The Persecution Of Christians Is Escalating Dramatically All Over The World 💢

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Breaking News Updates – September 14, 2020



All over the globe, thousands upon thousands of Christians are being ruthlessly killed simply because of what they believe.  But if you only rely on corporate-controlled media sources for your news, you literally never hear about this relentless persecution.

In fact, in this article I don’t link to a single mainstream news source.  I had to go to Christian news websites to document what I am about to share with you, because the mainstream media avoids stories such as these like the plague.

Of course if innocent people were being systematically butchered for a reason that aligned with the various agendas that they are constantly pushing, the mainstream media would be all over this.  It greatly upsets me that the deaths of Christians are treated as if they don’t really matter, and we continue to see the global persecution of Christians escalate year after year.

For example, just take a look at what is happening in Ethiopia.  Extremists have been conducting a door-to-door campaign as they search for Christians to kill…

At least 500 Christians have been killed in an ongoing spate of coordinated door-to-door attacks and thousands of traumatized survivors have fled for their lives over the last two months in southern Ethiopia’s Oromia regional state, including its capital Addis Ababa, according to reports.

For most of you, this is probably the very first time that you have ever heard about this.

This just shows the power of the mainstream media.  If they don’t talk about it, then most of the population will never even know that it exists.

But we should be talking about it, because what is taking place is absolutely horrifying.  In some instances, Christian parents are literally being slaughtered in front of their children…

“The Qeerroo extremists arrived in cars and, armed with guns, machetes, swords and spears, sought out and slaughtered Christians. Children were forced to witness their parents being brutally murdered with machetes,” it added.

An Oromo Christian was beheaded after he refused to tear off the thread around his neck, which is worn by many Ethiopian Christians as a sign of their baptism. The attackers told his wife that only those who prostrate before Allah for prayer are considered part of the Oromo community.

This should be one of the greatest human rights causes of our day, but the silence coming from the mainstream media is deafening.

It is almost as if there is a concerted effort not to talk about this.

But I refuse to keep silent.  These precious lives matter, and I am going to talk about them.

In South Sudan, 23 Christians were gunned down at a church gathering on July 27th, and the attackers apparently decided that was not enough and so they decided to burn down an entire village…

Meanwhile, in South Sudan, six children who had been taken hostage were among the 23 people killed when unidentified gunmen attacked an Anglican church in Jonglei State on July 27. At least 20 others were wounded.

“After killing people in the church, the gunmen went to the homestead village and killed people there,” Bishop Moses Anur Ayom told the Episcopal News Service. “The gunmen burned down the whole village in Makol Chuei.”

Once again, I’ll bet you never heard about this story until now.

On the other side of the continent, thousands of Christians are being systematically eliminated by extremists in Nigeria…

This year already nearly 2,000 Christians have been mercilessly hacked and shot to death in surprise raids on their villages. These deadly, senseless attacks are often portrayed as ongoing clashes between farmers and herders. Those who follow closely believe they are part of a larger agenda — seemingly supported by government officials and security agencies — to drive Christians off their lands. Nigerian citizens have been disarmed by the government, but somehow, the Militant Fulani herdsmen are armed to the teeth and have no fear of encountering security response or capture.

This is something that has been going on throughout all of 2020, and this is another story that I’ll bet you have never heard about until this article.

I could keep going through more examples in Africa, but let’s switch gears.

In India, religious extremists regularly kill Christians, but those deaths rarely get much attention.  Here are just a few examples…

A young woman in the Khunti district of Jharkhand has become the fifth victim in a string of Christians killed in India because of their faith.

The woman, 25-year-old Suman Munda, was found dead on July 19 in a deserted place near her home, according to Vatican News. Just one month earlier, on June 24, another Christian, 27-year-old Ramji Munda, was killed outside a village in the Khunti district.

Overall, the number of attacks on Christians in India just seems to keep rising year after year.  In 2019, one group recorded “527 cases of persecution against Christians”…

The killing of Christians in India is on the rise.

In 2019, Persecution Relief, a group dedicated to helping persecuted Christians in India, recorded 527 cases of persecution against Christians, compared to 447 cases in 2018.

Sadly, the final number for 2020 will probably be the highest that we have seen so far.

But at least things in India are not as bad as they are in China.  As I have discussed previously, the Chinese government seems to have decided that the elimination of the Christian faith should be official government policy.  Over the past couple of years, countless churches have been raided, countless pastors have been imprisoned, and countless Bibles have been burned.

And even hundreds of pro-government “churches” that do everything that the central government tells them to do are still having their crosses taken down…

Bitter Winter reported on June 9 that crosses had been removed from over 250 state-run Three-Self churches in the eastern province of Anhui in the first four months of the year. According to the newly received information, an additional 656 state-run Protestant venues in the province had lost their crosses during the first half of this year, the total exceeding 900.

Thankfully, we aren’t facing this level of persecution in the western world yet, but many of our politicians have used the pandemic that we are experiencing to implement very strict restrictions on Christian gatherings.

In fact, the city of Seattle temporarily shut down an entire park the other day in order to prevent a Christian worship event from taking place.  The following comes from Todd Starnes…

The City of Seattle shut down a local park in advance of a massive gathering of Christian worshippers.

Christians were banned from the park, but not Black Lives Matter or Antifa. Let that sink in, folks.

The organizers could have completely canceled the event, but instead they decided to take it to the streets and rebrand it as a “worship protest”…

But instead of canceling the event, the Christians simply relocated the service to the street and called it a “worship protest.”


It was wonderful to see such a diverse group of people all worshipping the Lord together under a beautiful blue sky.

But you can be sure that officials in Seattle will be brainstorming ways that they can prevent such a thing from happening again in the future.

Hatred of Christians is rapidly rising all over the globe, and it is going to get a whole lot worse in the years ahead.

Sadly, the corporate-controlled media will almost certainly continue to ignore the persecution that is happening because it definitely does not fit any of the agendas that they are trying to push.

