Five Marks of a False Gospel

The gospel, or “good news,” is essentially the revelation of Jesus Christ to the world for the purpose of reconciling God’s people to Himself. Sadly, there is much perversity masquerading as the gospel, yet it’s designed to lead man away from the truth, and into a false sense of relationship with the Creator. Many cults and false religions have arisen contrary to the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 1:3), but there are far more subtle attacks on the biblical gospel that, in many cases, go unnoticed, and are poisoning the church today. Let’s review five telling marks that a gospel being preached is false.

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.

Galatians 1:6-7

1.) The gospel exalts man. 

This may sound like an obvious one, but sadly, so many preachers today preach a gospel that exalts man. Arminianism is perhaps the most notorious of these. Man is said, contrary to Scripture, to have within himself some level of “goodness” to be able to “choose” God. Scripture teaches that man cannot choose God (Romans 3:11) because we are dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1).

Others may teach that God has chosen to save man, not solely according to the purposes of His own will (Eph 1:11), but because of some inherent value in us. Sure, we have some value to God–we are created in His image. We were also created to glorify Him. But Scripture clearly teaches that it is not because of any value or goodness in us that God has chosen to save us, he chose to save us to display His own glory (Romans 9:23).

This mark of a false gospel places our hope in something false–a hope in something other than Christ alone. It places our hope in something within ourselves, and God will not share His glory with any other.

2.) The gospel teaches that you are saved from temporal afflictions. 

This is mostly found in the Prosperity, Health and Wealth, and Word of Faith movements. Essentially, it teaches that when you are saved, you no longer have to suffer from worldly calamities such as poverty, sickness, and disease. Further, it teaches that if you do suffer from these things, that your faith simply isn’t strong enough. Often, your level of faith is purportedly reflected in how much money you give to the organization propagating this false teaching.

This teaching can certainly lead people astray, giving some who are not truly born again a false sense of security in practices such as tithing and seed-faith offering. Once again, Christ as the sole object of our faith is diminished and our faith is placed in our good works and is evidenced by our prosperity.

The apostle Paul teaches worldly struggles are not only likely but that God uses them for His glory, in which our purpose is to glorify God.

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong…”

2 Corinthians 2:10-11

3.) Emphasis is placed on the Holy Spirit more than Jesus Christ. 

Many charismatic churches teach a gospel that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit more than the work of Christ. Certainly, the Holy Spirit, equal with the Father and Christ, is worthy of our acknowledgment. But the Work of the Holy Spirit is always to point to Christ and not to Himself (John 16:14-15). Yet these charismatic churches, in many ways, teach that the Holy Spirit is the primary end of our salvation and that it is manifested through signs and wonders performed by those who have “received Him.” This often results in aberrant teachings such as that speaking in tongues is a necessary evidence of salvation.

Jesus Christ, however, is the primary ends of our salvation. As stated in 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 above, His grace is sufficient. Seeking for signs and wonders, Christ said, is evidence of a wicked and adulterous people (Matthew 16:4).

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.Philippians 2:9-11

4.) It is attractive to the world. 

Another sign that a gospel being preached is false is that it is attractive to the world. Many false gospels contain half-truths and, even in some ways, may sound very much like the gospel. But the world is impatient with the inward work of regeneration and sanctification through Christ. They seek fulfillment through entertainment and other carnal means which give them a false impression of their own piety. The message of Christ’s bloody death on the cross and his endurance of God’s wrath is watered down to the point that it is meaningless, while rock bands, laser light shows, and music devoid of any theological substance are echoed throughout the churches that teach this way. In other words, if the world is not offended by the gospel message being preached, it is false.

Scripture teaches that Christ is offensive, even calling Him the “rock of offense (1 Peter 2:8),” and that the gospel is foolish to the world.

For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. –1 Corinthians 1:18

5.) The gospel is not derived from Scripture. 

Many false churches teach that Scripture is insufficient to receive the knowledge of the grace of God. This is most prevalent in the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches. Most cults have some form of this aberrant teaching as well, however, there are plenty of other churches, “evangelical churches,” that have strayed from the doctrine of Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) as well. We have seen in recent years pastors like Andy Stanley stray away from the authority of Scripture as well. This opens the door to all sorts of error, most of it significant and eternally damning.

