The Sword Of The Lord ~ Dr. Shelton Editor ~ June 25, 2021

Judges 7:20 King James Version (KJV)
And the three companies blew the trumpets, and brake the pitchers, and held the lamps in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands to blow withal: and they cried, The sword of the Lord, and of Gideon.

An Independent Christian Publication, Standing for the Verbal Inspiration of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, His Blood Atonement, Salvation by Faith, New Testament Soul Winning and the Premillennial Return of Christ; Opposing Modernism (Liberalism), Worldliness and Formalism.

The Amen Corner

America has never been a perfect place; but it is a beautiful place, a land of opportunity for all who are willing to work and a place where faith, freedom and families can flourish.

We must not sit by quietly and allow anybody to destroy the foundations on which it is built. -Dr. Shelton Smith

How little do my countrymen know what precious blessings they are in possession of and which no other people on earth enjoy! -Thomas Jefferson

The Lord may not give us an easy journey to the Promised Land, but it will be a sure one. -Andrew Bonar

Had I cared for the comments of people, I should never have been a missionary. -C. T. Studd

We have no steps to climb as we approach God. -D. L. Moody

Nothing is more dangerous in wartime than to live in the temperamental atmosphere of a Gallup poll, always feeling one’s pulse and taking one’s temperature. -Winston Churchill

The Lord is my Shepherd – not was, not may be. The Lord is my Shepherd on Sunday, on Monday and through every day of the week; in January and in December and in every month of the year, whether at home or in China, in peace or in war, in abundance or in poverty. -J. Hudson Taylor

No man was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. -Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States

The whole idea of separation is to please God and to create a climate in which He can bless us and use us. -Dr. Curtis Hutson

All of us guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. -George Washington

Live near to God, so that all things will appear little to you in comparison to God’s eternal realities. -Robert M’Cheyne

We are all aware that moderation is a good rule for health – exercise moderately, eat the same way; but moderation should be taken in moderation. For example, should a man be moderately faithful to his wife? How about your banker; is he moderately honest? That school bus driver – moderately good driver?

Somehow I hope the plane I take to L. A. is more than moderately safe. How about in the operating room – the man with the scalpel in his hand; does he have a moderately good record of success with this type of op? -President Ronald Reagan

The Problem With Celebrity Christian Music Is That It Takes the Glory From God

Reformation Charlotte

The Problem With Celebrity Christian Music Is That It Takes the Glory From God


-JANUARY 15, 2019

Every day, we hear something about a celebrity Christian pop artist “doing something good,” or topping some kind of chart.

That’s the problem.

We hear about the artist. We hear about what the artist is doing, how many followers on social media they have, what kind of good deeds they’ve been up to. Rarely, is the fruit of modern Christian pop culture God’s glory.

I mean, look at Lauren Daigle for example. What is she doing to bring glory to God and people to salvation? Yes, God can work in any way he chooses and use any kind of evil for His good purpose. But does this mean we should turn a blind eye to the damages done in their wake?

Lauren Daigle has topped the Christian music charts for several months now which has even landed her an appearance on the popular secular show, Ellen. Drawing widespread criticism from the Christian community, Daigle went on to explain in a later interview that she wasn’t sure if homosexuality was a sin.

Contrary to historic orthodox Christian belief and biblical truth, Daigle held the position that would land her, not God, a higher honor among the world, stealing glory from God. She, in fact, set herself up as her own God making an idol of her own passions and desires that she knows the world would accept. She now ranks among the top secular music artists and has recently claimed that she doesn’t really consider herself to be a Christian artist.

Another example is the popular rap artist, Lecrae. Lecrae–who dubs himself “a rapper who happens to be Christian”–has also topped the secular charts in recent years. Lecrae started out as a Reformed Christian rap artist who clearly taught a gospel message in his music, but he, too, has succumbed to a secular ideology and worldview. He no longer holds biblical truths to be the mainstay of his music, he now caters to the world. He promotes secular Marxist ideology, even identifying with foul-mouthed secular musicians to do so.

