Quotable Quotations ~ Ditz Incorporated Strikes Again

Elsewhere on this blogsite, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is rightfully given credit for the quote of the century. She famously stated that “We must pass Obamacare to see what is in it.” I am still laughing. But it is important to realize that her upside down convoluted mind never rests. Now the ditzy daft one has another zinger: “The Founding Fathers Have “Tears In Their Eyes” Over The Filibuster.” No, no Nancy. That is why the filibuster exists, in order to give a significant voice to the minority party in congress. The Founding Fathers came up with the filibuster in order to stop the economic insanity of Progressive Democrats. Their genius is one of the few bright spots in our contemporary politics. A.O.C., one of the so called “Squad,” learned recently that there are three branches in our government. The former barmaid came on the scene with zero knowledge about the mechanics of our government. Nervous Nancy too, seems lacking in U.S. Government 101, and these folks hold a majority. It is only the brilliance of our Founding Fathers who curtail the damage that liberal progressives are inflicting upon us. Blessings, Pastor Steve <><

Our unprecedented emergency?

This article below primarily represents conversation between Fox News host Tucker Carlson and self-identifying as a liberal feminist, Naomi Wolf, a Yale graduate, Rhodes Scholar, and former political advisor to Al Gore and Bill Clinton. (On most points of interest, Carlson and Wolf would have debate, but they are of one accord on this theme!) It reveals how the United States of America is rapidly progressing towards becoming a totalitarian state. Taking advantage of the pandemic, the Deep State, the media, and corporate America are trampling on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

