Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, is executed

Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, is executed

March 21, 1556. By Jesús Vico and Beatriz Camino.

On this day in 1556, Thomas Cranmer (1489-1556), was burned at the stake after being accused of heresy by Queen Mary I. He was the first Protestant archbishop of Canterbury and an advisor to King Henry VIII and Edward VI. He also played a major role during the English Reformation by establishing the basic structures of the Church of England.

Early years and entry into royal service

Thomas Cranmer was born in 1489 in Nottinghamshire into a family who was minor gentry. As his parents didn’t own enough land to give to all their children, Thomas joined the clergy. He then went on to Cambridge and joined a fellowship at Jesus College in 1510. However, he lost it after he married the daughter of the keeper of a local tavern. After his wife passed away in childbirth he was reaccepted by the college and focused on his studies. He entered the church in 1523 and became an outstanding theologian.

Cranmer’s entry into royal services took place in 1529 when King Henry VIII ordered him to write a propaganda treatise in order to facilitate his divorce from his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. After it was finished, Cranmer travelled to Italy to defend its argument before the Pope in 1530. Even though the discussion did not lead to any resolution on the matter, he was appointed grand penitentiary of England. Two years later, he served as an ambassador to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in Germany with the aim of becoming closer to the Lutheran princes. During this time, he made his first contact with Continental Reformers in Switzerland and married the niece of one of their leaders in spite of his priest’s orders. 

Archbishop of Canterbury

In 1533, Cranmer was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury by King Henry VIII. Right after it, he proceeded to declare the King’s marriage to Catherine of Aragon void and married him to Anne Boleyn, who was already pregnant. During these first years, he started to introduce small reforms in the Church of England. He began to drift slowly in the direction of Protestantism and abandoned the traditional Roman Catholic belief in transubstantiation. Moreover, he showed his support for the translation of the Bible into English, which was made compulsory in the parishes in 1538, and published the first officially authorised vernacular service, the Exhortation and Litany.

After King Edward VI ascended to the throne following King Henry’s death, Cranmer was able to take full control of the Reformation of the Church. He wrote a complete liturgy, the Book of Common Prayer, and introduced several changes in the areas regarding the Eucharist, clerical celibacy and the use of images in places of worship.

Trial for heresy and execution

When King Edward passed away, the Archbishop showed his support for Lady Jane Grey as successor following the King’s wishes. Even though Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed Queen of England and Ireland, she was deposed nine days later and succeeded by the Roman Catholic Mary I. Cranmer was then accused of treason and imprisoned, thus putting a stop to the Reformation. He was then forced to sign a recantation several times to discourage his followers. Despite this, he was sentenced to be burnt at the stake in 1556. Before he died, he disavowed his recantation and stuck first his right hand, with which he had signed the document, into the fire. The Archbishop was later declared a martyr and his death is narrated in Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Throughout the centuries, his legacy has lived on within the English Church through the Book of Common Prayer, which is still considered one of the most important works of the Anglican Church.

“Christian” School Cancels Their Chaplain For Not Supporting LGTB Agenda

This is really good news. How so? Apostates are revealing themselves for who they truly are, and the true church is likewise unveiled in its true colors: a small persecuted minority who follow the teachings of the Bible and submit to Jesus Christ. How amazing that a “Christian” school succumbs to not only sin, but to abomination. A great deal of Christianity today is merely nominal, in name only. Apostasy and persecution separates the men from the boys much like the final Great White Throne Judgment. Amen and amen. Pastor Steve


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Breaking News Updates – June 10, 2021

The chaplain was hauled in by the school’s senior leadership and told there was complaints about his sermon and that what mattered was not beliefs or the truth but how people were feeling about it.

