Another Conservative Church Departs the SBC Citing “Doctrinal Drift”

Our church left for the same reasons as Homer Reformed Baptist Church (article below). Doctrinal Drift, Compromising Scripture, Winking At Sodomy, Ordaining Women, Condoning Abortion, Wokeness, etc., etc., etc. The Southern Baptist Convention imploded during the tenures of the last three presidents; namely J. D. Greear, Ed Litton and Bart Barber. My only question is why would anyone desire to stay with the SBC? In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte

Conservative churches have been dropping from the Southern Baptist Convention in droves since J.D. Greear became president of the denomination a few years ago. But since Ed Litton was elected to the presidency last year, the mass exodus of faithful churches and pastors has drastically increased.

Last year, prominent anti-social justice pastor, Josh Buice, led his church out of the denomination over the failed leadership and the lack of accountability for our current president who has been embroiled in a plagiarism scandal of epic proportions spanning multiple years. But Ed Litton isn’t actually the problem; he’s only a symptom of the problem.

The problem with conservative churches leaving the denomination is the failed leadership; the refusal to address the underlying problems within the denomination that have brought us to this place, to begin with. The problem is that postmodernism has infected every institution in the Southern Baptist Convention in such a way that any public confrontation among leadership is largely seen as taboo. Therefore, we see little to no public accountability for the unrepentant sins of leadership by other leadership.

This is draining and taxing on those who desperately want to see real leadership.

Now, in the wake of new leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention, conservatives are feeling even more alienated than ever before. In the name of “unity,” there has been much disunity between those who stand on the Scriptures as the final authority for all things, and those who seek to build bridges with churches that ordain women to the pastorate and hold to various other anti-biblical doctrines.

Since Texas pastor, Bart Barber was elected to the presidency and Voddie Baucham was defeated by another moderate pastor for the Pastors’ Conference presidency, the Southern Baptist Convention has more of the same. It’s clear that denominational leadership is a brotherhood and that brotherhood must be maintained at all costs, even at the expense of sound doctrine.

And, again, good shepherds and laypeople are growing tired.

In the latest example of a good, solid, conservative church leaving the SBC, Homer, AK pastor, Nathaniel Jolly announced his church’s departure citing “doctrinal drift.”

“This past week our church met and decided that it was time to dissociate from the Southern Baptist Convention,” Jolly wrote in a letter published on Twitter. “Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall; the SBC has simply gone in a direction with which our church is unwilling to be associated, now or in the foreseeable future.”

In closing, he wrote “there are still faithful and godly men within the SBC. I do not wish to make my conscience a burden for them. However, the claim that there is no doctrinal drift in the SBC is not credible. The drift is unmistakable and the downgrade is steep. The 2022 convention has made it crystal clear to me that there is no way for our church to remain. I take no joy in what has happened to the SBC, I grieve over it.”

What else has become crystal clear is that God will not be mocked. He will separate the sheep from the goats. And while it is taking some churches longer to realize that the SBC has become more about its money business than about advancing the actual gospel, true bible-believing churches are departing and heading for the hills. And as more and more do, it will become more and more clear that the SBC is under the judgment of God.

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues… —Revelation 18:4

Linked below is the full text of Jolly’s letter.

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Newly-Elected Southern Baptist President Says Serial Homosexual Practice Won’t Send You to Hell

Why am I not surprised? Of course, Bart Barber believes repentance is not necessary and that “grace” covers the abomination. Bart does not believe God’s Holy Writ: Jude 4 “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 6:1-2 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”

What else is there to say except I am glad that our church voted unanimously to leave the Southern Baptist Convention Wednesday evening. Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | Jun 24, 2022 

In the words of James Merritt, “there is no leftward drift. None.” Obviously, that statement is absurd. The Southern Baptist Convention has now elected the third president in a row who has downplayed the sin of homosexuality.

In 2019, JD Greear—who was elected president in 2018—preached a sermon on Romans 1 and concluded that God believes other sins, such as boasting, are more egregious than homosexuality. In 2021, we revealed that his successor, Ed Litton, had been plagiarizing all of his sermons and taught this same, unbiblical teaching. For Greear and Litton, the Bible only “whispers” about homosexuality.

