NAMB Training Manual Might Be the Most Brazen Demonstration of Wokeness in the SBC Yet

Even though we all know the Southern Baptist Convention is woke, it seems like every day we see another example of just how pervasive this evil is in these churches. Over the years, we’ve uncovered garbage from SBC pastors like David Platt, Matt Chandler, and many others pushing various forms of critical theory and woke social justice tripe. But most of that simply demonstrates just how feeble-minded and non-thinking most pastors and church leaders who buy into this stuff really are.

However, in the document below, you would not believe the extent to which supposedly Bible-believing congregations are now funding what can only be described as a baptized brand of Marxism.

Over the last several years, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has increasingly embraced woke ideologies, despite many of its leaders continuing to stick their heads in the sand over this. This creeping influence is most brazenly evident in a training manual recently uncovered from the North American Mission Board’s “Send Philly” event in 2019. What’s particularly alarming is that these ideologies are being funded by the tithes and offerings of mostly unknowing churchgoers who are being deliberately lied to—dollars that should go towards spreading the gospel, not social theories.

The “Send Philly” curriculum typifies this new direction. Wrapped in the language of urban ministry and outreach, the content is steeped in concepts drawn straight from Critical Race Theory and social justice narratives. These are ideologies that are in direct conflict with  the Bible, focusing on societal structures and collective guilt rather than individual sin and redemption.

One of the central themes of this curriculum is an obsession with the “marginalized.” While  the Bible does call Christians to care for the oppressed and the needy, this manual shifts the focus toward a secular understanding of oppression. It categorizes individuals not by their spiritual needs or their common identity in Christ but by their socio-economic status, ethnicity, and other worldly metrics. The document dilutes the message of salvation and individual transformation to a message of social reform and systemic restructuring.

In one section, the material discusses “marginalized peoples” in the context of Matthew 25:31-46, twisting  Scripture to support a narrative that prioritizes social identity and earthly justice over spiritual regeneration and heavenly justice. It portrays Jesus not primarily as the Savior from sin but as a social reformer, which is a misrepresentation of His mission and the Gospel.

Worse, this manual ventures into areas like systemic racism, environmental oppression, and modern-day slavery—terms loaded with political connotations and underpinned by a worldview that sees “systemic sin” as the root of all societal evils. The curriculum advocates for a form of activism that aligns more closely with leftist political thought than with pastoral ministry or evangelism.

To see tithes being used for promoting such views is distressing as Christians should see their contributions not as just financial gifts but as offerings to God for the purpose of furthering His kingdom—not for advancing a secular agenda cloaked in Christian rhetoric. The misalignment between the financial stewardship of these resources and the theological direction being pursued raises serious questions about accountability and the future direction of the SBC.

Yet, this is where Southern Baptists continue to spend their hard-earned money. What is the return? Are we winning souls or simply appeasing the culture—the far left pagan culture? The infiltration of woke ideology into the SBC through training programs like “Send Philly” reveals a troubling trend. It’s not just about a theological mission drift but about a fundamental restructuring in how the church understands and carries out its mission.

Here are some pages from the manual:


Augustine’s Carnal Weaponization of Christianity

By James Sundquist

“Augustine is so wholly within me, that if I wished to write a confession of my
faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings.”
John Calvin
I can certainly understand the need to teach what Augustine taught, like you would teach
what Darwin taught and what Evolution teaches, and what Karl Marx taught regarding
Socialism, but you would do so to expose and mark them, not promote them. So I
would think that Conservative Christian and Baptist seminaries and Baptist Church
denominations would be the last people on earth to promote Augustine. So I can’t help
but ask if pastors and professors ever told their members and students the rest of the
story about Augustine, in obedience to the Apostle Paul that commanded us to “expose
the deeds of darkness,” not conceal them, as follows:

  1. The Roman Catholic Church considers him one the Four Ecumenical
    Doctors and Founding Fathers of Roman Catholicism
  2. Augustine himself stated that if it were not for CATHOLICISM he would
    not have found the Gospel. He was either a Founding Father, or Collaborator,
    and/or Co-Conspirator of these Doctrine of Demons and Seducing Spirits:
  3. Allegorical (Subjective) vs. Literal (Objective) meaning of Scripture,
    particularly Creation Week in Genesis. See my article:
    Does God Expect Man to be able to Tell Time
    Also exposes Dr. Hugh Ross who promotes Augustine
    “It not infrequently happens that something about the earth…may be known
    with the greatest certainty by reasoning or by experience, even by one who
    is not a Christian. It is too disgraceful and ruinous, though, and greatly to be
    avoided, that he [the non-Christian] should hear a Christian speaking so
    idiotically on these matters, and as if in accord with Christian writings,
    that he might say that he could scarcely keep from laughing when he saw
    how totally in error they are. In view of this and in keeping it in mind
    constantly while dealing with the book of Genesis, I have, insofar as I was
    able, explained in detail and set forth for consideration the meanings of

obscure passages, taking care not to affirm rashly some one meaning to the
prejudice of another and perhaps better explanation.” Augustine of Hippo
SOURCE: The Literal Interpretation of Genesis 1:19–20, Chapt. 19 [AD
4 Defied the warning of the Apostle Peter with his private interpretation of
Scripture and subjective eisegesis: “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of
the scripture is of any private interpretation.” 2 Peter 1:20.

  1. Purgatory and Works Salvation and Sanctification, which is the Doctrine of
    Non-Justification by Faith Alone, and thereby defying Christ’s own word on the
    Cross by teaching “It is Unfinished” (but rather finished in this life and the life to
    come). Augustine could have prevented Indulgences from ever gaining traction in
    Roman Catholicism by renouncing Purgatory as a myth, so that there would never
    have been a place to spring saints from. The Apostles Paul and Peter renounced
    myths and fables, Augustine promoted them. We would all be well to take Paul
    and Peter’s advice. But what happens is a host of pastors would even say they
    oppose Augustine, yet continue to promote myriads of his teachings. The Bible
    calls this “double-minded…unstable in all their ways.” James 1:8. In modern
    vernacular we call this “waffling.” They might even agree with this list of reasons
    why Augustine was not a saint, but then claim he was “saved” (how could he be
    saved by becoming a Roman Catholic), “a good theologian” and “we are
    Augustinian?” See this article:
    Can a Roman Catholic be Saved?:
    One Baptist pastor who taught at Baptist Seminary who said these very words also
    insisted on diminishing the Old Testament, with particular contempt for the Book
    of Numbers and Leviticus. Yet this same pastor pushes tithing from the pulpit and
    weekly cites Malachi 10:3 regarding tithing. But these books clearly spell out why
    tithing can’t be a Christian Doctrine. Had he properly taught these Books of the
    Bible, the church members would be properly equipped. Also see:
    Blasphemy of Purgatory
    Augustine perverted Doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement:
    “Does this mean then that his Son was already so reconciled to us that he
    was even prepared to die for us, while the Father was still so angry with us
    that unless the Son died for us he would not be reconciled to us?… Would

the Father have not spared his own Son but handed him over for us, if he
had not already been reconciled? … I observe that the Father loved us not
merely before the Son died for us, but before he founded the world…”
Augustine, xiii [of De Trinitate]
And even if one were to fully concede that Augustine published a statement that
was clear that he believed that Christ died to appease his Father’s wrath, etc.,
because he also believed in Purgatory, as did C.S. Lewis, this would nullify PSA,
because it would no longer be “it is finished” because we have to finish it in
Purgatory, at least those who couldn’t first make it to Heaven, according to this
nefarious teaching. At least C. S. Lewis was consistent re Penal Substitutionary
Atonement, because the insufficiency of the Blood of Christ in this life and the
life to come (Purgatory), so that the balance of our sentence would have to be
paid by us. Many Protestants and Evangelicals were led to convert to Roman
Catholicism because of C.S. Lewis and his writings. See these links for evidence:
Catholic Sources:
C. S. Lewis and Catholic Converts
My Path to Rome
to- rome.html

Evangelical Sources:
C. S. Lewis and Evangelicals in the Church Today p.php and
The Chronicles of Narnia Wholesome Entertainment or Gateway to Paganism

I personally knew someone who attributed their conversion from being an
Evangelical to Roman Catholicism in great part to C. S. Lewis.