The Reverend Dr. Bernard Randall previously delivered a sermon in the school chapel of Trent College, where he served as Anglican chaplain. Both parents and students had been expressing their concerns to him about the recent implementation of a school-wide LGBT program by the organization Educate & Celebrate, which sought to “embed gender, gender identity and sexual orientation into the fabric” of the school. 
One student had asked him rather plaintively why they were being told they had to accept this new ideology at a Christian institution.
Randall sought to assure students that nobody could force them to believe anything. “I want to say to everyone, but especially to those who have been troubled, that you are not obliged to accept someone else’s ideology,” he told them. “You are perfectly at liberty to hear ideas out, and then think, ‘No, not for me.’ 
There are several areas where many or most Christians…will be in disagreement with LGBT activists, and where you must make up your own mind. So it is perfectly legitimate to think that marriage should only properly be understood as being a lifelong exclusive union of a man and a woman; indeed, that definition is written into English law.”
He closed the sermon by delivering a rebuke to the censors. “You might reasonably notice that some LGBT activists will happily lie about gender identity being a legally protected characteristic (which it isn’t), and from that observation wonder whether there are other areas where their relationship to truth is looser than might be ideal,” he said. “But, by way of contrast, no one has the right to tell you that you must lie about these matters, to say things you sincerely believe to be false – that is the tactic of totalitarianism and dictatorship.”
Randall had his own concerns about the program. One staff training session, he told me, “included the leader of the organization having the staff chant ‘Smash heteronormativity!’ I raised some questions about that as a Christian chaplain at a Christian school.

I thought: There are some problems here in terms of smuggling in identity politics with what in other respects was reasonably okay. Don’t bully people because of their sexuality–Love your neighbor goes a very long way. I thought it goes as far as we need to go on these issues, and we don’t need to introduce something else.”
Randall soon discovered that there is no room for dissent on LGBT ideology at Trent, once a proudly Evangelical school founded in 1868. After the sermon, “I was hauled in by the school’s senior leadership and told there was complaints and that what mattered was not beliefs or the truth but how people were feeling about it. As a result of this, I was suspended and eventually sacked for ‘gross misconduct.'” This, he noted, “for being a Christian chaplain in a Christian school in a Christian chapel saying you may be Christian.”
It got worse. Trent’s safety officer decided that the sermon was “harmful” to the students, and reported the 48-year-old chaplain to Prevent, a government anti-terrorism agency tasked with identifying those at risk of becoming radicalized. The Derbyshire Police responded by stating that Randall’s sermon “did not meet the threshold for a Prevent referral.”
“Why the safety officer felt that what I was saying was so extreme is for her to answer on the dread Day of Judgment,” Randall told me. “You’ve heard the slogan ‘silence is violence’–well, I wasn’t silent enough.” Despite the police declining to take up the case, Randall said, “what’s slightly disturbing is that the policeman who assessed it said that although it doesn’t meet the threshold it is ‘wholly inappropriate in a school and inappropriate for society,’ which seems to be a personal opinion that he should not be giving as a police officer who has sworn an oath to be politically neutral.”
With pro bono legal help from the Evangelical advocacy group Christian Concern, Randall is now suing for harassment, discrimination, and unfair dismissal. There has been a near-universal outcry in the press over his case and support has been pouring in from the faithful and the faithless alike. 
Randall noted that even a gay atheist donated to his legal fund and hopes the case will “help move the dial somewhat.” The Daily Mail printed his sermon in full. “That’s the first sermon to be printed in a newspaper in the U.K. in quite some time, I suspect.”
No support, however, has come from the hierarchy of the Church of England, which has been difficult. “They haven’t even been able to say ‘we can’t comment on this case, but freedom of religion matters,'” Randall told me. “They’re letting someone else dictate their consciences, it would appear.”
Rev. Bernard Randall’s case encapsulates two great afflictions of our post-Christian age–a totalitarian secularism and a weak, faithless Church prone to side with the wolves instead of the sheep. Fortunately, there are still shepherds that represent what was once best in these dying institutions–and perhaps their voices will remind the formerly faithful of who they once were.
Originally published at The Bridgehead – reposted with permission.

Speaking Out Against Sexual Immorality Will Get You Fired

Breaking News Updates – November 30, 2020

Christians around the world are quickly learning that there will be no mercy shown for challenging the modern day sexual orthodoxy including posts from Facebook that are years old.