Now, some tweets from 2014 have surfaced and revealed that the newly-elected president, Bart Barber, believes that one can be saved and still practice unrepentant, serial homosexuality.

During a 2014 Twitter thread, Barber asserted that he believes that everyone at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which was headed by Russell Moore at the time, believed this:

When pressed, he doubled down and compared homosexuality to boasting and said that practicing serial, unrepentant sin is not enough to send you to Hell if you are “saved by grace.”

But the Scriptures do not teach this. The Scriptures teach that those who have been saved by grace cease to practice serial unrepentant sin and it is not ambiguous on this point.

Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. —1 John 3:4-10


Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. —1 Corinthians 6:9-11

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Audience Applauds as ERLC President Says Mothers Shouldn’t Be Punished for Killing Their Children

Audience Applauds as ERLC President Says Mothers Shouldn’t Be Punished for Killing Their Children

by Publisher | Jun 16, 2022 | ApostasyNewsReligionSocial-IssuesThe Church | 0 comments

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The Southern Baptist Convention is done. At this point, as I stated yesterday, the denomination deserves nothing but mockery. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) and its child organization, SEND Relief, are corrupt and caught up in multiple financial scandals involving payoffs to friends and their ministries who aren’t even Southern Baptists. NAMB president, Kevin Ezell is a horrible man who pursued an open-borders pro-mass immigration George Soros lackey to lead the SEND Network. NAMB also uses SBC tithe dollars to send “urban” pastors to the SBC annual meeting to vote for establishment candidates while ignoring the rural pastors who are more likely to vote conservative.

And, of course, there is the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), an entity that has gone completely rogue. The ERLC has spent the last year undermining the will of the messengers at the 2021 meeting where a strong anti-abortion resolution was passed. Since then, the ERLC has spent countless hours contradicting the anti-abortion resolution and instead, advanced its own liberal abortion agenda calling for a softening stance against abortion and not making abortion completely illegal and punishable, but, instead, creating an environment of social welfare to bribe mothers into keeping their children with government handouts.

And that didn’t slow down yesterday either as Brent Leatherwood, the acting president of the ERLC has done well convincing Southern Baptists that abortion isn’t really all that bad after all. In fact, he tells the audience at the SBC 2022 Annual meeting, here’s the reality, you’re not going to get me to say that a woman who has willfully had an abortion should be behind bars.

Instead, he tells them, we should treat them as Jesus would by “bearing their burdens”—pseudo-Christian speak for welfare and handouts.

This flies directly in the face of comments that Al Mohler made from the floor directly answering a question about abortion. Mohler said that it is clear that women who willfully commit an abortion should be held legally accountable for their actions and compared the moral culpability that a woman who had an abortion to laws that are already on the books for similar actions, ranging from manslaughter to murder in the third degree. There are varying levels of moral culpability in a crime, and the justice system has ways of determining that.

Leatherwood, on the other hand, believes that there are no circumstances where a mother seeking an abortion and commits one should be held accountable.

To make matters worse, when a messenger at the microphone directly asked Brent Leatherwood what law of God the mother who is having an abortion is breaking, Leatherwood calls up the ERLC Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees, Kevin Smith, who arrogantly answers “the Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill.” An obviously correct answer, but one that demonstrates the rank hypocrisy of Leatherwood and the ERLC who in one breath acknowledge that mothers are murdering their children yet in another breath, declare that it is not biblical, or the view of the Southern Baptist Convention, that mothers be held accountable for murder.

You really should need no further reason to support the defunding of the ERLC and, in reality, a split or mass exodus in the Southern Baptist Convention. The denomination is clearly under the judgment of God as so many have been deceived into believing lies.

9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11

False Prophet, Rick Warren, Gives Himself Grand Accolades at SBC Annual Meeting

Evidently Rick Warren never read and applied to himself the scripture: Proverbs 27:2

“Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.”

I felt uncomfortable listening to this pompous and apostate windbag. If Rick Warren sang “How Great Thou Art,” he must do so while focusing on his “conversions” and looking into a mirror. He ordained three women as “pastors,” his last act at Saddleback Church. This blogsite is full of his apostasy. Simply refer to the category: “The Emerging Church.