  1. Millennialism, Amillennialism, and Dominionism
    Augustine taught that there is no literal thousand year period reign of Christ on the
    earth when he returns, contrary to Scripture. He was originally Premillennial but
    retracted this view as being “carnal.” In fact, Augustine systematized
    Millennialism in the 4

See Leonard Verduin’s books exposing Augustine, the Father of Dominionism:
The Anatomy of a Hybrid The Reformers and Their Stepchildren
I searched for months to find books opposing Augustine’s teachings and
couldn’t find any authors except defenders of him. So I want to thank and honor
with a special thanks to Sarah Leslie, researcher and Director of:
h ttp:// for leading me to this
source. I am so glad someone in the last hundred years told the whole truth about

  1. Apostolic Succession…if this is true, then signs and wonders couldn’t end or
    cease. This would nullify or make the Reformation impossible, Apostolic
    Succession is alone the domain and teaching of Roman Catholicism! As anyone
    who is canonized as a saint in Roman Catholicism must have performed two
    miracles. It takes one miracle to be beatified. But Baptists and many Conservative
    Christians believe sign gifts ended with the Apostles. So then why are there so
    many Baptists Augustinians??
  2. Replacement Theology (aka Supersessonism) In keeping with his allegorical
    systematized theology, Israel is now the Church, therefore, the Promised Land
    does not go to the Jews in his view. Michael Youssef exalts Augustine’s City of
    God as being the Church, as to a host of those embracing Replacement Theology.
    No the City of God is Jerusalem! You can’t restore what never existed! The
    Church never existed until Pentecost and once launched it will never be destroyed
    to have to be restored! The Church was never exiled by God in judgment, will not
    be brought back from captivity, as Ezekiel made crystal clear! If Augustine’s City
    of God is the Church, I would hate to think what the City of Satan is! If you reject
    the literal City of God then you have to reject the Resurrection as Eric Douma
    made clear in one of his 10 Megaton Sermon:
    The Attempt to Destroy Israel Part 1
    What just struck upon hearing Andy Wood’s sermon on Identity of Michael and
    who is the Restrainer was that if Michael is defending Israel (which he is) but If
    Israel is now the Church which Alan Kurschner, Amillennialists, Post
    Millennialists and 80+ percent of all Christian denominations believe that Israel is
    replaced by the Church then by logical deduction, then Michael is defending and
    protecting the Church throughout the Church age and in many realms up to 3/4 of
    the Tribulation.
  3. Coercive Torture and Terrorism
    Augustine weaponized Christianity and systematized and institutionalized
    torture in the Name of Jesus. His Convert-or-die Christianity paved the way for
    the Inquisition, persecution and martyrdom of the tens of millions of true saints,
    massacring the Parable of the Wheat and Tares in Matthew Chapter 13. Had
    Augustine taken the opposite stance, i.e., the biblical stance, there may not have
    been the roots planted that eventually led to the Crusaders rounding up Jews, herding
    them into synagogues, locking the doors, and burning them to the ground, and what
    the Conquistadors did in Central and South America in the 16th Century. If I were
    the Donatists, I would feel safer with Freddy Kruger, the legendary horror movie
    villain, than Augustine. But Freddy Kruger was an imaginary figure…the horrors
    toward saints at the hands of Augustine were real…a pastor from Hell….totally
    disqualified as an elder or minister of righteousness. In fact, he never met the
    biblical qualifications to be an elder in the first place. The Apostle Paul persecuted
    Christians too, but that was BEFORE he was a Christian. In his own right,
    Augustine was a terrorist, torturer, and persecutor of Christians, and planted the
    seeds and fertilizer for the infrastructure for millions of martyrs, laying the ground
    work for and supplying the blueprints to John Calvin a thousand years later and
    the Holocaust four hundred years after that. True Christians should run for their
    lives from Augustinians, certainly not make one of them their pastor. With pastors
    like this, who needs enemies? And how ironic, that Augustine taught that “wrong
    have no rights.” Therefore, since his teachings are chalked full of wrong heresies,
    he is indicted by his own testimony. He believed that coercion using “great
    violence” was biblically justified against fellow Christians…all in the name of
    love. And where in Augustine’s Confessions do you find a single confession and
    repentance for inciting and systematizing the torture of Christian saints? So
    torturing saints in Purgatory who don’t make it to Heaven, without Purgatory, is
    not enough for Augustine, he taught torturing while they were still on earth too?
    And what could top what the Catholic Church Crusades did for torture and
    Antisemitism then rounding up the Jews in Israel, herding them into synagogues,
    locking the doors, then burning them to the ground, mirrored by and forming the
    foundation, the blueprints, and justification for the Holocaust! However, I should
    clarify that Roman Catholicism believes that even you have to go to Purgatory,
    everyone that goes there would still eventually make it to Heaven. This means
    that eventually it would be empty, though it might take millions of years. But
    where is the accounting ledger in Augustine’s book of all the restitution he made
    to all of the saints he tortured and published that they should be tortured? John
    the Baptist taught the necessity of making restitution to those who were
    defrauded, and Zacchaeus even proposed increasing the amount of restitution to
    victims to four times the amount he defrauded them. So were Augustine here
    today would he make restitution to all his victims suffering from Post-Traumatic

Stress Disorder from what he did to them? Where is the “God of ALL comfort”
that Paul taught for them? How about restitution for all of the false teachings he
promulgated? To say nothing about what all of the tithing money went for to
promote a false religion.
Augustine claims to find his doctrine and justification for harassing, stalking, and
persecuting Christians from Scripture. Augustine turned the healthy tissue of
church discipline given to us in Scripture into a metastasized form of
Spiritual Melanoma Cancer. So where did the Apostle Paul ONCE
persecute, torture, believers or unbelievers in the New Testament? Where did
he once prescribe retaliation or use violence against even the Judaizers and
Pharisees, even though he was repeatedly beaten, flogged, tortured, and
imprisoned by them? The Apostle Paul ultimately twice eternally cursed and
damned them for Eternity, but did not physically abuse them in any way in
this life. But did that only once!
The death penalty was decreed for any one who practiced re-baptism…It is a fact
recognized by many recent historians, that the persecution of the Anabaptists
surpassed in severity the persecution of the early Christians by pagan Rome
(“Mennonites in Europe,” by John Horsch, p. 300). They were burned alive and
turned over to wild animals to be devoured, and in some case given a third
baptism of drowning.
Augustine In Defense of Torturing Heretics: From Conversion to Coercion
Here is a video depicting Roman Catholic Torture Techniques against heretics,
originally inspired by Augustine (incredible):
Roman Catholic Satanic Torture Methods!
I am utterly astonished at the number of even Conservative Christian
Denominations, pastors, professors, authors, seminaries and Christian colleges
who exalt Augustine virtually to the Stratosphere as a theologian and pastor of
pastors, particularly in America. Augustine’s persecution of Christians paved the
way and established the infrastructure for torture which was perfected by Loyola
in the Inquisition…victims ultimately in the tens of millions. King James in
England took the mantle and baton from Augustine and Loyola for the Anglican
Church, resulting in the fleeing of Puritans and Pilgrims and an avalanche of other
Christian refugees in England and the rest of Europe. And Calvin took his baton to
Geneva, Switzerland. American was founded on fleeing from terrorists that had
merged Church and State. In fact, the United States Constitution and the Bill of
Rights was created to prevent Augustine’s antithesis of Freedom of Religion. The
Bill of Rights was created to prevent Augustinian types, with a path for redress

should any control freak ever attempt or succeed in taking anyone’s freedom of
religion away or infringe these rights. And the Second Amendment with the
Right to Bear Arms was added, so that if necessary, and an Augustinian type of
terrorist comes to your house or city would be stopped in their tracks. Furthermore
Immigration Policy is designed to ban entry into the U.S., to anyone like
Augustine who promoted and terrorized Christians that did not meet his definition
of Christian or heretic:
Here are just two of the 18 restrictions which would bar Augustine even from
entry into the United States at least historically before Covid and the Border Crisis
in which up to millions of unvetted terrorists are freely allowed to cross the
“have a physical or mental disorder that makes you harmful to others” and
“have committed or been convicted of a crime of ‘moral turpitude’”
List of Reason/Ground of Inadmissibility for Entering the United States