What purpose would a Christian have in falling for the world? The Scriptures tell us exactly why. 1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” When professing Christians place their own standing before the world above God’s glory, idolatry ensues.

The commercialized Christian music industry not only enables this idolatry, but promotes it to the degree that God’s glory is robbed from Him at many levels, including in churches. The vast majority of Christian contemporary music is produced by celebrity artists who’ve compromised on biblical truths in order to server their own selfish desires.

The world wants to hear what these people say. The world likes it because what they say dismantles the biblical truths set forth by God in the revelation of His son Jesus Christ. The Biblical truths that we’ve held for so long–truths such as human depravity, the exclusivity of Christ, and God’s hatred of sin–are whitewashed with affirming antics and nuanced language that effectively stains the image of God from his perfect glory.

Let’s put the glory back on God.


Media Narrative WRECKED! Poll Shows 1.8 Million Turned Down Jobs Because of Government Handouts

by Martin Walsh about 8 hours ago 7/16/21

Trending Politics

According to a poll from Morning Consult, a whopping 1.8 million Americans turned down jobs because the government extended unemployment benefits and it discouraged work.

Morning Consult reported::

Forty-five percent of those who turned down a job offer cited the generosity of UI benefits as a major reason why they did not accept the job offer, meaning that over half of the jobs that UI recipients rejected would have been rejected even if they were no longer receiving benefits.

Morning Consult Chief Economist John Leer conceded that benefits were in fact a key factor in the decisions of Americans to pass on job opportunities.

“While health care concerns and childcare obligations are a barrier to many unemployed workers accepting jobs, these workers acknowledge that they would be employed in the absence of unemployment benefits,” he wrote.

In other words, the federal government giving out handouts to people resulted in many choosing to collect an unemployment check rather than go to work and make money

“So much for the media’s regurgitated Biden administration talking point that unemployment benefits don’t discourage workforce participation. The Boston Globe’s July 2020 editorial was headlined, ‘No, unemployment benefits do not discourage work,’” Newsbusters reported.

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“But The Globe wasn’t the only outlet to have hoodwinked America on the effects of extended unemployment benefits. In fact, numerous left-wing outlets pounded the same gaslighting drum. Time magazine’s July 2021 story was just absurd: “The U.S. Spends Less Than Nearly Every Country on Unemployment. That’s Why People Can’t Get Jobs.” The Washington Post ran a ridiculous story in May 2021 headlined, “No, unemployment benefits don’t stop people from returning to work.” The Hill also ran a story in February 2021 headlined, “Boosted jobless benefits did little to discourage workers from finding jobs: study.” The Guardian published a story in May 2021 headlined, “‘No one wants to work anymore’: the truth behind this unemployment benefits myth,’” Newsbusters added.

