Southern Baptists If You Desire the Judgment of God be Poured Out Please Vote for Bart Barber

There is no doubt that the Southern Baptist Convention has been on a rapidly-increasing leftward drift toward the abandonment of the gospel in favor of social justice, feminism, and, in some cases, an embrace of the LGBTQ movement. In short, the Southern Baptist Convention has been sliding toward apostasy for several years.

Now, I know that the word “apostasy” is a strong word—and that word denotes renunciation of the faith. And, in word, most Southern Baptist leaders, churches, and institutions have not renounced Christianity or the gospel. However, a case can be made that, in deed, much of what once stood as a bulwark of defense against false teachings and movements invading the Church has now abandoned its duty to protect and even opened to door to wolves to feed on the sheep.

The Southern Baptist Convention was originally formed not as a top-down governing organization with authority over the member churches, but rather as a coalition of churches bound together to cooperate with a unified purpose—to send missionaries to unreached parts of the world. This, of course, was a noble purpose and has served well. However, the Southern Baptist Convention has now morphed, if you will, into a full-fledged denomination with multiple institutions including seminaries, a publishing arm, a church-planting network, a public policy branch, and an executive committee tasked with overseeing the denominational structure.

And while in word, member churches remain autonomous, in practice, the grip the denomination has over Southern Baptist churches is growing stronger and stronger.

The Southern Baptist Convention is wrought with theological problems. Not only have many of the churches embraced aberrant movements, but so have the institutions. The seminaries are teaching Critical Race Theory—a rank heresy incompatible with Christianity—and those pointing it out are being maligned by SBC leadership.

One of the brewing controversies in the Southern Baptist Convention is the issue of feminism — namely, Egalitarianism. This is the doctrine that defies biblical gender roles (1 Corinthians 14:342 Timothy 2:12, etc) and allows women to take authority over the pulpit in churches. Several outspoken leaders and pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention are now advocating for female preachers and women in leadership roles, defying God’s design for genders. Beth Moore was one of the primary examples of this, ultimately causing her to leave the denomination. But there are many others.

Another serious issue brewing in the Southern Baptist Convention is the issue of homosexuality — labeled by the Evangelical elites, “same-sex attraction.” The controversy is over the sin of same-sex attraction, and whether or not homosexuals should be counted as members in good standing, or even hold leadership roles in our churches. The issue has been brought to light by prominent outlets — namely the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission — who have promoted this notion through “gay Christian” ministries such as Living Out.

The crux is that many of these progressive leaders now believe that Christians should “soften” their stance against homosexuality and in many cases, fully accept them among the ranks of Churches.

Finally, the longest-standing and most notable issue facing the Southern Baptist Convention is that of the social justice movement. The idea is that it is the mission and focus of the Church to right the wrongs of social and economic inequality. Primarily, the movement advocates for an unbiblical view of man and sin and instead looks to secular ideology, such as Critical Theory (Marxism), for guidance.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School, and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud. CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.

In 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution to embrace Critical Race Theory as a “useful analytical tool” for analyzing racial discrepancies and strife in both society and the Church. Every effort to repeal this resolution since its passage has failed.

Many of the advocates of this movement in the Southern Baptist Convention seek to impute guilt among entire people groups — in this case, white people — for ancestral sins. Further, they advocate for restitution based not on individual guilt and/or need, but based solely on the color of their skin. This, too, should be opposed as it does not seek biblical reconciliation among believers, but only seeks to cause division and tear down society.

And yet, despite all of this, Bart Barber one of the leading Southern Baptist Convention presidential candidates, believes there is nothing wrong with the denomination. In fact, Barber is literally the perfect establishment candidate for the Southern Baptist Convention elite club. He’s willing to do whatever he’s told and has no real convictions about anything. He’s simply the marionette on the stage with the puppetmasters pulling his strings—just like Joe Biden.

What’s most sad about the whole charade: he actually has a very high chance of pulling off a win. After all, he has all the SBC money-changers behind him. We currently have a Southern Baptist president who is a serial plagiarist and has relentlessly insisted that he’s done nothing wrong. Barber, the establishment candidate, has also relentlessly defended him. The SBC has a public policy arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, that calls for lax abortion laws and decriminalizing mothers seeking abortions while arguing that she isn’t guilty of killing her child—Bart Barber agrees with them.

Bart Barber is primarily interested in “unity”—and right now, the Southern Baptist Convention has a superficial unity like never before seen.

Barber isn’t serious about doing what it takes to bring the Southern Baptist Convention back into a right relationship with God or honoring the covenant that Christ has with the Church. He isn’t interested in following the Apostle Paul’s commands to purge the unrepentant sinners, heretics, and false teachers from among us. He isn’t interested in defending the sheep from the insatiable appetites of the wolves seeking to devour us all. He’s only interested in maintaining that unity at whatever cost.

But superficial unity won’t last and God will smite it. If you are happy with the direction of the Southern Baptist Convention and you desire the wrath of God to be poured out, then vote for Bart Barber, please.