How about inside of the United States? Augustine would be guilty of torturing by
these statutes:
Bill of Rights
It is debated as to whether or not torture as a punishment falls under the cruel and
unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment to the United States
Constitution. The text of the Amendment states that:
“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and
unusual punishments inflicted.” The U.S. Supreme Court has held since at least
the 1890s that punishments which involved torture are forbidden under the Eighth
Amendment.[4] 18 U.S.C. § 2340[edit]

An act of torture committed outside the United States by a U.S. national or a non-
U.S. national who is present in the United States is punishable under 18 U.S.C. §

  1. The definition of torture used is as follows:
    As used in this chapter—“torture” means an act committed by a person acting
    under the color of law specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental
    pain or suffering (other than pain or suffering incidental to lawful sanctions) upon
    another person within his custody or physical control; “severe mental pain or
    suffering” means the prolonged mental harm caused by or resulting from—the
    intentional infliction or threatened infliction of severe physical pain or suffering;
    the administration or application, or threatened administration or application, of
    mind-altering substances or other procedures calculated to disrupt profoundly the

senses or the personality; the threat of imminent death; or the threat that another
person will imminently be subjected to death, severe physical pain or suffering, or
the administration or application of mind-altering substances or other procedures
calculated to disrupt profoundly the senses or personality; and
(3) “United States” means the several states of the United States, the District of
Columbia, and the commonwealths, territories, and possessions of the United
And if somehow Augustine had managed to sneak into the country as an illegal
alien, and started up the same Godfather tactics he practiced in North Africa, he
would have been rounded up and rightfully deported or tried for a host of crimes.
Fortunately, now they have stalking laws to use against 21
Century stalkers like
Augustine, and kidnapping. In fact, kidnapping would be a federal felony crime.
Tragically these laws are exponentially no longer being enforced. So if Augustine
were to attempt seizing someone today in the U.S., he could, or at least should be
deported, or in some cases, if death resulted in the person being tortured, it would
be Augustine himself receiving capital punishment. Were Augustine alive today,
tragically, this would be the perfect time for him to sneak across our Southern
Border. Yet pastor after pastor remains gobsmacked and delirious in their
delusion over Augustine. Augustine shouldn’t be able to even gain legitimate
entry into the United States, couldn’t become a member of a Conservative Baptist
Church, and could not become a pastor. Yet Pastor after pastor, denomination
after denomination can’t control themselves from exalting him and no doubt
couldn’t wait to install him as their pastor or head of their church denomination.
John Calvin too, took the mantle of persecuting Christians in Switzerland, from
Augustine, who were running for their lives. So thorough was Calvin’s total
submersion and baptism into Augustine, he said that his whole theology could be
found in the words of Augustine. Augustine designed the original torture of
Christians by the Catholic Church, Loyola refined it. I thought we got rid of the
Divine Right of Kings, once and for all, only to be replaced by the Divine Right of
Pastors, who want to put us back under bondage? Augustine is indisputably the
global Grand Architect, and Founding Father of Christians torturing Christians…a
gangster. Anyone in law enforcement or the FBI profiling this person, not
knowing who he was, would see a psychopath and sociopath control freak hungry
for power who could not contain himself from abusing his perceived enemies of
the church…real or imagined…until they find out it was Augustine…then
mystically he becomes a sacred cow with diplomatic immunity…and in the
church, anyone speaking ill of him is the one with the problem.

The Shepherding Movement pales in comparison, yet no doubt has its roots in
Augustine. If anyone does not believe my report, I invite you to do your own
Google search for Augustine’s own words, published in his writings and books.
Had pastors and authors on Augustine done this, they would discover they had
deceived their own sheep, in this generation, and actually preached from the pulpit
what Augustine really taught before the Internet, for sixteen hundred years,
perhaps the Great Falling Away could have at least been minimized. But now, as
the Apostle Paul would say, they are without excuse!
And in case you think control-freak Christianity is extinct in either Roman
Catholicism or Protestants, see these stories in Germany, where hundreds of
thousands of both Catholics and Protestants are either terminating their church
membership, or are leaving the country, as recent at 2015 because the national
government taxes all members:
“The German church tax — which is 8 to 9 percent of the annual income tax —
is so steep, however, that many people formally quit the church to avoid paying,
while nevertheless remaining active in their faith.”
10 Facts about German Church Tax
10 Facts about German Church Tax | myGermanExpert Blog /

Taxpayers, whether Roman Catholic, Protestant or members of other tax-
collecting communities, pay an amount equal to between 8% (in Bavaria and

Baden-Württemberg) and 9% (in the rest of the country) of their income tax to the
church or other community to which they belong.
Compulsory Income Tax on Christians Drives Germans Away From Protestant
and Catholic Churches


England does the same thing.

  1. Just War Antisemitism Theology led to Crusades justification for and
    Global Conspiracy to Steal the Land of Israel [the title of my documentary]
    for the Catholic Church. His vitriol toward all Jews can be captured in this quote:
    “As “Witness People”, he sanctified collective punishment for the Jewish
    deicide and enslavement of Jews to Catholics: “Not by bodily death, shall
    the ungodly race of carnal Jews perish … ‘Scatter them abroad, take away
    their strength. And bring them down O Lord.’” Also see:
  2. Leaven of Herod defying warning of Christ; merging Church and State as
    well as the warning of the Apostle Paul to let punishment for church matters and
    heresy stay within the church, unless crimes have been committed, then turn that
    over to the State.
  3. Priests as Mediators between God and Man defying the Apostle Paul who
    wrote there is only One Mediator, Christ Jesus.
  4. City of God is the Church and not Jerusalem
  5. Infant Salvation Baptism and calling anyone who rejected it “infidels” and
    “cursed.” Augustine effectively called these Christians “accursed” is what the
    Apostle Paul did to the Judaizers in Galatians, so that they would have NO hope
    of salvation, eternally damning them. Augustine’s doctrine on infant baptism was
    eventually codified in the Roman Catholic Council of Trent, which
    anathematized anyone who did not hold these views on baptism. Want proof?
    Here is the Catholic Doctrine:
    CANON I.-If any one saith, that the baptism of John had the same force as
    the baptism of Christ; let him be anathema.
    CANON II.-If any one saith, that true and natural water is not of necessity
    for baptism, and, on that account, wrests, to some sort of metaphor, those
    words of our Lord Jesus Christ; Unless a man be born again of water and
    the Holy Ghost; let him be anathema.
    CANON III.-If any one saith, that in the Roman church, which is the
    mother and mistress of all churches, there is not the true doctrine
    concerning the sacrament of baptism; let him be anathema.
    CANON IV.-If any one saith, that the baptism which is even given by
    heretics in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,
    with the intention of doing what the Church doth, is not true baptism; let
    him be anathema.
    CANON V.-If any one saith, that baptism is free, that is, not necessary unto
    salvation; let him be anathema.
    CANON VI.-If any one saith, that one who has been baptized cannot, even
    if he would, lose grace, let him sin ever so much, unless he will not believe;
    let him be anathema.

