Newly-Elected Southern Baptist President Says Serial Homosexual Practice Won’t Send You to Hell

Why am I not surprised? Of course, Bart Barber believes repentance is not necessary and that “grace” covers the abomination. Bart does not believe God’s Holy Writ: Jude 4 “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 6:1-2 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”

What else is there to say except I am glad that our church voted unanimously to leave the Southern Baptist Convention Wednesday evening. Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | Jun 24, 2022 

In the words of James Merritt, “there is no leftward drift. None.” Obviously, that statement is absurd. The Southern Baptist Convention has now elected the third president in a row who has downplayed the sin of homosexuality.

In 2019, JD Greear—who was elected president in 2018—preached a sermon on Romans 1 and concluded that God believes other sins, such as boasting, are more egregious than homosexuality. In 2021, we revealed that his successor, Ed Litton, had been plagiarizing all of his sermons and taught this same, unbiblical teaching. For Greear and Litton, the Bible only “whispers” about homosexuality.

Now, some tweets from 2014 have surfaced and revealed that the newly-elected president, Bart Barber, believes that one can be saved and still practice unrepentant, serial homosexuality.

During a 2014 Twitter thread, Barber asserted that he believes that everyone at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which was headed by Russell Moore at the time, believed this:

When pressed, he doubled down and compared homosexuality to boasting and said that practicing serial, unrepentant sin is not enough to send you to Hell if you are “saved by grace.”

But the Scriptures do not teach this. The Scriptures teach that those who have been saved by grace cease to practice serial unrepentant sin and it is not ambiguous on this point.

Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. —1 John 3:4-10


Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. —1 Corinthians 6:9-11

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Pastor Tells Congregation JD Greear, Ed Litton, Nothing But Hirelings Who Need to Resign

Greear, Litton
Reformation Charlotte Sept 7 2021

In the midst of Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton’s ongoing #sermongate plagiarism scandal, scant few voices are continuing to speak out. One pastor, however, had the courage to explain the nature and gravity of the scandal to his congregation.

During his sermon, he explained that these pastors involved in the scandal are nothing but hirelings who need to resign their positions…

Like Greear, New SBC President Says the Bible “Whispers” About Homosexuality

Liberal and apostate leadership has once again enveloped the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). This is certainly a trend in most all Christian denominations. We should not be surprised, as the Biblical prophets forecast a great falling away before the Day of the Lord and Great Tribulation period. Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

Like Greear, New SBC President Says the Bible “Whispers” About Homosexuality

Reformation Charlotte Jun 21, 2021

As big tech continues its crackdown on conservative blogs, our days on these platforms are numbered. Please subscribe to our mailing list and follow us on gab so that we can continue to stay in touch with you. Please also consider a subscription for ad-free content delivered directly to you.

There must be a conspiracy in the Southern Baptist Convention to elect presidents who hate the Word of God and deny its power. Following in the footsteps of former Southern Baptist president, JD Greear, the newly elected president, Ed Litton–whose church website denied the Trinity as recently as last week–makes the exact same mistake with nearly identical wording–which was taken, according to Greear, from Village Church lady-preacher, Jen Wilkin (who also says that women’s periods are a parable of the crucifixion)–that the Bible only “whispers” about homosexuality while it “shouts” about other sins.

Homosexuality is the only sin in Scripture in which two cities were wiped off the face of the earth for not only committing, but celebrating. The notion that God does not see homosexuality as far more egregious than other sins is despicable. Paul taught that some sins are worse than others, and had a particular revulsion toward homosexuality (Romans 1:24-271 Corinthians 5:1-121 Corinthians 6:915-171 Thessalonians 4:6 )

Litton also mangles the entire plot of Romans 1, stating that he often “misinterpreted” the text in Romans 1 to understand that Paul was concluding that homosexuality is a worse sin than others–but he no longer believes that.