That is extremely unfortunate, because every one of these lives that is being lost is of immense value, and their stories deserve to be told.

Originally published at End Of The American Dream – reposted with permission.




Black Lives Matter Riot in Front of Supreme Court Justices Homes for the Right to Kill Their Own Children

People who endorse the butchering of unborn babies are now illegally protesting at our Supreme Court Justices’ homes, revealing they have no respect for either life or law. No surprise. The White House intentionally allowed this to happen, and the leaks were spurred on by the DemocRATS in order to create anarchy. The DemocRATS no longer even desire to stand on our laws and accept diverse opinions. They will steal elections, defund the police, allow and encourage criminals, drug cartels and terrorists to cross over our borders, and a plethora of other means to destroy this nation. Everything this party does is illegal, since their goal is “the transformation of America,” …a phrase repeated by Barack Obama, Chuck Schummer and others. The Left are intimidating the justices through illegal threats; their desire is to get at least one judge to change their vote. The DemocRATS / Marxist goal is to create class warfare and destroy our nation. In Christ, Pastor Steve <><

by Publisher | May 9, 2022

Either Black lives actually do matter, or they don’t. But a strange yet unsurprising phenomenon is that the Black Lives Matter movement is now organizing riots in front of the Supreme Court justice’s homes in the wake of the leak revealing that the high court intends to strike down Roe v. Wade

Black Lives Matter, a terrorist organization that resembles Antifa, the KKK, and al-Qaeda in many ways, has been hell-bent on destroying Western civilization. One of its primary means of operation is to instill fear in the public by rioting, burning down cities, and public displays of horrific intimidation toward the leaders in charge of this nation.

That’s exactly what is taking place right now in front of several of the Supreme Court justice’s homes. Conservative justices, who have been identified according to the leak as the ones responsible for striking down the decades-old ruling that guaranteed the right to abortion, are now being intimidated by Black Lives Matter groups who are wreaking havoc in front of their homes.

Abortions disproportionately affect Black children. While Black women make up less than 15 percent of the population, they have roughly 28 percent of all abortions in America. One could only wonder why a group named “Black Lives Matter” would so desperately fight for the right to continue reducing their own population through such an injustice as aborting—murdering—their own children.

Here are some pictures.

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Gallery: Pro-Abortion Rebels Destroy Churches and Pregnancy Centers Amid Roe v. Wade Leak

Reformation Charlotte
May 6

“Those who hate me love death,” is the warning of God in Proverbs 8:36. Nothing could be clearer than the God-hating rebellion we’re witnessing in front of our eyes in the wake of the Supreme Court leak on the upcoming Roe v. Wade decision. Hate groups such as Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other feminist anti-conservative rebels are taking to the streets to express their disgust at the possibility that the “right” of a woman to murder her child may not be guaranteed by the Constitution and returned to the states.
The overturning of Roe v. Wade will not eliminate abortion—it’s merely a necessary step to remove the federal guarantee of it. In the last several months, left-wing states like California and New York have already been preparing for this by drafting legislation that would codify the right to abortion—perhaps even more liberal seeming to allow for after-birth abortion—into their own laws.
Below is a gallery of some of these hate groups who are taking out their anger and frustration on innocent Americans, churches, crisis pregnancy centers, and other pro-life organizations.

Antifa reportedly attacks pregnancy center in Portland, Oregon:

Here, Antifa Watch reports that Anarchists in Boulder Colorado attacked a Catholic church on Tuesday night following the leak of the SCOTUS abortion decision. The building was covered with paint and anarchist graffiti as well a window cracked.

