Hurricane Dorian

Another hurricane is threatening the southeastern United States as we approach the peak of hurricane season in 2019.  Although this is no surprise, the contrast of people and their approach to God, brings about starkly different reactions to such an event.

Lost souls perceive “their chances” of getting through such an event as a sort of “crap shoot.”  Most folks interpret the direction of the hurricane little differently from a pinball they would shoot in a game, and where it ends up.  References are made to lady luck, good luck, Mother Nature, and random chance.  If they are spared from heavy damage, the phrase “we dodged a bullet” is often used.  Then the inevitable short sleeved shirt is donned that says:  “I survived Dorian.”  [Surely to be for sale soon].

Contrast this mindset with that of the Christian who is born from above.  We perceive the Lord to be in TOTAL CONTROL of every element and action of the universe that HE created.  You and I may not understand why He allows weather events and sometimes catastrophes, but we KNOW who is in charge.  My heart goes out to people who do not understand this simple truth which brings tremendous peace to those who rest in Him.  Yes indeed, a handful of faithful Christians who are prayer warriors, can intercede with the Lord; and because of our faith, He will change the weather, heal the sick, save those who are lost, and a whole lot more.

Isaiah 26:3 New King James Version (NKJV)
You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

As a pastor, I received a packed letter full of prayers from First Baptist Church of Cocoa Beach, Florida.  The prayers were for the church I currently serve in and for me.  Wow!  I meant to thank them and finally got around to it.  I left them a telephone message a few days ago, and as I spoke I suddenly realized they were at ground zero for the storm, and at the time I called, it was forecasted to strike near Cape Canaveral!  So I prayed for the storm to stay off of the coast and leave Cocoa Beach unscathed.  With recent changes in the direction of the storm, it appears that this is what will happen.  Regardless, believers in the Lord Jesus Christ all trust in Him for the outcome.  Amen and amen.  God is in control of everything – totally.  Safe In The Cleft Of The Rock, Pastor Steve  <><

4 thoughts on “Hurricane Dorian

  1. Was God in control when Judah offered their sons and daughters as burnt offerings unto Baal(Jeremiah19:5/32:35)? Was God in control when Israel setup kings and made princes and idols of silver and gold(Hosea8:4)?? Will it be God or the dragon that shall give power unto the beast(Revelation13:2)???


    • Yes of course. God is ALWAYS in control, going back to Adam & Eve’s first sin in the Garden of Eden, and when 1/3 of the angels rebelled and were cast out of heaven; and despite every sin since then, He is always in control. It is a grave error to focus on fallen man in a sin stained world and imply that it hinders God’s sovereignty. God gives man freedom of choice and he has not done very well with it. The Lord will clean up this mess during the reign of Christ, but not until then. In fact, mankind will unleash a final rebellion during the Great Tribulation period of seven years, also known as Jacob’s Trouble. Despite the literal “hell on earth,” God will be in total control of that as well.

      You lack understanding of God’s complete sovereignty and absolute control of everything. Satan was allowed by God to buffet Job only to a certain degree and no further. The Satanic “trinity” during the Great Tribulation (Satan, the Beast and the False Prophet) are allowed by God to have power for a limited period of time and no further. The Lord has set up a time for the end of the age, and for the next age to begin. He reveals His plan and decrees through Bible prophecy, since He alone, knows and allows all things. It is the Lord who sets up kings and nations, determines their boundaries, and takes them down.

      The All Seeing (Omnipresent), All Knowing (Omniscient) and All Powerful (Omnipotent) Sovereign God of the universe that He created, reigns over all. He is Creator of the universe, sustainer of our lives, and the coming Judge who will determine the eternal destiny of every soul. Amen and amen!

      Blessings, Pastor Steve


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