CANON VII.-If any one saith, that the baptized are, by baptism itself,
made debtors but to faith alone, and not to the observance of the whole law
of Christ; let him be anathema.
CANON VIII.-If any one saith, that the baptized are freed from all the
precepts, whether written or transmitted, of holy Church, in such wise that
they are not bound to observe them, unless they have chosen of their own
accord to submit themselves thereunto; let him be anathema.
CANON IX.-If any one saith, that the resemblance of the baptism which
they have received is so to be recalled unto men, as that they are to
understand, that all vows made after baptism are void, in virtue of the
promise already made in that baptism; as if, by those vows, they both
derogated from that faith which they have professed, and from that baptism
itself; let him be anathema.
CANON X.-If any one saith, that by the sole remembrance and the faith of
the baptism which has been received, all sins committed after baptism are
either remitted, or made venial; let him be anathema.
CANON XI.-If any one saith, that baptism, which was true and rightly
conferred, is to be repeated, for him who has denied the faith of Christ
amongst Infidels, when he is converted unto penitence; let him be
CANON XII.-If any one saith, that no one is to be baptized save at that
age at which Christ was baptized, or in the very article of death; let him
be anathema.
CANON XIII.-If any one saith, that little children, for that they have not
actual faith, are not, after having received baptism, to be reckoned amongst
the faithful; and that, for this cause, they are to be re-baptized when they
have attained to year of discretion; or, that it is better that the baptism of
such be omitted, than that, while not believing by their own act, they should
be baptized in the faith alone of the Church; let him be anathema.
CANON XIV.-If any one saith, that those who have been thus baptized
when children, are, when they have grown up, to be asked whether they will
ratify what their sponsors promised in their names when they were
baptized; and that, in case they answer that they will not, they are to be left
to their own will; and are not to be compelled meanwhile to a Christian life
by any other penalty, save that they be excluded from the participation of
the Eucharist, and of the other sacraments, until they repent; let him be

Even Vatican II was just as ruthless, which was supposed to be kinder and gentler:
“If anyone says that in the Roman Church, which is the mother and mistress
of all churches, there is not the true doctrine concerning the sacrament
of baptism, let him be anathema.” (ibid., p. 53 — Seventh Session,
Sacrament Of Baptism, Canon 3)
So when was this doctrine ever rescinded? Answer: NEVER! One more urgent
point regarding Eucharist, Augustine believed it is the literal body and blood of
Christ [Real Presence], and Catholic children can not take Eucharist until and
unless they were first baptized, usually as an infant, and took Confirmation. But
these vows requires that they are confirming what the Catholic Church says Infant
Baptism accomplishes which is to remove Original and Saves them. But to do this
means they are confirming two false teachings. This makes both the priest and the
partaker of this Sacrament guilty of this Scripture passage warning of the Apostle
“Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord,
unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord.” “For he that
eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself,
not discerning the Lord’s body.” I Corinthians 11: 27,29

  1. Monasticism…marriage only value is to produce celibate offspring, defying
    Scripture and paving way for pedophilia abuse and homosexuality among priests
  2. Neoplatonist (you can become perfect and happy in this life) and
  3. Mysticism and Gnosticism
    Augustine was not just a mystic, but is considered the Father of Mysticism in the
    both Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Church, which he acquired from
    the Desert Fathers in North Africa. He paved the way for Contemplative Prayer
    that invaded even Conservative Christian Denominations.
    Augustine = Contemplative Meditation = Altered State of Consciousness =
    Spiritual LSD without $ cost in this life = antithesis of Biblical Meditation, but
    Eternal Cost in the next life!
    Augustine got it all rolling in the Catholic Church, but now the plague has spilled
    into Reformation Denominations…read the fruit of this in the 21

More proof, see Bob DeWaay’s:
Richard Foster—Celebration of Deception
(This article does not name Augustine, but is about Richard Foster. However,
Richard Foster says this about Augustine):
“Confessions of St. Augustine” Recommended by Richard Foster as one of
the best of the “experiential classics in Christian literature.”

  1. Transubstantiation (Catholic Doctrine that teaches the Body and Blood of
    Christ becomes literal) historically known as the Eucharist but given this
    additional title in the Roman Catholic Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215.
  2. Necromancy: Praying to the dead and to Mary and Mary never sinned
    Necromancy is a magic art, i.e., sorcery. Revelation states clearly that those
    practice magic arts “will find their place in the Lake of Fire.” Rev. 21:8, and
    reconfirmed in Rev 22:15. So if Augustine was truly a saint, and “saved” then
    how does he find himself in the Lake of Fire by practicing and stumbling
    multitudes to do the same? Augustine was so mixed up he call Mary the spouse
    of God:
    Augustine wrongly calls Mary, ALONE, the Spouse of God. The Church is
    the Spouse, or more technically the Bride to be, she is presently betrothed to
    Christ who is the Groom. She becomes the Bride (therefore the Wife) at the
    Wedding Supper of the Lamb, when Christ returns in Glory for his Bride.
    Now Mary, though highly favored among women, is less than one-billionth of
    the Bride to be, because she is a Christian. But all born-again Christians
    make up the Bride.
    “Mary was the only one who merited to be called the Mother as Spouse of
    God.” Augustine of Hippo
    SOURCE: Augustine, Sermons 208; quoted by St. Alphonsus de Liguori in The
    Glories of Mary (New York: Redemptorist, 1931)
    But it is the Church that is the Bride of Christ the Groom, who is God. Mary was
    only a fraction of one percent of the Bride. Also a spouse must be married. The
    Church is presently betrothed to the Lord (engaged), but not married yet. That
    can’t happen until the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, when Christ returns in Glory.
    Furthermore, how could Mary be the Mother of God? Mary needed a Redeemer.
    Can someone in need of a redeemer be the Mother of God? And how can you be
    simultaneously Wife and Mother of God? Now imagine that if Mary is the Mother
    of God, wouldn’t all Christians (the Church) then be collectively the Mother of
    God, using Augustine’s logic…since after all, the Mother of God and the Spouse

(Wife) are one and the same? Mary doesn’t become the Spouse of God until all we
as Christians simultaneously become His Spouse with Mary, at the Wedding
Supper of the Lamb! Yet the legend of Augustine lives on without his deeds of
darkness and false teachings being exposed, marked, and named, as the Apostle
Paul commanded of all true Christians. The fact of this statement of Augustine,
alone, renders him Reprobate. Some might say he is apostate. But apostate means
to fall away from something that was originally a true religion or seed. But as
Christ said a thorn bush cannot produce figs. Matthew 23, though initially written
to call Judaism a worthless religion, it is mirrored in Catholicism. Catholicism,
just like Judaism in the First Century are thorn bush religions worthless (Christ
and the Apostle Paul’s words, not mine). Though I will say that Roman
Catholicism has also fallen away even further into the Abyss since Augustine.

  1. Praying for the dead
  2. Jews have the Mark of Cain
  3. Nephilim were descendants of Cain
  4. Christians must Tithe at minimum. This is extortion and defies the Council
    of Jerusalem’s ruling for minimum requirements of Gentile Christians, and the
    Apostle Paul’s own instructions that all giving must NOT be out of compulsion.
    See Dr. Russell Kelly’s film documentary entitled:
    Tithing is not a Christian Doctrine:
  5. Added to God’s word importing Apocrypha to Canon
  6. Exalted Traditions of men over Traditions of Christ and His Apostles in
    Scripture as Final Authority in defiance of the Apostle Paul and John in
  7. Augustine, again Calvin’s foundation was virulently Antisemitic:
    “Not by bodily death, shall the ungodly race of carnal Jews
    perish … ‘Scatter them abroad, take away their strength. And bring them
    down O Lord.'” “Judaism, since Christ, is a corruption; indeed, Judas is the
    image of the Jewish people: their understanding of Scripture is carnal; they
    bear the guilt for the death of the Savior, for through their fathers they have
    killed Christ.”
  8. And again mirroring Augustine, both were intensely misogynistic against
    “I don’t see what sort of help woman was created to provide man with,
    if one excludes procreation. If woman is not given to man for help in
    bearing children, for what help could she be? To till the earth together?
    If help were needed for that, man would have been a better help for
    man. The same goes for comfort in solitude. How much more pleasure
    is it for life and conversation when two friends live together then when
    a man and a woman co-habitate?”
    “. . . woman was who perhaps still lives more in accordance with the
    promptings of the inferior flesh than by superior reason. Is this why the
    apostle Paul does not attribute the image of God to her?given to man,
    woman who was of small intelligence and”
    “. . . the woman together with her own husband is the image of God, so
    that that whole substance may be one image; but when she is referred
    separately to her quality of help-meet, which regards the woman
    herself alone, then she is not the image of God; but as regards the
    man alone, he is the image of God as fully and completely as when the
    woman too is joined with him in one.”
    “Watch out that she does not twist and turn you for the worse. What
    difference does it make whether it is in a wife or in a mother, provided
    we nonetheless avoid Eve in any woman? “What is the difference
    whether it is in a wife or a mother, it is still Eve the temptress that
    we must beware of in any woman.”