Our permanent pandemic?! ~ A Profound Article That Explains America Today

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Twice rejected by Vienna’s prestigious Academy of Fine Arts, the Austrian wannabe painter Adolf Hitler [1889-1945] was appointed Chancellor of Germany on January 30, 1933. Germany, the “country of poets and thinkers,” would now be led by someone who fraternized with cranks and criminals and was often seen carrying a dog whip in public. The Third Reich [“the third empire”] had been inaugurated.1 George Strausser Messersmith [1883-1960] was the United States consul general in Berlin during the rise and initial Nazification of Germany from 1930 to 1934. Nicknamed “40-page George” for his lengthy missives to Washington, Messersmith reported extensively on the Nazi policy of Gleichschaltung: Hitler’s enforcement of “political conformity in all sectors, from the economy and trade associations to the media, culture and education.”2 Composed of the adjective gleich, meaning equal, same or identical, and the noun Schaltung, set-up or switch, the German term Gleichschaltung refers to the enforced shift to sameness or conformity. Imposed or made mandatory, it is the ultimate and literal consequence of the process of equality in terms of outcome, or “equity” in popular progressive parlance. The Merriam-Webster dictionary provides the perfect definition of the term Gleichschaltung: “the act, process, or policy of achieving rigid and total coordination and uniformity [as in politics, culture, communication] by forcibly repressing or eliminating independence and freedom of thought, action, or expression; forced reduction to a common level; forced standardization or assimilation.” [Emphasis added] Equal to foreign diplomats misjudging Hitler’s rise, Republican leaders misjudged the “fifteen days to flatten the curve” scheme from March 2020. We may never bring the full truth to light, but it would help to know whether Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s claim is accurate that Dr. Anthony Fauci profits personally by promoting vaccines.3 The parallels between the early 1930’s German subterfuge and contemporary America are becoming increasingly alarming, particularly with the latest COVID variant appearing to mutate into unmitigated totalitarian dictatorship.4 Closely resembling Nazism’s Gleichschaltung, the Biden Administration and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are thus actively engaged in forcibly repressing or eliminating independence and freedom of thought, action, or expression. What’s happening in America is spiritual. It all started in the late 19th century when America changed horses in midstream, maintaining this radical switch ever since. The State has become the place of worship, and its public education and school parishes have been converted into centers for evangelism and indoctrination of religious secular propaganda. The takeover was completed with the removal of prayer to Jehovah God from public education in 1962 [Engel v. Vitale], the removal of the Bible from public schools in 1963 [Abington School District v. Schempp], and the removal of the Ten Commandments from public schools, courthouses, and government buildings in 1980 [Stone v. Graham]. This put an untimely end to a nation founded “for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.” America’s levers of culture power are now manned by unhallowed, militant devotees to secularism. Holding sway over the spiritual, intellectual, educational, economical and vocational mountains of influence, they dominate every facet of American life … that is, of a once “free people.”
Cultural Marxism and its mass media tribute band swing through the country with absolutism’s “virtuous” jamboree, flaunting Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Critical Race Theory, MeToo, and biological boys competing against girls at state track championships. Blue state aspiring dictators double down on focusing the nation’s attention on diversity, cancel culture, wokism, race equity, gender pronoun sophistry, transgenderism, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Here is a sampling of the utter muddle that secularism has created: A professor at an elite medical school abjectly apologizes to his students for using the term “pregnant women,” implying that only women can get pregnant: “I don’t want you to think that I am in any way trying to imply anything, and if you can summon some generosity to forgive me, I would really appreciate it. It was certainly not my intention to offend anyone.”5
Minnesota fourth graders are told to hide from their parents “equity survey” questions on race and gender.6
Government coercion to inject Pfizer’s experimental gene therapy vaccine strongly boosts corporate profits. “Pfizer now sees $33.5 billion in 2021 vaccine sales, up from $26 billion, and says a third dose of its #COVID19 shot ‘strongly’ boosts protection against the Delta variant.”7
Capitol Police ordered to arrest staff and visitors not wearing masks following power hungry Speaker Pelosi’s House mandate.8
One’s sex should be removed as a legal designation on the public part of birth certificates, according to the American Medical Association [AMA].9
Military called out to enforce lockdown in Sydney for at least a month. No leaving the house except for government approved reasons. Australia has seen 9 COVID deaths.10 Is there a way out of this muddled mire? We the people must come together and pray! Every church in America should have a pastor, elder, deacon, or congregant running for local office [school board, city council, county commissioner, etc.] in 2022, 2024, 2026, and thereafter. Jesus’ ekklesia Kingdom assignment from Matthew 16:18 should be the focus of American Christendom, with the standard of measure being such issues as “Is our city becoming more like the Kingdom of Heaven?” Any casual observer of American Christendom will easily recognize the great difference between the modern church and what Jesus said He would build. Over the last century Christian leadership collectively moved from producing and launching leaders into the public square to merely feeding flocks of voiceless followers in its increasingly isolated communities. The Church went from apostolic leadership to pastoral leadership.11 We have arrived at our kairos, the New Testament Greek word for “the appointed time in the purpose of God.” In his Gleanings in Joshua, Arthur W. Pink says this about it: “It would indeed be strange if we apprehended how that on the one hand Canaan was a free gift unto Israel, which they entered by grace alone; and on the other that they had to fight for every inch of it!” In closing on a political note, we turn to American writer, blogger, and television commentator Benjamin Domenech [born 1982], who in a recent article titled The Permanent Pandemic Game, suggested why Nancy Pelosi is masking up again. “This is about politics, not saving lives. On May 13th, Joe Biden announced that if you were vaccinated, you no longer needed to wear a mask … Masking is theater.
“Democrats are now counting on being the party of the permanent pandemic as their path to victory. Democrats see the tidal wave coming toward them in the upcoming midterms and they are fearful and desperate. They want to maintain the fire hose of money from Washington, the general feeling of emergency status, their defense of the lazy feckless and evil teachers’ unions, and of course the emergency pandemic rules related to mail-in ballots and voting. It is their only hope to prevent what everyone sees coming.
“There is only one way to stop this predicament, to wreck the mess of mandates and requirements and ‘let’s try all the things that made no difference’ approaches, and ensure your children are not ‘distance learning’ for another year: the ballot box.” As Christian Americans we must make a choice: we either engage in the public square by going to the ballot box or we head towards places prepared for those unwilling to fight, such as concentration camps, the gulag and the grave. Gideons and Rahabs are beginning to stand. David LaneAmerican Renewal Project 1. Eric Metaxas, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy; 2020.2. Joe Nikola, Ekklesia: The Government of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; 2014.

A Time To Heal?

Breaking News Updates – November 11, 2020
A Time To Heal?
Joe Biden spoke of it during his victory-claiming, Saturday night speech. Time Magazine has now made it their new front cover. It is, we are being told, “time to heal.” But will it be that easy? And can a party with strong, radical elements lead the way in healing when many are calling for a witch hunt of Trump supporters