Our unrecognizable civilization …

 On Friday, July 2, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from Baronnelle Stutzman, the florist from the state of Washington, whose religious liberty and constitutional rights were violated by Washington State’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson [D] in 2013. In essence, Ferguson pronounced, “You will take part in same-sex weddings, or the state will bankrupt you.” And it did. Mrs. Stutzman’s plight consisted of either agreeing to provide a flower arrangement celebrating same-sex marriage, thereby conveying approval for something that God condemns, or politely declining services to Robert Ingersoll and Curt Creed, the couple to be wedded in holy matrimony, and recommending another florist in town. Surrounded by a “hostile and intimidating environment,” tyrannized by a militant state official enforcing a secular worldview, Mrs. Stutzman chose to stand. Like Rahab of Joshua 2:1-21, she stood “for the unseen against the seen,” a dictum derived from 2 Corinthians 4:18: “The things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not seen are eternal.” The caustic incongruity of the case was that Mrs. Stutzman had served and befriended practicing homosexuals Ingersoll and Creed for over 10 years. Scripture recognizes the dignity and equality of each individual as created in the image of God, as expressed in Genesis 1:27: “God created man in his own image. In God’s image he created him; male and female he created them.” While all are created in the image of God, only those who know Christ are children of God, according to 1 John 3:1. Still and all, Jehovah God condemns homosexual intercourse in both the Old and New Testaments as immoral and an “abomination”. [Leviticus 18:22; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11] The July 2nd kick-the-can-down-the-road decision was a blow to religious freedom in America, not only for custom-cake designers, floral arrangers, and photographers, but in particular for those seeking to embrace, follow, and obey Jesus Christ’s inerrant Scriptural instructions. The Supreme Court’s ruling to turn down Stutzman’s case ran counter to the American founders, who made the Bible the foundation on which law making, enforcement and adjudication should be based. Instead of Scriptural principle and truth, 19th and 20th century jurisprudence has now become the standard for American law and justice. It comes down to what a majority of nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices can agree to on any given day. Whereas Mrs. Stutzman’s case before SCOTUS required four Justices to agree to authorize a review of the case, only three voted in favor: Justices Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas. This provides yet another example of the invalid argument that Republican presidents opting for the Federalist Society’s brightest and best full-spectrum conservatives will be advantageous to the nation. Half of the nominations for the U.S. Supreme Court by Republican presidents since 1981 have been disappointments, turning out to be supporters of the Left, as is evidenced by the voting behavior of Sandra Day O’Connor [nominated by Reagan], Anthony Kennedy [Reagan], David Souter [Bush Sr.] and John Roberts [Bush Jr.].   The jury is still out on President Trump’s three nominations: Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. It’s the culture, stupid. Praising and celebrating the supposed virtues of gayness, transgenderism, queerness, and their own special brands of diversity, equity and tolerance, secularism’s priests and priestesses currently dominate the intellectual, educational, economic, and vocational levers of power and influence in America. Meanwhile, the florist and those who stand for biblical truth are portrayed as evil discriminators. In Mrs. Stutzman’s case, the deplorable state ruling dictated that she “attend, facilitate, and create custom floral art celebrating all marriages or none.”

 Which brings us to Mark Steyn’s clear thinking at Hillsdale College: “For well over a year now, we have been living in a world in which it’s accepted as normal that the state has essentially unlimited power – and in which our freedom to decide for ourselves has been diminished almost to invisibility. Why do these conservative politicians think the words ‘radical socialist agenda’ still scare anyone in a time when the state can tell us whether we can have Aunt Mabel over for Christmas? They are completely out of touch. “Think of it. Your daughter has been training since she was a little girl to run in school sports. Now at 17, she’s in the state high school track championships, and you are forbidden even to notice that she’s competing against a woman who is 6 ft 2 in height with thighs like tugboats, a great touch of five o’clock shadow on her face, and the most muscular bosom you’ve ever seen. You’re not supposed to notice the craziness of this, and the craziness is at its craziest right here in America. “In general, our leaders are urgent about nothing that matters and not in the least bit urgent about things that matter very much.1 We have arrived at this point, our kairos, because American Christendom abandoned the public square over the last 100 years. With its heretical and flawed operating model of “butts, budgets, and buildings” the Church’s impact on the culture has been so small as to be meaningless. All that there is to dominate is now dominated by secularism’s ekklesia, altering and distorting the values, views, politics, and laws of the nation. Culture, after all, is nothing but the public manifestation of religion. The National Education Association [NEA], the nation’s largest teacher’s union, recently approved a plan to implement Critical Race Theory [CRT] in 14,000 school districts across all 50 states. It teaches children to hate each other and to hate their country, all in the spirit of cultural Marxism.2 Washington State’s AG Bob Ferguson, the secularized U.S. Supreme Court, and National Education Association [NEA] Marxists would do well to heed the Scriptural warning that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God.” Cautioning those who defy His unending order, Solomon in Proverbs 17:11 warned that “a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.” In the words of Jewish Hebrew scholar Michael V. Fox: “If a man rebels against the king, a human messenger is sent to punish him. If he rebels against God’s word, punitive angels are dispatched. It is possible that the punishment is executed by angels, because God himself, as this socially conservative book sees it, defends the political order, if it is just.” With the removal of the Bible from public education by the radicalized secular Warren Court in 1963 – labelled “the most liberal court in U.S. history” – contemporary America is devoid of any spiritual discernment, along with its piddling understanding of the things of God. Spiritually, we find an emasculated Church, a dejected nation, a desecrated heritage and history, and a morally defunct Sanhedrin [i.e., U.S. Supreme Court], having been beguiled by Satan’s “deceitful workers.3 Would the NEA want to learn that boys and girls in public education are “dead in trespasses and sins”? Or that man should live and be instructed by Christ? Or how men and women are made alive spiritually? Or how a man can’t live before he is born; nor can a dead man regulate his behavior?4 With God removed from it in the 20th century, public education is caught up in an absolute death spiral and beyond the possibility of rehabilitation. Early American education, which launched the meteoric rise of America, fully understood that no man can live Godward until he has been born again. Or as Charles Spurgeon put it: “Ever is it the nature of the disease of sin to proceed from bad to worse; men never weary of sinning but rather increase their speed in the race of iniquity.”