In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Amid the Southern Baptist Convention’s investigation into the credentials of Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church after his decision to ordain three women at his church last year, Warren took the microphone to defend himself.

After starting off his impassioned speech with “I’m not here to defend myself,” he launches into a 5-minute tirade of defending himself and giving himself grand accolades for all of his accomplishments.

Warren goes on to praise himself for all of the churches he planted and how he’s “converted” more people to Christ than all of the Southern Baptist seminaries combined. He boasts about all of the overseas missionaries he’s sent and then praises himself for being mentored by Billy Graham and how his great grandfather was led to Christ by Charles Spurgeon.

Well, this apple sure fell far from that tree.

He then laments that he’s being treated so unfairly because he agrees with Southern Baptists on most things. “You’re never going to find another Baptist who agrees with you completely on everything,” he moans, with an obvious quip at Tom Ascol and other Calvinists, “there are Baptist brothers here today who don’t believe that Jesus died for the whole world, but we somehow get along with them.”

For more on why Rick Warren is a false prophet, see this link.

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Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Investigation Firm Comes Out in Full Support of Homosexuality and Sexual Immorality

The Southern Baptist Convention has been embroiled in scandal after scandal over the past year since Ed Litton, the current Southern Baptist Convention president took office at the convention last year. Embroiled in his own plagiarism scandal, Litton was elected to implement and oversee an investigation into an alleged mass cover-up scheme of sex abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Dissenter has been covering the story of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) political hit job perpetrated by Russell Moore, an ex-employee of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. After he departed the denomination to join the staff at the apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, to continue his liberal agenda, Moore leaked a letter to the press claiming he had knowledge of sex abuse involving women and children dating back nearly two years and alleged that SBC leaders pressured him to cover up these abuses.

To this day, Moore–a mandatory reporter–has not reported these allegations to the police, leaving only two possible conclusions: either Moore is committing a serious crime by not reporting these to the police, or is an unrepentant liar who is trying to smear the names of innocent people for political reasons.

So it should come as no surprise that after the investigation finally concluded and the report that came out was primarily a report of already publicly available information, that the investigation firm that these Southern Baptist leftists smear-hacks hired to carry out the investigation was a pro-LGBTQ feminist activist group.

The firm, Guidepost Solutions, broadcasts on its website that they “understand the challenges that faith-based organizations face in identifying, addressing and preventing issues such as sexual harassment and abuse” and bolster themselves as “experts in assessing cultural and organizational risks and providing concrete steps to facilitate change.”

What they didn’t tell us, at least up front, was that they actually hate the Church, hate God, and hate biblical doctrine. So, who is Guidepost Solutions really? Well, according to a recent social media post, they are “proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community.”

Guidepost Solutions


Guidepost is committed to strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion and strives to be an organization where our team can bring their authentic selves to work. We celebrate our collective progress toward equality for all and are proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community.

Keep in mind, these are the people that the Southern Baptist Convention spent your tithe dollars on lead an investigation into alleged sex abuse and then report on it and make recommendations on how to fix it. And these recommendations, which Southern Baptist pastors like Bruce Frank and Ed Litton seem to be on board with, are not supported by Scripture and basically call for an end to “innocent until proven guilty” in the SBC.

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Southern Baptists If You Desire the Judgment of God be Poured Out Please Vote for Bart Barber

There is no doubt that the Southern Baptist Convention has been on a rapidly-increasing leftward drift toward the abandonment of the gospel in favor of social justice, feminism, and, in some cases, an embrace of the LGBTQ movement. In short, the Southern Baptist Convention has been sliding toward apostasy for several years.

Now, I know that the word “apostasy” is a strong word—and that word denotes renunciation of the faith. And, in word, most Southern Baptist leaders, churches, and institutions have not renounced Christianity or the gospel. However, a case can be made that, in deed, much of what once stood as a bulwark of defense against false teachings and movements invading the Church has now abandoned its duty to protect and even opened to door to wolves to feed on the sheep.