Joe Biden spoke of it during his victory-claiming, Saturday night speech. Time Magazine has now made it their new front cover. It is, we are being told, “time to heal.” But will it be that easy? And can a party with strong, radical elements lead the way in healing?
Of course, we still do not know the final outcome of the elections. There are many court cases to hear and many challenges to review. And Christians around the country continue to pray fervently for God’s will to be done.
But if it does turn out that Joe Biden is our next president, with Kamala Harris as vice president, can he (or she) lead the way in healing a very broken, fragmented, angry nation?
He said Saturday night, “Let’s give each other a chance put away the harsh rhetoric.” Yes, he urged, “Stop treating our opponents as our enemies. They are not our enemies. They’re Americans.”
I truly appreciate those words. I applaud those sentiments. And I believe that there is just as much hatred on the left as there is on the right (and probably in the middle too).
We don’t simply differ with each other these days. We despise each other. We loathe each other. We demonize each other.
There Will Be No Healing
Would that it were as easy as saying, “Let’s stop being enemies.” Would that we could simply come together over shared, common values. Would that we could simply love our neighbors as ourselves. I pray that it would be so.
But as long as there are strong beliefs that the election has been stolen, there will be no healing in sight.
Conversely, should the courts overturn the current vote, there will be no healing.
And when crowds dance in jubilation at the defeat of Trump, there will be no healing.
And when BLM and Antifa remain as radicalized as ever, there will be no healing.
The onus of bringing healing must fall on those who claim to know the Lord.
And if Biden becomes our next president and seeks to enact many of his promised policies, as his constituents would expect him to do, there will be no healing.
And if Biden and Harris continue to advocate for the legal slaughtering of the unborn — as he is promising to do among his first acts, there will be no healing.
And if Biden is serious about making transgender rights the civil rights issue of the day, there will be no healing. (Note his specific mention of “Gay, straight, transgender” in his speech.)
Even with something as simple as a national mask mandate, it would only deepen the divide.
The Fate of the Nation
I personally believe that 8 years of the Obama administration brought great disunity, rather than healing, to the nation.
The next four years of the Trump administration exponentially deepened those divisions and poured salt into the wounds.
And now, with the most divisive, volatile elections since the Civil War, our divisions and suspicions are even deeper.
On the left, people like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are attacking their fellow Democrats for not being radical enough. Towards the middle-left, the “moderates” are criticizing people like AOC for their radical positions. And the further you go to the right, the more the left is perceived as the number one, existential threat to the future of the nation.
That’s why both Republicans and Democrats claimed that this election was about “the future of America” or “the future of our democracy.” Everyone recognized what was at stake.
And should Donald Trump somehow emerge victorious to serve a second term, I see no hope of healing coming from him either, barring a change that would be even more miraculous than his reelection.
Christians Must Lead the Way in Healing
What, then, can be done?
To be sure, we should pray that the duly elected, next president will be a unifier rather than a divider. He can set an example of civility while maintaining his convictions. He can be a man of courage without savaging his opponents. That would help in part.
But the onus of bringing healing must fall on those who claim to know the Lord. Those who believe in His values. Those who truly believe that we are called to stand out from the rest of the world, marked by our conduct and our character.
We can stand firm and immovable without being nasty and petty. We can vote our convictions without engaging in partisan political mud-slinging. And, with God’s help, we can even love our enemies. We can actually bless those who curse us. It is a beautifully freeing and transforming experience.
At the very least, we can practice such conduct among ourselves, among our fellow-believers, even in the midst of our inevitable differences and conflicts.
As Paul exhorted the Colossians, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (Colossians 3:12-14).
If you’re a Christian, this is a command, not a suggestion.
And while the healing of a hurting, angry, divided nation is a seemingly impossible task, we can seek to bring healing one life at a time.
We can reach out with grace to an offended loved one. We can send a kind-hearted (not compromised) note to an angered friend on social media. We can forgive from the heart. We can humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness where we have sinned against others.
To quote Paul again, “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. The commandments, ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not covet,’ and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law” (Romans 13:8-10).
Again, I appreciate any effort by a political leader to sound a conciliatory note and to reach out across the aisle. I simply realize that with the nature of the divisions that are tearing us apart, true healing will have to come from another source.
May each of us lead the way, not moving an iota from our deeply held convictions and not ceasing to fight for what is right. But walking in love and living as decent human beings.
Can I count you in?
Originally published at – reposted with permission.

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Joe Biden Appears To Have Received Votes In The The Presidential Election Through Fraud

The postelection newsbreaks are coming in rapidly in state after state, city after city, and precinct after precinct. In traditionally Democratic held strongholds, whenever President Donald Trump had the lead in votes, thousands of (fraudulent?) votes would appear out of nowhere, typically at 3 A. M., and eclipse whatever number of votes the president received. Federal laws were broken as Poll Watchers were held back from observing the process of counting votes. Windows were taped so no one could observe the activity. People who were dead “voted.” This has occurred in Nevada. People who moved out of state “voted.” Some people “voted” multiple times and from different areas. There is an instance of one dump of 23,000 ballots in Philadelphia without even one vote for President Donald Trump. In an atmosphere of legitimacy, this would be impossible. Yes, President Trump was absolutely correct in his assessment several months ago that mail in voting was tailor made for corruption and implemented on purpose in an attempt to steal the election. There is no reason that all of our citizenry could not have voted in person using masks and with social distancing. This is how we live doing everything else today. But the pandemic was intentionally taken advantage of, in order to attempt to steal the election. This was the plan all along and the reason that mail in voting was concocted to begin with. In states like Pennsylvania, the votes did not have to come in until three days after the election, presenting a perfect recipe for chaos and confusion! Furthermore, signatures or witnesses for the ballots were not needed. Yes indeed, the integrity and accountability of voting in person is totally compromised when ballots are mailed in. My prayer is that the obvious gross errors made will not allow the wrong man with illegitimate votes to win. At this point, I do not believe that fraudulent voting activity has taken the election away from our president, yet it is a viable concern that needs examination and closure, especially in regards to future elections.

At this writing, the known premier bastions of corruption are Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit and Milwaukee, amongst others. The radical left (Antifa, etc.) feels totally justified in usurping the nation’s voting process because in their convoluted thinking, they equate Donald Trump with Adolf Hitler – i.e. Trump derangement syndrome. They would usurp our entire Democracy and trample our flag (before burning it) at every given opportunity. I hope and pray that every American who cherishes freedom and democracy is as concerned as I am. These nefarious people would attempt to steal the election from seventy million people who voted legally and honestly. Election protocols were NOT followed in countless voting precincts, as person after person reported all kinds of shenanigans.

The Republicans appear to be holding on to the Senate, and adding several seats in the House of Representatives. The GOP is winning most of the vacancies. It would only stand to reason that Donald Trump likewise could have possibly won the presidency. This is the way it usually works as congressional seats are won along with the corresponding presidential victory. Hence a skepticism of the outcome of the presidential election is certainly warranted.

