Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Investigation Firm Comes Out in Full Support of Homosexuality and Sexual Immorality

The Southern Baptist Convention has been embroiled in scandal after scandal over the past year since Ed Litton, the current Southern Baptist Convention president took office at the convention last year. Embroiled in his own plagiarism scandal, Litton was elected to implement and oversee an investigation into an alleged mass cover-up scheme of sex abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention.

The Dissenter has been covering the story of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) political hit job perpetrated by Russell Moore, an ex-employee of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. After he departed the denomination to join the staff at the apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, to continue his liberal agenda, Moore leaked a letter to the press claiming he had knowledge of sex abuse involving women and children dating back nearly two years and alleged that SBC leaders pressured him to cover up these abuses.

To this day, Moore–a mandatory reporter–has not reported these allegations to the police, leaving only two possible conclusions: either Moore is committing a serious crime by not reporting these to the police, or is an unrepentant liar who is trying to smear the names of innocent people for political reasons.

So it should come as no surprise that after the investigation finally concluded and the report that came out was primarily a report of already publicly available information, that the investigation firm that these Southern Baptist leftists smear-hacks hired to carry out the investigation was a pro-LGBTQ feminist activist group.

The firm, Guidepost Solutions, broadcasts on its website that they “understand the challenges that faith-based organizations face in identifying, addressing and preventing issues such as sexual harassment and abuse” and bolster themselves as “experts in assessing cultural and organizational risks and providing concrete steps to facilitate change.”

What they didn’t tell us, at least up front, was that they actually hate the Church, hate God, and hate biblical doctrine. So, who is Guidepost Solutions really? Well, according to a recent social media post, they are “proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community.”

Guidepost Solutions


Guidepost is committed to strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion and strives to be an organization where our team can bring their authentic selves to work. We celebrate our collective progress toward equality for all and are proud to be an ally to our LGBTQ+ community.

Keep in mind, these are the people that the Southern Baptist Convention spent your tithe dollars on lead an investigation into alleged sex abuse and then report on it and make recommendations on how to fix it. And these recommendations, which Southern Baptist pastors like Bruce Frank and Ed Litton seem to be on board with, are not supported by Scripture and basically call for an end to “innocent until proven guilty” in the SBC.

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