The Southern Baptist Convention was originally formed not as a top-down governing organization with authority over the member churches, but rather as a coalition of churches bound together to cooperate with a unified purpose—to send missionaries to unreached parts of the world. This, of course, was a noble purpose and has served well. However, the Southern Baptist Convention has now morphed, if you will, into a full-fledged denomination with multiple institutions including seminaries, a publishing arm, a church-planting network, a public policy branch, and an executive committee tasked with overseeing the denominational structure.

And while in word, member churches remain autonomous, in practice, the grip the denomination has over Southern Baptist churches is growing stronger and stronger.

The Southern Baptist Convention is wrought with theological problems. Not only have many of the churches embraced aberrant movements, but so have the institutions. The seminaries are teaching Critical Race Theory—a rank heresy incompatible with Christianity—and those pointing it out are being maligned by SBC leadership.

One of the brewing controversies in the Southern Baptist Convention is the issue of feminism — namely, Egalitarianism. This is the doctrine that defies biblical gender roles (1 Corinthians 14:342 Timothy 2:12, etc) and allows women to take authority over the pulpit in churches. Several outspoken leaders and pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention are now advocating for female preachers and women in leadership roles, defying God’s design for genders. Beth Moore was one of the primary examples of this, ultimately causing her to leave the denomination. But there are many others.

Another serious issue brewing in the Southern Baptist Convention is the issue of homosexuality — labeled by the Evangelical elites, “same-sex attraction.” The controversy is over the sin of same-sex attraction, and whether or not homosexuals should be counted as members in good standing, or even hold leadership roles in our churches. The issue has been brought to light by prominent outlets — namely the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission — who have promoted this notion through “gay Christian” ministries such as Living Out.

The crux is that many of these progressive leaders now believe that Christians should “soften” their stance against homosexuality and in many cases, fully accept them among the ranks of Churches.

Finally, the longest-standing and most notable issue facing the Southern Baptist Convention is that of the social justice movement. The idea is that it is the mission and focus of the Church to right the wrongs of social and economic inequality. Primarily, the movement advocates for an unbiblical view of man and sin and instead looks to secular ideology, such as Critical Theory (Marxism), for guidance.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School, and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.

In 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution to embrace Critical Race Theory as a “useful analytical tool” for analyzing racial discrepancies and strife in both society and the Church. Every effort to repeal this resolution since its passage has failed.

Many of the advocates of this movement in the Southern Baptist Convention seek to impute guilt among entire people groups — in this case, white people — for ancestral sins. Further, they advocate for restitution based not on individual guilt and/or need, but based solely on the color of their skin. This, too, should be opposed as it does not seek biblical reconciliation among believers, but only seeks to cause division and tear down society.

And yet, despite all of this, Bart Barber one of the leading Southern Baptist Convention presidential candidates, believes there is nothing wrong with the denomination. In fact, Barber is literally the perfect establishment candidate for the Southern Baptist Convention elite club. He’s willing to do whatever he’s told and has no real convictions about anything. He’s simply the marionette on the stage with the puppetmasters pulling his strings—just like Joe Biden.

What’s most sad about the whole charade: he actually has a very high chance of pulling off a win. After all, he has all the SBC money-changers behind him. We currently have a Southern Baptist president who is a serial plagiarist and has relentlessly insisted that he’s done nothing wrong. Barber, the establishment candidate, has also relentlessly defended him. The SBC has a public policy arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, that calls for lax abortion laws and decriminalizing mothers seeking abortions while arguing that she isn’t guilty of killing her child—Bart Barber agrees with them.

Bart Barber is primarily interested in “unity”—and right now, the Southern Baptist Convention has a superficial unity like never before seen.

Barber isn’t serious about doing what it takes to bring the Southern Baptist Convention back into a right relationship with God or honoring the covenant that Christ has with the Church. He isn’t interested in following the Apostle Paul’s commands to purge the unrepentant sinners, heretics, and false teachers from among us. He isn’t interested in defending the sheep from the insatiable appetites of the wolves seeking to devour us all. He’s only interested in maintaining that unity at whatever cost.