It’s not unusual for Christians to defend a Biblical ethic of sexuality including the sinfulness of homosexuality, the importance of marriage between a man and a woman only or that sex should be reserved for marriage only.  However many are finding that the public voicing of those opinions could result in them being fired from their jobs.
One case that is currently working it’s way through the courts in the United Kingdom is the case of 26-year-old Christian actress, Seyi Omooba.  Omooba lost her job in a theatre production of “The Color Purple” last year over a 2014 Facebook post in which she wrote that she did “not believe homosexuality is right” and people were “not born gay”. 
The Christian legal center is defending Omooba and said “this story sends a chilling message to Christians, not only in the theatre profession but across our society, that if you express and hold mainstream biblical views, you will be punished and will lose your career if you do not renounce your beliefs”. 
A Tribunal will hear her case in February of 2021 to determine if this was an act of religious discrimination.
A former US Air Force chaplain who believes the only reason for his dismissal from the military was his sermon on Biblical sexual ethics says believers need to fight back, including in the courts.  
Curt Cizek says he had never been punished for preaching until a sermon he preached to recruits in 2013 at Lackland Air Force Base. It included scriptures about sexual immorality. 
Ironically Cizek tried to point out the hypocrisy of being critical of homosexuality when there are heterosexuals committing sexual immorality too. 
“The message was about sin that we don’t think is that bad,” Cizek said. “If you’re having sex with somebody that you’re not married to, then you need to stop. I said, ‘you know, sometimes the Christian church has gotten the reputation for being prejudiced because we look at one sin, homosexuality, and then we turn a blind eye and don’t say anything about heterosexual sin, and that’s hypocritical.'”
That still wasn’t enough for a lesbian trainee who issued a complaint about the sermon resulting in a domino affect for Cizek who even with almost 30 years of service, nearly 20 of them active duty, now can’t retire from the Air Force with benefits. Cizek says it’s a net loss of more than a million dollars in pension and health benefits.
“This is a time for conservative Christians to be heard letting their legislators, letting the White House, letting the Air Force, letting the Secretary of Defense know how they feel,” Cizek said. “The real intolerance is preventing people from speaking the truth. That’s the real intolerance and bigotry that exists in our nation today.” Now that it appears change is coming to the White House, Cizek isn’t sure a Biden administration will be as sympathetic to his cause. That’s why he believes that time is of the essence for Christians to speak out.  
Other notable recent cases involve the Kroger grocery store in Conway, Arkansas firing two employees who refused to wear a rainbow-colored heart emblem on their work apron.  Likewise a Christian woman in New Jersey who has been a barista for five years with Starbucks was fired after refusing to wear a pro-LGBTQ t-shirt. 
In Poland, the world’s largest furniture retailer, IKEA fired a worker who refused participate in a pro-LGBT event and posted Bible verses about homosexuality on social media account.  
Felix Ngole was dismissed as a student from Sheffield University in the UK for posting comments on social media critical of homosexuality demonstrating that students who speak out are also at risk of losing their career even before it starts.
The sports world has many well known Christians but in Australia Rugby star Israel Folau was fired after posting Biblical verses considered offensive to homosexuals on social media and refusing to take them down.  He subsequently had his multi-million dollar contract with Ruby Australia terminated.  
These are just some of the cases from around the world in recent years and with a Biden presidency promising to be the most LGBTQ+ affirming in history, more will follow.

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Breaking News Updates – December 01, 2020

Pro-LGBT Anglicans Want Evangelicals Stopped From Preaching Against Sin
Jayne Ozanne, a prominent gay campaigner who is a member of the Church of England’s General Synod, accused evangelical Christians of holding to views that are “wrong, harmful, dangerous and must be stopped”.