Print allIn new windowOur unprecedented emergency? American Renewal Project  Self-identifying as a liberal feminist, Naomi Wolf is a Yale graduate, Rhodes Scholar, and former political advisor to Al Gore and Bill Clinton. She has ten books to her name and recently sounded the alarm at the growing power of “autocratic tyrants” who are placing sustainable freedom in jeopardy in America. LISTEN TO THE FOLLOWING EXCELLANT VIDEO:  video.foxnews.com/v/6234512327001#sp=show-clips “The terrible crisis that we’re in under the guise of a real medical pandemic,” Ms. Wolf told Tucker Carlson, “[is] really moving us into a coup situation, a police state. The state has now crushed businesses, kept us from gathering in free assembly to worship, as the First Amendment provides, is invading our bodies, … which is a violation of the Fourth Amendment, is restricting movement. … The violations go on and on and on. “Tens of thousands of small businesses have been crushed; why were they crushed? Not because the pandemic forced them to, there is no real science underlying a lot of these closures, it’s about autocratic tyrants at the state and national levels creating a kind of merger of corporate power and government power, which is really characteristic of Italian fascism from the ’20s. “They’re using that to engage in a kind of emergency orders that simply strip us of our rights: rights to property, rights to assembly, rights to worship, and all of the rights that our Constitution guarantees. “I know from history that [tyrannical decrees] always drag on and on and on. Every month I get an email that Governor Cuomo is extending emergency powers [and] emergency measures. “Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that all of this [freedom] can be suspended if there is a bad disease. We have lived through typhus, cholera, smallpox, HIV, tuberculosis, polio, the Spanish Flu, we’ve lived through an attack on our soil, never have there been months and months and months of emergency powers when we weren’t actually fighting a war. “This is completely unprecedented – lockdowns have never been done before in free societies – and we’re turning into a version of a totalitarian state before everyone’s eyes.” Here are some of the demoralizing examples of the hypocritical self-righteousness and sanctimonious underhandedness of political leaders who are supposed to lead by example: Nancy Pelosi’s “good-for-thee-but-not-for-me” duplicity of getting her hair done during the lockdown. Governor Newsom running up a $12K wine tab at The French Laundry, a three-star Michelin restaurant private room with lobbyists [all without the masks implemented by Newsom’s government edict]. California Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell’s intimacy with a Chinese spy while [still] serving on the U.S. House Intelligence Committee. Virginia Governor Northam’s black face and rumored claim to have violated his state’s stay-at-home order to travel to North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Bill Clinton’s rendezvous with Obama’s Attorney General Loretta Lynch on the tarmac in Phoenix. The shakedown of foreign enemies by the Clinton couple to fund the Clinton Presidential Library and Museum. President Obama’s own possible collusion in concealing and destroying evidence and exculpatory information to a FISA court. President Obama’s potential complicity in the infiltration of candidate Trump’s presidential campaign. And most recently media’s cover-up of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home COVID scandal. Whereas in the past any of the above would have brought riot, revolution or repentance, this is no longer the case, with the American electorate having turned into meek sheep. The Main Street Media’s subterfuge and false self-presentation as “fair and balanced” is wearing thin. With their thumbs on the scales of liberal bias in media, liberal partiality in elections, and collusion with the sway and lordliness of Big Tech and Silicon Valley – who feel no need to disguise their iron curtain censorship and enmity towards those with a different opinion or ideology – the MSM has become indistinguishable from the Soviet propaganda organs of Izvestia and Pravda. It happens right under everyone’s nose. Speaker Pelosi, Governor Newsom, Governor Northam, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former President Bill Clinton, and snooping on presidential candidate Trump’s campaign, all get a free pass, while both spurious impeachment attempts of former President Trump are supported.  Allum Bokhari, the senior technology correspondent for Breitbart News, lays it all out: “Today, Big Tech doesn’t just mean control over online information. It means control over news. It means control over commerce. It means control over politics. And how are the corporate tech giants using their control? Judging by the three biggest moves they have made – the censoring of the New York Post in October when it published its blockbuster stories on Biden family corruption, the censorship and eventual banning from the Web of President Trump, and the coordinated takedown of the upstart social media site Parler – it is obvious that Big Tech’s priority today is to support the political Left and the Washington establishment. “Without any oversight or checks and balances, we will never have another free and fair election. [Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Amazon] don’t just want to control information or even voting behavior – they want to manipulate people’s worldview.1 Harold J. Berman [1918-2007], the American legal scholar once described as “one of the great polymaths of American legal education,” made it equally clear: “Law has to be believed in, or it will not work. It involves not only man’s reason and will, but his emotions, his intuitions and commitments, and his faith. “The very concept of the ongoingness of law, of its organic growth over generations and centuries, is itself a religious concept rooted in Judaism and Christianity. Moreover, in Western history since the 11th century the ongoing legal tradition has been interrupted periodically by great revolutions, each of which has attacked the preexisting system of law in the name of a religious or quasi-religious vision [read secularism] and each of which has eventually created new legal institutions based on that vision.”2“Great revolution” is the term used by Pat Buchanan in his prophetic 2007 bestseller, Day of Reckoning. “The real revolution of the last half-century began in the 1960s and drove wedges through society that endure today. This revolution involved the repudiation of America’s past as racist, sexist, imperialist, and genocidal in its treatment of women, Indians, Africans, and all peoples of color. “This revolution involved the rejection and overthrow of traditional Christian morality and Christianity itself as bigoted and repressive, and the conversion of the young to a sensuality, self-indulgence, and promiscuity condemned by all Christian faiths. “This revolution involved the overturning of all laws rooted in Christian doctrine regarding divorce, homosexuality, abortion, and the purge of all Christian symbols, books, and practices from public schools. This revolution was about de-Christianizing and secularizing America.”3All this have been achieved through the removal of prayer to Jehovah God from public education in 1962 [Engel v. Vitale]; the removal of the Bible – after 300 years of America’s meteoric rise – from public schools in 1963 [Abington School District v. Schempp]; the removal of the Ten Commandments from public schools, courthouses, and government buildings in 1980 [Stone v. Graham]; the extermination of unborn babies in 1973 [Roe v. Wade]; the exaltation and normalization of homosexual intercourse and legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015 [Obergefell v. Hodges]; the expansion of homosexual and transgender rights in 2020 [Bostock v. Clayton County]; and the passing of the Equality Act by the House Democratic leadership on February 25, 2021.It all shows a nation morally adrift. When spiritual understanding in the culture is lacking, when America’s political class and leadership fails to acknowledge the inherent merits of a Biblically based culture, when Democrat and Republican leadership is littered with cultural Marxists and serial adulterers, when judicial decisions are based on “hunches” instead of truth, we will have no trouble understanding why God has paused His blessings on a once Christian nation. Sin and suffering are inevitable companions. What should be done?1. Reestablishing prayer in America’s churches.2. Returning of American Christendom to Jesus’ Kingdom assignment in Matthew 16:18: His ekklesia located in the public square3. Pastors, ministry leaders or congregants of every church in America going for or holding a local elected office. Yet thanks be to God, there is a little cloud about “the size of a man’s hand rising from the sea” [1 Kings 18:44]. Gideons and Rehabs are beginning to stand. David Lane American Renewal Project1. imprimis.hillsdale.edu/control-need-rein-big-tech/2. Harold J. Berman, The Interaction of Law and Religion3. Pat Buchanan, Day of Reckoning: How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed Are Tearing America Apart. St. Martin’s Press, New York, 2007.