Either Litton has lost his mind or has a severe lack of theological understanding of the consequences of sin. Not only does God’s law treat homosexuality as more egregious than these other sins, but of course, Paul thought of homosexuality as more egregious as well. Paul wrote in Romans 1:26, “For this reason, God gave them over to dishonorable passions…” It is for “this reason,” that is, other sins like the ones that Litton is listing off, that God gave them over to the most corrupt form of judgment on earth–homosexuality.

Should we really be surprised that the Southern Baptist Convention elected another JD Greear clone as president? This is where the denomination is–it is theologically bankrupt and at this time, the best thing that could happen is that God burns it down to the ground.


National Radio Picks Up Our Exclusive Breaking Story on SBC Prez’s Cop Out on Homosexuality

The Dissenter
The Dissenter
Reformation Charlotte

Yesterday, Reformation Charlotte exclusively broke the story that the newly-elected Southern Baptist president, Ed Litton, was the second president elected who is not only compromised on the issue of homosexuality but just like his predecessor, JD Greear, appeared to take his cues from a female preacher, Jen Wilkin, at Matt Chandler’s Village Church, who said that the Bible only “whispers” about homosexuality while it “shouts” about other sins.

After we broke the story, the news went viral among conservative Evangelicals who regularly read us ( but won’t admit it publicly 😉 ) and the news took off. However, one national news radio program had no qualms about it and aired our story…

At about the 35:28 mark in the video below, Todd Starnes and Robert Jeffress air our story and comment on Litton’s compromised position on homosexuality. In full disclosure, this publication has some real and serious disagreements with some of the things that go on at Jeffress’ church and we’ve written about these issues in the past. And while we hold to these disagreements firmly, we also credit where it is due–and Jeffress’ position on homosexuality is uncompromising and we fully agree with his commentary.

After Todd Starnes airs our story with Jeffress, Jeffress respons:

If this report is true, it is tremendously troubling. This article goes on to say that these two men [Greear and Litton)] say that homosexuality is not as serious a sin as other sins in the Bible. Look, first of all, the comment is wrong. When you go to Romans 1, when Paul writes about the topic of homosexuality, he doesn’t use his whisper voice. He says that it is unlike any sin in the universe because it is not only the cause of God’s judgment but a result of God’s judgment. Paul said when people reject the truth about God, He gives them over to homosexuality, to what the Bible calls degrading passions and unnatural acts.

Of course, the report is true; the audio and video is embedded in the article. And while Litton does acknowledge that homosexuality is sinful, he does absolutely minimize the egregiousness of it and elevates the offense of other sins such as greed and economic inequity (which actually isn’t sinful at all) above homosexuality.

Jeffress continued, “So, it is different. Of course, any sin can be forgiven by Jesus Christ. But we cannot, absolutely cannot, diminish the seriousness of that sin.”

Southern Baptist pastor: 3 ‘isms’ are eroding my denomination

Thursday, June 11, 2020 | Jody Brown, Steve Jordahl (

house built on sand

A Christian apologist and Southern Baptist pastor says several “isms” are taking a noticeable toll on his denomination.

According to its Annual Church Profile, the Southern Baptist Convention is hemorrhaging members, baptisms, and giving. Almost 288,000 Southern Baptists left the SBC in 2019 – the largest drop in more than a century. The number of baptisms last year (a little more than 235,000 baptisms; down 4% in 2018) was the lowest number since World War II. And after two straight years of gains, giving was down slightly in 2019. (See related report from LifeWay Research.)

SBC Executive Committee president Dr. Ronnie Floyd said in a statement that the denomination has “experienced a 13-year decline and it is clear that change is imperative.”

Christian apologist Dr. Alex McFarland couldn’t agree more. For example, he lays some of the blame at the foot of some seminary leaders.


“[Over the last 15 years or so] they’ve really released an army of militant, young hyper-Calvinists who have split churches [and who have] at best killed evangelism and missions to a large degree,” he tells OneNewsNow.

In a 2014 article, then-president of the SBC Executive Committee – Frank Page – stated that Calvinism taken to an extreme “kills passion” for evangelism. However, he refused to blame a rise in Calvinism for the decline in baptisms, saying Baptists of all theological strips seemed to have less enthusiasm for sharing the gospel.