The debate about same-sex marriage and LGBT identities in the Church of England is not new, but recent insults and threats are leading to an even bigger division among Anglicans.
For years, the debate has been causing major rifts in the Anglican Communion, causing church leaders in emergent regions such as Africa and Latin America, to form Gafcon, a movement led by Global South Anglicans who hold to the biblical view and traditional teaching on human sexuality.
Calls by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to have a peaceful conversation, have again shown to be ineffective. The fact that the once-in-a-decade Lambeth conference was moved to 2022 due to the Covid-19 crisis helped to postpone the clash between conservative and liberal Primates.
But the last weeks have seen the explosion of new disputes over LGBT issues in England. It came after the launch of the Church of England’s latest report: Living in Love and faith, which was presented as a document to help the internal discussion over “identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage” in the next months.
The theologically conservative movement Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC, founded among others by John Stott), which brings together evangelicals, issued the short-film The Beautiful Story. It responded to the Church of England conversation by presenting the gospel and the traditional view of sexuality as good news for everyone.
The 30-minute film (see below) includes over 20 voices of heterosexual and same-sex attracted people, male and female, lays and clergy, and people of all ages and diverse ethnicities.
In response, an open letter by the liberal group Changing Attitude England signed by 34 LGBT leaders and supporters inside the Church of England, including 6 archbishops, threatened to leave the Anglican Church dialogue process unless a public declaration in support of “full equality of LGBTIQ+ people in ministry and relationship in the Church of England” was made. They attacked the CEEC saying its response had been “homophobic” and could lead to “emotional and psychological abuse”.
Previously, Jayne Ozanne, a prominent gay campaigner who is a member of the Church of England’s General Synod, accused evangelical Christians of holding to views that are “wrong, harmful, dangerous and must be stopped”. 
She added that their teaching should be the subject of “an independent inquiry into the harmful practices and rhetoric that LGBT+ people are being subjected to in our society, and by certain religious groups in particular”. “What is it going to take? Another young person deciding to take their life?”, she said.
According to UK news website Christian Today, a spokesperson of the CEEC rejected the claims of homophobia and intolerance, saying: “Jayne’s call for an independent inquiry into evangelical Christian teaching on sexuality is puzzling since evangelical Christian teaching on this issue is simply orthodox Christian teaching – it is the Church of England’s own teaching, and indeed that of all the major denominations around the world, and has been for the last 2,000 years”.
Originally published at Evangelical Focus – reposted with permission.

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When The Church Apologizes For Biblical Morality

The only sexual union sanctioned by God is within holy matrimony; that is marriage between one man and one woman.  This has always been the case as the Lord’s values and morality have not nor will ever change.  Our culture has changed dramatically however, as we observe right becoming wrong and wrong becoming right, i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah.  What the Bible calls an abomination (Leviticus 18:22), is totally acceptable by a Biblically illiterate people, and a young populace who have been saturated with “they are born that way,” by our government, education system and apostate church.  Hence the following article is no surprise to me.  Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><

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Breaking News Updates – February 03, 2020

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By Michael Brown/ February 03, 2020

When The Church Apologizes For Biblical Morality

If you read the Bible cover to cover, you’ll see there is no ambiguity when it comes to extra-marital sex. Simply stated, it is forbidden. Sex before marriage is called fornication. Sex outside of marriage is called adultery. And marriage is defined as the lifelong union of a male and a female. That’s how Genesis defines it and that’s how Jesus defines it.

Church standards through history would reaffirm all these points.

All sexual relations outside the confines of marriage (which, to repeat, has always and only been the union of a man and a woman) are considered immoral and sinful.

But in today’s morally confused society, right is now wrong and wrong is now right, to the point that the Church of England has apologized for reaffirming basic, biblical morality.

“We are Very Sorry” Say Archbishops After Issuing a Pastoral Guidance About Biblical Sexuality

As reported by CNN:

Top archbishops in the Church of England have apologized for guidance issued by the church last week that said only married heterosexuals should have sex — while same-sex or heterosexual Christians in civil partnerships should remain abstinent.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu said in a statement Thursday that they took responsibility for last week’s announcement, ‘which we acknowledge has jeopardized trust.”

“We are very sorry and recognize the division and hurt this has caused,” Welby and Sentamu wrote.

The pastoral guidance statement was issued “in response to the extension of civil partnerships to heterosexual couples in the UK.

“The guidance, published January 22, said ‘for Christians, marriage — that is the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows — remains the proper context for sexual activity.'”

From a biblical standpoint, what is controversial in this pastoral guidance statement?

Is not marriage the lifelong union of a man and woman? Is not sex outside of this union, be it heterosexual or homosexual, strictly forbidden?

An Open Letter Seeks to “Build a Truly Radically Inclusive Christian Church”

The pastoral guidance statement was met with outrage and disappointment, to the point that the open letter written in response has received more than 3,500 signatures. According to the radical inclusion website, this “includes nearly 90 members of General Synod and a range of other senior church leaders. This shows the strength of concern that exists across the Church of England that its mission is being significantly damaged and that their promise of a ‘radical new Christian inclusion’ must now be delivered.”