Pray For Revival In America!

On The Path To Socialism – Stimulus Payments May Not Be Able To Be Turned Off

Breaking News Updates – January 20, 2021

Prior to this pandemic, the U.S. government had never sent out “universal basic income” checks in the entire history of our country. The current stimulus payments may pacify the socialist mobs for a few months, but eventually they will be back demanding even more.

We crossed a line that should have never been crossed when we sent “stimulus payments” directly to the American people during the very early stages of the COVID pandemic.  
Even many Republicans that supported the measure acknowledged that what they were doing was pure socialism, but they defended the payments by insisting that we were in the middle of a major national emergency.  
At the time, I warned that once the government started issuing such checks, the American people would always keep demanding more.  
When it was announced that the latest round of “stimulus payments” would only be $600 per person, angry activists vandalized Nancy Pelosi’s house.  Of course they got Mitch McConnell’s house too.  In both cases, the vandals made it exceedingly clear that they wanted more government money.
Sadly, it wasn’t just a handful of activists that went ballistic.  Literally millions of enraged Americans posted angry messages on social media that expressed how “insulting” the $600 figure was.
But prior to this pandemic, the U.S. government had never sent out “universal basic income” checks in the entire history of our country.
So you would think that most people should be grateful for an extra $600, but instead there was a tremendous amount of rage.
President Trump wanted the payments raised to $2000 and many Democrats did as well.  But Republicans still had control of the Senate, and Mitch McConnell initially blocked that effort.
But now Democrats will shortly have control of the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, and one of the first things they plan to do is to deliver $2,000 checks to the American people…
Even while $600 stimulus checks are being deposited in tens of millions of bank accounts, congressional Democrats are laying the groundwork for even greater stimulus payments, which some call “survival checks.” As Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) recently said, “One of the first things that I want to do when our new senators are seated is deliver the $2,000 checks to the American families.” 
With Democrats preparing to take power in Washington, a critical question will be whether such survival checks will be one-time payments or recur each month “for the duration of the pandemic,” as Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) and others have suggested.
That may pacify the socialist mobs for a month or two, but eventually they will be back for even more payments.
As the voices get angrier and angrier, do you think that anyone in Washington will be willing to stand up and say no?
The incoming Vice-President, Kamala Harris, previously proposed giving out monthly $2,000 checks for the duration of this pandemic…
Recurring monthly $2,000 checks would mirror the payments proposed in the “Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act” that Vice President-elect Kamala Harris (D-CA) introduced in the Senate in May 2020.
If you are married with three kids, you would have gotten $10,000 every month under her plan.
Considering where we are as a society today, I think that most Americans would have been very eager to sign up for that.
Of course the price tag for such a plan would be nightmarish.  It would have been approximately $600 billion every month, and that would mean that it would add more than 7 trillion dollars to our national debt over the course of an entire year.
But since we are liquidating the Republic anyway, who really cares?
Harris insisted that her plan would end once the crisis was over.
Other politicians, however, are ready to start giving citizens “universal basic income” checks on a permanent basis starting right now.  For example, Andrew Yang is making this the signature promise of his campaign as he runs for mayor of New York City…
Former 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has officially started his run to succeed Bill de Blasio as Mayor of New York City with a call for a universal basic income for half-a-million of the city’s poorest residents.
Yang insists that by giving everyone free money every month he can “eradicate poverty” in NYC…
“We can eradicate extreme poverty in New York City,” Yang said. “If you put just a little money in their hands it can actually be what keeps them in their home and, again, avoids them hitting city services that are incredibly expensive.”
That sounds good, but who is he going to tax in order to pay for it?
After all, hundreds of thousands of wealthy people already left the city during 2020.
The truth is that it is a pipe dream, but that pipe dream is going to win him a whole lot of votes.
Benjamin Franklin once made the following statement…
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
Sadly, we have now reached that point.
And this comes at a time when tens of millions of Americans are in desperate need because the real economy continues to implode all around us.
For example, we just learned that Christopher & Banks has gone belly up…
Apparel retailer Christopher & Banks, which caters to women over 40, is the latest clothing chain to file for bankruptcy protection amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The Minneapolis-based company announced Thursday it filed for Chapter 11 in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of New Jersey. Christopher & Banks said in a news release it “expects to close a significant portion, if not all, of its brick-and-mortar stores.”
Thousands of businesses have been dying every month.  As I discussed the other day, the U.S. has lost more than 110,000 restaurants alone.
And to make sure that most of the businesses that have died can never possibly make a comeback, Joe Biden wants to institute “a national minimum wage of $15 an hour”.
Promising people more money is a great way to win elections, but at the end of the day someone always has to pay.
As the U.S. economy continues to come apart at the seams, finding sources of tax revenue will become increasingly difficult.
Perhaps the big tech companies can step up and offer to dramatically enlarge their contributions to the U.S. Treasury.
After all, they were quite instrumental in giving control of the federal government to the Democrats, and so you would think they should be quite willing to help pay for their promises.
Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog – reposted with permission.