This is the perfect recipe for anarchy and even civil war. What is our response in the body of Christ? At this time, we have no idea how this will all play out. It appears that Joseph Biden will soon become our President Elect. Long before the election, Donald Trump wisely warned the nation of the possible need of litigation in areas of corruption, proceeding from the states/municipalities in which fraudulence occurred, all the way to the Supreme Court. This will be hard for Americans to digest, and it affords us the opportunity for prayer and patience. Speaking for myself, I do not trust the Democratic Party, the media, the press, the polls, or our election process. They are all together in mutual alignment. Even the so called conservative Fox News called Arizona way too early. Inaccurate polling data is intentionally given out in order to discourage Trump’s supporters from voting. Yes, our government is corrupt and we are resembling a third world country more so all the time.

We must pray for the Lord’s intervention. For several months prior to the election, I prayed continually for the candidate who received the most legitimate/legal votes to win the presidency. Common sense 101. I will continue this prayer. Franklin Graham has said it beautifully: “Our country is suffering because we have left God out and we have forgotten Him.” What more is there to say? If you are born from above, pray for the lost and for our sin sick nation. When we leave God, He leaves us and everything goes south.

Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

Pray For Revival In America!

Addendum Since writing the above, more corruption has been located in the election process. A software computer glitch in a Michigan county has caused 6,000 Republican votes to be counted for the Democrats. This software is used in 41 counties in Michigan, and in 30 states in our country! Lord help us find justice in this fiasco of an election.

***Note The envelopes in which many of the mail in ballots are sent are thrown out. They have the voters name on it, often the only evidence in reference to who voted. The ballot itself has nothing on it except the marks for the person(s) you voted for. An absolutely perfect means for corruption with the evidence thrown away. ***

Will The 2020 Election Be The Beginning Of The End For Our System Of Government?

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Breaking News Updates – October 5, 2020
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In order for our system of government to work, people need to be able to believe that their votes will count and that the outcomes of our elections will be fair. But the current process is not going to be good for our nation no matter who ends up winning as both sides prepare to declare the other stole the election. And once faith in our system is gone, it will be nearly impossible to get back.

Most Americans assume that our system of government could never fail, but the truth is that it is failing right in front of our eyes.  In order for our system of government to work, people need to be able to believe that their votes will count and that the outcomes of our elections will be fair.  
For over 200 years, most Americans did have faith in the system, but now things are rapidly changing.  Here in 2020, we appear to be heading for a hotly contested result in the presidential election, and many on the losing side are inevitably going to believe that the election was stolen from them.  
And day after day we just continue to see more examples that indicate the security of our elections is being compromised on a widespread basis.  Not too long ago, I wrote about the military ballots for Trump that had been discarded in a dumpster in Pennsylvania and the ballots that were discovered in a ditch in Wisconsin.  
And now today I came across a report about how memory sticks that are “used to program Philadelphia’s voting machines” were stolen from a warehouse…
A laptop and several memory sticks used to program Philadelphia’s voting machines were stolen from a city warehouse in East Falls, officials confirmed Wednesday, setting off a scramble to investigate and to ensure the machines had not been compromised.
Though it remains unclear when the equipment was stolen, sources briefed on the investigation said the items vanished this week. The laptop belonged to an on-site employee for the company that supplies the machines. It and the USB drives were the only items believed to have been taken.
We will want to watch the results coming out of Philadelphia very carefully, because the winner of Pennsylvania is probably going to win the presidency.
In 2012, 100 percent of the vote went to Barack Obama in precinct after precinct in Philly, and it will be very interesting to see if a similar pattern emerges during this election.
Elsewhere, James O’Keefe has just exposed an absolutely shocking “cash-for-ballots harvesting scheme” in Minnesota.  Apparently people were being paid lots of money to collect absentee ballots from elderly individuals and fill them out for preferred Democratic candidates.  The following comes from a Newsweek report…
“Just today we got 300 for Jamal Osman,” Mohamed says in the video. “I have 300 ballots in my car right now.”
“Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentee ballots. Look, all these are for Jamal Osman.”
Mohamed can be seen showing white envelopes on his car’s dashboard in a video from July 1. Later in the Project Veritas video Mohamed says, “Money is the king in this world… and a campaign is driven by money.”
How can an election be legitimate when there is this sort of vote buying going on?
And now with tens of millions of ballots going through the mail in 2020, it is going to be easier to “harvest” ballots than ever before.
I just have such a bad feeling about what is going to happen in November.