The Scriptures themselves are the testimony of Christ and His plan of redemption. They are the complete revelation of Jesus Christ sovereignly preserved by the Holy Spirit to teach, reprove, and equip the saints for everything necessary in this life. There is nothing else that we need to be made complete in Him.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. –2 Timothy 3:16-17

Yet, false gospels that are not derived from Scripture always end up being a teaching that is contrary to the biblical gospel. It always ends up being a gospel of meritorious works as opposed to grace, or a gospel of some other (co)savior and (co)redeemer as opposed to Christ alone. It always minimizes the exclusivity of Christ as the only Lord and gives many a false hope in other beliefs and religions.

It is Christ alone who saves and it is Christ alone who is King. If your church is teaching another gospel or if you notice any of these signs of a false gospel in your church, it may be time to move. Don’t just sit there and put up with it.

For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough. 2 Corinthians 11:4

Be sure to read Five Marks of a False Convert, also.

Someone Ought To Give Pope Francis A Bible; First Book Printed On The Gutenberg Printing Press, And Inspired By God

There are a lot of theological challenges in Christendom today, from both Protestant and Catholic perspectives. But at least most Protestants would profess SOLA SCRIPTURA, i.e. belief in the Bible and the Bible alone! Catholics on the other hand, place their faith in all kinds of dogma, lending credence more so to the Pope when he speaks EX CATHEDRA, than anything else, including of course the Bible. [Catholicism endorses the Pope to be without error and inspired by God as His VICAR on earth when he speaks EX CATHEDRA]. So this being the case, many (most?) Catholics must believe there are more errors in the Bible since Pope Francis said we will have a global flood again if we do not stop global warming. Perhaps Pope Francis’ god is Al Gore. At any rate, Pope Francis conveys the idea later in the article that the universal Flood of Noah is a mere mythical tale, as he follows Catholic protocol in lockstep, claiming all of the Bible stories are allegories and myths. To see so many people bamboozled by the foolishness of popery and Catholicism is enough to make a grown man cry. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Pope Francis Says God is Going to Flood the Earth Again If We Don’t Stop Global Warming

Reformation CharlotteMar 1

MARCH 1, 2021

In one of the most well-known passages of Scripture, God flooded the Earth to destroy all of mankind because of their continuous evil with the exception of Noah and his family. When he did so, he promised never to commit such an act against mankind again and gave us the rainbow as a sign of this covenant, known as the Noahic Covenant.

To this day, God’s promise is evident in that the world has never been destroyed and mankind has not been wiped out due to flooding–or any other natural disaster–on a global scale. However, Pope Francis says that God’s going to end up retracting his covenant and flood the earth again if we don’t put the brakes on global warming.

The pope states in a book titled Of Vices and Virtues due for release tomorrow that “God’s wrath is directed against injustice, against Satan,” and that “it is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan.”

Francis says “The flood is the result of God’s wrath,” and relegates it to nothing more than a figure of God’s wrath.

Francis says that God, “who according to the Bible has seen too many bad things and decides to obliterate humanity.” Apparently, according to the pope, God is going to “obliterate” the world again because of global warming. Only this time, the flood won’t be mythical, it will be real.

“The biblical one, according to experts, is a mythical tale,” Francis says. “A great deluge, perhaps due to a rise in temperature and the melting of the glaciers: what will happen now if we continue on the same path.”

Besides being a false prophet bearing a false gospel, the pope seems to have forgotten one thing: God does not break his promises. On the other hand, popes lie and manipulate people for personal gain and self-satisfaction.

By the way, did you know Reformation Charlotte has a Christian gear and apparel store? Check it out at

This Decade Showed Us That If We Lose Sola Scriptura, We Lose Everything

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By Daniel Hofkamp/Evangelical Focus January 14, 2020

This Decade Showed Us That If We Lose Sola Scriptura, We Lose Everything
By Daniel Hofkamp/Evangelical Focus January 14, 2020

The 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the approach of Pope Francis to evangelicals, or the debates about the meaning of marriage, are among some of the big issues that have been discussed among evangelicals in the last ten years.

We start a new series of interviews, to review the main issues that have marked the decade, and to try to learn lessons for the immediate future.

Our first interviewee is José Hutter, pastor and Chair of the Theology Group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, who addresses the challenges evangelical Christians have faced this last decade, regarding theology.

Question. One of the most prominent events of the decade was the commemoration of the 500 years of the Protestant Reformation and its main principles, during 2017. Are these principles still in force?

