James Sundquist, a good friend of mine, is blessed by the Lord with a very unique set of gifts.  He plays the acoustic guitar in order to glorify God, and has a global discernment ministry.  He exposes error with boldness.  Many years ago I ordered his book:  “Who’s Driving The Purpose Driven Church?”  We later met on line, and now we are fellow servants with a mutual love of revealing the false gospel, false teachings, and false prophets.  He now has a category on this blog site and his postings will all go there.  The category has the same title as this article:  “Rabid Dog, Foaming Scriptures At The Mouth” aka James Sundquist.  I asked him for a category name and that is what he sent me.  Enjoy the following true story and testimony that James sent me today, in order to better appreciate where this title came from.

Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><

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Many years ago, a lady wife of a good friend who is a Christian sharply rebuked me for questioning and attacking so-called Christian leaders and authors…the harshest one I have ever received, and trust I have been called a host of names. She called me “a rabid dog foaming Scriptures at the mouth!” I shared it with another discernment older lady in the faith I know. She wrote me back her response to this charge. She said: “It is better to be a rabid dog foaming Scriptures at the mouth, than a dumb dog that does not bark when there is wolf in the sheepfold”! Isn’t that a great line and comeback? I loved it so much, I put that line in my first book on Rick Warren. So how about this for a category name for me:

aka James Sundquist

Is It Biblical To Expose False Teachings?

This topic is addressed elsewhere on this blog site.  The following is a parallel view that I totally concur with.

Pastor Steve



I am grieved for those who cannot understand my concerns and my warnings. I am not “attacking” the ministers who are obviously in error. I have nothing against them personally. I praise the Lord for every good thing in them and for every soul saved under their ministries. But souls saved are “in spite of “, not “because of ” many of their messages. God’s Word will not return to Him void. (Isaiah 55:11) I cannot and will not ignore the things they are doing “publicly” which I believe will eventually destroy thousands of sound churches and which will break down Godly walls between truth and error.

There are also those who are heretics deceiving the masses. Those ministers who deny the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible, the Virgin Birth, the Lordship of Christ, the Blood Atonement, the Bodily Resurrection, the Eternal Sonship, ect. These I reject and alert others of their heresy.

The Bible commands men of God to judge the teaching and ministries of other men in order to protect the truth and the people of God. We are to mark those who cause divisions contrary to apostolic doctrine (Romans 16:17). This requires a careful examination and evaluation. The believers in the church at Corinth were instructed to judge one another (1 Cor. 14:29). That principle applies also to ministries outside of one’s own church, especially to very “public ministries” which influence vast numbers of people.

Paul rebuked Peter publicly for his hypocrisy. (Gal. 2:11-14). Was Paul “attacking” Peter? Of course not. He was bringing him back to the truth.

Truth is more important than unity because without truth men cannot be saved and walk in the will of God. It is truth, not unity, which is the light in this dark world. John said, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 1:4). God tells me to mark and avoid those who teach contrary to the apostolic doctrine (Romans 16:17). He tells me to earnestly CONTEND for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3). “Contend” means to strive, to fight. Trouble and striving are not wrong in themselves. The Lord Jesus Christ stirred up much trouble, as did all of the Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles. Trouble is not wrong, when it is caused by contending for the truth. . The Lord God has put a love in my heart for His Truth. He imparted to me the spirit described by King David: “Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way” (Psalm 119:128).

Ever since I was saved I have had something within me that has stirred me up for the Truth. I believe that Something is the Holy Spirit. One of His names is the Spirit of TRUTH (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13 )

Matt 18:15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. (KJV)

This verse is directed to those whose brother offended them “personally”. It does not tell us how to handle “public hypocrisy or false teachings”.

Titus 1:9 Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. (KJV)

Titus 1:10 For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, specially they of the circumcision: (KJV)

Titus 1:11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. (KJV)

Titus 1:12 One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. (KJV)

Titus 1:13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith; (KJV)

I cannot stop their mouths but I can try and warn as many people as I can.