McFarland also argues that another “ism” – progressivism – was demonstrated in 2019 with the SBC’s embrace of Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality, widely regarded as far-left socialist tools.

“There been just this, if not an outright denial of scripture, at least a watering down of the fire and conviction that for so long typified Baptist preachers and Baptist churches,” he laments.

A third “ism” taking hold in his denomination, according to McFarland, is cronyism. He contends churches don’t want to give money to the SBC’s Cooperative Fund because they feel they have less and less say over how the money is used.

“Pastors are pulling back from denominational involvement because they feel like their denomination is this oligarchy run by some secret tribunal,” he explains.

Baptist Press reports that total church receipts in 2019 fell almost 1.5% to $11.6 billion. Total mission expenditures totaled $1.1 billion, and Great Commission Giving was $541 million.


Baptist Press

Southern Baptist Convention continues statistical decline, Floyd calls for rethinking ACP process

NASHVILLE (BP) — For the 13th consecutive year, the Southern Baptist Convention reported a drop in its membership. Total membership in the Southern Baptist Convention fell almost 2 percent to 14,525,579 from 2018 to 2019. The decline of 287,655 members is the largest single-year drop in more than 100 years.

One statistical positive was the number of churches cooperating with the SBC. Church totals grew slightly to 47,530, an increase of 74 from 2018. However, the number of church-type missions fell by 477 to bring the overall number of SBC congregations down to 51,138 in 2019.

In addition to the decrease in membership, average weekly worship service and Sunday School or small group attendance each dropped by less than 1 percent. Average worship service attendance fell to 5,250,230, while average small group attendance declined to 3,236,196.

Total baptisms fell by more than 4 percent, dropping from 246,442 in 2018 to 235,748 in 2019. In 2019, there was one baptism for every 62 Southern Baptists.

Total church receipts and undesignated receipts were both down in 2019 after two years of growth. Total church receipts reported through the ACP fell 1.44 percent to $11.6 billion.


Grossly omitted in the aforementioned articles is the need for this imploding and dying denomination to REPENT!  They are responsible for allowing Russell Moore, Beth Moore and J. D. Greear to steer this entire denomination into spiritual apostasy.  Where I serve in Florida, the state Southern Baptist Convention has proposed to meet in over one year from this writing under the following auspice:

 July 15 –  July 17, 2021
2021 Black Multicultural Church State Fellowship Conference

Do you think they are in lockstep with the political left in America?  Formerly known as “people of the book,” Southern Baptists have joined the ranks of liberal Mainline Protestants, endorsing political social justice.  Every convention in the past has had a Biblically based spiritual theme and a scripture.  There is none above, however ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter (BLM) would be proud of them.  Yikes!  A theme based solely on one ethnic group.  Christians already know that we should love one another.  Is the police officer who murdered George Floyd responsible for the topic of this convention?  Do we need a convention with political overtones in order to clarify that this was an awful crime and sin?

Furthermore, there is no Adrian Rogers, Paige Patterson, Bailey Smith or Charles Stanley on the horizon.  The Southern Baptist left wing liberals have railroaded and fired Paige Patterson.  The only Biblically based pushback is the Conservative Baptist Network (CBN), which is attempting to restore some sanity in this denomination at the grass roots level.  My personal involvement with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) will be to serve in ministry primarily outside the denomination, encourage our church to give offerings elsewhere, and my vision beyond 2020 (pun intended) will be focused in a vineyard more faithful to the Word of God.  A few churches in our local association will pray for America within the next fortnight.  I believe we need to start at home.

In His Service, Pastor Steve  <><


Baptist PressBaptist Press



Is Apostasy Brazenly Entering The Southern Baptist Convention?