So would you send your wife or daughter to this man for counseling, let alone lay
hands on him to become an elder of your church? God forbid! And will you warn
everyone? In another bizarre irony. Nuns and Nunneries go back at least to the
Fourth Century. Augustine came along two centuries later. So how in the world
could he justify Catholic Nuns, if all they are good for is to produce offspring? And
yet to this day there are Augustinian Nuns and Nunneries named after him!

  1. And finally, Augustine was a Predeterminist, drawing from pagan religions
    that the gods automatically pre-destined your Eternal Destination.

ERLC Head Lobbies Congress for Unconstitutional Bill That Makes it Illegal to Quote Scripture, “We Are in Full Support…”

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) is the liberal wing of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) that is dragging the denomination through the mud. They represent the denominations’ viewpoints to America, and now they want to make it Unconstitutional to quote scripture. The previous President Russell Moore and the current President Brent Leatherwood are mentioned on this blog site and both have led the ERLC to support LGBTQ+ causes. Now Brent Leatherwood and the ERLC want to suppress the quotation of scripture. Surreal. This is one of the plethora of reasons that our church and 3 million Southern Baptists have left the SBC. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

ERLC Head Lobbies Congress for Unconstitutional Bill That Makes it Illegal to Quote Scripture, “We Are in Full Support…”

by Publisher | May 3, 2024 | NewsPoliticsReligionSocial-IssuesThe ChurchUSVideoWorld

We need your support. As big tech continues its crackdown on conservative blogs, our days on these platforms are numbered. Go Ad-Free plus get Exclusive Member-Only content by subscribing to us on Substack!

Yesterday we reported that the U.S. House passed a bill that would challenge the freedom to express certain  biblical truths regarding the Jews and their historical actions. The bill, known as the “Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023” (H.R. 6090), proposes to adopt a definition of antisemitism that potentially categorizes traditional  biblical teachings as discriminatory.

Here’s the pertinent text of the bill and the working definition:

Specifically, texts such as 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15, where the Apostle Paul, himself a Jew, states that the Jews “killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets,” would be illegal. This biblical fact is not rooted in antisemitism but reflects a historical biblical account, which acknowledges that the Jews were responsible for handing Jesus over to the authorities to carry out his crucifixion.

This portrayal is consistent with John 1, which describes Jesus as coming to his own people who did not accept him. If the Senate passes this bill and it is signed into law, articulating such  biblical views would technically be illegal under new guidelines meant to combat supposed “antisemitism.”

And here, we have Brent Leatherwood, the head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) lobbying on behalf of Southern Baptists for the passage of this bill. It’s actually rather surreal to watch on of the most influential Southern Baptist leaders in history promote such a thing.

Later today in Congress, the Anti -Semitism Awareness Act is expected to pass the U .S. House. We’re in full support of this legislation and we urge the U .S. Senate to take it up not a place where harassment and intimidation and evil will persist.

And so we stand with our friends from Israel. We stand with Jewish citizens here in America. And we want to make sure that we are constantly being a voice for the vulnerable in these types of situations.

Of course, we believe that Israel has a “right to exist,” but we also have the freedom in the United States to say what we want, no matter how offensive it may be to others. It’s called the First Amendment. We literally have a Southern Baptist leader lobbying for anti-First Amendment legislation that would make quoting  Scripture under certain circumstances illegal.

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False Teacher of the Day: Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn is truly appropriately named. He is indeed a con / Cahn man. A revealer of Old Testament mysteries that only he knows. One of the many signs of a false prophet. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><


It is appropriate that we continue to warn Christians about the dangerous teachings of Jonathan Cahn, who positions himself as a modern-day prophet and decoder of biblical mysteries. Despite numerous bold predictions about economic collapses and national disasters, Cahn has yet to provide a prophecy that has come true, demonstrating the falsehood of his claims.

Cahn predicted that the Shemitah year of 2015 would bring a significant financial “great shaking,” which did not occur. His books, filled with supposed “harbingers” and ominous forecasts following events like 9/11, have also failed to materialize any true prophetic insight. His frequent appearances on Jim Bakker’s show, known for doomsday predictions and survival product sales, further underscore the baselessness of his prophetic claims.

Adding to the evidence of his false teachings, Cahn’s prophetic claims have even reached the ranks of New York Times Best-Sellers, widely disseminating his dubious predictions. Up until the very last minute of the most recent Shemitah cycle, Cahn maintained that a global “shaking” was imminent. This prediction, like his others, proved false when the Shemitah ended without incident, demonstrating his lack of credibility and revealing his prophecies as nothing more than sensationalism.

Fans of Cahn might argue that he is not a prophet but merely an “interpreter” of  biblical prophecy. However, Cahn has taken non-prophetic scriptures and misapplied them to current events, claiming divine insights that simply do not hold up under scrutiny.

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In his book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Revealed, Cahn suggests that he alone possesses the knowledge to unlock ancient secrets supposedly pointing to modern figures and events, including insinuations that Donald Trump is mentioned in  the Bible.

His book pitch includes:

“Could an ancient prophecy and a mysterious ordinance given in a Middle Eastern desert over 3,000 years ago be determining the events of our day?”

  • Could some of the most famous people of modern history and current events be secretly linked to this mystery—even a modern president of the United States?
  • Could this ancient revelation pinpoint the events of our times down to the year, month and day of their occurring?
  • Could a mysterious phenomenon be manifesting on the world stage on an exact timetable determined from ancient times?
  • Could these manifestations have altered—and now be altering—the course of world events?

 The Bible is clear about false prophets: “when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him” (Deuteronomy 18:22). Jonathan Cahn’s consistent inaccuracies and sensationalism are not just errors; they are indicative of a deeper disregard for the true prophetic spirit of the Scriptures.

In defending his failed prophecies, Cahn has even issued legal threats against critics, such as a laughable cease and desist letter, showcasing his unwillingness to face legitimate scrutiny and claiming that he is being falsely accused of being a false prophet. His actions contradict the humble and open-hearted approach that characterizes genuine  biblical leadership.

Jonathan Cahn’s teachings, particularly his flawed interpretations and failed prophecies, should serve as a red flag for anyone considering listening to him. They reflect a broader issue within certain circles of Christianity that elevates sensationalism over sound doctrine. Christians are urged to rely on the full counsel of God’s Word, rather than the speculative and sensational interpretations offered by false teachers like Cahn.

Jonathan Cahn has demonstrated a consistent pattern of misleading his audience with predictions that fail to materialize, coupled with a defensive posture against criticism. It is vital for believers to remain vigilant and discerning, grounding themselves in Scripture and rejecting those who distort its truths for personal gain or sensationalism.