Yes, the open letter states, “The Church of England has this week become a laughingstock to a nation that believes it is obsessed with sex. More importantly this statement has significantly damaged the mission of the Church and it has broken the trust of those it seeks to serve.

“We ask you to become to moral relativists and to abandon the outdated, outmoded morals of the Scriptures. And we ask you to do so in Jesus’ name!”

“We ask you to consider how we can, together, build a truly radically inclusive Christian Church.”

In other words, “We ask you to consider rewriting the Bible. We ask you to consider trashing the unanimous testimony of 2,000 years of Church history. We ask you to lower your standards to those of a fallen world rather than calling on a fallen world to repent and conform to God’s Word. We ask you to become to moral relativists and to abandon the outdated, outmoded morals of the Scriptures. And we ask you to do so in Jesus’ name!”

Yes, God Loves People. And God’s Ways are Best

In the words of Rector Marcus Green,

“As an openly gay man serving as a vicar in the CofE… I understand what it means when you hope for better and receive less. God loves people, it’s as simple as that.

“The church is a bit more broken, but we need to remember the simple message and do the obvious stuff. People are people. Everyone matters. No one is second rate. That’s what the Bible teaches, that’s Jesus for you. So I’m keen to support anything that calls us to live up to that standard.”

Yes, people are people. Everyone does matter. No one is second rate. And God is full of compassion and grace.

At the same time, morals are morals, marriage is marriage, sin is sin and God’s ways are best.

He did not make males to have sex with males or females to have sex with females. Nor did He make sex something to be enjoyed with one or more people outside the sacred union of marriage.

The same God who sent Jesus to die for all of us sent an instruction manual on how we should live. We cannot have the one without the other.

Who is Actually “Obsessed With Sex”?

Ironically, as noted above, the open letter claimed that, “The Church of England has this week become a laughingstock to a nation that believes it is obsessed with sex.”

But is it not the nation, rather than the church, that is obsessed with sex? Put another way, if sex was not such a big issue, why get so upset with the church’s statement? Why not say, “All clear! If we’re a gay couple in a committed civil partnership, we’ll abstain from sex. And if we’re unmarried heterosexuals, we’ll be sure to remain celibate.”

Not a chance. That’s not how human beings are wired.

That’s because sex is a big issue. Just ask the human race throughout recorded history. Just look at the plague of online porn. Just look at the never-ending rapes and sex-related crimes. Just look at marital infidelity.

That’s why, any time Paul listed the sins of the flesh, he always put sexual sin at the top of the list (see, for example, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). He too understood that sex was a big deal. He also understood that, with God’s grace and help, we could live above sexual sin.

Unity Without Truth Will Not Stand

Of course, the real conflict within the Church of England now is not so much related to adultery and immorality in general. Rather, it is related to homosexual practice. And that’s why the pastoral guidance statement stirred up so much controversy. It classified homosexual practice, even within a civil partnership, as forbidden.

Rather than apologizing for standing with God and His Word, Church leaders should have reaffirmed their position in the face of protest.

Unity without truth will not stand. Neither will unity without morality. Neither will unity without the blessing of God.

Church of England, which will it be?

Originally published at – reposted with permission.

New Internet Rules Usher In Global Control? ~ The End Of British Christianity? ~ Prophecy News Watch

Key The Following Link For Cutting Edge Updates Of Our Ever Changing World And Strides Made Towards The Coming New World Order:

The End Of British Christianity?

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The End Of British Christianity?

By Giulio Meotti/Gatestone Institute December 27, 2017

British Christian publications have been wondering if we are witnessing the “extinction of Christianity in Egypt”, where the Christian faithful have suffered persecution and terror attacks at the hands of Islamic fundamentalists. Christian leaders also seem to be wondering if Christianity will be “extinct within a generation” in the UK, where religious people enjoy total freedom of worship and faith.

Last year, the Church of England began to formulate a religious revolution. Its canonical laws require that British churches hold their functions every Sunday. The dramatic crisis of Christianity in the UK, however, is pushing the Anglican church to rewrite those rules, in order not to officiate in empty and abandoned churches.