For weeks, the mainstream media has been trying to convince us that President Trump will probably have a lead on election night but that Joe Biden will win once all of the mail-in ballots are finally counted.
Of course it could take a really long time for all of those ballots to be counted, and meanwhile all sorts of monkey business could be happening in the background that we don’t know anything about.
In the end, one side is going to end up bitterly disappointed and will feel like the election has been stolen.  If Trump wins many Biden supporters will believe it was because all of the votes were not fairly counted, and if Biden wins many Trump supporters will believe that there was widespread fraud involving mail-in ballots.
We could very easily end up with a scenario where both candidates are declaring victory, and that could set up a very ugly constitutional crisis.  In one of his recent articles, James Howard Kunstler detailed one way that this could all play out…
– The complicit newspapers and cable news channels publish polls showing Joe Biden leading in several swing states, even if it’s not true.- Facebook and Twitter amplify expectations of a Biden victory and censor any suggestion of Republican victory.- This sets the stage for a furor when it turns out that Democrats loses on election night.- On cue, Antifa commences to riot all around the country. Meanwhile, a mighty harvest of mail-in votes pours into election districts utterly unequipped to validate them.- Lawfare cadres agitate in the contested states’ legislatures to send rogue elector slates to the electoral college. The dispute ends up in congress, which awaits a seating of newly-elected representatives on January 4.- Turns out, the Dems lost their majority there too. Fighting in the streets ramps up and overwhelms hamstrung police forces in Democratic-run cities.- January 20 — Inauguration Day — rolls around, and the Dems ask the military to drag Trump out of the White House “with great dispatch!” as Mr. Biden himself put it so nicely back in the summer.
I do believe that Trump will have a lead on election night.
In fact, it could be a very big lead.
Trump has been trashing voting by mail for months, and this is going to encourage most of his supporters to vote in person.  In fact, during the first presidential debate Trump once again talked about potential problems with mail-in votes…
In the final segment of the contentious debate between Trump and Democrat Joe Biden, Trump launched into an extended argument against mail voting, claiming without evidence that it is ripe for fraud and suggesting mail ballots may be “manipulated.”
“This is going to be a fraud like you’ve never seen,” the president said of the massive shift to mail voting prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.
And the Republican National Committee has also been making disparaging statements about voting by mail…
‘We always expected to be behind at this point as Democrats have made it their mission to push for an all-mail election that brings fraud and chaos into the system,’ said Republican National Committee spokesman Mike Reed. ‘You’ll see Democrats predominantly vote by mail, and our voters will come out in droves to vote in person, especially on Election Day.’
Those that follow my work on a regular basis already know how I feel about voting by mail.  I believe that Americans should be required to vote in person whenever possible, because voting by mail just opens up so many opportunities for things to go wrong.
And many on the left are starting to realize this too.  For example, the following comes from a recent article by Derek Thompson…
Mail votes require several steps, and different steps in different locations, including postmarking the ballots, signing in various places, and using the proper number of envelopes. For that reason, it can confuse first-time voters, and even experienced voters used to queuing at local high schools. Two studies of the 2018 midterm elections in Florida and Georgia found that young and minority voters are especially likely to have their mail ballots rejected.
For most of 2020, Democrats have been relentlessly promoting voting by mail, but now they are beginning to understand that could result in hundreds of thousands of their votes being thrown out.  In fact, it is being reported that more than half a million votes were “disqualified” during the 2020 primaries…
In the 2020 primaries, more than 550,000 mail and absentee ballots were disqualified, a much higher number than four years ago. The problem is especially severe in some swing states. More than 23,000 mailed ballots were rejected in the presidential primaries in Wisconsin—more than Donald Trump’s margin of victory in that state in 2016. Deep-blue districts have had the same problem: New York City alone threw out more than 84,000 ballots this primary season.
In the end, Democrats could be sabotaging their own efforts by pushing mail-in voting so much.  If Democrats vote by mail in much higher numbers than Republicans, they will also likely have their votes disqualified in much higher numbers too.
Right now, Democrats are requesting mail ballots at a much higher rate than Republicans are in quite a few key swing states…
Of the more than 9 million voters who requested mail ballots as of Monday in five critical states where the data is available – Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine and Iowa – 52 percent were Democrats, 28 percent were Republicans, and 20 percent were unaffiliated.
Additional internal Democratic and Republican Party data obtained by The Washington Post shows a similar trend in Ohio, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Wisconsin, the paper reported.
Many Republican operatives are deeply concerned about these numbers, but perhaps they shouldn’t be.
If Republicans show up in person at the polls in tremendous numbers, that could give Trump an enormous lead on election night.
Of course Joe Biden will definitely not concede no matter how large the lead looks, and that will set the stage for weeks of legal wrangling over the counting of votes in multiple states.
Ultimately, we will probably have to wait a long time to see if the Democrats can come up with enough “mail-in ballots” to overcome Trump’s lead.
But this process is not going to be good for our nation no matter who ends up winning.
In fact, it is likely that millions of Americans will be so turned off by what happens that they will lose faith in the system permanently.
And once faith in our system is gone, it will be nearly impossible to get back.
Originally published at End Of The American Dream – reposted with permission.

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Where Did All These Young People Come From Who Hate The US?

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Breaking News Updates – September 17, 2020

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Do you look on with astonishment at Antifa and other extreme groups rioting and shouting “death to America?” How could all this happen? Where did all these young people come from who hate the US?

Do you look on with astonishment at Antifa and other extreme groups rioting and shouting “death to America?” How could all this happen? Where did all these young people come from who hate the US?
Chances are they caught this belief from our public school systems.
It’s time to take a serious look about protecting your children from indoctrination.
Distance learning is starting to show some of the cracks with schooling.
Reports are starting to surface of parents uncomfortable with the political patina of their children’s online classrooms. Police visited one family because a boy’s BB gun was visible behind him in an online classroom session, and the teacher reported the “gun” to the police.
Another teacher caught a glimpse of a 12-year old’s Nerf gun, and instead of asking him or the parents about it, she reported it to the sheriff.  The child was accidentally suspended for a week for having a toy gun at home during a Zoom class!

One teacher expressed that he has to be more careful with his words now that parents can listen to online class sessions. Some school districts have gone so far as to ask parents to sign a disclaimer that they will not watch class sessions with their children to protect other children’s privacy in the online classroom.

Could it be that teachers, their unions, and school administrations are concerned about being exposed as rhetoric spreaders in the classroom?
Have we forgotten our children are our responsibility?
Rearing them, teaching them, caring for them, and loving them is our responsibility. In this country, it seems we have abdicated that responsibility and ceded it over to the state. We believe the government owes our children free education, free medical care, and even free meals. I don’t know about you, but I suspect there is a string attached when I hear something is free. That string is the ability to mold our children’s minds.
I’m not comfortable with people I don’t know taking full responsibility for my children’s care, their thoughts, and their beliefs. Don’t we suspect that this current civil unrest was born in the classroom some years ago? While “it takes a village” has a nice familial ring to it, do we want the state to be that village?
Do we want our children to have our values or someone else’s?
Infuse into your home education a worldview rooted in critical thinking and morality, whether it be the Principle Approach, or an education rich in the study of the US constitution and western philosophy, or Socratic reasoning, or a faith-based curriculum.
If you’re a person of faith, you will undoubtedly want your children to share your faith and not that of a secular system. Teach your children how to think and help them to develop good character.
I know many teachers who take their jobs seriously, who go to work faithfully every day and try to do a good job. The best of them end up being frustrated by a system that doesn’t support them and is heavily influenced by the teacher’s unions and political correctness. They want to educate your children in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Still, their latitude in teaching has been severely limited by common core standards, teaching to the test, and political correctness.