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IHOPKC Winding Down, Coming to a Close, According to Leaked Recording of IHOP University President

Watch This Ridiculous Tank Stunt At Men’s Conference Where Mark Driscoll Got Kicked Off Stage

Matt Chandler’s Acts 29 Network Requires Members to Agree Not to Criticize the Organization

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Former President, Jimmy Carter, Soon to Hear Dreaded Words from Jesus, “Depart From Me…”

Like the author of this article, Jeff Maples, I too have reservations about Jimmy Carter’s faith. Jimmy despised Adrian Rogers and others who boldly and unequivocally stood on the Word of God without apology. He appears to be a liberal Baptist, twisting the Truth to his own liking. Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | May 15, 2024 | AbortionApostasyLGBTQ IssuesNewsPoliticsReligionSocial-IssuesThe ChurchUS

According to reports, former President Jimmy Carter is approaching the end of his life, as shared by his grandson Jason Carter at the 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum. Jason provided an update on the 99-year-old former president, who has been in hospice care for nearly a year and a half, stating, “He really is, I think, coming to the end that, as I’ve said before, there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end, and I think he has been there in that space.”

As Carter spends his final days in his home in Plains, Georgia, his legacy and the implications of his lifelong advocacies come under renewed scrutiny.

Carter, who has often portrayed himself as a devout Christian, even a Southern Baptist Sunday School teacher at one time, has promoted policies and taken horrific views on key issues that could only be described as completely godless. While Carter has frequently invoked his faith in his public life, his unrelenting support for the LGBTQ movement and abortion, along with every other godless left-wing ideology under the sun, reveals a troubling state of his soul that should leave him in fear of the coming judgment.

Carter’s promotion of sexual immorality in our culture is one of the most glaring examples of his hatred of God. Despite the clear teachings of  Scripture regarding marriage and sexuality, Carter has championed the LGBTQ movement. In a 2015 interview with HuffPost Live, Carter asserted that Jesus would approve of same-sex marriage.

Even more grievously, Carter’s relentless advocacy for the death penalty for unborn children to be carried out on them for the crimes and sins of their parents demonstrates his hatred of the giver of life. As early as 1977, during his presidency, Carter supported federal funding for abortions in cases of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. Over the years, he has maintained a position that allows for unfettered access to abortion, especially under various circumstances. By supporting abortion, Carter endorses a practice that ends innocent human lives, flagrantly violating the sanctity of life as ordained by God.

Carter’s advocacy for these positions has significantly impacted public policy and the broader cultural landscape. His support for LGBTQ rights and abortion has contributed to the normalization and legal recognition of these practices, having profound implications for religious freedom and the ability of Christians to live out their faith in the public square. As these issues become more entrenched in society, those who hold to  biblical principles face increasing pressure to conform to secular values.

Carter’s positions highlight a broader trend among those who claim the Christian faith yet embrace secular ideologies that conflict with  Scripture. This trend reflects a growing tendency to prioritize cultural relevance over  biblical fidelity, leading to a compromised witness in the public sphere. Carter’s example serves as a grave warning of the dangers of allowing personal or cultural preferences to supersede the authority of God’s Word.

In Matthew 7:21-23, Jesus delivers a stern warning: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” Carter’s advocacy for godless ambitions such as LGBTQ rights and abortion aligns him with those who profess faith but deny its power and authority in their lives.

As Jimmy Carter nears the end of his earthly journey, we lament that he will soon likely hear these chilling words from our Lord. A truly saved person, being sanctified, cannot continue in abject rebellion against his Creator.  Scripture affirms that those who endure to the end will be saved (Matthew 24:13). Carter’s legacy serves as a somber reminder of the need for unwavering commitment to  biblical truth and the perils of compromising with secular ideologies.

In these critical times, believers must remain steadfast in their commitment to God’s Word, upholding the sanctity of marriage and the value of human life. We must trust in the authority of  Scripture and reject any cultural trends that seek to undermine the foundations of our faith. Let us pray for true repentance and enduring faith, standing firm in the truth until the end.

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How Did a Southern Baptist Leader Become America’s Top Lobbyist for Corrupt Policies in a Third World Nation

The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission’s (ERLC) Brent Leatherwood’s journey to the center of Southern Baptist policymaking reads not so much as a pilgrimage of faith but rather a trek through the thickets of political activism, where the compass often points left under the guise of “Christian justice.”

Leatherwood’s form of activism, which is a form of “third way-ism,” disguised as “conservatism,” suggests an attempt to straddle the divide between traditional conservatism and progressive ideologies.

Leatherwood’s political trajectory can be traced back to his tenure as the executive director of the Tennessee Republican Party, where his political savvy was honed not on the battlegrounds of polarizing rhetoric but within the more nuanced realms of policy and influence. His ascendancy within the ERLC began under the leadership of far-left political activist and Democrat staffer, Russell Moore, and was essentially a culmination of a career steeped in political strategy and engagement with civic issues.

Yet, it is precisely this background that should lead us to scrutinize the true north of his compass: Does his background point toward a synthesis of justice and Christian ethics, or is he merely using his Southern Baptist platform to advance an ideological agenda out of step with the majority of Southern Baptists.

The crux of the matter is whether Leatherwood’s political activism and policy inclinations harmonize with the chorus of voices within the denomination or is he, and the organization he works for, a rogue entity with no accountability.

In the aftermath of the tragic shooting at the hands of a “transgender” assailant at the Covenant Day School in Nashville—a school that his children also attend—Leatherwood’s response was to wield this moment of vulnerability as a fulcrum for gun control advocacy. It quickly became clear that this wasn’t a measured step toward school safety, it was an exploitation of grief for policy change.

In a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and all members of the legislature, Leatherwood presents an appeal from both his personal experience and on behalf of the majority Southern Baptist sentiment, according to The Tennessean. He urged lawmakers to ensure that no school in Tennessee ever has to endure the same nightmare as the Covenant School tragedy again.

Leatherwood told the lawmakers that Southern Baptists make up one-fifth of the population of Tennessee and have repeatedly called for ways to reduce gun violence, a seemingly veiled threat by the former leader of the TN Republican Party that he may use his power of leadership over Southern Baptists to sway the vote. “Other voices are saying there is too little time left in this legislative session to consider such a proposal. Little credence should be given to that,” he said in the letter, according to the Tennessean.

Leatherwood’s advocacy doesn’t pause at the nation’s internal strife but extends its hand across its borders. Here in the United States, he has consistently used his SBC platform to lobby for lax immigration policies, an approach unquestionably at odds with the concerns many Southern Baptists have about national security and the rule of law. His open borders and amnesty activism further accentuate the schism between his political advocacy and the sentiments of a significant portion of Southern Baptists he claims to represent.

The dichotomy between his domestic and international policy stances is unmistakable. While Leatherwood speaks for, so he says, Southern Baptists, a body whose majority disagrees with him, he stands on the backs of conservative Americans to push policies that are anti-American while lobbying Congress to defend a corrupt nation halfway around the planet.

Let’s break this down a bit. Brent Leatherwood, speaking on behalf of over 13 million Southern Baptists, asks lawmakers to implement harsh and ineffective gun control policies in the United States which would only benefit criminals while also asking Congress to force the American taxpayer to send unlimited guns and weapons to Ukraine—who knows whose hands that will end up in.

Same with border control. As millions of invaders cross the American Southern border, Leatherwood lobbies for amnesty as he pushes Congress to defend the Ukrainian border at the expense of the American worker.

The greater question here is not only are Leatherwood’s political views unbiblical and progressive but what is the role of the denomination in public policy making? Should someone in such an influential religious position use his platform to push political policies—particularly, really bad political policies?

I’m not sure, but I’m inclined to believe that the Church has a duty to speak  biblical truth to the conscience of the nation, including to lawmakers, that would influence policies that are God-honoring. But the alignment—or misalignment—of Leatherwood’s progressive political activism with the conservative political and Christian views of most Southern Baptists brings to light these questions. Where is the accountability?