As Americans Party, Our Enemies Are Preparing For Military Confrontation 💢

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Breaking News Updates – July 05, 2021
As Americans Party, Our Enemies Are Preparing For Military Confrontation
July 4th celebrations across the nation were considered quite boisterous this year. But in China the mood is quite different, and the same thing is true in Russia. Politicians are talking tough about the United States, and in both cases the military is being prepared for a potential future conflict.

Here in the middle of 2021, Americans are generally feeling pretty good about things.  The COVID pandemic appears to be subsiding, our sports stadiums are full of fans again, the stock market has been soaring, and all over the country people are in the mood to party.  
July 4th celebrations across the nation were considered quite boisterous this year.  But in China the mood is quite different, and the same thing is true in Russia.  
In both cases, politicians are talking tough about the United States, and in both cases the military is being prepared for a potential future conflict.  
Right now, our relations with China are the worst that they have been in decades, and our relations with Russia have never been this bad in our entire history.  But the vast majority of Americans are completely and utterly clueless about all of this, because most Americans couldn’t care less about what happens on the other side of the globe.
This week, China commemorated the 100th anniversary of the CCP, and Xi Jinping used that as an opportunity to warn that any nation that tries to bully China “will have their heads bashed bloody”…
“Only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China,” he said.
“We will never allow anyone to bully, oppress or subjugate China.
“Anyone who dares try to do that will have their heads bashed bloody against the Great Wall of Steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.”
So exactly who do you think that Xi Jinping was referring to when he made that statement?
Do you think that it was Denmark?
Perhaps Iceland?
No, of course he was referring to the United States.
During his speech, he also spoke very forcefully about reunification with Taiwan…
Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China. It is also a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. We will uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, and advance peaceful national reunification. 
All of us, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, must come together and move forward in unison. We must take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward “Taiwan independence,” and work together to create a bright future for national rejuvenation. No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Most Americans have absolutely no idea how serious this situation is.
In Taiwan, there is a big push to formally declare independence, and the Biden administration has been greatly angering the Chinese government by supporting the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future.
If Taiwan formally declares independence, China will invade.
And if China invades, the U.S. military will intervene.
If a military conflict between the U.S. and China suddenly erupted, it would probably not “go nuclear” initially.  But China has been feverishly preparing for a scenario in which nuclear weapons will be used…
China is potentially expanding its missile silos following satellite image analysis – indicating the country is also seeking to increase its nuclear weapon stockpile. At least 119 potential silos were identified in the desert in Gansu Province spread over 700-square-miles to increase their nuclear arsenal which is estimated to be made up of between 250 to 315 nuclear weapons. It comes as President Xi Jinping issued a warning to ‘bullying’ foreign nations telling them to stay out of China’s business during a speech earlier this week.
In addition to construction at that site, the Chinese are building new silos in other locations as well…
“If the silos under construction at other sites across China are added to the count, the total comes to about 145 silos under construction,” Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, part of the Middlebury Institute of International Studies, said in a summary of his findings provided to The Washington Post. “We believe China is expanding its nuclear forces in part to maintain a deterrent that can survive a U.S. first strike in sufficient numbers to defeat U.S. missile defenses.”