A quarter of the British rural parishes now have fewer than 10 regular members of the faithful on Sunday. There are no more children in 25% of the Church of England’s congregations, as new figures have just shown. On average, nine children attended each church service across all Anglican churches in 2016. Generally speaking, churchgoers have dwindled in the UK by 34,000 in just one year.

“Should we care that Britain’s lost its religion?”, Daniel Finkelstein asked in The Times. Yes. He suggests that nationalism might take its place, but what if, instead, its place is taken by another religion?

There is no need to be observant to understand the importance of a country’s cultural affiliation. If there were no mass immigration from countries with values antithetical to Western ones, the demise of Christianity would not be as potentially calamitous; society might simply become one of atheists and secularists.

Europe now, however, is experiencing a terminal decline for two reasons that are linked: mass unvetted immigration coupled with a shrinking confidence in its own legitimacy and beliefs. There seems to be shame over Western colonialism, yet no thought at all seems to be given to who are the real colonists: The Crusades were a reaction to a Muslim colonization of the Christian Byzantine Empire, North Africa, the Middle East, much of Eastern Europe, Northern Cyprus and Spain.

In Europe, the UK is now leading the same process. Britain is living through “the biggest religious transition since the Reformation of the 16th Century”, according to Linda Woodhead, professor of the sociology of religion at Lancaster University. In 2000, Anglicans were 30% of the population.

Half of them have disappeared in just seventeen years. The number of those who belong to the Church of England fell below 15%, including just 3% of English young people ages 18-24. Writing in the Spectator, Damian Thompson wondered if “the Church of England is dying”. Churchgoing dropped by 50% also in Scotland. Another report revealed that more than half the British population has no religion at all.

According to internal documents from the Church of England, Christianity is dying in Britain at such a pace that in the next three decades, Anglican congregations will halve again. Christians in the UK are on course to be in the minority by the middle of the century.

What defines Europe are its boundaries – not physical but cultural. Without its culture, Europe could not be distinguished from the rest of the world. And the pillar of this culture is based on the Judeo-Christian heritage and values.

The journalist Melanie Phillips stated that the Church of England, by embracing trendy ideological extravagances such as gender ideology, is now culturally “sowing the seeds of its destruction.” The goal of all this “inclusivity,” according to Phillips, is actually to “overthrow the Christian basis of the West”.

Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, has said that “political correctness” is bullying and undermining Christianity in the UK. “I cannot imagine any politician expressing concern that Britain should remain a Christian country; that reticence is a scandal and a disgrace to our history.”

According to a new poll, a total of 41% of British millennials, born between 1980 and 2000, said that the UK has “no specific religious identity”. As the progressive publication Prospect asked, “if we are no longer a Christian country, what are we?”. Former archbishops of Canterbury have warned that the UK will be soon unrecognizable. Rowan Williams has said that the UK is already “post-Christian”.

The existential crisis of the Church of England does not involve only the third Christian congregation in the world, represented by Anglicans. The crisis is also going to tear apart a source of the British landscape, politics and culture. Recently, The Spectator featured “The end of British Christianity” on its cover, where one elderly lady is seen as the only faithful in a cathedral.

“It’s often said,” the magazine continued, “that Britain’s church congregations are shrinking, but that doesn’t come close to expressing the scale of the disaster now facing Christianity in this country. If that rate of decline continues, the mission of St Augustine to the English, together with that of the Irish saints to the Scots, will come to an end in 2067”.

The level of atrophy in the Church of England is so extensive that Anglicanism is expected to collapse “for the next thirty years”. There are also rumors that “half of England’s Anglican cathedrals could close”.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor said recently that in the UK, Christianity has been “nearly defeated”. If the Church of England disappears, there will be a totally different UK. The British historian Niall Ferguson has called it “the creeping Islamization of a decadent Christendom”.

Originally published at Gatestone Institute – reposted with permission.






The Story Behind the Christmas Carol… “JOY TO THE WORLD!”

