The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ July 8, 2022

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

Without the Word of God, we are open prey to the Devil and to the enemy; but with the Word of God, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us. -Harold Sightler

In the light of Christ’s inflexible, impartial standards that we are to judge a tree by its fruits; in the light of the undeniable, irrefutable and inevitable fruits of liquor drinking – by the sip, by the drink, by the glass, by the bottle, by the gallon, by the case, or by the barrel – is a sin. -Sam Morris

The men who succeed best in public life are those who take the risk of standing by their convictions. -James A. Garfield

A man cannot always be a hero, but a man can always be a man.

I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man. -George Washington

Even if marriages are made in heaven, a man and a woman have to be responsible for their maintenance.

He who rejects the yoke of Christ bows his neck to something worse by far. -Charles Spurgeon

The will of God – nothing more, nothing less. -motto in G. Campbell Morgan’s study

He left His Father’s throne above (so free, so infinite His grace!), emptied Himself of all but love and bled for Adam’s helpless race. -Charles Wesley

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last. -Winston Churchill

It’s more important to know where you’re going than to see how fast you can get there.

Some vices are hoary with age, but they show no signs of decrepitude; in fact, they seem to enjoy perpetual youth. -F. J. Mallett

One serious malady of the church is infantile paralysis – too many babes who never grow. -Vance Havner

You can do what’s right and you could do what’s wrong; but in deciding, remember that right is always right, wrong is always wrong and there is never a right time to do the wrong thing. -Dr. Shelton Smith

We should be the kind of Christians whose presence makes it difficult for unbelievers to sin. -Dr. Curtis Hutson

Psalm 139:7-10

Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by the majority. -Booker T. Washington

What makes the difference is not how many times you have been through the Bible, but how many times and how thoroughly the Bible has been through you. -Gipsy Smith

What your conscience knows about you is more important than what your neighbor says about you.

The poorest man I know is the man who has nothing but money. -John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

Wherever there is a human being there is an opportunity for kindness.

The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ March 6, 2020

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

Why are so few people coming into the kingdom?  Because there is not a definite effort put forth to persuade a definite person to receive a definite Savior at a definite time – and that definite time is now.  -Billy Sunday.

Alas, there is great power in company: even good men are apt to be swayed by association; hence the fear that we may practice wicked works when we are with wicked workers.  -Charles Spurgeon

The question is not whether a doctrine is beautiful but whether it is true.  When we wish to go to a place, we do not ask whether the road leads through a pretty country but whether it is the right road.  -Augustus Hare

We on this continent should never forget that men first crossed the Atlantic not to find soil for their ploughs but to secure liberty for their souls.  -Robert J. MacCracken

I used to ask God to help me.  Then I asked if I might help Him.  I ended up by asking Him to do His work through me.  -Hudson Taylor

God never commissioned a man to do nothing.  The voice of the Lord is, “Arise, go”!   -W. B. Riley

There is but one straight course and that is to seek truth and pursue it steadily.  -George Washington

Faith, mighty faith the promise sees  And rests on that alone, Laughs at impossibilities And says it shall be done.  -Charles Wesley

If you pray for bread and bring no basket to carry it, you prove the doubting spirit which may be the only hindrance to the boon you ask.  -D. L. Moody

The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.  -Patrick Henry

We are all dangerous folk without God’s controlling hand.  -William Ward Ayer

The man with a cross no longer controls his destiny; he lost control when he picked up his cross….No matter what he may desire to do, there is but one thing he can do; that is, move on toward the place of crucifixion.  -A. W. Tozer

That which we do for ourselves is forgotten; that which we do for Christ is immortal!  -T. DeWitt Talmage

Repent And Be Cleansed By The Blood Of Christ Before Judgment

By thy words thou shalt be condemned.   Matthew 12:37

There’s no escaping our own history.  Like a ball and chain, it will follow every unrepentant sinner to the final judgment.  Can anyone imagine the horror of having every blasphemous, ungrateful, hateful, or malicious thing we’ve ever spoken replayed before the Judge of all the earth?  What possible plea of innocence could we make?  But, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin, and releases us into eternal absolution.   -Rick Morse

Long my imprisoned spirit lay  Fast bound in sin and nature’s night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,  I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;  My chains fell off, my heart was free;  I rose went forth and followed Thee.  -Charles Wesley


Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Smith, Editor ~ December 15, 2017

News That Will Make You Smile

Atheist Convention Titled “Reason to Hope” Is Canceled:  “Lack of Interest”

The third Global Atheist Convention, titled “Reason to Hope,” has been canceled due to “lack of interest.”  The event had been scheduled for next February in Melbourne, Australia….the Sydney Morning Herald reports….