Former SBC President Accused of Sexual Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force

This story is surreal. I spoke with Johnny Hunt at a meeting in Sarasota right before COVID struck. Years ago, I attended a pastor’s conference when Johnny Hunt served as pastor at First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA. To be affiliated with the late Ravi Zacharias and massage parlors is not good. I remember another Southern Baptist leader warning Johnny Hunt about the danger of being lifted up in pride. So many well known Southern Baptist leaders are falling like dominoes. The North American Mission Board (NAMB) has been corrupted in recent years under Hunt’s leadership as VP. (see article below) That is one reason why I chose to give to other mission endeavors rather than the NAMB and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The Southern Baptist Convention is sick at the head, and the effects trickle on down, affecting the entire SBC. No organization will ever rise above its leadership. Lord help the imploding Southern Baptist Convention. The largest Protestant denomination in America is falling apart. This article reveals one disgraced and fallen Southern Baptist leader exposing another. SBCGate. Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte May 22
Johnny Hunt

Former SBC President Accused of Sexual Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force The Dissenter has been covering the story of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) political hit job perpetrated by Russell Moore, an ex-employee of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. After he departed the denomination to join the staff at the apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, to continue his liberal agenda, Moore leaked a letter to the press claiming he had knowledge of sex abuse involving women and children dating back nearly two years and alleged that SBC leaders pressured him to cover up these abuses.

Today, in the wake of Moore’s hit job, the Southern Baptist Convention’s task force released a 400-page report from Guidestone after an investigation alleged that the Southern Baptist Convention had been “covering up” sex abuse for years.

Johnny Hunt, former pastor of First Baptist Church in Woodstock, GA, former Southern Baptist Convention president, and former leader of the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB) has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman dating back to 2010 while on vacation in Panama City.

According to a Houston Chronicle report, Hunt entered the condo next to him where they were staying, began groping and kissing her, and later told her that he wanted to have sex with her three times a day.

Hunt denies the accusations and released a statement on Twitter stating that his “heart breaks for victims” and that he “vigorously den[ies] the circumstances and characterizations” of the report that was released by Guidepost.

During his tenure at NAMB, Hunt was seen regularly calling on Southern Baptist pastors to hold baptisms. Hunt, a regular speaker at First Baptist Church in Indian Trail, NC, resigned from NAMB last month prior to the release of the Guidepost report.

In 2020, it was revealed that Johnny Hunt had helped the late Ravi Zacharias set up his massage parlor business where Zacharias was later found to have abused multiple women through that business. In fact, Hunt was reported according to Pulpit & Pen to have traveled from Woodstock to Alpharetta to receive “services” from the spas. Below is a video of Johnny Hunt giving a speech at the grand opening of one of Ravi’s massage parlors:

Some are not fully convinced of the accusations. Capstone report tweeted:

Capstone Tweet:

So, former SBC President and let’s just say former NAMB VP Johnny Hunt is alleged to have sexually assaulted a woman. Wonder if Hunt wants to tell his side of the story now that Ezell’s minions have told their side?

You may remember the report from the Washington Post last year that accidentally told on its own people when it reported that the NAMB—a corrupt and spiritually bankrupt “church planting” organization that really acts more like a political action committee for leftists—had been using Southern Baptist tithe dollars to send pastors who are likely to vote for progressive and woke candidates to the annual meeting.

According to the report, “One insider said NAMB has been pouring money into getting urban church leaders to the annual meeting to get enough votes to secure the presidency for Ed Litton, an Alabama pastor who has promoted work on racial reconciliation.”

This is certainly no defense of Johnny Hunt, but it will be interesting to see in the coming days what happens with these allegations and to what extent NAMB played a role in the characterizations of this alleged incident.

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Gideon Knox Group

Former SBC Prez Pastor Johnny Hunt Accused of Sexual Abuse in Bombshell Report

Blankenship suggested it was consensual and tried to close the book on it, “after all, it takes two to tango”

Gideon Knox11 hr ago

Staff Writer

Pastor Emeritus of FBC Woodstock and Former President of the Southern Baptist Convention Johnny Hunt was named in the Guidepost Solution Report as someone who engaged in sexual abuse against a pastor’s wife in 2010, citing testimony from multiple pastors, including Hunt’s own staff counseling pastor.

The GSR reports that the abuse happened after Hunt invited the couple to vacation with him and his family at Panama City beach, ultimately sharing condos side by side.

The wife, known as ‘Survivor; and her husband as ‘Pastor’ alleges that early on in the trip, Dr. Hunt was being a bit sketchy by kissing her on the forehead and making inappropriate comments about her figure and tan lines.

Later, while engaging in conversation from across the balcony, Dr. Hunt shifted the conversation “from ministry to flattery about her appearance, her clothing, and her perfume.” At one point he remarked that he was hot from being in the sun, and the woman said he could come to under the shade on her balcony, assuming that his family was in the condo inside the doors.

Once in closer proximity, she recounts he asked her to put her feet on his knee, and then “he touched them while commenting on their beauty and size.” After a short time, he said he was uncomfortable sitting outside and suggested they go inside.

Once inside her place, Dr. Hunt asked her about the ministry and church frustrations she and her husband were having at the church, when he began to manipulate her by asking her personal questions about her life, such as “if she was wild growing up?” She was confused and not sure of what he meant, at which point:

Hunt allegedly apologized the next morning and asked her to forgive him and not tell anyone what happened.

Blankenship suggested it was consensual and tried to close the book on it, “after all, it takes two to tango” and asked all parties to leave it at that. The woman recounts that “at the time she believed that, even though she did not consent to what Dr. Hunt did to her, she was made to feel it was consensual because she did not fight back.”

Hunt and Blankenship quickly moved to bring a close to the issue, so it could not hurt or impact the 40,000 churches that Hunt presented. They had several counseling sessions where this was encouraged, and Hunt’s wife was at a meeting between them during one of the sessions, where they were encouraged to forgive and forget.

But the couple carried it for a long time, and told others about it over the years. Guidepost reports that they were provided contemporaneous evidence during their investigation, such as:

The investigatory team ultimately contacted Blankenship two weeks ago. While he was very reluctant to answer, he confirmed that there was an incident where Hunt kissed her and touched her breast over her clothes, while claiming to have no memory of pulling down her shorts. He admitted that he was operating on the assumption that the sexual contact was consensual based in part on what Dr. Hunt told him .