Answer. These five principles, the five Solas, are absolutely necessary to formulate the belief of the Protestant churches, and I am convinced that it is absolutely what the Bible teaches us, the foundations of the Christian faith.

These five principles were not formulated by the Reformers, but they come from them. Sola Scriptura is essential, because everything starts there. It is an excellent antidote against the trends of our time, and essential to formulate a coherent Christian ethic.

The principle of Christ Alone, which says that salvation is only in Him and that there is no other mediator, cannot be left out, especially when we dialogue with other religions. And by Grace Alone shows that salvation is a gift from God. There are only two religious systems in the world. On the one hand, the religions of the works, where man has to be good so that God can be satisfied, something that you have to prove. And on the other hand, there is the grace of God, a gift to which there is nothing to do.

There is no other religious system that has this, it is something unique to Christianity. All this is received by Faith Alone, the fourth principle. And finally, Glory to God Alone. Nowadays, but also during the history of the church, many wanted to stand out among others. We give too much importance to ourselves. But it is an act of humility to remember that we do not matter, only God matters.

Q. Talking about the first principle that you pointed out, there has been some discussion on the nature of the Bible lately, its authority.

A. Yes, there was already in the past, because on this issue Protestantism does not speak with a unified voice. There are some rationalist sectors that try to interpret Scripture by putting human reason above Scripture, and adapting it to the latest trends in thought. We have to be realistic and say that worldwide there is a segment that can be a minority, but very important, that has this tendency.

However, for all who appreciate this Protestant tradition, putting the Bible above our opinions, beliefs or philosophies is key. If we lose this we have lost everything. I have just returned from Germany and it is absolutely terrible to be in a Christmas service where the pastor reduces his message to “we have to love each other”, and there is no mention of the historical facts, of the foundations of our faith. That is the image of the Protestant church that we give to others. If we lose the Sola Scriptura, the foundation of the church, we lose everything.

Q. What do you think of the moves of the Catholic church to approach evangelicals in the last decade? Pope Francis has participated in worship services, receptions to pastors and ceremonies commemorating the Protesant Reformation. A. It has been much ado about nothing. Once the anniversary passed, you can hardly see more gestures. I thought that perhaps the Roman Catholic church, in an act of generosity, was going to suspend the excommunication of Martin Luther, but that did not happen.

Technically, Luther remains a heretic according to the canons of the Roman Catholic Church. The Pope approaches evangelicals, Muslims, Buddhists, atheists and the whole world alike. Regarding theology, I am not aware that the Catholic Church has rectified anything, for example, the canon IX of the Council of Trent, which condemns the belief of salvation only by faith . The fact that the Pope participates in a ceremony with a liberal and rationalist historic church, such as the Swedish, says absolutely nothing to me.

Q. Another important topic of discussion this decade has been the meaning of marriage and homosexual relationships. These are increasingly being accepted in our Western culture, including the blessing of same-sex couples. What impact has the thrust of this opening trend had on the churches?

A. Globally, it has had an obvious impact in Western countries, specially in North America or Central and Northern Europe. But the impact is less in Latin America, Africa or Asia.

For example, gay marriage seems to have been the most important issue these last years in Protestant classical churches, in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden or the United Kingdom. But almost irrelevant in Africa or Asia.

This topic is very related to Sola Scriptura. As Christians, we are called to love everyody, and that includes homosexuals. But from a Biblical, Old and New Testament point of view, it is a practice that the Bible forbids. Opening to it means to abandon the principle of the authority of Scripture. Therefore, it is something incompatible with the Christian faith.

Q. This issue has produced striking ruptures, within historical denominations such as the Presbyterian Church, and there is a current debate in the Anglican Church.

A. The debate in the Anglican church will probably lead to a break. In other churches, like Scandinavia, I see little evidence, as well as in Germany.

The minority of many free churches, prevents it from being a very important issue. In Spain it has not been raised, but it will come. But this happens in the Western world. In places such as Asia, Latin America and Africa, where there are the majority of evangelicals, this issue is not relevant.

Q. During this decade, the biggest evangelical growth has maninly taken place in Latin America, Africa or Asia. There is a slow general decline in North America and Europe. Is this having an impact on theology?

A. I personally belong to a mission agency that has about 2,000 missionaries around the world, and the international centre moved from London to Singapore a decade ago. The center of gravity of evangelical Christianity is no longer in the West, but in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Personally, I am not in favor of formulating a “theology of the South” or something like that, but it is evident that these very vibrant churches have an enthusiasm to approach the Christian faith that is very different from ours, which is very intellectualist. They put a lot of emphasis on experience, on faith in daily life.

