The Theology Of “Chosen” Director Dallas Jenkins Revealed In Christian Headlines

Christian Headlines reveals that Dallas Jenkins sympathizes with his Mormon friends and associates as being genuinely saved, and that they know the real Jesus of Holy Scripture. This cult presents full blown apostasy and blasphemy as compared to the True Christ, who is portrayed perfectly in the Bible. Jesus’ Words remove all doubt to those with ears to hear, and they clarify who He is. Read below: Jenkins believes that Jesus Christ is not a created being, and that He is also Eternal God. This is good sound doctrine, but then he excuses his Mormon friends as being true believers in the Biblical Christ as well! Jenkins claims that he knows that they understand who the real Christ truly is! Mormon / LDS theology and their evolutionary and progressive ideas, suggest that we can become gods as well! Mormons are called the “godmakers” because they believe any human through effort and good works, one can become a “god.” They swallowed Satan’s lie in the Garden of Eden that we can become as gods. Dallas Jenkin’s personal understanding seems sound, but then he insists that his longtime close Mormon friends, who believe in another Christ, are just fine in their theology and they know the real Jesus. In reality, any Mormon who would become genuinely saved, would exit the Church of Latter Day Saints immediately.

All Because of Jesus, Pastor Steve <><

‘Chosen’ Creator Dallas Jenkins Goes in Depth on Mormonism, Expresses Regret

Michael Foust | Contributor | Updated: Mar 19, 2024

Dallas Jenkins, the creator and director of the Bible-based series The Chosen offers his most in-depth comments about Mormonism and his theology in a new podcast, saying he “didn’t do the best job” of talking about the subject years back and hopes his latest round of remarks helps the public understand his position.  

“The comment that started all this has been taken out of context, and I contributed to some of that,” Jenkins told host Cody Fields on the Westminster Effects Doxology Podcast

Jenkins and Fields acknowledged they disagreed on Jenkins’ nuanced beliefs about his Mormon friends, yet they hope the podcast can be a model for others on how to discuss issues charitably. 

Fields asked The Chosen creator to appear on the podcast to discuss Jenkins’ claim that some of his Mormon friends serve the “same Jesus” as he does. Jenkins is evangelical.

“I’m not speaking for the LDS church,” Jenkins told Fields, “nor am I speaking for, quote-unquote, evangelicals. … However, what I was saying was, I have some LDS friends – close, close, close friends, in fact, people that I work with, who I have spent years with, I have gone to Israel with, I have prayed with, I have been in their homes, we have talked deeply about these issues. All I’m saying is that … these people that I’m referring to love the same Jesus that I do.”

He added, “I’ve asked every difficult question. They’ve asked questions, we’ve gone back and forth, we have dug deep into it. And speaking for them specifically, I believe, and I’m willing to say that publicly and I’m willing to not sugarcoat it, I believe that we love the same Jesus.”

Fields then drilled down on LDS theology and Jenkins’ beliefs. 

The LDS church, Fields asserted, believes that “as man is, so God was; and as God is, so man may be.”

“I have brought up that phrase to my LDS friends before,” Jenkins said. “Their interpretation of what that means is different from what I thought it meant.”

Compared to 10 years ago, Jenkins later added, “I’m less comfortable claiming to have a full understanding of the doctrine of the LDS church as a whole and their personal doctrine.” 

Jenkins, though, acknowledged that there are “things historically, and even things present” within the LDS church “that are far more problematic for me than from the Roman Catholic Church, far more problematic for me than even some of the evangelical denominations.”

Jenkins said he considers himself “reformed adjacent,” and a “four-and-a-half point Calvinist.” 

He encouraged others to talk to a member of the LDS church directly.

“I came away from the conversations that I’ve had with them having a different understanding of what that meant and what they meant and what they believed than I had going into the conversation. And I thought, ‘Okay, I’m still not LDS and never will be. But I can see where you’re coming from, I understand what you mean.’ It’s not quite as, quote-unquote, bad as I thought.”

The Chosen, he said, is “not even .1 percent” influenced by the LDS church.

Fields told Jenkins the issue “may be a blind spot.” 

“But at the same time, I appreciate the fact that you’re willing to actually have the conversation in public,” Fields said. 

Fields called it a “charitably, brotherly disagreement.” 

Emphasizing his evangelical roots, Jenkins noted that he went to the University of Northwestern-St. Paul – a Christian school – and that he still uses a John MacArthur Study Bible when writing the scripts.

“My statement from five years ago, I think, has created some problems and caused some challenges that I wish I hadn’t – and that I would, if I had to do it over again, [I would have] couched it better or said it differently or just not said it,” he said. 

“That’s probably caused more distraction than it was worth,” he said.

He added, “I regret that part of it.” 


Photo courtesy of The Chosen

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity TodayThe Christian Postthe Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.

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