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Margaret Thatcher
Margaret Thatcher > Quotes > Quotable Quote
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

― Margaret Thatcher

As Philadelphia Burns, Biden Promotes Transgender Bathrooms

The inmates are running the asylum under the “leadership” of Joe Biden. Pastor Steve <><

News Image
Breaking News Updates – October 31, 2020


Philadelphia is burning, 14 more officers were injured, and what is Joe Biden talking about? Transgender bathrooms. 
With absolute tone-deafness, the former vice president spent Wednesday afternoon talking to Pennsylvania reporters about his extreme LGBT priorities instead of the chaos breaking out on city streets. 
His “day one” agenda — which would end religious freedom as we know it — has been a bizarre fixation for the Democratic candidate, but beware: it’s a sincere one.
The man who outed Barack Obama on same-sex marriage in 2012 has been a true loyalist in the cause, insisting eight years ago (when most Democrats wouldn’t touch the issue) that transgenderism is the “civil rights issue of our time.” 
Unlike his other moves to the far-Left, this radical insistence that we ignore science, biological norms, empower children to mutilate their bodies, and force schools, businesses, and churches to bow at the Left’s alter of transgenderism is real. 
And Biden himself has made it quite clear: it will be the cornerstone of his administration.
There is “no room for compromise,” he warned, on “transgender rights.” That means there’s no room for compromise when it comes to abolishing girls’ sports, forcing employers to pay the sky-high bills for hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery, destroying Christian schools, Catholic hospitals, and nonprofit charities from food banks to homeless shelters. 