Indeed, the convention’s website said, “Ticket sales have been substantially below expectations and below the levels for previous conventions, so unfortunately, the convention cannot proceed.”

-Dave Urbanski,

God gives atheists very little press in His precious Word, succinctly summing them up in the following scripture:

Psalm 14:1a King James Version (KJV)
“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God….”

Pastor Steve


Amen Corner

A mark of deep spiritual maturity is to be able to enjoy the journey when God puts you on a detour.  -Vance Havner

I do not believe the pastor is loved best who always flatters and brags on his people.  David cried out to his great shepherd, “Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”  -John R. Rice

The further a man goes in lust and iniquity, the more dead he becomes to purity and holiness; he loses the power to appreciate the beauties of virtue or to be disgusted with the abominations of vice.  -Charles H. Spurgeon

I will simply state that God, dozens of times in the plainest, most unmistakable, stupendous and overwhelming way, declares that there is a Hell.  It is burning now.  It has been burning a long while.  Yes, I will go further and say that there is a possibility that some reader of these words may spend eternity in the lost world.

Nothing but the hand of an outraged, defied, insulted, long-suffering, indignant, omnipotent God keeps any of us this moment from sliding into it….I believe there is a Hell.  If I had not been afraid of Hell, I do not think I would have started for Heaven.  -T. DeWitt Talmage

Now, as always, God discloses Himself to “babes” and hides Himself in thick darkness from the wise and the prudent.  A.W. Tozer

Happiness is the flag that flies from the window of the heart when the King is in residence.  -Curtis Hutson

Sincerity is to speak as we think, to do as we pretend and profess, to perform and make good what we promise, and really to be what we would seem and appear to be.  -John Tillotson

Nothing is easier than faultfinding.  No talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character are required to set up in the grumbling business.  -Robert West

He left His Father’s throne above (So free, so infinite His grace!), Emptied Himself of all but love And bled for Adam’s helpless race.  -Charles Wesley


Merry Christmas!



The Hope of Christmas | Day 2 ~ Our Daily Bread Ministries


The Hope of Christmas

The Meaning of a Name
By: David McCasland
Today’s Reading: Matthew 1:18–25
You are to name him Jesus.
Matthew 1:21
According to a New York Times article, children in many African countries are often named after a famous visitor, special event, or circumstance that was meaningful to the parents. When doctors told the parents of one child that they could not cure the infant’s illness and only God knew if he would live, the parents named their child Godknows. Another man said he was named Enough, because his mother had 13 children and he was the last one! There’s a reason for everyone’s name, and in some cases it also conveys a special meaning.
Before Jesus was born, an angel of the Lord told Joseph, “[Mary] will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua, which means “the Lord saves.” In that day and culture, many children would have been named Jesus, but only one came into this world to die so that all who receive Him might live eternally, forgiven and freed from the power of sin.
Charles Wesley wrote these words we often sing as Christmas nears: “Come, Thou long-expected Jesus, born to set Thy people free; from our fears and sins release us; let us find our rest in Thee.”
Jesus came to turn our darkness into light, to transform our despair into hope, and to save us from our sins.

Jesus's name and mission are the same - he came to save us.

The Story Behind the Christmas Carol… “JOY TO THE WORLD!”

