Congresswoman Recognizes that the Reason America Celebrates Sin is Because the Church is Dead


JULY 21, 2021

Far be it for a congresswoman to recognize what the vast majority of Christian leaders in American can’t even recognize. The professing Church in America right now is facing the judgment of God as he is separating the sheep from the goats. While God’s judgment is reserved for the unconverted, it is undeniable that most of those who profess Christ in this nation are–because they’ve never actually experienced persecution–unconverted.

Interestingly, Marjorie Taylor Greene makes this case–and while this author does not necessarily endorse the faith of Greene, it is clear that what she recognizes has been revealed by God.


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Todays’ church is spiritually anemic, without leaders willing to stand for the Word. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) to which I belong, is intimidated by the carnal powers that be, and afraid to stand up for true doctrine. Our newly elected president, Ed Litton, whose plagiarizing was exposed immediately after entering office, is a perfect representation of listless, immoral and even apostate leaders. They are totally in lockstep with the Woke movement, Critical Race Theory (CRT), Black Lives Matter (BLM), and a host of other Politically Correct organizations. Since they have no solid Biblical foundation, they are all too willing to follow the worlds’ plethora of Pied Pipers over the cliff. Church leaders today even fear calling sodomy/homosexuality a sin when the Bible calls it an abomination.

Leviticus 18:22 King James Version

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

When a secular congresswoman tells us like it is, this preaches volumes about the state of the church. America is under judgment. Pray for this sin sick nation. Should we pray for revival? Yes, but how can what is already dead be revived? When Israel became totally apostate, God asked Jeremiah to stop praying for her!

In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

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