As an impact on the Christian faith I think that is positive, because it gives balance. But I think we can also contribute with our experience, with our theology. Both things are needed: experience and enthusiasm, channeled in a reasonable way by systematized biblical teaching. And we should not throw in the towel with Europe. We must not forget that the times of the Reformation were perhaps worse than these ones, so that we must not lose hope.

Q. Is there anything else you want to mention?

A. My desire and prayer for the next decade is to see a revival. In our churches, we let the spirit of the moment to affect us. There is fatigue, the West, Europe, is a tired continent. I pray that we will recover a vibrant vision of our faith, so that each day we live a love story with the Lord Jesus Christ, experiencing the joy of what awaits us – the blessed hope of heaven.

Knowing what we have already received, and waiting for what we will receive, we should live the faith with an enthusiasm that infects others. This is my desire, something that I think we are all called to recover. May faith be something to live and to die for.

Originally published at Evangelical Focus – reposted with permission.


Do you believe in the Bible alone (Sola Scriptura) for spiritual guidance, or do you believe in a blend of the teachings of both God and man?  The following article by James Sundquist reveals how Rick Warren borrows from psychology in the Celebrate Recovery (CR) movement.  The CR plan ignores and overlooks several key scriptural principles, and adds a lot of fallen man’s philosophy.  James Sundquist has been heavily involved in discernment ministries for many years, he is author of several books including “Who’s Driving The Purpose Driven Church,” and is endorsed by John MacArthur.

Colossians 2:8, KJV: “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><





Read the following expose on Celebrating Recovery by James Sundquist:


I. Rick Warren: “Personal stories are also easier to relate to than principles, and people
love to hear them.” Then why are there 8 “principles” to recovery at the heart of his
Celebrate Recovery program instead of 8 “personal stories”? And why is John Maxwell
whose central core doctrine is “principles”, Warren’s key partner in his Global Peace
Plan? Maxwell’s principles are the first E for how to equip leaders in Warren’s
P.E.A.C.E. Plan. So then why does Warren have E for the principles to equip leaders
yet he publishes “7 Key Principles for Every Project” instead of personal stories in his
acronym and 7 key personal stories for every project? Personal stories are at the heart of
AA and CR, but how is it even possible to conduct these meetings without gossiping and
talebearing, forbidden in Scripture? Speaking of “persons”, did Christ teach Principles
or the Person of Christ? He is the “way the truth and the life”. So if Warren’s “story”
that people love to hear, that his Purpose Driven Life book is “bestselling nonfiction
hardback book in history” is forensically untrue and is a false claim: Proof of book sales
ranking chart:,
and false advertising is a crime according to the FTC Statute # 15 U.S. Code § 54,
then why should why should anyone trust him with his Celebrate Recovery and believe
it is also not fake news, or have hope in his Daily Hope radio program?

II. In reading the CR 12 Steps, where is the Blood of Jesus? (Can’t find it in a Google
Search or search on CR’s website). Scripture teaches that Christ’s blood is how we draw
near to Christ, so how do you draw near to Christ without taking this step as the most
important step? Scripture teaches that we are purchased by Christ’s blood, but there is
no Scripture where we have to purchase anything to be saved or sanctified, both are
gifts. A person who lives to be 80 statistically walks about two hundred million steps.
So if they become a Christian at 40, they walk approximately a hundred million steps as
a Christian if they live to be 80. Since “the steps of the righteous man are ordered by the
Lord”, why does CR have only 12 steps, and even those are works. How is the required
“working the steps” not works?

III. The Beatitudes present the pathway to blessings, but why is their no warning or
discussion about the steps that will cursed which Christ (Matthew 7:21-23)
and the Apostle Paul (Galatians 1:8) put the greatest emphasis on? Couldn’t Paul have
not been so brutal and offer the Judaizers a type of 12 Step Recovery Program for their
hurts, habits, and hangups, so they could celebrate? Where is the warning of the
doctrines of demons and seducing spirits in CR 12 Steps, or in their website search
engine that the Apostle John commanded to not give heed to? And where is the Wrath
of God (e.g., God’s Global Warming vs. Man’s that Warren signed) in the 12 Steps or
anywhere on CR website? Since part of the Gospel is about the Judgment that we are
averting, shouldn’t that be one of the first things presented at a CR meeting?