The Story Behind the Christmas Carol… “JOY TO THE WORLD!”
December 02 2017
Written by: Prophecy in the News

“Joy to the World”

One of the most famous of all Christmas Carols, “Joy to the World,” was written by Isaac Watts (1674-1748) and Lowell Mason (1792-1872). The text written by Watts is considered to be one of the most joyous Christmas carols ever written. It is joyous not in the sense of amusement, but in the serious comprehension of what Christ’s nativity means to all men. Isaac Watts has been called the father of English hymnody and the bard (poet) of Southhampton. Watts is often compared to Charles Wesley for his talent as a hymnist and his contributions to
Isaac Watts was the oldest of nine children of a Southampton clothier. His father was a Nonconformist, which means he would not accept the established Church of England.

joy-4-watt-birthplaceWhen Isaac was born in 1674, his father was in jail for his approval of Nonconformist thought. Although young Isaac had a great deal of respect for his father’s convictions, he often thought of his mother’s days of nursing her children at the entrance to the jail. The boy Isaac showed his brilliance at a very young age. He learned Latin by age four, Greek at age nine, French at eleven, and Hebrew at thirteen. Many of the well-to-do citizens offered to educate him at Oxford or Cambridge, which would have prepared him for the Anglican ministry. Isaac would have none of it and at age sixteen traveled to London to continue his education at a prominent Nonconformist academy. After graduation in 1694, he spent two years at home where he began his hymn writing.
He became the assistant pastor of one of the city’s leading Nonconformist churches, London’s Mark Lane Independent Church, in 1699. He became the head pastor in 1702. Only one year into his ministry, he began to show symptoms of a psychiatric sickness, an illness that he would have to deal with the rest of his life. Samuel Price came to help Isaac in 1703 and became co-pastor in 1713. His illness continued but his congregation did not want to part with the man who had become very well-known and loved much. He was probably the most celebrated writer of his time. The “Horoe Lyricae” (1706) is what gave him notoriety as a poet, buy it was his hymns that distinguished him. His poetry brought forth the spiritual passion that made hymn singing a deep religious experience. He wrote about sixty theological and philosophical books and about 700 hymns.

joy-6-when-i-survey-the-wondrous-crossHis most popular hymns are “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” “O God Our Help in Ages Past,” and “Joy to the World!” Matthew Arnold, a nineteenth-century author, said, “’When I Survey the Wondrous Cross’ is the best hymn in the English language.” “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” has been given the title of England’s second national anthem and “Joy to the World” stands at the top of Christmas hymns.
Watts once criticized hymn singing in church when he said, “To see the dull indifference, the negligent and thoughtless air that sits upon the faces of a whole assembly, while the psalm is upon their lips, might even tempt a charitable observer to suspect the fervency of their inward religion.” German Lutherans had been singing hymns for a hundred years. John Calvin wanted his supporters to sing only metrical psalms; English Protestants had followed Calvin’s command. However, young Watts had been complaining about the hymn singing in church since he was eighteen years old. His father grew weary of the complaining and told him, “if you don’t like the hymns we sing then write better ones.” At this point, Isaac shared his hymn “Behold the Glories of the Lamb,” based upon Revelation 5:6-10, with his father:


Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst His Father’s throne;
Prepare new honors for His Name, And Songs as yet unknown.

Behold the glories of the Lamb, Amidst His Father’s throne;
Prepare new honors for His Name, And Songs as yet unknown.
The next Sunday morning his father shared the hymn with the church. They liked it so much that Isaac was asked to write another. The legacy was begun and so continued the request for the next 222 Sundays. Watts did not snub the metrical hymns – he just wanted them to be filled with more enthusiasm. Samuel Johnson said, “Watts was the first who taught the Dissenters (Nonconformists) to write and speak like other men, by showing them that elegance might consist with piety.”

joy-8-hymns-and-spiritual-songsIn 1705, Watts published his first volume of original hymns and sacred poems. His next hymnal was Hymns and Spiritual Songs and was published in 1707. Many of the Dissenters did not approve of the hymnal. They believed only Psalms and not hymns should be sung in church. This led Watts to adapt the Psalms to Christian worship services. It was called The Psalms of David Imitated in the Language of the New Testament. It was his goal to give the Psalms a New Testament meaning and mode. Watts clarified his method with these words “Where the Psalmist describes religion by the fear of God, I have often joined faith and love to it. Where he speaks of the pardon of sin through the mercies of God, I have added the merits of a Savior. Where he talks of sacrifice of Christ, the Lamb of God…Where he promises abundance of wealth, honor, and long life, I have changed some of these typical blessings for grace, glory, and life eternal, which are brought to light by the gospel, and promised in the New Testament.”
In the early eighteenth century, Isaac Watts wrote his greatest Christmas hymn “Joy to the World,” a paraphrase of the verse taken from Psalm 98: 4, 8-9 (KJV):

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth;
make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be
joyful together before the Lord; for He cometh to
judge the earth, with righteousness shall He judge
the world, and the people with equity.