ERLC’s Brent Leatherwood Confronted by Media For His Suppression of the Trans Shooter’s Motive at Christian School

Another of the myriad of reasons that our church left the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Leader after leader are afraid to boldly stand on the Word and confront the apostasy of our times. Brent Leatherwood is all about job security, and as far as truth, the Word, and scripture, he has the backbone of a jellyfish. The video below, reveals Leatherwood to be a wolf in sheepskin. His demeanor is that of a secular CEO and does not represent the Christian faith in the least. He is concerned about his position and he is afraid of apostates, and cares not for the Lord’s truth. Personally, I could not stay with such a denomination and sleep soundly. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

…instead be deadly to Leatherwood’s and the ERLC’s cause. After the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto yesterday, Leatherwood held a press briefing with arguably one of the most disingenuous displays of passion I’ve ever seen—it was borderline sociopathic.

Earlier this week, Leatherwood was confronted by Steven Crowder and his team after a court hearing as Leatherwood continues to push for a court order to keep any information regarding the motivation of this attack from the public. Leatherwood, like the weasel that he is, refuses to answer any questions and acts just like any leftist politician who is more concerned about his career than he is about the truth.

On March 27, 2023, a mass shooting occurred at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, which resulted in multiple fatalities. The attack was carried out by a transgender leftist who had written a “manifesto” which has currently been withheld due to public records requests made by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department as well as the activism of Southern Baptist Convention ERLC head, Brent Leatherwood.

Brent Leatherwood, head of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public policy arm, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), is calling on TN lawmakers to back a proposal by Governor Bill Lee for an extreme risk protective order law, also known as red flag laws. The proposal would allow the state to temporarily restrict gun purchases if the state deems one to be a danger to themselves or others, yet the criteria that would be used to make the determination remains unclear.

Brent Leatherwood, who is also a parent of three children at Covenant School where the shooting by a deranged transgender assailant took place, shared his experience of receiving a call that a shooter was at the school. In a series of tweets on April 3, he recounted how the trauma and memories of the tragedy would be with his family for the rest of their lives.

“We’ve become numb to these tragedies as a society,” Leatherwood wrote on Twitter. “Defenseless, innocent lives being taken. We should never accept this as a reality. We need to commit ourselves to finding an answer to this epidemic and not rest until it is solved. Count me as a solution seeker on this.”

Unsurprisingly, Leatherwood has exploited this tragedy and used his platform as a Southern Baptist leader in order to advance stricter anti-Second Amendment gun control laws. In a letter addressed to Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Speaker Cameron Sexton, and all members of the legislature, Leatherwood presented an appeal from both his personal experience and on behalf of the majority Southern Baptist sentiment, according to The Tennessean. He urged lawmakers to ensure that no school in Tennessee ever has to endure the same nightmare as the Covenant School tragedy again.

Leatherwood told the lawmakers that Southern Baptists make up one-fifth of the population of Tennessee and have repeatedly called for ways to reduce gun violence, a seemingly veiled threat by the former leader of the TN Republican Party that he may use his power of leadership over Southern Baptists to sway the vote. “Other voices are saying there is too little time left in this legislative session to consider such a proposal. Little credence should be given to that,” he said in the letter, according to the Tennessean.

In a report at the Epoch Times, it has been further revealed that Leatherwood had not only been advocating for stricter gun laws, but he’s also been working overtime to censor the manifesto written by the deranged transgender activist who killed innocent people on that day. While one would think that a conservative, Bible-believing Christian leader in his right mind could only think of a deranged, transvestite killer as an “unhinged activist,” instead, Leatherwood refers to those who are calling for transparency as such.

The following is from the Epoch Times:

Brent and Meredith Leatherwood, parents of three children who were present that day, echo Kinney in saying their current anguish comes from “unhinged activists, unthinking partisans, conspiracy theorists, and various media outlets that value clicks over their community.”

The Leatherwoods said their family had also received “hints” of threats of legal action in order to intimidate them from trying to stop the release of the records. Leatherwood, through his position with the Southern Baptist Convention, has called on stricter gun laws following the shooting.

In November 2023, copies of the shooter’s manifesto were released by Steven Crowder and his media team. Leatherwood proceeded to attack the media and others who had been pushing for the release.

Leatherwood, along with a minority coalition of other parents in the school, had been seeking every possible way to stop the release of the shooter’s written manifesto to the public, and had been successful in preventing the release for several months.

From the release of the manifesto, the Nashville shooter was revealed, as suspected, to be racially motivated in her attack. In fact, the manifesto clearly demonstrated a motive that was built upon the ideologies of Critical Race Theory and anti-white sentiment. Leatherwood, knowing this, had claimed that the release of the manifesto and the motive for this person’s attack was not important and would “re-victimize” the parents and students at the school.

However, in the 2019 El Paso shooting, the ERLC believed that the motive for the attack was important. But that attack was motivated by “white supremacy,” a narrative they had been pushing as a dangerous and deadly ideology.

But since the motive for the Nashville shooting went against the narrative of “white supremacy,” it became clear that the release of the information wouldn’t be deadly to others, but would instead be deadly to Leatherwood’s and the ERLC’s cause. After the release of the Nashville shooter’s manifesto yesterday, Leatherwood held a press briefing with arguably one of the most disingenuous displays of passion I’ve ever seen—it was borderline sociopathic.

Earlier this week, Leatherwood was confronted by Steven Crowder and his team after a court hearing as Leatherwood continues to push for a court order to keep any information regarding the motivation of this attack from the public. Leatherwood, like the weasel that he is, refuses to answer any questions and acts just like any leftist politician who is more concerned about his career than he is about the truth.


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Why America Deserves to Fall, Part II


Why America Deserves to Fall, Part II

by Publisher | Apr 8, 2024 | OpinionReligionSocial-IssuesThe ChurchUS

We need your support. As big tech continues its crackdown on conservative blogs, our days on these platforms are numbered. Go Ad-Free plus get Exclusive Member-Only content by subscribing to us on Substack!

In a nation that once heralded the principles of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, a shadow has fallen, casting a long and dark silhouette over the moral landscape. At the heart of this darkness lies the tragedy of systematic child-murder, a scourge that has not only marred but fundamentally altered the character of America.

The blanket and collective endorsement and normalization of abortion in America are not mere policy failures—they are the stench of a rotting spiritual corpse, symptoms of a deadly spiritual poison, collectively ingested by a nation once alive with the zeal of a people who believe in God. It is a brazen affront to the Creator, an act of rebellion that screams into the heavens, demanding a response. And respond, God will—for He is just, and His justice will not sleep forever.

The Scripture is unequivocal in its affirmation of life’s sanctity, from conception to natural death. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you,” declares the Lord in Jeremiah 1:5. Yet, this divine pronouncement has been met with disdain, as millions of lives have been extinguished in the name of convenience and autonomy.

The blood of the innocent cries out from the ground, and we, as a nation, have covered our ears to the sound.

This is not merely a failing of the left or those who openly champion abortion “rights.” Nor can the blame be laid solely at the feet of progressive politicians like Stacey Abrams or Raphael Warnock, who, while vocally supportive of abortion, are but cogs in a much larger machine of moral decay.

The culpability extends to every corner of American society, from the halls of power to the pews of our churches, where silence and inaction have become the order of the day.

God’s character—His holiness, justice, and righteousness—demands a reckoning. He is a God of love and mercy, yes, but He is also a God of wrath, poised to judge those who lift their middle fingers to Him and His laws while breathing His air and desecrating His creation. America, once the land of hope and a light to the nations, is now a sewage dump where the world flushes its moral sewage and it festers to become what we call “progress.”

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America now stands on the brink of divine judgment, having traded its heritage for a mess of pottage.

Yet, abortion isn’t the root cause of our problems as a nation—it is a symptom of a deeper, spiritual malaise. It is a heart condition, pride, that afflicts the very souls of men. It is a reflection of a society that has turned its back on God, elevating human wisdom, comfort, and desire above divine decree. And in doing so, we have incited the wrath of the God who is sovereign over us, and it would be both right and just for Him to utterly destroy us, to hand us over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that perhaps some might be saved on the day of the Lord.

Yet, even in this, God’s mercy shines forth. For His judgments are not merely punitive. They are redemptive, designed to bring us to our knees in repentance, that we might turn from our wickedness and live. The call to repentance is urgent, pressing, and it is a call to each individual and to the nation as a whole. We must forsake our sinful ways and seek the face of God, acknowledging Him as Lord and King.