Other articles on this website have placed Beth Moore and ERLC President Russell Moore (no relation) under scrutiny.  Following is a close up of the current SBC President J. D. Greear.  Notice the lack of even the mere mention of REPENTANCE, without which anyone can be saved.  J. D. Greear’s theology is best summed up as “Love the sinner and love the sin.”:


#SBC #ERLC #SocialJustice

JD Greear leading the Southern Baptist Convention into apostasy?  Dr. James White sounds alarm 2019

Jun 13, 2019




December 16, 2019 Apostasy, News, Social-Issues, The Church

Another SBC Church Leaves Denomination Over President J.D. Greear’s Capitulation on Homosexuality

Conservative churches have been dropping from the Southern Baptist Convention in droves since J.D. Greear became president of the denomination a year and a half ago. Pastor James Pittman of New Hope Community Church of Palatine, Illinois recently announced he would be leading his church away for these reasons.
Citing videos where Greear apologized to sodomites for “discrimination” against them and called on Christians to stand up for the rights of homosexuals, Pittman expressed frustration that the denomination — which he has been a part of for over 20 years — has taken this direction.

J.D. Greear — who calls on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ rights and says that homosexuality is morally equivalent to other sins such as boasting — has been under fire by conservatives for his continual push to liberalize the denomination. Along with Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, Greear has led the denomination to a more gay-inclusive, feminist-leaning organization and away from solid, historic orthodox Christianity.

Greear even said that it’s “great” if someone wants to vote for an abortion-promoting Democrat, so long as you give lip service to opposing abortion while mocking John MacArthur for calling on false prophetess, Beth Moore, to obey the Scriptures and end her rebellion against God. The entire denomination under these weak-minded leaders is a mockery of God and his word.


January 30, 2019 Blog, Uncategorized

JD Greear Minimizes Homosexuality, Says Other Sins Are ‘More Egregious’ in God’s Eyes    Posted by Jeff Maples

In a recent video captured by a Twitter user, Southern Baptist President, JD Greear displays a massive lack of biblical knowledge suggesting that homosexuality is no different than being “disobedient to your parents.”

Usually the comparison is then made with sins for which accommodations are often made by Christians (like gluttony or remarriage after divorce), rather than with sins for which no accommodation is made (like incest or murder), as a way of either shutting up Christian opposition to homosexual practice altogether or contending that self-affirming participants in homosexual practice will still “go to heaven.”
In this instance, Greear compares the sin of homosexuality with other sins that the Apostle Paul lists in Scripture.
Here’s a question: do you think of deceit and boasting as equally depraved? How about greed? Do you think of greed as equally depraved as homosexuality? How about a rebellious attitude against your parents? Do you see that as equally depraved? Paul would.
Either Greear has lost his mind or has a severe lack of theological understanding of the consequences of sin. Of course, Paul thought of homosexuality as more egregious than other sins. Paul wrote in Romans 1:26 , “For this reason, God gave them over to dishonorable passions…” It is for “this reason,” that is, other sins like the ones that Greear is listing off, that God gave them over to the most corrupt form of judgment on earth–homosexuality.

There is a push to minimize the sin of homosexuality and sexual immorality in the Evangelical church today, and the Southern Baptist Convention is at the forefront. Last year, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission hosted a conference featuring a gay Anglican priest who suggested that churches need to fully embrace same-sex attracted people.

One of the progressive tactics used to reduce homosexuality to a minuscule sin is to attempt to equalize it with other sins. Professor of Theology at Houston Baptist University says,

I suppose that Greear wants us to believe that having sex with sheep is morally equivalent to boasting.
Worse than that, Greear elevates materialism as an even more heinous sin than homosexuality. Of course, we know from the direction that the Southern Baptist Convention is taking that this is likely a political move. Conservatives are repulsed by homosexuality and the progressives are seeking to change them. They see conservatives as “materialistic” because they believe in individual, absolute rights–including property rights–something that progressive evangelicalism is seeking to destroy.
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Quoting female bible teacher, Jen Wilkin, Greear says,
We ought to whisper about what the Bible whispers about, and we ought to shout about what the Bible shouts about. And the Bible appears more to whisper when it comes to sexual sin compared to it shouts about materialism and religious pride.