We’re talking about a piece of legislation, the Equality Act, that hunts down and punishes the same evangelicals whose vote he claims to want! One that also ends girls’ and boys’ bathrooms, Christian counseling, privacy laws, conscience protections, medical ethics, and parents’ rights. 
If you can imagine a man in every girls’ shower and a drag queen in every library, that’s Joe Biden’s priority. “This is our soul, da**it,” he has said. “This is who we have to be…”
“I will just flat-out change the law,” Biden told a mom with a transgender-identifying third grader. A man who would encourage the sterilization and surgical maiming of a young, impressionable child is no moderate. He is promoting a level of LGBT fanatism that rivals anyone in U.S. politics. As Abigail Shrier pointed out in this powerful interview, he’s even putting himself at odds with progressive parents.
And don’t buy the line that he respects your opinion to the contrary. When Joe Biden stood on stage in the second presidential debate and insisted that he would be an “American president” who represents “all of you,” just remember what he said about conservatives in 2018. 
The same man who sanctimoniously said he didn’t see “blue states and red states” but “the United States” made his disgust of anyone who disagrees with his fringe agenda crystal clear. They’re “virulent people,” he said with contempt, “the dregs of society.” 
Does that sound like a man who will bring “decency” and “civility” to the country?
This is not the Joe Biden you thought you knew in the U.S. Senate. In fact, the Wall Street Journal is so concerned about the dangerous agenda lurking behind the former vice president that the editors decided to spell out the gory details for anyone foolish enough to believe the lie that he’ll govern from the middle.
“The former Vice President is running as a reassuring moderate, a man of good character who can reunite the country and crush Covid-19 after the disruptive Trump Presidency. Yet he also is running on the most Left-wing policy program in decades. 
Voters have little idea about these policies because Mr. Biden mentions them only in the most vague, general terms. The press barely reports them. Americans may think they’re voting for Joe’s persona, but they will get the platform of Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders…”
A rude awakening awaits anyone who believe the cheerful lie that Joe will govern from the middle. 
On issues as fundamental as basic biology, the middle is a place he’s never visited — nor will he, with Kamala Harris by his side.  For the truth about the transgender agenda and how it affects kids, make sure you watch and share Abigail Shrier’s segment on the topic.

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A.F. Branco Cartoon – Swamp Thing

A.F. BRANCO on October 30, 2020 at 7:45 am

Swamp Corruption

The Mainstream Media and Big Tech continue to blackout the Biden corruption story out of fear it’ll hurt Joe in the election. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.


Tony Bobulinski was a business associate with Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden knew of their business dealings directly, yet all of the press and media minus Fox News, refuse to cover it as the election approaches. The Democratic Party and 99% of the media are aligned in an unconstitutional and nefarious fashion. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has had Hunter Biden’s laptop for over a year and just sits on it. Ever since James Comey was their director, the leadership of the FBI has been an ally of the Democratic Party. This is not good for our nation. Listen to Nancy Pelosi stonewall a reporter below. Pastor Steve <><

Watch crazy Nancy Pelosi flip out when challenged about Hunter and Joe Biden’s shenanigans.

Reflections On The Eve Of The 2020 Election…

Ever since 2008, we have repetitively heard the phrase “This is the most important election ever.” It rings true every four years. Joe Biden is a Trojan Horse who will bring Marxism, Socialism and Communism with him in his toolbox if nominated as president. He attempts to portray himself as a middle American, desiring to unite blue and red. Baloney. His running mate Kamala Harris is the most radical Democrat in office and that is saying a lot. And then there is “The Squad,” Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and a host of others who will tank America if/when Biden is elected. Biden is simply a shoehorn to get their foot in the door. President Donald Trump believes that if their power is complete, we will never get our nation back again. Who and what will they enable? Open borders for illegal immigrants, radical Islam throughout the government, LGBTQ, government schooling only with no other choice, sanctuary cities for criminals, anarchists will continue to be encouraged to destroy businesses and cities and topple statues and our history, taxes will increase, Israel will lose our support, transgender restrooms, we will lose our religious freedom and the right to bear arms, and the list goes on and on and on. In other words, our nation will become everything our Founding Fathers were against. Biden desires to pack the Supreme Court to make it liberal again, add liberal states such as Puerto Rico and Washington D.C., and destroy the Electoral College. Power will be taken away from the people and placed in the hands of oligarchs. In other words, Joe Biden would pick up right where Barack Obama left off. The Democratic Party has been hijacked by radicals, they do not retain the values of our Founding Fathers, and desire to plunge us into socialism, anarchy, and the New World Order.