This is a matter of utmost seriousness, a spiritual battle that rages around us, demanding our full attention and engagement. The goal is not the salvation of America—America is dead. The goal is the glory of God and the salvation of souls. The church must rise, casting aside complacency and lukewarmness, to proclaim the truth of the Gospel.

We are not without hope, for we serve a mighty God, sovereign over all the earth. His purposes will stand, and His kingdom will come, on earth as it is in heaven. Yet we must gird ourselves for battle, armed with the full armor of God, that we might stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

America stands at a crossroads, and the path we choose will determine our fate. Will we continue down the road of rebellion and face the righteous wrath of God, or will we repent and return to the Lord, seeking His mercy and forgiveness? The choice is ours, and the time to decide is now.

But if we continue to spurn the Lord and shed innocent blood, we may well find that the God of justice has left us to our own devices, a nation abandoned to the consequences of its sin.

Southern Baptist Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Continues to Argue for Women Pastors

by Publisher | Jul 27, 2022

One of the highlights of the 2022 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting was when Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, one of the largest Southern Baptist congregations in history, was brought to the floor for a debate on disfellowshipping. Rick Warren made headlines last year when he ordained three women to the pastorate of his church—a direct violation of both Scripture and the Southern Baptist Convention’s official statement of faith.

Warren then attempted to justify his actions by pointing to Acts 2:17-18. This passage, which has nothing at all to do with the office or the function of a pastor or elder in a local church, Warren used to justify his church’s rebellion against God and his roles for women and men in the Church. By Warren’s logic, the use of this passage to justify women pastors would also justify little kids into the pastorate. It’s simply absurd.

Acts 2:17-18 NKJV

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy.’

Leave it to Rick Warren to interpret this passage to suggest ladies should be pastors, and leave it to the egalitarian Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) to abandon the Bible and for their Credentials Committee to ratify this apostasy. I believe the Southern Baptist Convention is every bit as apostate as the United Methodist Church, and I am exceedingly glad that our church unanimously left this heresy. Pastor Steve <><

But no fear, Adam Greenway is near. Adam Greenway, the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, has been on a mission since the annual meeting to undermine Scripture, defend Rick Warren, and argue in favor of women pastors.

Greenway, who says you must be a Marxist in order to be fully pro-life, who compares conservatives to 1965 segregationists, and spent most of the 2021-22 SBC fiscal year defending former Southern Baptist president and serial plagiarist, Ed Litton, has now gone head-over-heels twisting the meaning of Scripture and the creeds of the denomination to defend ordaining women to the pastorate.

As we wrote previously, after the SBC Credentials Committee, which is led by a woman, opted against recommending disfellowshipping Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church for ordaining women pastors, Greenway went out of his way to defend that decision.

He then went on to double down on that and take it even further by arguing that the Southern Baptist Convention’s statement of faith actually prohibits requiring member churches to adhere to the statement of faith. After a social media user suggested amending the SBC Constitution to require churches to adhere, he posted:

Over a month later, he’s still on Twitter trying to make his case for women pastors. Today, he published the following tweet pointing to a Lifeway “study guide” on the Southern Baptist Convention’s Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (BFM2K) arguing that the definition of “pastor” in the BFM2K is limited to the office of “senior pastor.”

First and foremost, one of the original authors of the BFM2K, Al Mohler, has already emphatically stated that Greenway’s interpretation is incorrect. You can watch that rebuke below if you haven’t already, but in short, he clearly states that ordaining women to the pastorate is a violation of the BFM2K.

That should be enough to put to rest the idea that the Southern Baptist Convention should be open to fellowshipping with churches that violate the Scriptures and rebel against biblical doctrine, but it isn’t. Greenway, and a growing number of vocal advocates for this kind of rebellion, are creating a movement and gaining ground.

These people don’t care about sound doctrine or even the souls of the people they are charged with guarding—they are man-pleasers and concern themselves with one thing: pleasing man in accordance with the whims of the pagan culture. Never mind that God has already defined what it means to be a pastor, the qualifications a pastor must meet, and the role of both men and women in the church.

The world demands we move into the 21st century, and men like Adam Greenway are hell-bent on carrying the Southern Baptist Convention into it—and Hell—in a handbasket. How much longer do we have to tolerate him before we recognize that he has no business training up pastors for the future generation of the Church?


SBC Seminary Head Says Southern Baptist Churches Should NOT Have to Affirm Our Statement of Faith

The Southern Baptist Convention is Useless and Deserves Nothing But Mockery

SBC Seminary Head Urges Churches, Christians Not to Divide Over Doctrine, Takes Swipe at “Fundamentalists”

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Another Conservative Church Departs the SBC Citing “Doctrinal Drift”

Our church left for the same reasons as Homer Reformed Baptist Church (article below). Doctrinal Drift, Compromising Scripture, Winking At Sodomy, Ordaining Women, Condoning Abortion, Wokeness, etc., etc., etc. The Southern Baptist Convention imploded during the tenures of the last three presidents; namely J. D. Greear, Ed Litton and Bart Barber. My only question is why would anyone desire to stay with the SBC? In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Reformation Charlotte

Conservative churches have been dropping from the Southern Baptist Convention in droves since J.D. Greear became president of the denomination a few years ago. But since Ed Litton was elected to the presidency last year, the mass exodus of faithful churches and pastors has drastically increased.

Last year, prominent anti-social justice pastor, Josh Buice, led his church out of the denomination over the failed leadership and the lack of accountability for our current president who has been embroiled in a plagiarism scandal of epic proportions spanning multiple years. But Ed Litton isn’t actually the problem; he’s only a symptom of the problem.

The problem with conservative churches leaving the denomination is the failed leadership; the refusal to address the underlying problems within the denomination that have brought us to this place, to begin with. The problem is that postmodernism has infected every institution in the Southern Baptist Convention in such a way that any public confrontation among leadership is largely seen as taboo. Therefore, we see little to no public accountability for the unrepentant sins of leadership by other leadership.

This is draining and taxing on those who desperately want to see real leadership.

Now, in the wake of new leadership in the Southern Baptist Convention, conservatives are feeling even more alienated than ever before. In the name of “unity,” there has been much disunity between those who stand on the Scriptures as the final authority for all things, and those who seek to build bridges with churches that ordain women to the pastorate and hold to various other anti-biblical doctrines.

Since Texas pastor, Bart Barber was elected to the presidency and Voddie Baucham was defeated by another moderate pastor for the Pastors’ Conference presidency, the Southern Baptist Convention has more of the same. It’s clear that denominational leadership is a brotherhood and that brotherhood must be maintained at all costs, even at the expense of sound doctrine.

And, again, good shepherds and laypeople are growing tired.

In the latest example of a good, solid, conservative church leaving the SBC, Homer, AK pastor, Nathaniel Jolly announced his church’s departure citing “doctrinal drift.”

“This past week our church met and decided that it was time to dissociate from the Southern Baptist Convention,” Jolly wrote in a letter published on Twitter. “Unfortunately, the writing is on the wall; the SBC has simply gone in a direction with which our church is unwilling to be associated, now or in the foreseeable future.”

In closing, he wrote “there are still faithful and godly men within the SBC. I do not wish to make my conscience a burden for them. However, the claim that there is no doctrinal drift in the SBC is not credible. The drift is unmistakable and the downgrade is steep. The 2022 convention has made it crystal clear to me that there is no way for our church to remain. I take no joy in what has happened to the SBC, I grieve over it.”

What else has become crystal clear is that God will not be mocked. He will separate the sheep from the goats. And while it is taking some churches longer to realize that the SBC has become more about its money business than about advancing the actual gospel, true bible-believing churches are departing and heading for the hills. And as more and more do, it will become more and more clear that the SBC is under the judgment of God.

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues… —Revelation 18:4

Linked below is the full text of Jolly’s letter.

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