Guideposts found the testimony credible, along with three other witnesses who are all SBC pastors that are “still very much involved and committed to Southern Baptist life and the Convention, such as this pastor, who has been in ministry for over 40 years.

Neither of these pastors saw it fit to share or reveal their knowledge of the abuse.

Hunt for his part denied everything when contacted for an interview, yet did so in a way that the team felt was not credible such as initially denying he even knew the couple. As the news broke yesterday, he again denied it on Twitter, releasing a statement saying that he vigorously “denies the circumstances and characterizations set forth in the Guidepost report” and that “I never abused anybody.”

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Abortion is Pagan Child Sacrifice and is a Denial of the Cross of Jesus Christ

In the Old Testament, we read about the Phoenicians, who inhabited the land of Canaan (modern-day Lebanon, Syria, and Israel), that would sacrifice their children to their god, Molech. This abominable practice was used to appease their god, or to try to obtain favor from him. This practice has continued in various cultures throughout history including today in the act of abortion as child sacrifice.

You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods —Deuteronomy 12:31

Today, in our culture of self-idolatry, secular humanism, and entitlement, abortion has been normalized and acceptable. Yet, the practice is no different than that of ancient times–only the god is disguised as someone else. While we don’t take children and pass them through the fire to appease a god known by the name of Molech represented by golden statues as the Phoenicians did, nonetheless, we sacrifice our children to appease our idols of today–money, convenience, and self.

The Bible is clear that God hates child sacrifice.

There are six things that the Lord hates,  seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood… Proverbs 6:16-17

It is among the most abominable things in the eyes of God. We read in 2 Kings 21:2-6 that Manasseh, king of Judah and son of Hezekiah, sacrificed his son to appease his god to the immense anger of the Lord,

And he did what was evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the despicable practices of the nations whom the Lord drove out before the people of Israel. For he rebuilt the high places that Hezekiah his father had destroyed, and he erected altars for Baal and made an Asherah, as Ahab king of Israel had done, and worshiped all the host of heaven and served them. And he built altars in the house of the Lord, of which the Lord had said, “In Jerusalem will I put my name.” And he built altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the house of the Lord. And he burned his son as an offering and used fortune-telling and omens and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger.

In 2 Kings 21:12, we see that because Manasseh did these wicked things and led astray the people of Judah and Jerusalem, God promised to bring disaster upon them and deliver them into the hands of their enemies.

But what about Abraham and Isaac? In Genesis 22, we read about Abraham whom God commanded to sacrifice his son, Isaac.

Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt-offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you. — Genesis 22:2

He was to slaughter his son and offer him up as a burnt sacrifice to the Lord, only to be abruptly stopped by the angel of the Lord. The Lord then provided a substitute, a ram, for the sacrifice. Genesis 22:1 says that this was God testing Abraham’s faith and since Abraham passed the test, God promised to bless him and his offspring multiplying them greatly in numbers (Genesis 22:17-18). What we see is a foreshadowing of the ultimate sacrifice that was to come–Jesus Christ. God distinguished himself from other gods, such as Molech, by clearly showing that He abhorred child sacrifice and that the only acceptable sacrifice to Him is a sacrifice that he provides.

Jesus Christ is the ultimate sacrifice. Hebrews 9:12 says, “He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” There is no other sacrifice that should be made for those who repent and trust in the saving grace of Jesus Christ at the cross.

Abortion is a denial of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It shows that one does not trust God or the sacrifice provided for him–that instead, he trusts in himself. Do not sacrifice your child on this altar of false gods. Instead, repent, and turn to the only sacrifice that can save you.

And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. —Hebrews 10:10

Gallery: Pro-Abortion Rebels Destroy Churches and Pregnancy Centers Amid Roe v. Wade Leak

Reformation Charlotte
May 6

“Those who hate me love death,” is the warning of God in Proverbs 8:36. Nothing could be clearer than the God-hating rebellion we’re witnessing in front of our eyes in the wake of the Supreme Court leak on the upcoming Roe v. Wade decision. Hate groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other feminist anti-conservative rebels are taking to the streets to express their disgust at the possibility that the “right” of a woman to murder her child may not be guaranteed by the Constitution and returned to the states.
The overturning of Roe v. Wade will not eliminate abortion—it’s merely a necessary step to remove the federal guarantee of it. In the last several months, left-wing states like California and New York have already been preparing for this by drafting legislation that would codify the right to abortion—perhaps even more liberal seeming to allow for after-birth abortion—into their own laws.
Below is a gallery of some of these hate groups who are taking out their anger and frustration on innocent Americans, churches, crisis pregnancy centers, and other pro-life organizations.

Antifa reportedly attacks pregnancy center in Portland, Oregon:

Here, Antifa Watch reports that Anarchists in Boulder Colorado attacked a Catholic church on Tuesday night following the leak of the SCOTUS abortion decision. The building was covered with paint and anarchist graffiti as well a window cracked.

Wonder Years Star, Danica McKellar, Says She’s Now a Christian After Candace Cameron Sent Her a Bible

Listen to this simple, fresh, and vibrant testimony of salvation from a TV star. She seems to have salvation indeed! Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

You may remember Danica McKellar as Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years, the late 80s and early 90s hit television series. McKellar, who recently posted about her “conversion” experience on Instagram, said that “In my life, starting in childhood, I had been made aware of all the hypocrisy in the various religions of Christianity, it being used for evil, power & control throughout history, and that had definitely biased me.”

history, and that had definitely biased me.”

