New SBC Pres Joins Old SBC Pres for a Stroll in Sodom and Gomorrah for Pride Celebration

After a torturous week of downgrade at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, the new president, Bart Barber joins former Southern Baptist president, Steve Gaines for a luxurious stroll in Sodom and Gomorrah—also known as Anaheim, California’s Disneyland…

Southern Baptist leaders are proudly pictured at America’s current largest symbol of Sodomy – Disneyland. The 2022 convention also featured a softened tone in reference to abortion, and the acceptance of ordained women in the ministry. My prayer prior to this meeting, was for the Lord to make it very plain in regards to my future involvement in the Southern Baptist Convention. The Lord made it very plain. Thank you Jesus. In His Service, Pastor Steve <><

While most Southern Baptists are incensed at Disney’s ever-increasing encroachment into the innocence of young children by grooming them with LGBTQ indoctrination on a mass scale, for the sake of unity, these men just throw it in conservative’s faces.

Honestly, these guys really had to search long and hard to find a spot to take a picture at Disneyland that wasn’t decked out in LGBTQ pride flags and propaganda. Disneyland isn’t just a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, but it is also celebrating “pride month” this June, and the pics from its social media account are rather scary. Not somewhere a Christian should really enjoy being.

In 1996, the Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution boycotting Disney for the same things that these people are celebrating today.

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