Instead of focusing on making their military “more diverse”, the Chinese are actually working very hard to prepare for the next war, and the dramatic shift that we have been witnessing has stunned U.S. officials…
The discovery follows recent warnings by Pentagon officials about rapid advances in China’s nuclear capability. Adm. Charles Richard, who commands U.S. nuclear forces, said at a congressional hearing in April that a “breathtaking expansion” was underway in China, including an expanding arsenal of ICBMs and new mobile missile launchers that can be easily hidden from satellites. In addition, the Chinese navy has introduced new nuclear-weapons-capable submarines to its growing fleet.
And on top of all this is the threat that such a conflict would play in exasperating the current semiconductor chip shortage.  We have all recently learned from the ‘everything shortage” just how important semiconductor chips are to the global economy.  
Taiwan is the world’s largest producer of semiconductor chips.  If you think there is a bad shortage of various products now due to a supply issues with semiconductor chips – just wait until there is a full production stoppage during a war with China… and then imagine the security ramifications of relying on China as the primary provider of such electronic chips.
Meanwhile, the Russians continue to talk tough as well.
For example, Russian President Vladimir Putin just warned that there would be an “asymmetrical” response if certain boundaries were crossed by western powers…
“No matter what sanctions are imposed on Russia, no matter what the scaremongering, Russia is developing and in some respects our country has surpassed the European countries and even the US,” he said.
While Putin said the nation would not be taking steps that would be harmful to themselves, he said if boundaries were crossed, they would find “asymmetrical ways” to respond.
And we don’t have to use too much energy to imagine what such an “asymmetrical” response would look like, because the Russians just put on quite a show for us 35 miles off the coast of Hawaii…
Russia’s defense ministry has announced it sunk an aircraft carrier just 35 miles off the coast of Hawaii in a huge war games exercise that has alarmed the US.
At least 20 Russian warships, submarines, and support vessels, flanked by 20 fighter jets, are taking part in the exercises – the biggest since the Cold War.
As the U.S. military focuses on “social change”, the Russians have been rapidly developing a whole host of incredibly advanced new weapons systems.  Here are just a few examples…
3M22 Tsirkon, also known as Zircon, is a winged, hypersonic cruise missile. With an operational range of at least 1,000 km and a maximum speed of up to Mach 9, Tsirkon can pose a credible threat against North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) carrier strike groups (CSGs). 
Sarmat is a 200+ ton, liquid-fueled ICBM that supports a payload of up to 15 MIRV warheads; according to Putin, the weapon is virtually non-interceptable and boasts “practically unlimited range.” The S-500 “Prometheus” is the successor to Russia’s flagship S-400 “Triumf” missile defense system, offering across-the-board improvements in target acquisition, operational range, and tracking, as well as the functionality to engage hypersonic cruise missiles and targets flying at speeds of over 5 Mach.
During the Cold War, U.S. strategic forces had a clear edge over the Russians, but now the balance of power has shifted dramatically.
Most Americans don’t realize this, but in many areas the Russians completely outclass us now.
But at least nobody can grill hot dogs better than we do.
So enjoy this bubble of peace and prosperity while you still can, because our leaders are definitely not preparing for what is going to happen once this bubble of peace and prosperity finally ends.
Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog – reposted with permission.

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Andy Stanley Agrees With Jory Micah That Jesus is Not Biblical


JULY 14, 2021
Reformation Charlotte

You really can’t make this stuff up. A few years ago, Andy Stanley took a lot of heat after making the assertion that Christians need to “unhitch” from the Old Testament because the law does not apply to Christians.

Now, two of Christendom’s most notable idiots have joined together to unhitch Jesus from the Bible altogether.

In a recent tweet on social media, celebrity nitwit, Jory Micah, contended that the goal of Christianity is to be Christlike rather than biblical. Andy Stanley agreed.

Of course, the first question that comes to any sane person’s mind is: how do we know how to be Christlike? If you guess “the bible,” you’d be correct.