“But that’s just people,” McKellar, who recently attended a gay wedding continued, “that doesn’t represent God’s actual love for us.”

McKellar said that she is “experiencing a relationship with God and Jesus that I’ve never had before, and it feels miraculous.”

McKellar says her conversion experience began when she was struggling with forgiveness and asked her friend and Full House star, Candace Cameron Bure, to explain a Bible verse to her. It was then that Bure sent her a Bible, invited her to church, and it all went from there.

Danica McKellar On Instagram:

  • danicamckellar's profile picturedanicamckellarVerifiedHey everyone! I went live today to share the journey I’ve recently embarked on…🙏 I’m not here to preach, but I have so much love in my heart I just had to share what I’m experiencing, and to share a little why I believe it’s taken me up to this point to begin this journey. ❤️
    In my life, starting in childhood, I had been made aware of all the hypocrisy in the various religions of Christianity, it being used for evil, power & control throughout history, and that had definitely biased me. But that’s just people, that doesn’t represent God’s actual love for us. And I can tell you I’m experiencing a relationship with God and Jesus that I’ve never had before, and it feels miraculous. And it all started one evening when I was struggling with the idea of forgiveness and DM’d my good friend @candacecbure about a passage from the Bible she had read on her instastories, and then she sent me a Bible, and invited me to church…🥰 I am wishing all of you the love & freedom I feel in my heart on this journey, and a beautiful Sunday!! ❤️🙏❤️1w
  • angieezellegatesGod bless you on your journey to follow Jesus
  • robalischusterSo awesome to see your heart on fire for the Lord , that is what the Holy Spirit is!!!❤️ wonder years was probably my favorite show as a kid and to see you falling in love with Jesus just makes my heart happy!! God gives each of us talents in order to glorify him which is exactly what you are doing!! You have no idea how many people you are going to be able to reach through your platform!!! let your light shine❤️🙌
  • jenstaugPraise God!!!
  • philip__hughes2018Glory to God in the highest!Welcome to the Body of Christ sister! The angels rejoice every time a soul comes to Jesus. He has begun a work in you and He will complete it.
  • dianbushi’m so happy for you.
  • cvarnado11I love this so much!!! Keep growing! Don’t stop! We have a seminary here in New Orleans you should look into! The Truth of God’s Word is in scripture – all the answers to anything you need to know! Follow Priscilla Shirer and Tony Evans! They preach the truth. As far as forgiveness: We forgive because Christ forgives! What if the Lord didn’t forgive us…..
    We are intentional to give grace, mercy and forgiveness because God calls us to.
    Stop hurting because of what someone else did to you.
    Write down all the things you are holding on to – and burn it 🔥 Father forgive them for they know not what they do…. As far as the Holy Spirit – it’s the spirit of Christ that lives in you when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The Holy Spirit is what God gives us to guide our thoughts and actions to be convicted when doing wrong . And so much more. He gives us direct access through the spirit to pray and talk to Jesus. Watch the movie War room. Be faithful in prayer and see how Jesus shows up in your life!!! It’s incredible! 🙌😍🙏
  • michelle_e_5This is the best thing I’ve heard today! ❤️
  • darlynnhobbyWelcome to the family…you are a precious child of God. God loves you-Jesus rescued you-The Holy Spirit helps you ❤🙏
  • itsdeborahloveYou’re amazing and I love you 😭😭 you’re my sister in Christ and I’m screaming from the mountains. One thing I will say as you grow in your own walk with God is to not get frustrated and down on yourself at first when you don’t understand something. Just like babies drink baby milk at first and then can eat food and then meat, that’s what you will experience. You will get a great foundation and then God will build with you from there 🙂 I can’t wait for you to know more of the mysteries of God because there is a lot to know and even then we will not know everything. That’s just how big our God is ♥️ This is the best decision you will ever make 🙂 welcome to the family @danicamckellar ♥️♥️
  • joyful_grannyYou radiate Gods peace all over your face. I’m so excited to see what he does with your life. You will look back at this video one day and smile with precious memories of when you said yes to making him yours. “I’m my beloved and he is mine” Song of Solomon 6:3 ❤️ 👏🥰
  • ritaslovesYes, until it happens to You, your finite mind can’t comprehend the awesomeness of God and how He loves us and transforms us! I fell in love with Jesus over 40 years ago and it wrecked me!! The Holy Spirit’s voice communicates with our spirit what God the Father and Jesus’s will is in our lives. For me, it was like Mr Clean came in and turned my life upside down… I didn’t want to do things I did before and I knew I could never live like that for God on my own…but the cool thing is; Jesus gives us the power to live for Him! Everything comes from God…even the enabling power to live for Him!!! I say it’s the best kept secret! And yes, very freeing. The joy and the peace Jesus offers and freely gives us is so much more than anything temporal this world would try to give us! I’m sold out and a believer for sure! So happy you found this amazing love that Jesus gives!♥️ Love all your work and can’t wait to see you and Candace on GAC! We just started streaming and we are adding that line up just for that! God bless you and strengthen you as you embark on this amazing journey that doesn’t end here! I have a little group on Facebook @committeddailydevotioners and I do post here occasionally. Feel free to reach out anytime! I, like you so enjoy sharing things to help others! Love you and thanks for sharing your journey with all of us!!❣️💯😍
  • lennie_starsWelcome to God’s family, Danika! Praise God, He is moving in our world, and expanding His kingdom. Your heart, mind and life will be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, our guide, comforter, and power which lights our way and empowers our walk with Jesus. On fire for the Lord is the BEST place to be! You will never again feel alone, unloved, or unseen. Forgiveness is a freedom no one knows until you’ve been forgiven by our Heavenly Father, and thru Jesus’ sacrifice. Hallelujah!❤️🙏🏽