IV. If Roman Catholic doctrine anathematizes all Protestants, why are they embracing a
spiritual program created and promoted and sold by two Protestant pastors? If
Protestants like Warren and Baker are anathematized by Roman Catholic Doctrine, how
could they ever recover or celebrate unless (in their minds) unless Rick Warren and
Founder, John Baker convert to RC? This would be like going to the witch of Endor to
get counsel and comfort. And what do they recover and celebrate if they take CR that is
not provided in the RC Sacraments?

V. If the Reformation leaders taught that the Pope and RC are antichrist, why is Rick
Warren silent about this and does not tell them that Celebrate Recovery can’t work on
antichrists? If CR is so successful, why are Catholics who take CR still Catholics after
they take the program? Wouldn’t true repentance deliver them? And where has CR
marked false teachers and named names (i.e., Bill Wilson and Carl Jung), identify false
teachers and religions (the foundation of AA and hence the foundation of CR), as
Scripture commands? Does CR tell you this in its training? You can judge a tree by its
roots (as well as by its fruit). The roots of CR are AA, and the roots of AA false
religions and teachers. And Jesus said a thorn-bush can’t produce figs. AA is a thornbush, so aren’t you eating the fruit of a poisonous tree?

VI. If the Apostle Paul says being a drunkard (alcoholic) “such WERE some of you”,
before becoming born again Christians, but now they are no longer drunkards, then why
does AA (the foundation of CR) teach that you are an alcoholic for life even if you are
sober and never take another drink for 30 years or the rest of your life? So there is no
cleansing you of ALL unrighteousness (habits, hurts, and hangups) in CR? CR’s
foundation is AA, Christ is the alleged superstructure vs. true Christianity where Christ
is the foundation and there is no other foundation.

VII. If you never recover in your lifetime, what is there to celebrate?

VIII. Where in Scripture is repentance accomplished via a formalized group program
like CR vs. individually? Many repented simultaneously at the same time in many
cases, but not because of interactive, structured programs, confidentiality, or cost.
Where is the confidentiality in a public profession of faith, and where is the
confidentiality in Matthew 18, if the person does not repent so we are required to tell the
whole church?

IX. Where are there 12 steps in Scripture and what is deficient or missing in 2 Timothy
3:16 that says Scripture is sufficient for all good works and the perfecting of saints and
being thoroughly equipped for every good work, for two thousand years. And how is
Pastor Hess Hester, the leader of CR for pastors unable to obey the Scripture “Be kind
and tender to one another. Forgive each other, just as God forgave you because of
what Christ has done” Eph. 4:32, without and before CR or 12 Steps according to his
testimony? If you are thoroughly equipped for every good work with Scripture alone,
how is CR even needed? And how does it not usurp this very Scripture?

X. Though one can attend a CR meeting without cost, the materials kit at the CR
meetings for the package, even discounted, typically cost $89.99 (and more money for
leadership training). There are specific examples of paying money for counseling or
spiritual equipping in the Bible, but both examples were condemned: Saul consulting the
Witch of Endor in the Old Testament, and Simony in the New Testament. So if the Lord
told Isaiah (Isa. 55:1) and Jesus Christ is right when he said in Revelation:
“The Spirit and the bride say, “Come ” And let the one who hears say, “Come ”
And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life
without cost.” Revelation 22:17
you could obtain everything you need in Christ freely, how are all of those Christians
who believe and obey Christ’s own words, lacking anything by never participating or
paying any money in a Celebrate Recovery meeting or program? And even if you pay
money, the statistics on AA recovery vs. returning to drinking are catastrophic: 95%
return to drinking. Would you invest in a stock that has a 95% failure rate of return?

Vance Havner Quote Of The Day

Quote of the Day

A mortician can make a dead man look better than he ever did when he was alive. So churches like Sardis may appear very much alive when they are dead in the sight of the Lord. There are experts who are very clever at this business of making church corpses appear very healthy so that they have an image for robust vitality in their own sight, among other churches, and up at headquarters – but God knows the difference.


This is probably more true today than when Vance wrote this.  The emerging church which emphasizes marketing and methodology over sola scriptura is a perfect example.  Many churches give lip service to the Bible, yet there is a lack of submission to the Word, and a watered down approach to salvation, often omitting the foundation of repentance without which on cannot be saved.  Blessings, Pastor Steve