The Old Left Contrasted With The New Left

The Old Left peaked at Woodstock, New York and at Haight and Ashbury, San Francisco; endorsing George McGovern for president.  (When Richard Nixon resigned following the Watergate incident, they boasted bumper stickers that said:  “Don’t blame me, I voted for McGovern”).  They protested the Viet Nam War.  They progressed from the counterculture groups of Beatniks and Hippies.  They espoused peace, love and dope.  LSD was taken by many of their more famous proponents.  When I was in high school in the early 70’s, I started hearing the  war cry against the “establishment,” not even knowing what it was.  As a young man, I thought they were aimless and clueless, viewing life without any real understanding.  They seemed like rebels without a cause.  They were however peaceful, and accepted differences of opinion.  They were often given to communal living, bypassing the institution of marriage.  (“Marriage is just a piece of paper.”  Remember?)   Their “families” were loose knit groups, bearing names like Roadrunner or Moon Rocket.  They were morally liberal, and a lot of their ethics, or lack thereof, went directly against the grain of our Judeo Christian heritage and the Ten Commandments.  At this time, it did not seem that our entire culture was threatened but it was.  Babies were aborted in great numbers; commencing this onslaught was the Supreme Court decision of Roe vs. Wade.  Nearly sixty million babies were murdered since this infamous ruling.  Now we have violent illegal immigrants replacing them – I ask who is to blame?  (Hosea 8:7 King James Version)  “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”  The Old Left was the base for the New Left, who share the same values but have taken their ideology several steps further.

Consider the New Left.  They are Hippies on steroids, with a violent and relentless agenda.  Other beliefs are not respected, and even allowed.  They cannot accept “no” for an answer.  They desire a nanny state resembling socialized Europe.  Cradle to grave entitlement programs are on their agenda.  Their poster children are Barack Obama, the Clinton machine and Bernie Sanders.  Suffice it to say that these extreme leftists are not your daddy’s Democrats.  Their endless meltdown since the November 8, 2016 election loss is indeed a microcosm of their ideology.  Let us review the past seven months following Hillary Clinton’s incredible defeat:  “Let us cuddle and drink hot cocoa.  Let me lie in the street in the fetal position as I hold my teddy bear.  May we break some windows, overturn cars and start fires downtown because our candidate lost.  Cancel college classes and exams, and have group sessions of crying and pouting.  The election was rigged.  Let us have innumerable recounts!  We need to challenge, change or even eliminate the electoral college and overturn the results.  Trump’s victory is not at all legitimate.  Trump was in collusion with Russia – (The never ending Russian collusion, illusion, delusion and confusion).  Impeach Trump!  Donald Trump Jr.’s e-mails disqualify our president.  Etc., etc., etc.  Yes, it is the gift that keeps on giving, and giving and giving.”  A congressman from New England just threatened our president on Facebook.  A comedian revealed a beheaded facsimile of our president for humor.  In a recent play on Julius Caesar’s assassination, the cast decided instead to act out President Trump’s assassination.  When the New Left does not get their way, there is no end to their plethora of infantile meltdowns.  They desire the New World Order RIGHT NOW!  The immanent danger of radical Islam on our nation is not even on their radar.  Sanctuary cities for criminals are welcome, and there is no respect for American distinctiveness.   People who disagree with them are homophobic or Islamaphobic.  They have no desire of a peaceful protest, and want to shut down the entire voice of opposition.  Their constituents are the Muslim Brotherhood, the Deep State, nearly all of the media, Black Lives Matter, Progressives, college students, a great many Democrats, and the leadership in Washington, D.C. that Donald Trump refers to as the swamp.  This is a massive radical left wing movement that is on a mission to forever change the complexion of America.  They do not like the Christian foundation upon which this nation was built.  The left has always screamed “tolerance,” yet ironically they are totally intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them.  The new left has torn down statues of Robert E. Lee and Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson.  They desire to pursue the destruction of the statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson next.  The current leftist movement constantly refers to “white privilege,” and this term has now morphed to “white supremacy.”  They have taken over college campuses and will not even allow for freedom of speech.

  As a boy and young man, I thought the Old Left were people out of touch with the values of America.  The New Left however, bears little resemblance to the Old Left.  They are on a mission to forever destroy our submission to the Ten Commandments, take away our freedoms, erase American distinctiveness, not allow American patriotism, nor celebrate our blessings and success.  Any discerning Christian can feel the vice rapidly enclosing on us and threatening our freedoms and our way of life.  If we survive as a nation, it will be the result of the Lord’s intervention.  Pray without ceasing for our federal, state and local governments, our nation’s law makers and court systems, our schools, and for our president, but mostly…

Pray For Revival In America!

Blessings, Pastor Steve