Remembering Tim Keller’s Democrat-friendly Tweets About Abortion

by Publisher | May 5, 2022

Over the years, I’ve observed a number of Evangelical “thought-leaders” publish their musings about social issues while contending that both progressivism and conservatism are equally valid ways to express one’s Christian faith and that true biblical faith lies…

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Filmmaker of Enemies Within the Church Says Southern Baptist Seminary Escorted Them Off Stage After Canceling Film Showing

Amazingly, I just ordered this film for our church a few days ago. It appears that at the same time, left wing and WOKE seminary leaders are cancelling its showing, in order to hide their shenanigans and dirty laundry. Apostasy at its finest within the Southern Baptist Convention. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte May 2, 2022
Filmmaker of Enemies Within the Church Says Southern Baptist Seminary Escorted Them Off Stage After Canceling Film Showing

Reformation Charlotte May 2

Big Tech is censoring us big time and limiting our ability to monetize our website. Unfortunately, we have bills to pay and children to feed. In order to continue to bring conservative Christian commentary through the lens of a biblical worldview, unfortunately, we need support partners. For about the price of a large iced latte once a month, you can receive all of our content directly into your inbox, ad-free, and receive other perks including exclusive content that isn’t available on the website. Would you please consider partnering with us so that we can continue to do our work without relying on the Big Tech monopoly that hates us anyway? Thank you! Subscribe now

The long-awaited film, Enemies Within the Church, was released last November. And let me just say, it was mind-blowing. As one who has covered the social justice Marxist infiltration in the Church for almost ten years, I can say that the quality and accuracy of this film is superb.

The film covers not just the Marxist infiltration of Southern Baptist institutions, but other Evangelical institutions as well. But the film does directly–or indirectly, however you want to look at it–implicate Southern Baptist seminaries as one of the primary conduits by which this Marxist influence has entered the Church.

Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, which has long-standing ties to the Southern Baptist Convention, scheduled an event that included a showing of the film. However, Adam Greenway, president of Southwestern Seminary, took issue with the fact that the film, which calls into question the theological commitment of Southern Baptist institutional leaders like himself, insisted that the film be censored.

According to Judd Saul, the filmmaker, one of his primary contributors was escorted off the stage recently at Mid-America after exposing the fact that the school canceled the showing of the film. Below is a message from Judd Saul with a promise to release the video. Check back for updates.

The leadership at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary just went to go pull Trevor Loudon off the stage and they cut off the live video feed because he was exposing the fact that they shut down the showing of our film. Full video will be uploaded within the next day.

To put this whole thing into context.

We were called up by the event organizer Citizens For America, and asked to sponsor the event. We sponsored the event predicated on the fact that we were going to show the film at the event.

We got word last week that the Seminary president Mr. Spradlin called the event organizer and insisted he not show the film at the event.
We spent several days trying to contact Mr Spradlin and faculty at the Seminary to find out why they were trying to cancel our film at an event that wasn’t being put on by the Seminary itself.

We had already purchased plane tickets and shipped things out to Cordova Tennessee for the event. I spoke with Trevor about going and he decided he wanted to go speak to the crowd. Many people showed up to the event expecting a showing of the film. No announcement by the event organizer was made that the film wasn’t being shown.

Trevor decided to explain why the film wasn’t being shown and who made the order.

In the middle of Trevor’s speech they rushed the stage and pulled him off and cut the live video feed and proceeded to try and throw out our entire crew from the event.

This is what happens when you speak truth in a Southern Baptist institution. Instead of just owning up to it, they like to hide and play games.

This is why the southern Baptists even the ones who claim to be conservative always lose.

The Bible says let your yes be your yes and your no be your no. The Honorable thing would have been to provide the real explanation as to why they shut down our film. The honorable thing would have been to let Trevor finish his speech. The people that showed up to the event were owed a TRUTHFUL explanation.

Everyone on our film team stands on truth. It just seems that there are too many that are afraid of the truth even if they claim to be on our side.

We don’t play games. Don’t care about positions. We’re not respecters of person’s. We also do not value “gentleman’s agreements” over truth.

There are thousands of churches across America that are being infiltrated by Marxism. There are millions of Americans being led astray by a false gospel.

Playing games is over.


Video: MABTS Tries to Pull the Microphone From Trevor Loudon! #EnemiesWithinTheChurch

Follow Up Article:

Following up on our report from yesterday, Judd Saul has released the video of MABTS pulling the microphone from Trevor Loudon as he was on stage.

President of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Michael Spradlin, forced an event held on the seminary’s campus not to show the movie Enemies Within: The Church despite an agreement the EWTC team had with the actual organizers of the event — Citizens for America. That group, Citizens for America, put together an event called Cultural Engagement Summit 2022. It was held at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary on Saturday, April 30, 2022.

Mr. Christopher Hughes of Citizens for America initially reached out to the EWTC team and asked them to financially sponsor the event. An agreement was reached so long as the movie Enemies Within: The Church would be shown. The showing was advertised for several weeks prior to the event without any adverse reaction. Airline tickets were booked, and hotel rooms were reserved so a team from EWTC could screen and promote the film.

One week prior to the scheduled showing, President Spradlin demanded the event cancel the showing of the film even though the seminary was not organizing the event, simply hosting it.

