Smoking Gun: FBC Orlando’s Danny DeArmas Baptized Openly Gay, “Married” Man-to-Man Homosexuals

Adding more credence of why our church just exited the Southern Baptist Convention. If I am not mistaken, Danny DeArmas is son of the former Director of Missions in our local Southern Baptist Association. More evidence that spiritual leaders across our nation, do not read or believe in their Bibles. Of course, the Southern Baptist Convention would never confront such apostasy – that would hinder their “unity.

Maranatha, Pastor Steve <><

The Dissenter recently reported on First Baptist Church Orlando’s capitulation to gay ideology. It began when the associate pastor and former chair of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) took the stage to boast and brag how the Southern Baptist church included homosexuals, transgenders, pro-abortion activists, and every other kind of God-hater in their church and allowed them to serve.

A week later, the lead pastor, David Uth, took the stage to double down and even stated that not only would they continue doing what they are doing, but they were partnering with NAMB to plant even more churches with the same unbiblical ecclesiology.

Thanks to the research of my friend, Justin Peters, and his colleagues, the smoking gun of gay affirmation has now been found at the Florida megachurch, First Baptist Orlando.

Below are images of a man named Joe Mills who, according to his Facebook page, is happily “married” to another man named Mario as of December 2021…

Publisher | Jul 9, 2022 | AbortionApostasyFeminismheresyLGBTQ IssuesNewsReligionSocial-IssuesThe Church | 0 comments

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The Dissenter recently reported on First Baptist Church Orlando’s capitulation to gay ideology. It began when the associate pastor and former chair of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) took the stage to boast and brag how the Southern Baptist church included homosexuals, transgenders, pro-abortion activists, and every other kind of God-hater in their church and allowed them to serve.

A week later, the lead pastor, David Uth, took the stage to double down and even stated that not only would they continue doing what they are doing, but they were partnering with NAMB to plant even more churches with the same unbiblical ecclesiology.

Thanks to the research of my friend, Justin Peters, and his colleagues, the smoking gun of gay affirmation has now been found at the Florida megachurch, First Baptist Orlando.

Below are images of a man named Joe Mills who, according to his Facebook page, is happily “married” to another man named Mario as of December 2021.

Here are some more images of Joe Mills and his “husband,” Mario.

Okay, fine, you say. Just a couple of homosexuals. Well, Joe Mills is currently an active participant in a Bible study group at First Baptist Orlando called “The Gospel Gathering.” Here is an image showing him as an administrator of this Bible study group’s Facebook page:

And here’s the smoking gun. Here is Joe Mills being baptized by Danny DeArmas, the executive pastor of First Baptist Church, Orlando.

Made New? Hardly. If he was made new, he would repent over his practice of sodomy. In Christ, Pastor Steve <>< 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW.

And not only is he BEING baptized, but he’s also in the Bible Study Facebook group bragging about how he is going to baptize someone else.

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