Their job performance is now dependent upon how much your children learn from the required curriculum and how well they can perform on a standardized test. Children spend countless hours preparing for these tests that show only memorized information regurgitated onto the bubble-filled page. Do we want children who can memorize or do we want critical thinkers?

Students are encouraged, “get a good night’s sleep, and eat a good breakfast” on test days, as if this is not important on every other school day.
The teacher’s ability to advance to the next performance level or pay grade depends on your child’s test performance. That’s a lot of pressure for both the teacher and your child. Don’t we want our kids to be able to read, write, and do the math, and when they’ve learned that, to be able to think critically?
As a parent, you have tremendous influence and responsibility
You create an atmosphere of helping your children understand and make sense of the world around them by just listening and having a conversation. Could you do that over breakfast? How about around the dinner table?
If you don’t have a meal together as a family, start now. It’s a time to reconnect with each other, discuss the day’s events, or sort out difficulties someone is having. Mealtime is a time when the family knows everyone will listen to each other.
I’ve seen variations on the family meal. Some families discuss the events of the day. Others will pose a question and ask everyone’s opinion before the parent gives his/her view. Others recite memorized poetry or Bible verses, and others use the time to pray. Mealtime can become a sacred time – a time for the family to lift one another, work through difficulties, and talk about what was essential to each one.
We didn’t realize how important mealtime was until my son had a group of friends over. When it was dinnertime, my son called them to the table. They said they’d come in to eat later. My son explained that we all eat together in our house. Reluctantly, they all came in to eat. At the end of the meal, my son’s friends said they enjoyed eating together. The only time they did that in their homes was during the holidays. I think they wished their own families did the same.
You have the power to create a safe and comforting place in your home at mealtime, not just for your children but also for their friends. Even if the food is simple, or God forbid, scarce, don’t discard the opportunity to reconnect.
What about homeschooling? 
The decision of whether to homeschool – or even if they’re qualified to do so – has been a difficult one for many parents. I’ve read that parents are concerned about the cost of homeschooling, hiring a tutor or a teacher for their micro-school or learning pod of children. They are desperate to keep working and earning to pay someone else to educate their children and maintain their same lifestyle.
If you can afford to hire a teacher, even part-time, to educate your and your friend’s kids in a one-room schoolhouse in your converted garage, more power to you. Many don’t have that financial flexibility to hire someone else to teach.
My advice to you would be to join forces with other parents, share the load, learn to teach your children, and teach them to learn from you. Here are some tips to help you do so.
Be flexible. Some parents may be able to teach during part of the day, and some may be available for tutoring at night. Another parent may teach archery, bushcraft skills, gardening, food preservation, or backpacking on the weekend.
Be creative. Pull together something that works for you and the other families. A kitchen table is all you need.
Divide the work fairly. I belonged to a babysitting co-op, and we created laminated cards to exchange babysitting services. One card for one hour of babysitting for up to two children was the baseline. We all started with the same number of cards and exchanged and received them as we used and provided babysitting to the other co-op members. Parent educators could design a similar system–one card per adult for two hours of teaching for up to four children.
Using an established system, you could help one another in other ways. Perhaps one family gardens, another knows how to do car maintenance, another has an abundance of chicken eggs, and another has skills in the medical field.
Could you exchange what you have or know for what another family has or knows? Could you save money by exchanging for needs?
Think about it because this kind of system could help you navigate not only homeschooling, but also a collapse in the supply chain, rapid inflationary pressures on food or medicine, or securing neighborhoods from civil unrest.
Why do I push homeschooling?
Homeschooling can form the baseline for all other thought processes. Homeschooling creates solid values in your children, supporting one another through thick and thin, and finding others who are like-minded. Homeschooling can be your lifeline, not just for your children, but also for your entire family. It’s also the best way I know to have a stable and fulfilling relationship with your grown children.
Homeschooling is just part of a mindset that is undergirded by a belief in self-sufficiency. And by self-sufficiency, I don’t necessarily mean going it all alone. I mean figuring out a way to make it a win-win for others with a similar mindset to you and getting what both you and they need.
Some people find a group of like-minded people in a church, within your own family, and others find them on a blog like this. Find your people and figure out a way to help one another, not just in homeschooling, but also in doing life together.
I used to say it was time to leave this country if homeschooling was outlawed because I believed that was the final step in indoctrination and in limiting our freedom. While it is not outlawed, it may become more and more regulated. I urge you to take this time to explore your options, to understand what you want for your family’s future, and to take action now to achieve that.
I believe we have a window of opportunity that may close in the years ahead. Learn to protect your children from the indoctrination of others who don’t have their best interests in mind.
Originally published at The Organic Prepper – reposted with permission.



Good article that targets an important source of the anarchy in our nation.  However, the remedy seems to be too little and too late.  The horse is already out of the barn as we attempt to close the door.  When in college, I had teachers who taught socialism in 1971!  We have an entire generation that is poisoned through teachers who proponed anarchy.  I will place my confidence in the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.    Blessings, Pastor Steve  <><



A.F. Branco Cartoon – A Peaceful Threat


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Prominent Democrats threaten to burn it down if Trump and the Republicans move ahead with the SCOTUS nomination. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.