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth;
make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise.
Let the floods clap their hands; let the hills be
joyful together before the Lord; for He cometh to
judge the earth, with righteousness shall He judge
the world, and the people with equity.

The first stanza proclaims “the Lord is come,” but this is the only verse that is linked with Christmas and the Nativity. The rest of the verses could be sung at anytime of the year. Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the wise men, and the manger are not mentioned in the hymn, but who could ever say this carol is not one of the greatest carols we have today?

joy-5-abney-homeWith Watts’ health failing, he moved to the estate of the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Thomas and Lady Abney, to recuperate. His plans were to stay only a few weeks but spent the next thirty-six years as a guest there.

While he was staying at the Abney estate, he dedicated Divine and Moral Songs for Children (1715) to their children. In 1739, he suffered a stroke, which left him all but bedridden during his final years.
joy-10-divine-andIt is interesting to note that Watts never married. His sickness and unpleasant appearance caused his personal life to suffer. He was five feet tall, pale, skinny, and he had an oversized head. All of the pictures of him show him in a large gown with large folds. This is probably an effort by the artists to downplay his less than pleasing appearance. Elizabeth Singer, an avid reader of his book Hymns and Spiritual Songs thought Isaac Watts was her soulmate even though she only knew him through his writings. A meeting was arranged. When she saw his appearance, she refused his marriage proposal. This was as close as he ever came to being married.
When Isaac Watts was dying he said, “I am just waiting to see what God will do with me; it is good to say, what, when, and where God pleases. The business of a Christian is to do the will of God. If God should raise me up again, and use me to save a soul, that will be worth living for. If He has no more service for me, I can say, through grace, I am ready; I could without alarm if God please, lay back my head on my pillow and die this afternoon or night. My sins are all pardoned through the blood of Christ.”

joy-11-lowell-masonLowell Mason, composer of “Joy to the World, “was born and raised in Medfield, Massachusetts. As an adult, he worked in a dry goods store and a bank in Savannah, Georgia. His strong interest in music led him to study with Frederick L. Abel and write his own pieces. Later, as music leader at the Independent Presbyterian Church of Savannah, he led the church to set up the first Sunday School for Afro-American children in the United States.
Mason wanted to publish a hymnal using European classical tunes, including those of composers Haydn and Mozart. After many inquiries with publishers, his hymnal was printed in 1822 by the Handel and Haydn Society of Boston. It was a big success. Mason played a large part in the development of American church music, composing over 1,600 hymns. He introduced music into American public schools and was the first noted music educator in the United States.
Mason wanted the European influence of music to continue in America. Many opposed this philosophy because much was already being done as purely American music. This indigenous American music can be seen in the Sacred Harp Singing Schools and the works of William Billings.

joy-12-fifth-avenueIn the last part of his life, he was the music director of the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City. Here he changed American church music from professional choirs and orchestras to congregational singing and organ music.
In 1839, Lowell Mason composed a tune that is forever linked with Watt’s “Joy to the World.” Mason wrote on the manuscript “from Handel.”
Apparently, he was referring to the joy-13-joy-to-thefirst four notes of “Lift Up Your Heads” from Handel’s Messiah and the middle section of the carol (“and heaven and nature sing”), which can also be located in Messiah in the introduction of “Comfort Ye My People.”
These two men, Isaac Watts and Lowell Mason, lived one hundred years apart. They were united, however, as both wanted congregational hymn singing to be an integral part of Christian worship. Both of their purposes were successful and today we have the most joyous Christmas carol ever written.

joy-2Joy to the world! The Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King;
Let ev’ry heart prepare Him room,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n and nature sing,
And heav’n, and heav’n and nature sing.
Joy to the world! The Saviour reigns;
Let all their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy.
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The Glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders of His love,
And wonders, wonders of His love.
Source: “Songs of Christmas” and the stories behind them – by Tommy and Renee Pierce (Copyright 2008)