Andy Stanley, in fact, has already essentially “unhitched” Jesus from the Scriptures. In 2020, Andy Stanley told his congregation on Easter Sunday that we “don’t believe in the resurrection because of the Bible.” Of course, he didn’t give a valid explanation of why anyone should believe in it and blathered on about oral tradition–very similar to Roman Catholicism.

Andy Stanly has made a number of dubious claims about the Christian faith and in particular, the Scriptures. Famously stating that Christianity needs to “unhitch” from the Old Testament, he told his audience that the Ten Commandments don’t apply to Christians. He’s flopped on homosexuality — telling the mother of an openly gay and practicing girl that her daughter was saved. He promotes the idea that even if you don’t believe in Jesus, you can have a better life by following his teachings. And rampages against the Scriptures telling people that they don’t need to feel like they should defend the Scriptures because they aren’t really that important and it isn’t what Christianity rests on.


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Weird Plagues Continue: A Billion Sea Creatures Cooked To Death By Extreme Heat

Breaking News Updates – July 13, 2021
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Did you know that a billion sea creatures were just wiped out on the west coast?  And they did not die pleasantly.  The historic “heat dome” that hit the Northwest like a freight train literally cooked them to death.  
Needless to say, this is not normal.  In fact, we have never, ever seen anything like this before.  Weather patterns all over the planet are going absolutely nuts, and this is having a devastating impact on many highly vulnerable ecosystems.
I knew that the recent heat wave was really bad, but I didn’t know that it had caused this much destruction.  According to NPR, it is being estimated that the record high temperatures along the west coast killed at least a billion sea creatures…
With the Pacific region hitting record-setting temperatures in the last few weeks, a new study from Canada shows the heat waves’ enormous impact on marine life: An estimated 1 billion sea creatures on the coast of Vancouver have died as a result of the heat, a researcher said.
It is hard for me to wrap my mind around a billion sudden deaths.
Why isn’t the corporate media making a much bigger deal about this?
Can’t they take a break from obsessing over the latest political scandals for just a little bit so that they can report on the things that really matter?
A billion deaths is an unimaginable loss, but Professor Christopher Harley says that the true death toll is probably even higher than that…
But that number is likely to be much higher, said professor Christopher Harley from the University of British Columbia.
“I’ve been working in the Pacific Northwest for most of the past 25 years, and I have not seen anything like this here,” he said. “This is far more extensive than anything I’ve ever seen.”
Harley is comparing a mussel trapped on the beach to “a toddler left in a car on a hot day”.  When the record heat came along, there was nothing that the mussels could do…
“A mussel on the shore in some ways is like a toddler left in a car on a hot day,” Harley told the CBC. “They are stuck there until the parent comes back, or in this case, the tide comes back in, and there’s very little they can do. They’re at the mercy of the environment. And on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, during the heat wave, it just got so hot that the mussels, there was nothing they could do.”
Millions upon millions of sea creatures were literally cooked to death, and the scene along the coast is nothing short of horrifying…
Dead mussels and clams coated rocks in the Pacific Northwest, their shells gaping open as if they had been boiled. Sea stars were baked to death. Sockeye salmon swam sluggishly in an overheated Washington river, prompting wildlife officials to truck them to cooler areas.
This is truly a disaster of biblical proportions.
When are people finally going to start waking up?
According to Harley, when he surveys the immense carnage along the coastline it “feels like one of those postapocalyptic movies”…
“It just feels like one of those postapocalyptic movies,” said Christopher Harley, a marine biologist at the University of British Columbia who studies the effects of climate change on coastal marine ecosystems.
Of course we have witnessed a lot of bizarre “plagues” lately, haven’t we?
Just last week, I wrote about how countless birds are suddenly dropping dead from a “mystery disease” in Washington D.C. and nine eastern states.
And last week I also wrote about the millions of grasshoppers that are relentlessly eating crops in seven western states.  Colossal hordes of voracious grasshoppers are on a rampage, and some of the swarms are so large that they are actually being picked up on radar.
But don’t worry.
We are being told that it is just a “coincidence” that so many bizarre things are happening all at once, and we are being assured that everything will go back to “normal” very soon.
You can believe that if you would like.
On top of everything else, now we are learning that “mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus” have been detected in six different states…
Mosquito bites are annoying at best, and, at worst, can lead to illnesses like malaria, Zika virus and West Nile virus. New reports show at least six states are detecting mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus — and humans have contracted the disease in four of these places.
And in four of those states, there have already been confirmed cases of humans testing positive for the virus…
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois and Iowa have confirmed cases in humans.
In New York, officials informed residents on July 2 that two groups of mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile virus in Rockland County. No humans have been reported as contracting the disease in New York.
So let me get this straight.
Mosquitoes are testing positive for West Nile virus as far east as New York and as far west as Arizona, and this is the first that we are hearing about this?
What in the world is the corporate media doing?
I just went to the front page of CNN, and I couldn’t find a single story about this.
But there were plenty of stories about how much they hate the things that Trump has been saying lately.
West Nile virus is nothing to mess around with.  If you get infected, it can result in serious illness or even death.
Sadly, instead of keeping us informed, the corporate media would rather rehash old political controversies over and over again.
Perhaps they think that is good for ratings, but the truth is that it should make us all sick to our stomachs.
A billion sea creatures have been wiped out, birds are suddenly dropping dead in vast numbers, millions of grasshoppers are eating our crops, and now mosquitoes are spreading a deadly virus all over the country.
But if you rely on corporate media outlets for your news, you might not be aware that any of these things have happened.
This is just one reason why independent news sources are needed more than ever.
Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog – reposted with permission.

