SBC President Unites With God-hating Pro-LGBTQ Pro-Abortion Feminist to Battle Christian Nationalism

This past week, some Christians went to the G3 Conference in Atlanta. This conference featured many Reformed and Reformed-ish speakers, sound, biblical worship of the Creator, and fellowship with other believers, which is a rare occurrence on this level. And while I have my disagreements with some of the speakers on many issues, there was little doubt that we all shared a common bond in Christ.

But during the same time as the G3 conference, there was another, more sinister conference taking place. One that gives new meaning to the old adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” On September 22, 2023, Bart Barber, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, participated in a secular forum dedicated to bashing “the rise of Christian nationalism.” What catches the eye is not so much the subject matter, as controversial as it has turned out to be in Evangelical circles, but rather the company he kept while doing so. One of the speakers sharing the platform with him was Anthea Butler, chair of the University of Pennsylvania Department of Religious Studies.

For those unfamiliar with Butler, her academic credentials may stack high, but her worldview reveals in her a character at odds with the Creator. She is a staunch advocate for far-left causes, from abortion to LGBTQ rights. Furthermore, her sweeping judgments about “White Evangelical Racism” and its alleged quest to undermine minority communities are nothing short of incendiary. If that weren’t enough, she has publicly and unapologetically called for people to leave churches that uphold a biblical view of sexual ethics, accusing them of not following Jesus.

Despite its recent trajectory, the Southern Baptist Convention has traditionally held to conservative, biblical principles, valuing the sanctity of life and marriage between a man and a woman. This makes Barber’s accord with Butler not just perplexing but alarming. Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3). While the Christian nationalism debate is a fair and necessary one to have within the Church, doing so with godless heretics who stand in opposition to the Church, to core biblical values, and to God Himself, sends a confusing message to Southern Baptists.

Butler’s prior history of controversial remarks adds another layer to this troubling development. Earlier this year, she was seen cursing a man out on Twitter following an incident during an NFL game. Her emotional tirades are hardly what one would expect from a level-headed academic contributing to a balanced discussion.

The coalition between Barber and Butler is not unlikely or surprising—but it is alarming. It goes far beyond a charitable dialogue between different—but probably the same, in this instance—perspectives within the broader Christian community. It points toward a deeper issue within the Southern Baptist Convention. If Barber is willing to unite with someone who hates God just to bash other brothers and sisters he disagrees with, one must question where his allegiances lie.

This isn’t merely about the concept of Christian nationalism, but rather, it highlights a fundamental shift that appears to be happening in segments of evangelical leadership: a drift away from uncompromising biblical standards. This event underscores the need for vigilance among those who seek to uphold the integrity of the Christian faith against forces that aim to undermine it.

We will review the panel discussion itself if it is made publicly available.

New CBN Report Indicts SBTS Professors, SBC Presidents, and More for Liberal Drift

This is the first bold statement the Conservative Baptist Network has made in their nearly three years of existence. Now my question is what will be done about the plethora of apostasy within the Southern Baptist Convention? In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

In an explosive new report, the Conservative Baptist Network, a powerful network of Southern Baptist Convention leaders, has indicted a number of denominational figures for their advancement and propagation of liberal ideologies within the denomination. The report, compiled by Klayton A. Carson, is a call to action for a new conservative resurgence within the Southern Baptist Convention.

The report names Southern Baptist leaders at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), Matthew Hall and Jarvis Williams, for their controversial statements on racial reconciliation and the influence of Critical Race Theory. Hall, a former dean and provost of SBTS, made shocking statements in 2018, referring to himself as a “racist” and a “white supremacist,” yet was appointed as provost and senior vice president of Biola University four years later, raising questions about the influence of liberal ideas within the Southern Baptist Convention. Williams, an associate professor of New Testament interpretation at SBTS, also spoke about the issue of white supremacy at a panel discussion, raising concerns about the push of liberal ideas in theological education.

The report also calls out Walter Strickland, associate vice president for Kingdom Diversity Initiatives at Southeastern Seminary, and Southeastern President Danny Akin, for promoting the teachings of Liberation Theologian James Cone at the school, and allowing these ideologies to flourish under their leadership. Kevin Smith, former Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware Executive Director and current teaching pastor of the Go Family Church Village Campus, and former vice chair of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, is also named in the report for calling Southern Baptists who voted for Donald Trump “whores.”