The EWTC team has no idea why the showing of the film was senselessly canceled because it was shown late last year to a small audience at Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. After attempts to convince the administration to reconsider and to get the event organizer to defend the EWTC team, nothing changed.

When the EWTC team showed up for the summit, they discovered that not only would there be no film (as contractually agreed upon), the trailer for the film was also forbidden.

During his speech, Mr. Trevor Loudon, one of the main speakers at the summit and part of the EWTC team, was explaining to the crowd that the seminary would not allow the film to be shown that night. No one had informed any of the attendees that the movie had been banned from the event. At approximately 5:30 p.m., before the conclusion of his speech, a pastor from the Conservative Baptist Network, Timothy Pigg, approached Loudon on stage and attempted to take the microphone away from him. Loudon was removed from the stage for taking a hardline stance against the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary President Dr. Michael Spradlin. He exposed the unethical behavior of the seminary president who inexplicably disallowed the showing of the film, Enemies Within: The Church, and its trailer.

After the disgraceful attempt to silence Loudon, he was then forcibly escorted by armed guards back to his organization’s table and asked to leave immediately. Upon his refusal to leave, the armed guards monitored him until the event ended a few hours later. They gave no reason for his removal or for their attempt to immediately banish him from the campus.

Loudon refused to leave since he was an invited guest speaker by Mr. Christopher Hughes with the Citizens for America Foundation and because Enemies Within: The Church paid money to sponsor the event and to have a booth to sell books and copies of the film.

Numerous individuals were shocked that an institution like the Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, which prides itself on freedom of speech and Christian conservative values, would silence a nationally recognized and respected author, filmmaker, political commentator, and guest lecturer in such an aggressive manner.

“This is a clear example of someone valuing an ‘institution’ over the truth,” stated Judd Saul, Director of Enemies Within: The Church. “Everyone on our film team stands on truth. It just seems that there are too many institutional Baptists that can’t handle it. It’s time for these ‘leaders’ to follow the Bible and stand for truth instead of blindly protecting their compromised institutions. We pray that these men wake up.”

Perhaps the film hit a little too close to home.

“Part of the film deals with Marxist infiltration of Southern Baptist churches, seminaries, and Bible colleges,” Loudon said. “The film criticizes some Baptist leaders for allowing and, in some cases, supporting such activity. Everyone who has criticized our film as being untruthful has yet to provide any evidence to back up their claims. Not one person has come forward.”

In response to this incident, The Enemies Within The Church team has decided to create a coupon code “MABTS” for 20% of their DVD which can be used on their website @

Popular Megachurch Pastor Says 10 Commandments No Longer Apply to Christians

Popular Megachurch Pastor Says 10 Commandments No Longer Apply to Christians
January 11 2019

Popular Megachurch Pastor Says 10 Commandments No Longer Apply to Christians
January 11 2019

Popular megachurch pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Ministries (NPM) says Christians need to stop erecting monuments to the Ten Commandments because they apparently no longer apply to Christians, which is completely false.
In a piece posted to Relevant Magazine on Monday, Pastor Stanley said that since the Ten Commandments come from the old covenant, Christians should stop erecting monuments dedicated to them. He completely misses the point that Christianity (particularly Catholicism) has commonly taught that the coming of Jesus Christ fulfills the old covenant, not replaces it. It also teaches that while the new covenant implemented by Jesus Christ does away with ceremonial laws, the moral laws remain forever. That means the 10 Commandments apply to Christians every bit as much today as they did during the time of Moses.
“[I]f we’re going to create a monument to stand as a testament to our faith, shouldn’t it at least be a monument of something that actually applies to us?” Stanley openly pontificated. “Participants in the new covenant (that’s Christians) are not required to obey any of the commandments found in the first part of their Bibles. Participants in the new covenant are expected to obey the single command Jesus issued as part of his new covenant: as I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
He continued, “But how many times have you seen Christians trying to post the text of the sermon on the mount in a public place? Or the all-encompassing commandment Jesus gave us?”
Stanley goes on to say that this commandment from Christ is “a replacement for everything in the existing list. Including the big ten.”
“Just as his new covenant replaced the old covenant, Jesus’ new commandment replaced all the old commandments,” Stanley contended.
Stanley also bemoaned the fact that too many congregations place too much emphasis on the old covenant.
“Jesus was foreshadowed in the old covenant, he did not come to extend it,” he said. “Dear Christian reader: Why? Why? Why would we even be tempted to reach back beyond the cross to borrow from a covenant that was temporary and inferior to the covenant established for us at Calvary?”
On the complementarity between the Old and New Testaments, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says that neither cancels the other out. Varying Christian denominations, from Episcopalian to Baptists, have held this view:
The Old Testament is an indispensable part of Sacred Scripture. Its books are divinely inspired and retain a permanent value,’ for the Old Covenant has never been revoked.
Indeed, “the economy of the Old Testament was deliberately so oriented that it should prepare for and declare in prophecy the coming of Christ, redeemer of all men.” “Even though they contain matters imperfect and provisional,” the books of the Old Testament bear witness to the whole divine pedagogy of God’s saving love: these writings “are a storehouse of sublime teaching on God and of sound wisdom on human life, as well as a wonderful treasury of prayers; in them, too, the mystery of our salvation is present in a hidden way.
“Christians venerate the Old Testament as true Word of God. The Church has always vigorously opposed the idea of rejecting the Old Testament under the pretext that the New has rendered it void.”
The concept that the Old Testament no longer applies to Christians is actually a heresy known as Marcionism going all the way back to the 2nd Century. Here’s how Catholic Answers described it:
Expounding on Paul’s characterization of the Mosaic Law as the cause of sin, Marcion desired a Christianity untainted by any elements of Judaism. He saw the God of the Old Testament as cruel and vengeful, an embarrassment and a stumbling block in the evangelization of the Gentiles.
How could the God who commanded adulterers to be stoned be reconciled with the God who let them go free? This was overcome by postulating the existence of two gods. Marcion concluded that the tyrannical Creator-God of the Old Testament, Yahweh, was in opposition to the merciful and loving God of the New Testament.
He began to amass a following in Rome, and in July of 144, he was called before the presbytery to explain his teachings. He steadfastly maintained his dualistic beliefs and was promptly excommunicated. He charged that the Church had erred in clinging to the Old Testament, that the gospel had completely superseded the Torah, and that the apostles, except Paul, had allowed their Jewish notions to corrupt the message of the loving God.
Reported by: Paul Bois – The DailyWire