Jesus Had a Preexistence, Not Us

The Mormon organization claims that all men and women existed in prehistory in spiritual form: “We lived as spirit children of God in a premortal existence.” Their Scripture says, “Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time…


-MARCH 26, 2021

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The Mormon organization claims that all men and women existed in prehistory in spiritual form: “We lived as spirit children of God in a premortal existence.” Their Scripture says, “Even before they were born, they, with many others, received their first lessons in the world of spirits and were prepared to come forth in the due time of the Lord to labor in his vineyard for the salvation of the souls of men” (Doctrine and Covenants 138:56). 

While this is contrary to the doctrine of orthodox Christianity, it is actually similar to the theories of Plato, a parallel of which Mormons are proud: “”Several philosophers from Plato through Leibniz and Kant to twentieth-century Cambridge intellectuals, dozens of poets from antiquity to Robert Frost, and numerous religious thinkers throughout the Jewish and Christian traditions, propounded a pre-earthly realm peopled by the souls of men and women yet unborn. Pre-existence has been invoked to explain ‘the better angels of our nature,’ including the human yearning for transcendence and the sublime; it suggests a reason for the frequent sensation of alienation and the indelible sadness of human existence.”

The Bible tells us otherwise. In it, Jesus tells us this: “He who comes from above is above all. He who is of the earth belongs to the earth and speaks in an earthly way. He who comes from heaven is above all” (‭‭John‬ ‭3:31). Of whom was He speaking? “He said to them, ‘You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world’” (‭‭John‬ ‭8:23‬). So, Jesus existed in Heaven before His birth, but His audience had not. 

The Mormon claim of the preexistence of all men in a spiritual state contradicts the words of Jesus. He alone, as God the Son, existed before He became a man (without ceasing to be God).

Reformation Charlotte Releases New Documentary on Litton-Greear Plagiarism Scandal

In response to the plagiarism scandal that has been hitting the Southern Baptist Convention like a storm, Reformation Charlotte has released a mini-documentary detailing the entire timeline, lies, cover-ups, and lack of action on behalf of the entire denomination. The refusal to hold Litton accountable for his sins is a flagrant slap in the face to the gospel–and this documentary proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that politics plays a supreme role over the gospel with these gutless leaders.

The documentary is titled Counsel of the Wicked, a nod to Psalm 1:1.