As Donald Trump campaigns, ANYONE who is truly born from above can see God’s Hand upon him. Just recovering from a bout with Coronavirus, he is in the midst of barnstorming our nation through rallies, leading in three to six rallies a day with a minimum attendance of 25,000 people. No 74 year old man has the right to have this kind of energy. Newsmen all say they have never seen the likes of this before. The unprecedented chant “We love Trump,” is spoken at every rally. Although we know that ultimately, Jesus Christ is the only hope for fallen man; right now politically speaking, President Donald Trump is currently the only hope for Americans to retain their freedoms and our form of government. Perhaps he is God’s tool for such a time as this. He has increased jobs and instituted deregulations on businesses, reduced taxes and given tax cuts to the middle class, our nation’s third quarter was the greatest quarter in American history, he has guarded our borders, built up our military, and supports our veterans and law enforcement personnel. He is the law and order president. Once again, our enemies respect our president and our nation. He stopped immigration from China at the outset of the pandemic, he stands up for our religious freedoms, and has called home countless troops home from war, and has not started further wars during his tenure in office. He has moved Israel’s capitol to Jerusalem and initiated peace treaties with Israel and their former enemies. For this he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Unlike most of his predecessors during our lifetime, (with the possible exception of Harry S. Truman) he has kept all of his promises!

Regardless of the outcome of this election, continue to pray without ceasing for our nation, and do not stop on November 4th!

Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

Pray For Revival In America!

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Leading From Behind

A.F. BRANCO on October 21, 2020 at 7:45 am

Following the Science

If Biden is elected he’ll be leading from behind by following the science right over the cliff with the U.S. Economy. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

Pelosi Holding COVID Relief Hostage

Pelosi is holding back COVID relief in fear if it pasted it might give Trump a win before the election. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

Which view of coronavirus is right?


Which view of coronavirus is right?

‌ ‌It is hard to know to which of the various views on the coronavirus we should listen.

To paraphrase A.W. Tozer, what God is saying to His Church at any given period depends altogether upon her moral and spiritual condition, and upon the spiritual need of the hour. What we need are those in America with the ability to appraise the religious landscape as viewed from God’s position and to tell us what is actually going on.1

Up to now President Trump’s most compelling reason for reelection to a large segment of Americans was a bustling economy, but not so to Evangelicals, because the president has honored his campaign promises from 2016:

Defend religious liberty.
Stand for the unborn.
Defund Planned Parenthood. [Blocked by House.]
Build a Wall on Southern Border.
Appoint conservative jurists to the Supreme Court and federal appeals courts.
Reinstate the Mexico City Policy [i.e. block U.S. federal funding of abortion].
Rescind the Johnson Amendment [alias the pastor muzzle act].
Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the American Embassy to the Holy City.

Like the queen being captured in a chess match, the advantage of a bustling economy has been removed from the table by the devastating effects of the coronavirus on the U.S. economy. As a result, Trump’s reelection this fall is no longer a given.

Some independent voices currently are questioning the authority of “city, state and federal politicians shutting down the economy, presumably for our own good. Or at least what they presume to be our own good.”

“Government spending is just another word for private sector spending orchestrated by politicians. All wealth is created in the private sector only for government to politicize spending of this private sector wealth creation to the tune of $4 to $5 trillion per year. The growth once again already happened, hence the ability of Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell et al to spend.”2

A.W. Pink identifies the cunning Gibeonite deception in Joshua 9 as a perfect example of “the dual character in which Satan opposes the people of God and the methods he employs therein – as the roaring lion seeking to devour, as the subtle serpent using deceit. Both Scriptural and ecclesiastical history demonstrate that the latter is far more dangerous and successful than the former. When open persecution fails either to exterminate or intimidate the faithful, Satan resorts to his secret wiles, which only too often corrupt their testimony. Nor is the reason for this hard to discover. Not only is the former method much more easily detected, but fierce opposition casts believers upon the Lord for enabling strength and fortitude, and thus proves a blessing in disguise to them, whereas they are very apt to be less on their guard against Satan’s sly artifices, and if pride persuades them that they are too well established in the Truth to be misled by error or taken in by hypocrites, they more easily fall victims of his snares.”3

The Obama years seemingly represented the roaring lion seeking to devour: inciting racial hatred, allowing Ferguson to burn, letting IRS bureaucrat Lois Lerner target conservative Christian groups, with her then pleading the Fifth Amendment before a congressional committee. Though never indicted, she was just the warmup act.