By Prophecy in the News|January 11th, 2019|Tags: Bible Prophecy, Christian News, Christianity, megachurch pastor Andy Stanley of North Point Ministries (NPM), Prophecy News, Religion, Ten Commandments

Ergun Caner – Yet Another Deceiver Within The Church

Pulpit & Pen

Ergun Caner Remarries
by News Division · Published November 19, 2018 · Updated November 19, 2018


Ergun Caner is now remarried.
Ergun Caner first gained fame in the days immediately following September 11, 2001. The obscure and little-known pastor grew to stardom through his testimony of having been raised an Islamic extremist who found Christ. His testimony, which he recalled many times in audio and video messages – some of which are still preserved to this day – is that he was born in Turkey, raised in a Madrassa in Beruit and trained in terrorism, learned English watching television with Turkish subtitles, and barely knew English when he walked the aisle in a small Baptist church to receive Jesus.
In reality, Caner was born in Sweden and brought to the United States at the age of three, lived with a custodial parent who was not a Muslim but a hippy (his architect father, who was Islamic, did not raise him), English is his only language, and no one from his childhood or background could substantiate any of Caner’s claims. His brother, Emir Caner, also rose to prominence in a small and backwoods corner of Georgia, riding on the fabricated coattails of his brother, Ergun. Soon, Ergun became the Dean of Liberty University, the largest Christian university in the world, while his brother, Emir – complicit in his silence – became the president of Truett-McConnell College.

Caner’s house of lies began to crumble, however, when numerous bloggers began to notice inconsistencies in his testimony. Caner went on a rapid quest to delete videos and audio from the Internet that contained his lies. Many churches and organizations hosting his video or audio helped him facilitate the cover-up. Soon, Caner sued two bloggers who – through Freedom of Information Act Requests – posted a video of Caner’s false testimony to the United States Marines. He lost those lawsuits, and had to pay restitution and lawyer fees of the defendants.
Liberty University commissioned a group to look into the allegations – led by “Benedict Arnold” Tim Lee – who said that Caner was only guilty of “self-contradictory facts.” Caner was dismissed from his position as Dean, but retained as a professor. After another academic term, Caner announced he was moving to be president of Arlington Bible College, a very small fundamentalist Bible school. Not soon after, however, a rumor circulated that Caner was being considered for the position of president at a Southern Baptist School, Brewton-Parker College in his brother’s state of Georgia. Mark Lamprect of the blog, Here I Blog, wrote a blistering piece about why considering Caner for the position was a sacrilege. Lamprect was encouraged to remove his blog post by megachurch pastor, Johnny Hunt. Lamprect (who not long-after was invited to go golfing with Hunt) did so, claiming that this rumor was to be disavowed. In reality, Johnny Hunt was the one who was pressuring Brewton-Parker trustees to hire Caner all along, as his staff member confirmed to Pulpit & Pen in an email. Brewton-Parker trustees hired Caner, they claimed, “Not in spite of his critics, but because of his critics.”

Megachurch pastor, Johnny Hunt, continued to promote Caner during this time. After criticizing Hunt for inviting Caner to preach at his Woodstock Baptist Church, Hunt had Pulpit & Pen contributor, Seth Dunn (a member of his church) removed by security preemptively just in case Dunn spoke out the day of Caner’s attendance.
In what amounts to the most foolish move ever, Bucky Kennedy and Brewton-Parker trustees hired a man they knew had a deeply flawed character because they didn’t like his critics. Within a very short time, Caner had caused a racial walk-out at his college for mistreating African American students and using the N-word and for an extra-marital relationship that was demonstrated by “sexting” messages with at least one – possibly two – women. During his tenure at Brewton-Parker, Caner lived separately from his wife. In the divorce proceedings that would follow, both Caner and his wife would claim the other committed adultery. Peter Lumpkins, Caner’s VP of Communications, tried to conceal the real reason for Caner’s departure, omitting the (yet-to-be-revealed) sex controversies and likening Caner to the prophet, Elijah. Lumpkins, who left Brewton-Parker in shame with Ergun, was recently given a job by Emir Caner at Truett-McConnell.

Caner today reportedly receives disability payments and has engaged in a bitter custody dispute. He occasionally makes money preaching at church camps and small events.
Caner announced on Twitter over the weekend that he is now remarried (pictured above).