The Story Behind the Christmas Carol… “JOY TO THE WORLD!”
December 02 2017
Written by: Prophecy in the News

“Joy to the World”

One of the most famous of all Christmas Carols, “Joy to the World,” was written by Isaac Watts (1674-1748) and Lowell Mason (1792-1872). The text written by Watts is considered to be one of the most joyous Christmas carols ever written. It is joyous not in the sense of amusement, but in the serious comprehension of what Christ’s nativity means to all men. Isaac Watts has been called the father of English hymnody and the bard (poet) of Southhampton. Watts is often compared to Charles Wesley for his talent as a hymnist and his contributions to
Isaac Watts was the oldest of nine children of a Southampton clothier. His father was a Nonconformist, which means he would not accept the established Church of England.

joy-4-watt-birthplaceWhen Isaac was born in 1674, his father was in jail for his approval of Nonconformist thought. Although young Isaac had a great deal of respect for his father’s convictions, he often thought of his mother’s days of nursing her children at the entrance to the jail. The boy Isaac showed his brilliance at a very young age. He learned Latin by age four, Greek at age nine, French at eleven, and Hebrew at thirteen. Many of the well-to-do citizens offered to educate him at Oxford or Cambridge, which would have prepared him for the Anglican ministry. Isaac would have none of it and at age sixteen traveled to London to continue his education at a prominent Nonconformist academy. After graduation in 1694, he spent two years at home where he began his hymn writing.
He became the assistant pastor of one of the city’s leading Nonconformist churches, London’s Mark Lane Independent Church, in 1699. He became the head pastor in 1702. Only one year into his ministry, he began to show symptoms of a psychiatric sickness, an illness that he would have to deal with the rest of his life. Samuel Price came to help Isaac in 1703 and became co-pastor in 1713. His illness continued but his congregation did not want to part with the man who had become very well-known and loved much. He was probably the most celebrated writer of his time. The “Horoe Lyricae” (1706) is what gave him notoriety as a poet, buy it was his hymns that distinguished him. His poetry brought forth the spiritual passion that made hymn singing a deep religious experience. He wrote about sixty theological and philosophical books and about 700 hymns.

joy-6-when-i-survey-the-wondrous-crossHis most popular hymns are “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” “O God Our Help in Ages Past,” and “Joy to the World!” Matthew Arnold, a nineteenth-century author, said, “’When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’ is the best hymn in the English language.” “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” has been given the title of England’s second national anthem and “Joy to the World” stands at the top of Christmas hymns.
Watts once criticized hymn singing in church when he said, “To see the dull indifference, the negligent and thoughtless air that sits upon the faces of a whole assembly, while the psalm is upon their lips, might even tempt a charitable observer to suspect the fervency of their inward religion.” German Lutherans had been singing hymns for a hundred years. John Calvin wanted his supporters to sing only metrical psalms; English Protestants had followed Calvin’s command. However, young Watts had been complaining about the hymn singing in church since he was eighteen years old. His father grew weary of the complaining and told him, “if you don’t like the hymns we sing then write better ones.” At this point, Isaac shared his hymn “Behold the Glories of the Lamb,” based upon Revelation 5:6-10, with his father:


Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst His Father’s throne;
Prepare new honors for His Name, And Songs as yet unknown.

Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst His Father’s throne;
Prepare new honors for His Name, And Songs as yet unknown.
The next Sunday morning his father shared the hymn with the church. They liked it so much that Isaac was asked to write another. The legacy was begun and so continued the request for the next 222 Sundays. Watts did not snub the metrical hymns – he just wanted them to be filled with more enthusiasm. Samuel Johnson said, “Watts was the first who taught the Dissenters (Nonconformists) to write and speak like other men, by showing them that elegance might consist with piety.”

joy-8-hymns-and-spiritual-songsIn 1705, Watts published his first volume of original hymns and sacred poems. His next hymnal was Hymns and Spiritual Songs and was published in 1707. Many of the Dissenters did not approve of the hymnal. They believed only Psalms and not hymns should be sung in church. This led Watts to adapt the Psalms to Christian worship services. It was called The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament. It was his goal to give the Psalms a New Testament meaning and mode. Watts clarified his method with these words “Where the Psalmist describes religion by the fear of God, I have often joined faith and love to it. Where he speaks of the pardon of sin through the mercies of God, I have added the merits of a Savior. Where he talks of sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God…Where he promises abundance of wealth, honor, and long life, I have changed some of these typical blessings for grace, glory, and life eternal, which are brought to light by the gospel, and promised in the New Testament.”
In the early eighteenth century, Isaac Watts wrote his greatest Christmas hymn “Joy to the World,” a paraphrase of the verse taken from Psalm 98: 4, 8-9 (KJV):

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth;
make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be
joyful together before the Lord; for He cometh to
judge the earth, with righteousness shall He judge
the world, and the people with equity.


