Parents Fight Back Against Mandatory Queer Indoctrination At School

Breaking News Updates – April 23, 2024

Parents Fight Back Against Mandatory Queer Indoctrination At School
Schools across America many times are run by managers who come with baggage from the extreme-left ideologies of higher academia.

Their plans often include spreading those ideals to students – whether or not they or their parents want such indoctrination.

But one such plan, in a school in Minnesota, has been taken down a notch, according to a new report from Mat Staver, chief of Liberty Counsel.

The dispute developed in Osseo, Minnesota, where officials scheduled a “gay pride” indoctrination class for all students, prepared scripts from which teachers were to read word-for-word, under a scenario that required teachers to take part regardless of their religious beliefs and rights, and more.

“And the district went out of their way to make it nearly impossible for parents to review the material or to opt their children out of the indoctrination,” the report said.

The push for the far-left agenda came from “four radical school board members,” Liberty Counsel reported.

“Teachers were not allowed to ‘opt out’ of teaching the ‘LGBTQIA+ History and Culture’ lesson, and the district deliberately made it difficult for parents to review the lesson materials in advance, or opt their children out of the politically charged, nonsensical course.”

Parents, in fact, had to apply for permission to see the materials, had to appear in person at the school, and had to document their identity, the report said.

The actual curriculum conflicted with science and used pop culture to push students to adopt fake pronouns and more.

“The lesson then encouraged students to question their own sexuality, asking the children if they are ‘confused’ about, ‘curious about,’ and ‘questioning’ their sexuality, fitting within at least one of the ‘Q’ categories in its lengthy acronym: ‘LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning, Intersex, & Asexual),'” the report said.

Students were to be told failure to “embrace” the ideology risked having their assignments labeled “incorrect.”

But then Liberty Counsel notified the school district of its need to allow students, parents and teachers to exercise their right to opt out of such ideologies.

The district caved, and, “as a result of our work, more than 1,000 students were allowed to opt out of the indoctrination classes at just one school. At another school, over 400 students opted out. In fact, so many parents opted their children out of the lesson that schools had to open their cafeterias and auditoriums to accommodate the teachers and students who refused indoctrination,” Liberty Counsel’s report said.

“In addition, at least 500 other children did not attend school at all on the day of the instruction.”

Originally published at WND News Center

Disney’s Scary Plans To Go All In On LGBTQIA+ Agenda For Your Children

Breaking News Updates – March 31, 2022


Apparently, Disney isn’t planning to make nice with parents anytime soon. Thanks to a bombshell video, leaked Tuesday, Americans are starting to understand just what kind of Fantasyland the company is.

Corporate President Karey Burke painted a horrifying picture of the company’s future projects, insisting on an employee Zoom call that she wants a “minimum of 50 percent of its characters to be LGBTQIA” and other minorities. “I’m here as the mother of two queer children,” Burke said, “one transgender child and one pansexual child.” And “going forward,” she insisted, those are the stories Disney should be telling.

The video, which had almost two million views in less than 24 hours, was the latest crack in what’s quickly becoming an irreparable split with America. Disney CEO Bob Chapek, who’s tried to overcorrect for his silence on the Florida parental rights bill, has managed — in four short weeks — to turn the company from a moderately woke entertainment giant into public enemy number one. 

Now, as more trickles out about what’s really going on behind the scenes, most parents are saying they want no part of the empire Walt built.

As pathetic as Chapek’s public groveling has been to witness, it’s the internal activism that’s truly concerning. Apart from Burke, Disney’s television animation executive producer, Latoya Raveneau, spent portions of that same meeting bragging about her indoctrination tactics. 

“Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my not-so-secret gay agenda,” she gushed. “Wherever I could I was adding queerness. No one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.”

When they aren’t busy turning princes into princesses (or banning the words “boys and girls” at theme parks), Disney is vowing to take on Florida’s Parental Rights in Education policy. In its latest “huh?” moment, the company issued a formal statement pledging to fight a law that — ironically — Disney never opposed until it passed. “Our goal as a company is for the law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that.”

Good luck, Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) fired back. Our state, he insisted, is not run by “California corporate executives.” “We will continue to recognize that in the state of Florida, parents have a fundamental role in the education, health care and well-being of their children. We will not move from that. I don’t care what corporate media outlets say. I don’t care what Hollywood says. I don’t care what big corporations say. Here I stand. I’m not backing down.”

Later Tuesday, after insisting that Disney’s threats had “crossed a line,” DeSantis pointed to the company’s hypocrisy. “They actually do Disney cruise to the nation of Dominica, which criminalizes homosexuality. So they’re fine doing that and lining their pockets.” 

Same with the Chinese Communist Party, where they do tens of billions of dollars in business. “Maybe,” he joked, instead of banning K-3rd grade lessons about sex and gender, Florida should have done a bill outlawing “talk on the Uyghur abuse in China. Disney would have supported that legislation, because they don’t want to say a word about that.”

In the meantime, let’s hope Chapek’s job was worth the price Disney is paying. Christopher Rufo, the conservative journalist who posted the company’s Zoom call, said he’s been inundated with comments from mom groups and other consumers who are cutting the cord with Disney over its ideological hostage-taking. Florida Rep. Joe Harding (R) is just one of the leaders who can’t believe the company is willing to alienate so many people to placate an angry few. 

“What it tells you,” he warned on “Washington Watch,” “is that right now, their intent is not even necessarily political wins. I mean, there’s been polling that’s shown that the majority of Democratic primary voters actually agree with this bill. So the way the Left has doubled down is even more alarming, because I believe they are willing to die on this hill. They are very dug in on indoctrinating our children.”

The goal is to cut parents out completely, so the Left can lead children down this dangerous path. But unfortunately for them, there’s no appetite for the outrageous brand of extremism they’re pushing. Part of that is thanks to DeSantis, who’s simply refused to back down in the face of the mob. 

“Our governor, he’s a lion,” Harding agreed. “On these conservative issues, we’ve never had a governor in any state that’s this bold and this fearless.” And because of that, we see an outpouring of parents across the country demanding more bills like this one.

Disney made its bed. They picked a side. Now, Chapek and every other CEO choosing politics over parents will have to live with it. In the meantime, Harding insisted, Americans can’t let up. “The Left has made Disney, which is in every home in America… part of their arm of influence. If we do not make this the last stand — if we do not make this a turning point, I believe it could be too late to recover from it.”

Originally published at Family Research Council – reposted with permission.

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