Walid Zafar  Contributor
Research Fellow, Media Matters Action Network
Ergun Caner, Ex-Muslim Evangelical Leader, Exposed As Fake
Ergun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive.
05/19/2010 03:10 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011

Walid Zafar  Contributor
Research Fellow, Media Matters Action Network
Ergun Caner, Ex-Muslim Evangelical Leader, Exposed As Fake
Ergun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive.
05/19/2010 03:10 pm ET Updated May 25, 2011

Ergun Caner is one of the most prominent figures in the evangelical movement. He is also one of the most deceptive.
A self-professed Muslim convert to Christianity, Caner plays an important, and arguably dangerous, role in the community. After the 9/11 attacks, when many Americans were searching for answers, Caner stepped up with enthusiasm to present himself as an expert on Islam. He used his own “personal history” (much of it since demonstrated as bogus) to confirm his audience’s deeply-held suspicions about the faith that many of them blamed for the attacks.
Today, as president of the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and a professor of apologetics, he exhibits tremendous influence in shaping the next generation of evangelical leaders.
A burly man with a charming smile, Caner is an eloquent speaker and an even better storyteller. He blends the Gospel with humor. He’s a big fan of Glenn Beck and NASCAR. He speaks about love. He tweets. And, he is well-liked by his students. In the five years that he’s been at Liberty, the school’s enrollment has nearly tripled.
Caner is a protégé of Paige Patterson, the controversial and successful leader of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, who is perhaps best known for forcing the Southern Baptist Convention into the political right. Paterson spoke at the school’s commencement this year.
By the time he came to Liberty University, a Baptist school in Lynchburg, Virginia founded by the late Reverend Jerry Falwell, Caner had already become a prolific writer. He and his brother had written several books aimed at evangelical audiences. Many of the books recounted their paths to Christ. It’s hard not to be moved by the narrative — true or not.
Born in Turkey to a religious father, a muezzin (one who performs the call to prayer), Caner grew up detesting the United States and all it stood for. He learned bits and pieces about his future homeland from watching the Dukes of Hazzard. During his teenage years, his family immigrated to the United States. His father came here to spread the message of Islam and build mosques.
During his senior year in high school, his life changed. Caner found Christ. A friend, “a solitary Christian boy,” refused to take no for an answer and insisted that Caner learn about Christianity. He invited him to his tiny store-front church where Caner talked to the pastor, a man with a sixth grade education who questioned him about his firmly-held convictions. Caner was amazed to discover the true teachings of a faith he had been trained his whole life to hate. He accepted Christianity, as did his two brothers, Emir and Erdem.
When he told his father, he was disowned. It was, he writes, a difficult experience for young Ergun, who didn’t speak to his father for many years. In one of his books, he writes, “For the other 95 percent of the world’s population, conversion to Jesus Christ often means disowning, disinheritance, expulsion, arrest, and even death.” But he was resolute in his newfound faith and was willing to give it all up for eternal salvation. Caner and his younger brother Emir (president of Truett-McConnell College, a small Bible college in Cleveland, Georgia) became shining examples to evangelicals.

If a hardened and hidebound jihadist “trained to do that which was done on 11 September” could come around to accepting Christ, the logic went, it proved beyond doubt that the message of Christ was universal.
The main problem with Caner’s journey from Jihad to Jesus is that much of it is fiction, a complex lie made up to give his conversion more authenticity. He fabricated almost everything. For someone who allegedly fought jihad, Caner’s understanding of the very basic tenets of the faith he is a so-called expert in is rudimentary.
Caner does not know the difference between Islam’s article of faith and the first chapter of the Qur’an. He’s claimed that the lunar month of Ramadan lasts for 40 days. In his book, he writes that he performed all of the rakats (daily prayers). The actual word is salah. It’s not a difference most people would know, but he says he is an expert on Islam. Muslims, he once said, followed something he called the “tobaad.” He’s claimed to have debated Muslim scholars who’ve never heard of him. Court records from his parent’s divorce indicate that he was in Ohio when he was a young child, long before his alleged move from Turkey. On his books, his middle name is Mehmet (Muhammad in Turkish), yet it is listed as Michael on his concealed-weapons permit in Virginia. Before 9/11, he went by E. Michael Caner.
In one speech, Caner told a crowd that outside the mosque in Kabul there was a sign that read, “Do not teach the women to read and write.” The story may or may not be true, but Caner, to give authority to the tale, told the crowd what was written in the native tongue: “bahasha uwtara muwtara seeteeroh.” That’s neither Dari nor Arabic nor Urdu nor Turkish nor Pashtu. It is an entirely made up language.
To his audience, Caner’s tale of moving from darkness to light reaffirmed their convictions about the superiority of Christianity and the decadence of Islam. But the facts eventually caught up with Caner, thanks to a Muslim student in London who methodically went through his speeches and interviews, chronicling each and every one of his lies. Others quickly piled on, including some within the church.
Ironically, in 2005, Caner came to the defense of Florida-based preacher Jerry Vines who angered the Muslim community with his demonization of the Prophet Muhammad. A piece in the Florida Times-Union quoted Caner, who defended Vines by saying, “No one expected a Baptist preacher to actually research.”
That’s precisely why Caner’s duplicitous persona went unchallenged for so long. No one expected a preacher to so boldly fabricate his entire background. It was all a ruse, intended to play off the evangelical movement’s ignorance and fear of Islam.
For months, Liberty University refused to investigate Caner’s background. Now that local press and even the Associated Press have written about the controversy, the school has set up a committee to investigate the allegations. If they excuse his behavior, they risk tarnishing their credibility. If they punish him, they risk provoking the anger of the evangelical community.
An unrepentant Caner maintains his innocence, saying that he “never intentionally misled anyone.” He blames the campaign to discredit him on Calvinists and their Muslim interlocutors. At the same time, many of his duped followers are refusing to accept reality. They are taking their anger out on those who have exposed the fraud and not on the charlatan himself.
Religion Liberty University Christianity

Ergun Caner, Ex-Muslim Evangelical Leader, Exposed As Fake

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