The Democrats And The Left Are Totally Unhinged, Violent Anarchists, And Intent To Destroy Our Nation Whenever They Do Not Get Their Way   ~   Pastor Steve

Your calculated risk of dying from COVID-19


If you are between the ages of 20 and 40 your risk of dying from COVID-19 is the same as your chance of dying from playing football.
If you’re between the ages of 15 and 24 you’re more likely to be fatally afflicted by falling down the stairs than by COVID-19.
Kids under 15 have more chance of getting hit by lightning than of dying from COVID-19.
Healthy women under 40 … your odds of dying from COVID-19 … are about the same as dying from a plane crash.1
“If you’re under the age of 65 the chance of dying of COVID-19 … is the same risk you face driving on your commute to work.” This is how John Ioannidis, M.D., Professor of Medicine of Health Research and Policy and of Biomedical Data Science at Stanford University School of Medicine, presents the insignificant risk posed by the “deadly and novel” virus.
The 6-month manic COVID-19 campaign – driven by Big Pharma’s panic for profit, aided and abetted by un-American censorship from Big Tech’s Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and a drumbeating mainstream media – has reached the point where if people were told to get into boxcars to be taken to ‘Virus Protection Camps’, many would rush to get in line. []
The turbulence and upheaval engineered by government bureaucrats and blue state potentates will require brisk countermeasures if freedom is to be sustained.
As early as May, this year, retired neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., issued a warning about wearing face masks: not only do masks fail to protect the healthy from getting sick, but they also create serious health risks to the wearer – airlines, are you listening? The bottom line, Dr. Blaylock says, is that if you are not sick you should not wear a face mask. He added, “[No credible scientific study has] established a conclusive relationship between mask use and protection against influenza infection [read: COVID-19].”2
You might be thinking, why have we not each and every winter worn masks as protection from the flu?
Linda Johnston, M.D., spells out that “The coronavirus is about 100 nanometers in diameter. Cloth mask ‘holes’ are 1,000 times larger than a virus. An analogy is used that a mask is like a mosquito getting through a chain link fence. It’s actually much worse, it’s a mosquito getting through a chain link fence with holes 14 yards in diameter.”
Regarding the question what might be going on in America, Steven F. Hotze, M.D., has this to say: “The purpose of masks is to break your will, destroy your individuality, and make you submissive to tyrannical government bureaucrats [Fauci] and Leftists [blue state governors and mayors]. First you lose your identity and then you lose your freedom.”3
The medical mantra to make masks matter beyond their measure, mindlessly multiplied by the mass media, has mandated a state of muted maskism, or rather masked mutism, where assertions are unquestioned and misgivings remain unanswered.
Before attempting to make spiritual application, we go 43 years back to the days before this writer got converted. Would you have known David Lane then, you would have thought, “I cannot imagine anyone in the world less likely to be saved by Christ! It will be near impossible to find someone more irresponsible, more heedless, more ungodly than him.”
This once again brings us to Governor Gavin Newsom. Over the past few months we have pointed out the sullied history, irrepressible arrogance, and questionable character of the 52-year-old Newsom, as seemingly closely affiliated with the serpent of Gath in 1 Samuel 17.4 Goliath’s strutting encroachment of Israel and blasphemous taunting echo Newsom’s malevolent manifesto of declaring CA churches “non-essential,” while classifying liquor stores, marijuana distribution centers and abortion clinics as “essential.”
Before pagans like Goliath of Gath roamed the earth to oppress and abuse others, earlier leaders and rulers also thrived on the large-scale spreading of fear and panic, which is the trademark of tyrants [Numbers 13:25-33]. Israel cowered before both. Today’s blue state governors and mayors are just the latest hectors exploiting agonizing angst and petrifying panic to gain control of the public square.
It would seem that American Christendom has been strategically positioned for an urgently needed wakeup call by the Living God. This is our kairos, our propitious moment for action. If Christians are to sustain freedom and liberty for their children and grandchildren, a serious change of impact will be required.
Loyalties are now being tested in the present crisis as “serpents” and “giants” stalk America, i.e. in the likes of Gavin Newsom, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and Fortune 500 Companies, indirectly or directly rooting for looting and setting fire to America’s cities.
To those pastors sitting out the battle against grandiose pronouncements demanding a halt to reopening America’s churches, we paraphrase from The Making of a Man of God: Lessons from the Life of David. For a while it will be possible that you, like David, may be able to soothe or satisfy radically secular elected officials and government bureaucrats by playing your spiritual harp. But the moment you raise your head in opposition to their wanton and unrestrained abuse of power, and despotic misappropriation of authority, they will take aim at you. Or as Alan Redpath expressed it: “You will discover that the place of rejection by others is the place of acceptance by God.”5
We’ll find the answer to wanting to know what to do in Ronald Greer’s If You Know Who You Are, You Will Know What to Do. He tells of the dark days of Nazi usurpation of Holland with Gestapo everywhere and Jews vanishing. Dutch Christians asked Dutch Reformed theologian, linguist, and missionary Hendrik Kraemer [1888-1965] what they should do.
The missionary responded, “I cannot tell you what to do but I can tell you who you are. If you know who you are, then you will know what to do.” He then read to the fearful Christians the words first spoken to the equally fearful Christians in 1 Peter 2:9: “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people claimed by God as his own, to proclaim the triumphs of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
Whereupon the people thanked the missionary, departed, and started the Dutch underground resistance movement.
Neither needing yet another political rally nor a prayer march around the Capitol, what America really needs is a Joel 1:13 call for lamentation and repentance over what we, pastors and churchgoers, have allowed to let happen in a nation “founded for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.”
The appeal will be for mercy. It won’t be about who can come up with the loftiest prayer. American Christendom has become flabby and palmy, yet listless spiritually with no influence in the culture. We must begin with reshaping public education and decluttering secular culture. Following admittance of culpability, confession should be immediately wedded to action. This way we will quench the massive fireball heading our way on November 3, 2020.
Yet, let us never forget that those who walk with Christ never lose hope, because we know that “Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. But He does not always, nor generally, act immediately, when we are brought low. No, he ‘waits to be gracious’ [Isa. 30:18], that our helplessness may be the more fully realized, that His delivering hand may be seen the more clearly, and that His merciful interposition may be the more appreciated.” [A.W. Pink, The Life of David]
May the Lord bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.
Gideons or Rahabs are rising to stand.
David Lane
American Renewal Project
4. Peter J. Leithart, A Son To Me: An Exposition of 1 & 2 Samuel.
5. Alan Redpath, The Making of a Man of God: Lessons from the Life of David
American Renewal Project | 815-A Brazos StreetNumber 69Austin, TX 78701