Homosexuality is the only sin in Scripture in which two cities were wiped off the face of the earth for not only committing, but celebrating. The notion that God does not see homosexuality as far more egregious than other sins is despicable. Paul taught that some sins are worse than others, and had a particular revulsion toward homosexuality (Romans 1:24-27 , 1 Corinthians 5:1-12 , 1 Corinthians 6:9 , 15-17 , 1 Thessalonians 4:6 )

JD Greaar is a favorite among the New Calvinists in the Southern Baptist Convention, along with Tim Keller and Russell Moore. They are pushing Evangelicalism into a completely different tradition–from one that had a strong, conservative view of Scripture and theology to one that is now barely recognizable by conservative Christians. The push to normalize homosexuality, promote female teachers and preachers, and seek man-centered solutions to cultural problems are of particular concern, and are an effort to make Christianity more attractive and palatable to a lost and dying world as the Church’s influence in our culture declines.


Southern Baptists May Be in Trouble With J.D. Greear

Southern Baptists May Be in Trouble With J.D. Greear

Thursday, June 21, 2018 @ 9:18 AM

ATTENTION: Major social media outlets are finding ways to block the conservative/evangelical viewpoint. Click here for daily electronic delivery of The Stand’s Daily Digest – the day’s top blogs from AFA.

Bryan Fischer
Radio Host

The Southern Baptist Convention, the second largest denomination in North America (behind only the Catholic Church), just elected its new president at its annual conference. Those who voted were given two choices: Ken Hemphill, a seasoned pastor and a strong conservative, and J.D. Greear, a young charismatic pastor with a strong social media presence and a large following among millennials.
Perhaps it’s no surprise that the Convention went with Greear (shown in the photo above taken by Matt Miller), by an overwhelming 68-32 margin. This may prove to be a fateful, even fatal, choice for the SBC.
The reason is simple: Greear is soft and simplistic on the number one cultural and spiritual issue of our time – homosexuality. Another prominent SBC leader, Russell Moore, who is the head of the denomination’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), has been sending accommodating messages on homosexuality for years. Perhaps it’s also no surprise that Russell Moore once served as chief of staff for a Democrat in Congress before taking his position at the ERLC.
Here is an excerpt from a sermon Greear delivered at the 2014 annual meeting of the ERLC, which represents the new and improved and softer view of homosexuality that appears to be slowly taking over the SBC. His view is fine until you begin to parse it and break it down. (Emphasis mine throughout.)
We have to love our gay neighbor more than we love our position on sexual morality, which means that our relationship with them must not be contingent upon their agreeing with us about sexuality. It means that when they don’t agree with us we still don’t push them away.
The posture of many Christians in our churches is more characterized by anger than by compassion, by judgment rather than by friendship. I am NOT saying that we would ever compromise our position or fail to state it, just that even when they disagree with it, we do not cut them off – we draw them close. We say yes, this issue is important. I cannot compromise, but I love you more than I love being right. And so even if you don’t see things my way, I’m going to keep bringing you close, and I’m going to remain committed to you.
In the cross of Jesus Christ, he shows us the right way to relate to the gay and the lesbian community – clarity about God’s righteousness, compassion that would give up its own life to draw them close.
Let’s take a moment to reflect on the first statement above: “We have to love our gay neighbor more than we love our position on sexual morality.” This is confusing at best and quite dangerous at worst.
Of course, we never should push sinners away but always seek to draw them close. Observers should know we are Christians by our love.
But Greear is saying, it appears to me, that if it comes down to a choice between loving my neighbor or loving my position on homosexuality, I’m going to have to ditch my position on homosexuality. If my position on sexuality comes between me and my neighbor, then I’ve got to jettison the thing that’s in the way, my position on sexuality.
If we tell our husbands, for example, to love their wives more than they love their golf, there are going to be times when they are going to have to give up a round of golf in order to love their wives. Choosing Option A means that, when the chips are down, you dump Option B.
He says much the same thing a bit later when he says, “I love you more than I love being right.” This sounds good, even pious, on the surface, but when you actually start thinking about the statement rather than just feeling about it, it likewise is a potentially lethal statement. For the clear implication is that, if my position on an issue is right and biblical and grounded in God’s word but interferes with my relationship with a homosexual, then I’ve got to dump being right.
Greear talks about the importance of not pushing them away but instead drawing them close. Again, the statement is fine until you start to press on it a little. The question that Greear does not deal with is this one: What if they push us away? What if they don’t want to let us draw them close? Greear creates the impression that if homosexual sinners reject us and say hurtful and hateful things to us and about us, it must be because we have done something wrong. In some way, it must be our fault.
To turn Greear’s statement around, the reality is that many homosexuals love their position on homosexuality more than they love their Christian neighbors. They love their idea of Christians being wrong more than they love us, and they are not prepared to change their position on homosexuality in order to love us or let us draw them close.
Paul says in Ephesians 4:16 that the mark of maturity, the mark of Christlikeness, is to “speak the truth in love.” We do not discard either truth or love, we hold tightly to them both and hold them in a delicate tension. Then we draw close everyone who responds to the truth. Remember the example of Jesus with the woman at the well. He was kind to her and befriended her, and they had a very pleasant chat. But then Jesus confronted her sexual sin head-on. “You have had five husbands, and the one you now have is not your husband” (John 4:18). Fortunately, by God’s grace, she responded to the truth rather than pushing it away, and soon an entire village was impacted by the gospel.
Now if the SBC gets in trouble by following J.D. Greear’s leadership, it will be a slow drift, not a plunge. It will happen almost imperceptibly as they follow a softer, gentler, nicer-than-Jesus form of the gospel. Then one day SBCers will realize that the shore is no longer in sight.
This is how mainline denominations wind up with lesbian bishops who believe that Jesus was a bigot. They didn’t start out there, they wound up there.
Let’s never forget that Jesus said, “If you abide (i.e., stay, remain, lodge) in my word…you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32).