The Conservative Baptist Network also indicted NAMB leader Dhati Lews and Southeastern Professor and Dean of Theology Jeffrey Bingham, raising concerns about the influence of these liberal ideas and ideologies and has called for action to be taken in order to protect the integrity of the SBC.

The report also criticizes Al Mohler for speaking out against a pro-Critical Race Theory resolution in 2019 yet failing to speak out against it when he had the opportunity to during the annual meeting. The report also mentions the failure to pass a resolution to rescind the pro-Critical Race Theory resolution and the Committee on Resolutions, led by now-SBC President Bart Barter, declining to bring forward a resolution that was co-submitted by over 1300 Southern Baptists in 2021.

The report also points to “Kingdom Race Theology” being promoted by serial plagiarist and former Southern Baptist Convention, Ed Litton, and prominent non-SBC pastor, Tony Evans as nothing more than Critical Race Theory wrapped up in some Christian language.

It further goes on to argue that in recent years, there has been a growing trend of female preachers within the Southern Baptist Convention, despite the traditional belief that scripture reserves the pastorate for qualified men alone. This trend includes popular teacher and Bible study writer Beth Moore, who preached at a Southern Baptist church on Mother’s Day in 2019, and at the George W. Truett Theological Seminary National Preaching Conference in 2022. Despite the rise of women preachers, the report states that some Southern Baptists continue to express concern that these actions contradict the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

Additionally, the report highlights some concerning trends in the Southern Baptist Convention, such as declining baptisms and Cooperative Program giving, and double standards, particularly around areas of sex abuse, lack of transparency, and softening stances on homosexuality. The report argues that the denomination has turned a blind eye to progressive SBC leaders who have been accused of participating in covering up sex abuse, such as Bryan Loritts, who works at former SBC president, JD Greear’s Summit Church, while being much harder on conservatives who are accused, whether or not the accusations are credible.

Former SBC Presidents JD Greear and Ed Litton were criticized for softening their stance on LGBTQ issues. In a 2019 sermon, Greear suggested that the Bible is more lenient on sexual sin compared to other sins, and Litton made a similar statement in a since-deleted sermon video, arguments that this kind of rhetoric is problematic and sends a message of tolerance for LGBTQ individuals, despite the Southern Baptist Convention’s traditional views on the matter. The network also implicated Southeastern professor, Karen Swallow Prior, for her promotion of Revoice, the “gay Christianity” movement that suggests that same-sex celibate couples can live together in marriage-like arrangements so long as they stop short of bodily penetration.

The report also targets current SBC president, Bart Barber, who is criticized for defending former SBC president, Ed Litton’s serial plagiarism. Barber, the pastor of First Baptist Church of Farmersville, Texas, made several tweets and statements in September 2021 and August 2022. In a September 2021 tweet, Barber stated that Mark’s gospel is Peter’s account offered without attribution and that God inspired Mark to plagiarize Peter. In a different tweet, Barber said that Mark was not bound by any such authority and that he plagiarized as God inspired him to do.

Finally, the dossier criticized the North American Mission Board for its lack of transparency and called for a forensic audit of the organization’s spending and argued that over $1.2 billion spent by NAMB over the last 10 years has only resulted in diminishing evangelism and church planting. NAMB was also criticized for its promotion of a compromised advertisement program called “He Gets Us” which watered down the gospel message and presented Jesus as a social justice activist.

The Conservative Baptist Network is calling on all Southern Baptists to take action and protect the integrity of the denomination by fighting against the influence of liberal ideas and ideologies.

Another Conservative Church Departs the SBC Citing “Doctrinal Drift”

Our church left for the same reasons as Homer Reformed Baptist Church (article below). Doctrinal Drift, Compromising Scripture, Winking At Sodomy, Ordaining Women, Condoning Abortion, Wokeness, etc., etc., etc. The Southern Baptist Convention imploded during the tenures of the last three presidents; namely J. D. Greear, Ed Litton and Bart Barber. My only question is why would anyone desire to stay with the SBC? In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte

Conservative churches have been dropping from the Southern Baptist Convention in droves since J.D. Greear became president of the denomination a few years ago. But since Ed Litton was elected to the presidency last year, the mass exodus of faithful churches and pastors has drastically increased.