Add in Obama’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s shakedown of Corporate America for the shady Clinton Foundation, AG Eric Holder’s lawlessness, and what comes into view is a two-tiered justice system. Unevenly applied law has a name; it is called corruption.

Christians have entered the devious perplexity of the serpent cycle, beginning toward the end of the Obama Administration, or there about. Russian collusion, impeachment and Ukraine, and now a worldwide pandemic of panic. All need to be observed and differentiated through the lens of Biblical discernment.

For what’s happening in America is spiritual. To spell it out once again: two distinct religions are vying for control of the public square, eternal and immutable Christianity versus transient and mutable Secularism. These two distinct religions cannot coexist as one will ultimately end in the destruction of the other.

Praise His name that we have an Ally, our war is His war, and we can rely on Him.

Gideons and Rahabs are beginning to stand in America, lending evidence that there is to be a spiritual resurrection of America.

David Lane
American Renewal Project

1. A.W. Tozer, The Size of the Soul.
2. John Tamny, Dear Conservatives, If You Bail Out Everyone You Bail Out No One; article in RealClearMarkets, March 18, 2020.
3. A.W. Pink, Gleanings from Joshua.

American Renewal Project | 815-A Brazos Street, Number 69, Austin, TX 78701


Politicizing Coronavirus

Elsewhere on this blog site, there is extensive information on the differences between Red States and Blue States.  Following is evidence of the clear polarization between the two political parties and their respective approaches toward coronavirus:

Republicans and Red State Governors:  Open jobs and businesses back up, get back to church and school, while practicing social distancing. 

Democrats and Blue State Governors:  Stay home indefinitely  and print more money.  Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are endorsing another multi trillion dollar stimulus as I write this. 

Quotable Quotations ~ Mitch McConnell And Others On The Impeachment Proceedings

Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY)  Senate Majority Leader  “The Long Game” Author

Senator Mitch McConnell:  “There’s No Chance The President Is Going To Be Removed From Office.”

“In The House Of Representatives, The Republicans Seem To Be Solid And The Democrats Are Now Divided.”

Senator Mitch McConnell Says He “Wouldn’t Be Surprised” If Some Democrats Vote To Acquit Trump In Impeachment Trial.

Senator Mitch McConnell:  “Impeachment May Be Backfiring On Democrats In Swing Districts.”

Senator McConnell On Democrats’ Impeachment Sham:  This Is Really A Weak Case.


Rep. Al Green: “I’m Concerned If We Don’t Impeach This President, He Will Get Re-Elected”

Posted By Tim Hains
On Date May 6, 2019

Video Shows Pelosi Admitting They’ve Been Trying to Impeach Trump For 2 1/2 Years Even Though Impeachment Charges Were Raised Just A Few Months Ago

By Steve Straub
Published December 13, 2019 at 5:23am

‘I’m not for impeachment’ without bipartisan support, Pelosi says, roiling fellow Democrats

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on March 11 that impeaching President Trump would be a distraction from Democrats’ legislative agenda. (Reuters)

Mike DeBonis and
Rachael Bade
March 11, 2019 at 9:27 p.m. EDT
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in an interview that she opposes moving to impeach President Trump, even though she believes he is unfit for office — her most definitive statement on ousting the president and one that stands to alienate some members of the Democratic Party.
“I’m not for impeachment,” she said in a March 6 interview conducted for a future issue of The Washington Post Magazine.

“This is news,” added Pelosi (D-Calif.). “I haven’t said this to any press person before. But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this, impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.”