Reformation Charlotte
Jeff Maples

Buried Report: 576 Preborn Babies have Died Following Mothers Getting Covid-19 Injections

based underground

Buried Report: 576 Preborn Babies have Died Following Mothers Getting Covid-19 Injections

Despite unambiguous dangers, pregnant women are still having the Covid-19 injections recommended to them by oblivious or complicit doctors.

by Scott Boyd June 28, 2021

Buried Report_ 576 Preborn Babies have Died Following Mothers Getting Covid-19 Injections

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Ask your average American how many preborn babies have been aborted following their mothers being injected with Covid-19 experimental drugs, commonly known as “Covid vaccines.” Many will say “zero” because mainstream media doesn’t report on them. Most will likely say somewhere in the range between 1-20. The reality is shocking as a new report indicates 576 preborn babies died shortly after their mothers took the jabs.

What’s even more concerning is the fact that the VAERS data is incomplete. There are likely countless would-be mothers who are either too overwhelmed with grief to report the deaths to VAERS or are not aware of how to do it. The vast majority of their doctors and nurses didn’t tell them to report the incident to the CDC; in some hospitals across America, staff are forbidden to even mention VAERS.

The news was so shocking that we had to find multiple sources to verify what was reported by Health Impact News despite the fact that they’ve been known to be very accurate about such things. Our due diligence revealed the numbers are correct.

Why do the CDC, WHO, and most doctors still recommend vaccinating pregnant women? Are the not investigating the public information that should prompt them to warn against getting vaccinated? Is there a conspiracy afoot, one that’s similar to what Brian Shilhavy calls a “population control agenda”? Are they doing as many health care professionals are doing lately by dismissing the deaths of 576 preborn children as acceptable collateral damage compared to the “benefits” of getting everyone vaccinated?

The most important question is this: Why is this information being buried? Certainly our government and others are well aware of the risks taken on by pregnant mothers getting vaccinated. For a concern as serious as what these numbers tell us, who among those in the medical profession are willing to blow the whistle?

OB-GYN doctors who are unaware of this information should not be practicing. Those who are aware and are still willing to recommend the “vaccines” to pregnant women are complicit in the deaths they cause. Considering that nearly 94% of the pregnant women who suffered unintended abortions following their injections are under the age of 44 and therefore are not at high risk for Covid-19, the willingness to blindly vaccinate anyone is causing more harm than the coronavirus itself.

Here’s an article by Shilhavy that lays out these shocking numbers:

CDC: 6,113 DEAD Following COVID-19 Injections Including 576 Abortions – Population Control Agenda Hard to Deny

The CDC is now reporting that 6,113 people have died following COVID-19 injections, with their latest release of data today in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines.

Source: Medalerts

Besides the 6,113 deaths reported, there are 5,172 permanent disabilities, 6,435 life threatening events, and 51,558 emergency room visits.

To put this into some perspective, there have now been more deaths reported following COVID-19 injections that started in December of 2020, than there have been total deaths recorded following vaccinations in the previous 30 years, from January 1, 1991 through November 30, 2020, according to the CDC’s VAERS.

Source: Medalerts

There have also now been 576 deaths of unborn children reported following COVID-19 shots, as the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant woman should get injected with these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now describing as “bioweapon” injections.

Source: Medalerts

Can there be any doubt any longer that the stated goals of the eugenicist Global leaders, such as Bill Gates, to reduce the world’s population are now in full swing?

And these are just the reports that the CDC has decided to release to the public. There are allegedly whistleblowers within the CDC stating that the true number of deaths being reported following COVID-19 shots is over 50,000 now. (Source.)

Editor’s Note: We triple checked the data, sources, and methods of tabulation. We also explored a large sampling of the reports to see if there was obvious manipulation. What we found is that the large sampling did not exhibit any reason to believe the information has been faked, manipulated, or manufactured.

The reason we did this is because this revelation is nothing short of mind-blowing. It’s not surprising that pregnant women and the infants inside them are susceptible to the Covid-19 injections. What is definitely surprising is how this information has not been broadcast to the world by conscientious doctors or media outlets. One can only come to the conclusion that the powers that be simply do not want people to be aware of the risks of the “vaccines,” particularly those risks shared between pregnant mother and preborn child.

The same people who claim to be willing to take any draconian measure to “protect the children” are suppressing information that demonstrates just how dangerous the “vaccines” are to preborn babies.