But superficial unity won’t last and God will smite it. If you are happy with the direction of the Southern Baptist Convention and you desire the wrath of God to be poured out, then vote for Bart Barber, please.

Former SBC President Accused of Sexual Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force

This story is surreal. I spoke with Johnny Hunt at a meeting in Sarasota right before COVID struck. Years ago, I attended a pastor’s conference when Johnny Hunt served as pastor at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA. To be affiliated with the late Ravi Zacharias and massage parlors is not good. I remember another Southern Baptist leader warning Johnny Hunt about the danger of being lifted up in pride. So many well known Southern Baptist leaders are falling like dominoes. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has been corrupted in recent years under Hunt’s leadership as VP. (see article below) That is one reason why I chose to give to other mission endeavors rather than the NAMB and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The Southern Baptist Convention is sick at the head, and the effects trickle on down, affecting the entire SBC. No organization will ever rise above its leadership. Lord help the imploding Southern Baptist Convention. The largest Protestant denomination in America is falling apart. This article reveals one disgraced and fallen Southern Baptist leader exposing another. SBCGate. Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte May 22
Johnny Hunt

Former SBC President Accused of Sexual Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force The Dissenter has been covering the story of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) political hit job perpetrated by Russell Moore, an ex-employee of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. After he departed the denomination to join the staff at the apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, to continue his liberal agenda, Moore leaked a letter to the press claiming he had knowledge of sex abuse involving women and children dating back nearly two years and alleged that SBC leaders pressured him to cover up these abuses.

Today, in the wake of Moore’s hit job, the Southern Baptist Convention’s task force released a 400-page report from Guidestone after an investigation alleged that the Southern Baptist Convention had been “covering up” sex abuse for years.

Johnny Hunt, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA, former Southern Baptist Convention president, and former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman dating back to 2010 while on vacation in Panama City.

According to a Houston Chronicle report, Hunt entered the condo next to him where they were staying, began groping and kissing her, and later told her that he wanted to have sex with her three times a day.

Hunt denies the accusations and released a statement on Twitter stating that his “heart breaks for victims” and that he “vigorously den[ies] the circumstances and characterizations” of the report that was released by Guidepost.

During his tenure at NAMB, Hunt was seen regularly calling on Southern Baptist pastors to hold baptisms. Hunt, a regular speaker at First Baptist Church in Indian Trail, NC, resigned from NAMB last month prior to the release of the Guidepost report.

In 2020, it was revealed that Johnny Hunt had helped the late Ravi Zacharias set up his massage parlor business where Zacharias was later found to have abused multiple women through that business. In fact, Hunt was reported according to Pulpit & Pen to have traveled from Woodstock to Alpharetta to receive “services” from the spas. Below is a video of Johnny Hunt giving a speech at the grand opening of one of Ravi’s massage parlors:

Some are not fully convinced of the accusations. Capstone report tweeted:

Capstone Tweet:

So, former SBC President and let’s just say former NAMB VP Johnny Hunt is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman. Wonder if Hunt wants to tell his side of the story now that Ezell’s minions have told their side?

You may remember the report from the Washington Post last year that accidentally told on its own people when it reported that the NAMB—a corrupt and spiritually bankrupt “church planting” organization that really acts more like a political action committee for leftists—had been using Southern Baptist tithe dollars to send pastors who are likely to vote for progressive and woke candidates to the annual meeting.

According to the report, “One insider said NAMB has been pouring money into getting urban church leaders to the annual meeting to get enough votes to secure the presidency for Ed Litton, an Alabama pastor who has promoted work on racial reconciliation.”

This is certainly no defense of Johnny Hunt, but it will be interesting to see in the coming days what happens with these allegations and to what extent NAMB played a role in the characterizations of this alleged incident.

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Gideon Knox Group

Former SBC Prez Pastor Johnny Hunt Accused of Sexual Abuse in Bombshell Report

Blankenship suggested it was consensual and tried to close the book on it, “after all, it takes two to tango”

Gideon Knox11 hr ago

Staff Writer

Pastor Emeritus of FBC Woodstock and Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention Johnny Hunt was named in the Guidepost Solution Report as someone who engaged in sexual abuse against a pastor’s wife in 2010, citing testimony from multiple pastors, including Hunt’s own staff counseling pastor.