Last year, prominent anti-social justice pastor, Josh Buice, led his church out of the denomination over the failed leadership and the lack of accountability for our current president who has been embroiled in a plagiarism scandal of epic proportions spanning multiple years. But Ed Litton isn’t actually the problem; he’s only a symptom of the problem.

The problem with conservative churches leaving the denomination is the failed leadership; the refusal to address the underlying problems within the denomination that have brought us to this place, to begin with. The problem is that postmodernism has infected every institution in the Southern Baptist Convention in such a way that any public confrontation among leadership is largely seen as taboo. Therefore, we see little to no public accountability for the unrepentant sins of leadership by other leadership.

This is draining and taxing on those who desperately want to see real leadership.

Now, in the wake of new leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention, conservatives are feeling even more alienated than ever before. In the name of “unity,” there has been much disunity between those who stand on the Scriptures as the final authority for all things, and those who seek to build bridges with churches that ordain women to the pastorate and hold to various other anti-biblical doctrines.

Since Texas pastor, Bart Barber was elected to the presidency and Voddie Baucham was defeated by another moderate pastor for the Pastors’ Conference presidency, the Southern Baptist Convention has more of the same. It’s clear that denominational leadership is a brotherhood and that brotherhood must be maintained at all costs, even at the expense of sound doctrine.

And, again, good shepherds and laypeople are growing tired.

In the latest example of a good, solid, conservative church leaving the SBC, Homer, AK pastor, Nathaniel Jolly announced his church’s departure citing “doctrinal drift.”

“This past week our church met and decided that it was time to dissociate from the Southern Baptist Convention,” Jolly wrote in a letter published on Twitter. “Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall; the SBC has simply gone in a direction with which our church is unwilling to be associated, now or in the foreseeable future.”

In closing, he wrote “there are still faithful and godly men within the SBC. I do not wish to make my conscience a burden for them. However, the claim that there is no doctrinal drift in the SBC is not credible. The drift is unmistakable and the downgrade is steep. The 2022 convention has made it crystal clear to me that there is no way for our church to remain. I take no joy in what has happened to the SBC, I grieve over it.”

What else has become crystal clear is that God will not be mocked. He will separate the sheep from the goats. And while it is taking some churches longer to realize that the SBC has become more about its money business than about advancing the actual gospel, true bible-believing churches are departing and heading for the hills. And as more and more do, it will become more and more clear that the SBC is under the judgment of God.

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues… —Revelation 18:4

Linked below is the full text of Jolly’s letter.

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Newly-Elected Southern Baptist President Says Serial Homosexual Practice Won’t Send You to Hell

Why am I not surprised? Of course, Bart Barber believes repentance is not necessary and that “grace” covers the abomination. Bart does not believe God’s Holy Writ: Jude 4 “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 6:1-2 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?”

What else is there to say except I am glad that our church voted unanimously to leave the Southern Baptist Convention Wednesday evening. Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | Jun 24, 2022 

In the words of James Merritt, “there is no leftward drift. None.” Obviously, that statement is absurd. The Southern Baptist Convention has now elected the third president in a row who has downplayed the sin of homosexuality.

In 2019, JD Greear—who was elected president in 2018—preached a sermon on Romans 1 and concluded that God believes other sins, such as boasting, are more egregious than homosexuality. In 2021, we revealed that his successor, Ed Litton, had been plagiarizing all of his sermons and taught this same, unbiblical teaching. For Greear and Litton, the Bible only “whispers” about homosexuality.

Now, some tweets from 2014 have surfaced and revealed that the newly-elected president, Bart Barber, believes that one can be saved and still practice unrepentant, serial homosexuality.

During a 2014 Twitter thread, Barber asserted that he believes that everyone at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, which was headed by Russell Moore at the time, believed this:

When pressed, he doubled down and compared homosexuality to boasting and said that practicing serial, unrepentant sin is not enough to send you to Hell if you are “saved by grace.”

But the Scriptures do not teach this. The Scriptures teach that those who have been saved by grace cease to practice serial unrepentant sin and it is not ambiguous on this point.

Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness. You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous. Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 10 By this it is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother. —1 John 3:4-10


Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. —1 Corinthians 6:9-11

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