforcement official in the country, the attorney general — to intimidate parents into silence.
Want to show up and speak out at your local school board meeting? Maybe hold a protest sign in the parking lot? Well then, you might just get a knock on your door from the FBI. Better think twice about that.
These are parents who have every right, by God and the U.S. Constitution, strenuously to voice their opposition to mask mandates, critical race theory, transgender ideology, and all the other nonsense that woke school boards and teachers are trying to foist on their kids. In fact they have a duty to do so.

But instead of listening to the concerns of such parents, the top brass at the NSBA decided to call in a political favor to the White House, which in turn let loose the Justice Department. Through it all, the corporate media executed a PR campaign on behalf of Biden and the school boards.
And why are they trying to intimidate parents into silence? Because when all’s said and done, the leftist ideologues who sit on school boards, work in the White House, and push paper for Garland’s Justice Department don’t want parents to have a say in how public schools are run and what children are taught. As far as they’re concerned, your children don’t belong to you, and their education is not your concern.
The message from the left is clear: comply, stay quiet, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll leave you alone. For now.
John is the Political Editor at The Federalist. Follow him on Twitter.
Photo C-SPAN
Biden administration Biden White House DOJ domestic terrorism FBI Merrick Garland National School Boards Association NSBA

Copyright © 2021 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.

URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER

URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER
Alex Berenson Oct 21
Don’t take it from me, I don’t even get to tweet anymore.
Take it from a little place I call the British government. Which admitted today, in its newest vaccine surveillance report, that:“N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who acquire infection following two doses of vaccination.” (Page 23)What’s this mean? Several things, all bad. We know the vaccines do not stop infection or transmission of the virus (in fact, the report shows elsewhere that vaccinated adults are now being infected at much HIGHER rates than the unvaccinated).What the British are saying is they are now finding the vaccine interferes with your body’s innate ability after infection to produce antibodies against not just the spike protein but other pieces of the virus. Specifically, vaccinated people don’t seem to be producing antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, the shell of the virus, which are a crucial part of the response in unvaccinated people.
This means vaccinated people will be far more vulnerable to mutations in the spike protein EVEN AFTER THEY HAVE BEEN INFECTED AND RECOVERED ONCE (or more than once, probably).It also means the virus is likely to select for mutations that go in exactly that direction, because those will essentially give it an enormous vulnerable population to infect. And it probably is still more evidence the vaccines may interfere with the development of robust long-term immunity post-infection.Aside from that, everything is fine.

The Recipe For Successful Christian Service

I die daily. I Corinthians 15:31

Asked the secret of his service, George Muller said, “There was a day when I died – died to George Muller, his opinions, preferences, tastes, and will; died to the world, its approval or censure; died even to the approval or blame of my brethren and friends – and since then I have only to show myself approved unto God.” This man of faith and faithfulness learned living for God is dying to all else. May you and I also learn this secret of successful service. -Arnot P. McIntee

Breathe on me, breath of God

Till I am wholly Thine,

Until this earthly part of me,

Glows with Thy fire divine.

-Robert Jackson

Russia Is Giving The West Sound Counsel In Regards To Gender Norms

Putin Says West is “Completely Insane,” “Subverting Human Nature” For Allowing Mob Takeover

When I was a small lad, we said: “If you want to fight, go to Russia.” We have long deemed Russia and Eastern Europe as Communists, archaic and out of touch. Having taken two mission trips to Eastern Europe in the last sixteen years, I find them to be much more family oriented and receptive to Biblical truth! Eastern Europe, formerly behind the Iron Curtain, has much better Biblical values than all of the West. We have gone full circle. Now, Vladimir Putin is correctly challenging the West for our insanity and apostasy. In spite of Putin’s dictatorial tendencies, he had a Godly mother who taught him many Christian values. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Gays Team Up With Beth Moore’s Daughter to Attack John MacArthur for Biblical View on Sexuality

It is fascinating that in our deranged Anti Christian culture, the extreme Left is the new normal. Out with Christianity and traditional family values. Did you ever ask yourself: “What gives the Left the authority to pontificate on right verses wrong?” Answer: A pagan culture that rejects God and the Judeo Christian ethic. How insane is the alphabet soup of perverted sexual practices and relationships. Everything from LGBTQ+ to polyamory and every other ungodly “relationship” that one could not even imagine previously. As per usual, John MacArthur has all the right enemies. His enemies are those who are in rebellion against God and His Holy Word. May the same be said for you and me. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte

AUGUST 8, 2020

John MacArthur has been on the defensive from practically every angle for the last several months. From playing defense against the woke feminist social justice Evangelical camp after rightly telling Beth Moore to “go home,” to now being threatened with jail time by his government leaders for having church during the coronavirus “pandemic,” John MacArthur’s steadfastness and unwavering faithfulness to the gospel should be an example to every Christian alive today.

Sadly, some of the harshest attacks come from within the most prominent leaders of Evangelicalism. But, today, MacArthur is being attacked by “gay Christians” who team up with Beth Moore & Co for his biblical views on sexuality. Nate Collins explains how John MacArthur made a biblical comparison of sexually aberrant behaviors — except, of course, Collins didn’t explain it that way — and called John MacArthur’s views “toxic.” One can only assume that Collins would find the vast majority of the Bible to be “toxic.”

Collins, a sodomite leader from the Revoice Conference launched his attack today against John MacArthur and Beth Moore’s daughter, Melissa, joined the chorus calling it “awful” and how it “hurts my heart” that he had to “endure this.”

Revoice is the “gay Christian” movement that has been largely condemned by conservative Evangelicals and even condemned by more moderates including Al Mohler. Revoice is led by openly-gay but “celibate” men who claim to be Christians but whose sexual orientation is not (and cannot be) changed. This movement, led by people like Nate Collins and Preston Sprinkle, advocate for acceptance and inclusion of homosexuals in the ranks of Christianity and those who choose to remain single (from the opposite sex) should form close, intimate, marriage-like relationships with people of the same sex with the exception that the abstain from intercourse.

Earlier this year, Melissa Moore affirmed a lesbian priest in her homosexual relationship. Beth Moore, herself, has exposed herself as full-on egalitarian — that is, one who rejects the biblical model for the roles of men and women — and has launched a tirade against biblical womanhood. She has practically embraced homosexuality and has joined hands with gay activists a number of times for various causes — usually for opposing the biblical view on something. She has refused to denounce homosexuality as sinful and says that doing so is “exceeding Scripture.”

She has joined the chorus on the liberal left in denouncing white people and always assuming the worst about straight, white males. She promotes unity with well known false teachers like Joyce Meyer and has even declared that spending time in God’s Word is not the same thing as spending time with God.

She’s a mocker and has referred to those who go to bed early on Saturday nights for church as “trolls.” And she has made a habit of using acronyms for cuss words to “rebuke” her “fellow leaders.” Bottom line, she has no respect for the authority of God’s Word. Beth Moore’s influence extends past just her family — she has turned much of the Southern Baptist Convention toward this wicked ideology.