Andy Neckar
Editor, Christian News & Views




The Theology Of Rick Warren And The Purpose Driven Movement

Nearly two years ago, a member of our church noted that pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback church made a statement in an attempt to consolidate Islamic and Christian relations. Warren said: “….we both believe in the same God.” These unbelievable statements are a trademark in his ministry. He wins many over by saying: “I am just a regular guy.” Others sympathize with him as well we should, over the recent tragic loss of his son. But these issues have absolutely nothing to do with the faulty theology that comes from his ministry. Why does Mr. Warren not tell Muslims that Mohammad needs to be saved through the blood of Christ? What an opportunity to do so. If the cross alone saves (Acts 4:12; John 14:6), then why does Mr. Warren not play the role of a Christian evangelist and share the Gospel with Muslims rather than compromise with them? Following is my response to our parishioner who asked me my thoughts about Rick Warren. If you are interested in further information, simply Google pastor Rick Warren and you will see endless information associating him with the New Age Movement, universalism, compromise, Chrislam (the path to one world religion) and much more. Many in Christendom are offended by this type of information. Truth vs. deception means more to me than anything, and my understanding and accepting truth means more than friendship with anyone. Henry Clay said: “I would rather be right than president.” You can judge one better by their enemies than by their friends. By the way, Jesus said we would have enemies (of the cross) and He said to love them. “To be a friend of the world is to be an enemy of God.”

Warren has vacillated with the themes of universalism, homosexuality, relationship with Robert Schuller, salvation, and many other important Christian themes ever since he has been in the public eye. I would expect him to deny all these things because if he did not, he would immediately lose all credibility. I dialoged with a Purpose Driven Church (PDC) Public Relations (PR) man, Gilbert Thurston, several years ago and I never cared for his answers defending the PDC movement. David Hunt of the Berean Call (TBC), John MacArthur and Phil Johnson (Grace To You), Gary Gilley, Paige Patterson (a great leader and theologian), James Sundquist (author of Who’s Driving the Purpose Driven Church), Noah Hutchings of Southwest Radio, and most recently Jack Van Impe have all exposed Rick Warren and his teachings. I spoke to Paige Patterson personally and he told me tactfully at a meeting in Sarasota “that there were major concerns about Warren’s theology.” If you Google him and study him for a couple two or three hours, you will observe that the theologians who are erudite in the Word question his theology and expose him. Study him. Have you EVER heard Charles Stanley, John MacArthur, Chuck Swindall, Adrian Rogers, Johnny Hunt, Jerry Falwell, Jerry Vines, Hayes Wicker, David Jeremiah, Max Lucado, Jack Van Impe, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Franklin Graham, etc., etc. questioned and suspected in such a way? No. There is no conspiracy against Rick Warren. His theology and public statements often go against the grain of our faith. He says on page 220 of the PDC book: “…anyone can be won to Christ if you discover the key to his/her heart.” A fellow pastor said to me about that statement: “Well, what is wrong with that?” I told him it was an apostate statement. I do not look for keys. I share the Gospel and the Lord “has mercy upon whom He will have mercy.” Couldn’t Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, find the key to the Rich Young Ruler’s heart? What an apostate statement, diametrically opposed to the Bible, making salvation man centered rather than God centered. [Mr. Warren: Please note that Jesus said to repent (Matthew 4:17; Luke 13:3,5) and be born again (John 3:3). THIS IS AN ACT OF GOD. Salvation has absolutely nothing to do with finding keys to people’s hearts. If his understanding of salvation is skewed, then the whole of his theology is convoluted as well.] His ministry is replete with these things. The key is this: Where there is smoke there is fire! I have noticed that everyone who is a bonafide and sound Bible theologian questions and suspects Warren. The masses follow him. I have never trusted him nor did I ever finish the above cited PDC book he wrote. Look at him on Google. He has a section called New Age and many other questionable headings. You will not find that with Charles Stanley. Again, please feel free to forward this if you feel led. God bless, Pastor Steve