J.D. Greear Dancing in Church (Whitney Houston Karaoke) with LGBT Staff member

Surreal  ~   I am speechless.  Looks like it is time for Lot to get out of Sodom.    Pastor Steve  <><

Yet Another Renegade Southern Baptist Leader Who Is Thoroughly Brainwashed By Psycobabble And Political Correctness

Pulpit & Pen

SBC President Provides “Devotional” Demanding People Give Up Their White Privilege

by News Division · Published August 5, 2019 · Updated August 5, 2019

Using the explicit terminology of Critical Race Theory and Identity Politics, the website belonging to JD Greear just posted a daily devotional explaining why Christians should be giving up their “privilege.”

JD Greear is the ‘woke’ President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and you can read more about him here. Greear has recently been tweeting the ultra-leftist views of a lesbian, has said that voting for Democrats in 2020 is “great,” has claimed that saying Muslims and Christians worship the same God ‘has merit,’ and earlier in January of this year preached that it’s our obligation as Christians to “spread the privilege around,” which is how Neo-Marxists say, “redistribute wealth.”

In a podcast back in January, Greear defined “privilege” as “a kind of invisible set of [unearned] assets.” Christians call such things “blessings,” while Marxists call it, “privilege.” Christians praise God for blessings, Marxists lament them. Christians pray for more blessings, Marxists demand that people give up the privilege they already have. At the time, Greear’s remarks – clearly stained with overt Identity Politics – got the attention and received the ire of theologians like Alex MacFarland, who called it plainly for what it was.

However, in a devotional today that went out on Summit Church’s website entitled, Three Ways to Lay Down Your Privilege, the author uses James and John’s argument about the seating arrangement in Heaven as recorded from Mark’s Gospel and then makes the following bizarre eisegetical twist:
In one statement, Jesus flips the world’s relationship with power upside down. Everyone who possesses power, in this world or God’s kingdom, possesses privilege. Those in the world use their privilege for their own benefit. Those of us in God’s family, however, have the privilege of laying down our power for the benefit of others.
Jesus’ comment in the passage was, “Whoever wants to become great shall become a servant.”