The GSR reports that the abuse happened after Hunt invited the couple to vacation with him and his family at Panama City beach, ultimately sharing condos side by side.

The wife, known as ‘Survivor; and her husband as ‘Pastor’ alleges that early on in the trip, Dr. Hunt was being a bit sketchy by kissing her on the forehead and making inappropriate comments about her figure and tan lines.

Later, while engaging in conversation from across the balcony, Dr. Hunt shifted the conversation “from ministry to flattery about her appearance, her clothing, and her perfume.” At one point he remarked that he was hot from being in the sun, and the woman said he could come to under the shade on her balcony, assuming that his family was in the condo inside the doors.

Once in closer proximity, she recounts he asked her to put her feet on his knee, and then “he touched them while commenting on their beauty and size.” After a short time, he said he was uncomfortable sitting outside and suggested they go inside.

Once inside her place, Dr. Hunt asked her about the ministry and church frustrations she and her husband were having at the church, when he began to manipulate her by asking her personal questions about her life, such as “if she was wild growing up?” She was confused and not sure of what he meant, at which point:

Hunt allegedly apologized the next morning and asked her to forgive him and not tell anyone what happened.

Blankenship suggested it was consensual and tried to close the book on it, “after all, it takes two to tango” and asked all parties to leave it at that. The woman recounts that “at the time she believed that, even though she did not consent to what Dr. Hunt did to her, she was made to feel it was consensual because she did not fight back.”

Hunt and Blankenship quickly moved to bring a close to the issue, so it could not hurt or impact the 40,000 churches that Hunt presented. They had several counseling sessions where this was encouraged, and Hunt’s wife was at a meeting between them during one of the sessions, where they were encouraged to forgive and forget.

But the couple carried it for a long time, and told others about it over the years. Guidepost reports that they were provided contemporaneous evidence during their investigation, such as:

The investigatory team ultimately contacted Blankenship two weeks ago. While he was very reluctant to answer, he confirmed that there was an incident where Hunt kissed her and touched her breast over her clothes, while claiming to have no memory of pulling down her shorts. He admitted that he was operating on the assumption that the sexual contact was consensual based in part on what Dr. Hunt told him .

Guideposts found the testimony credible, along with three other witnesses who are all SBC pastors that are “still very much involved and committed to Southern Baptist life and the Convention, such as this pastor, who has been in ministry for over 40 years.

Neither of these pastors saw it fit to share or reveal their knowledge of the abuse.

Hunt for his part denied everything when contacted for an interview, yet did so in a way that the team felt was not credible such as initially denying he even knew the couple. As the news broke yesterday, he again denied it on Twitter, releasing a statement saying that he vigorously “denies the circumstances and characterizations set forth in the Guidepost report” and that “I never abused anybody.”

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Gallery: Pro-Abortion Rebels Destroy Churches and Pregnancy Centers Amid Roe v. Wade Leak

Reformation Charlotte
May 6

“Those who hate me love death,” is the warning of God in Proverbs 8:36. Nothing could be clearer than the God-hating rebellion we’re witnessing in front of our eyes in the wake of the Supreme Court leak on the upcoming Roe v. Wade decision. Hate groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other feminist anti-conservative rebels are taking to the streets to express their disgust at the possibility that the “right” of a woman to murder her child may not be guaranteed by the Constitution and returned to the states.
The overturning of Roe v. Wade will not eliminate abortion—it’s merely a necessary step to remove the federal guarantee of it. In the last several months, left-wing states like California and New York have already been preparing for this by drafting legislation that would codify the right to abortion—perhaps even more liberal seeming to allow for after-birth abortion—into their own laws.
Below is a gallery of some of these hate groups who are taking out their anger and frustration on innocent Americans, churches, crisis pregnancy centers, and other pro-life organizations.

Antifa reportedly attacks pregnancy center in Portland, Oregon:

Here, Antifa Watch reports that Anarchists in Boulder Colorado attacked a Catholic church on Tuesday night following the leak of the SCOTUS abortion decision. The building was covered with paint and anarchist graffiti as well a window cracked.