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth;
make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be
joyful together before the Lord; for He cometh to
judge the earth, with righteousness shall He judge
the world, and the people with equity.

The first stanza proclaims “the Lord is come,” but this is the only verse that is linked with Christmas and the Nativity. The rest of the verses could be sung at anytime of the year. Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and the manger are not mentioned in the hymn, but who could ever say this carol is not one of the greatest carols we have today?

joy-5-abney-homeWith Watts’ health failing, he moved to the estate of the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Thomas and Lady Abney, to recuperate. His plans were to stay only a few weeks but spent the next thirty-six years as a guest there.

While he was staying at the Abney estate, he dedicated Divine and Moral Songs for Children (1715) to their children. In 1739, he suffered a stroke, which left him all but bedridden during his final years.
joy-10-divine-andIt is interesting to note that Watts never married. His sickness and unpleasant appearance caused his personal life to suffer. He was five feet tall, pale, skinny, and he had an oversized head. All of the pictures of him show him in a large gown with large folds. This is probably an effort by the artists to downplay his less than pleasing appearance. Elizabeth Singer, an avid reader of his book Hymns and Spiritual Songs thought Isaac Watts was her soulmate even though she only knew him through his writings. A meeting was arranged. When she saw his appearance, she refused his marriage proposal. This was as close as he ever came to being married.
When Isaac Watts was dying he said, “I am just waiting to see what God will do with me; it is good to say, what, when, and where God pleases. The business of a Christian is to do the will of God. If God should raise me up again, and use me to save a soul, that will be worth living for. If He has no more service for me, I can say, through grace, I am ready; I could without alarm if God please, lay back my head on my pillow and die this afternoon or night. My sins are all pardoned through the blood of Christ.”

joy-11-lowell-masonLowell Mason, composer of “Joy to the World, “was born and raised in Medfield, Massachusetts. As an adult, he worked in a dry goods store and a bank in Savannah, Georgia. His strong interest in music led him to study with Frederick L. Abel and write his own pieces. Later, as music leader at the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, he led the church to set up the first Sunday School for Afro-American children in the United States.
Mason wanted to publish a hymnal using European classical tunes, including those of composers Haydn and Mozart. After many inquiries with publishers, his hymnal was printed in 1822 by the Handel and Haydn Society of Boston. It was a big success. Mason played a large part in the development of American church music, composing over 1,600 hymns. He introduced music into American public schools and was the first noted music educator in the United States.
Mason wanted the European influence of music to continue in America. Many opposed this philosophy because much was already being done as purely American music. This indigenous American music can be seen in the Sacred Harp Singing Schools and the works of William Billings.

joy-12-fifth-avenueIn the last part of his life, he was the music director of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. Here he changed American church music from professional choirs and orchestras to congregational singing and organ music.
In 1839, Lowell Mason composed a tune that is forever linked with Watt’s “Joy to the World.” Mason wrote on the manuscript “from Handel.”
Apparently, he was referring to the joy-13-joy-to-thefirst four notes of “Lift Up Your Heads” from Handel’s Messiah and the middle section of the carol (“and heaven and nature sing”), which can also be located in Messiah in the introduction of “Comfort Ye My People.”
These two men, Isaac Watts and Lowell Mason, lived one hundred years apart. They were united, however, as both wanted congregational hymn singing to be an integral part of Christian worship. Both of their purposes were successful and today we have the most joyous Christmas carol ever written.

joy-2Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.
Joy to the world! The Saviour reigns;
Let all their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The Glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders of His love.
Source: “Songs of Christmas” and the stories behind them – by Tommy and Renee Pierce (Copyright 2008)