This was nothing about ethnic power dynamics, systemic prejudices, White Privilege, or the Proletariate versus the Bourgeoisie. This is Scripture-twisting on the part of JD Greear, not unlike that engaged in by the many theists who have wed a perverted theology to Marxism over the years.

Greear’s website writes…
Do you live, work, or worship in an environment where your race, gender, or even personality type is the majority? If so, you possess power and privilege. Don’t apologize—rejoice! You have a unique opportunity to love God and others well. Here are three ways our church is learning how to do this…

Again, this idea is Critical Race Theory. It is not like Critical Race Theory. It is not similar to Critical Race Theory. It is not derivative of Critical Race Theory. It is Critical Race Theory.

The notion that if you belong to a majority identity group you innately have power or privilege should be explained to the great many homeless people in Portland who are Caucasian, or should have been explained to black people of South African during Apartheid. Likewise, the idea that a person of a minority identity group doesn’t have power or privilege (say, for example, a black president of the United States), is equally asinine.

The three demands placed upon those in majority identity groups in the article include: (1) look at minority identity groups, (2) listen to minority identity groups, and (3) hand over your privilege and blessings to them.
Alan McCulloch, who wrote the article for Greear’s website, says…
My prayer for the church is that we would rejoice in the privilege of laying down power rather than wallowing in the bondage of protecting it.
The “power” terminology is, again, part-and-parcel to Critical Race Theory, which views everything through the lens of a power and privilege dynamic.
As the Harvard website explains about CRT, “Critical race theories combine progressive political struggles for racial justice with critiques of the conventional legal and scholarly norms…One key focus of critical race theorists is a regime of privilege maintained despite the rule of law [which already provides] equal protection of the laws.”

The solution to race-based privilege, according to CRT, is to guilt majority classes into giving minority classes their wealth, privilege, or power and if unsuccessful, to redistribute such things through the power of democracy.

Albert Mohler recently denied there was a leftward turn in the SBC in the Baptist Press. However, it’s hard to say that with a straight face considering this far-left extremism is coming straight from the Southern Baptist president.   



The coyote is in the henhouse.  The leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention is a travesty.  One leader wants to do away with the Old Testament.  Many show a strong proclivity towards universalism.  Others succumb to the spirit (zeitgeist) of the age.  And the list goes on and on…  Many of my fellow Southern Baptist pastors, and some others in Southern Baptist leadership positions, acknowledge this unbiblical false teaching and much more  (see other articles on this blogsite that highlight other apostates within this denomination).  It gives me absolutely no pleasure in sharing this news, yet the Pulpit & Pen is one of the few Christian ministries that is faithfully sounding the alarm as a whistleblower.  I will always place God’s Biblical truth over any Christian denomination I belong to.  I will belong to a denomination only as long as they submit to the Word of God.  Needless to say, I am in great consternation over the given direction of the Southern Baptist Convention.  I contacted the Pulpit and Pen a few weeks ago and stated that “our ship is floundering and needs to stand straight up once again.”  Their response?  “The SBC is the Titanic and has already sunk.  The only option is to leave.”  Many leaders throughout Christendom have long ago left Sola Scriptura and have succumbed to the secular teachings of mans’ “wisdom.”

Colossians 2:8  King James Version (KJV)  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Here is the sixty four dollar question we must all ask ourselves.  Is my allegiance to the Lord’s truth greater than my affiliation with any Christian denomination?  If our answer is “yes,” then we have to engage in only one of two options.  We can attempt to correct the false theology or leave the denomination.  Amen and amen.

In order to gain all of the information from this article: [SBC President Provides “Devotional” Demanding People Give Up Their White Privilege
by News Division · Published August 5, 2019 · Updated August 5, 2019], go to the website “Pulpit & Pen,” and you will be able to access all of the links which I cannot duplicate/copy on this blogsite.

In His Service, Pastor Steve  <><